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ParticipantI’m sure I was lonely at times when I didn’t have a partner, but I had assumed the role of caretaker in my family which I may have chosen or it chose me. It was comfortable and safe but loneliness catches up with everyone I think so that’s probably why I decided I wanted a relationship a few years ago. Or at the time that I wanted to be with someone at least. I didn’t know it was a relationship I wanted to be in.
ParticipantHi Anita,
I have discussed it somewhat with my therapist who does indeed believe it’s why I’m experiencing things so acutely now.
Most people get the biggest devastating life-will-never-be-the-same-again heartbreak out of the way between 16-20ish, so in some ways I’m experiencing it like I would if I were 17 and nothing seems like it will ever get better.
I understand this, but I just seem to not see any brightness in the future.
ParticipantYes, that’s true.
I would have had flings with a few guys, but none were in a relationship with me. And none were serious.
December 5, 2018 at 3:45 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #267911Shelbyville
I think it’s normal to be up and down. ANYTHING you’re feeling is legitimate, remember that. If you are acting out in a way that you think is foolish- treat yourself like a small child – with as much kindness and patience. You’re working through stuff still- it’s a work in progress, so it’s not going to be rainbows and sprinkles straight away. There would appear to be a lot to process.
Im so tempted to contact him this evening but I will try and put it out of my head for now and focus on my day in the here and now!
Fingers crossed!
ParticipantIt’s funny! I can barely remember that life now! To be honest, I had opened up my heart and grown much up to the age of 30/31.
I worked and spent a lot of time looking after others and enjoyed spending time with friends. I also watched a lot of tv! Sad, but true! I still loving being social and meeting friends etc, but back then I didn’t know what it was like to have a partner to do things with, so in a way, ignorance was bliss. Now when I do things, they feel empty or less enjoyable than doing them with my ex and that’s no disrespect to my family or friends whom I love, but I just loved having him with me.
ParticipantThings are still proving tough.
I guess it’s just a matter of enduring until it gets better. What if it doesn’t get better though?
December 5, 2018 at 2:09 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #267897Shelbyville
Thanks so much for the post this morning. I really feel down in the dumps& lonely but it helps so much that another person can empathise with where I’m at.
I will try and focus on my week off and enjoy it. But I’ll admit, it’s hard. I do feel I want to speak to my ex, but I might not have much self worth, but I still have some pride & the potential to lose my last shreds of dignity bothers me. Also, I’m scared of feeling worse, yes I feel dreadful now, but what if it gets worse than this?!
Sometimes it seems so alien to me that I can’t just pick up the phone and talk like two people who could always just chat. But we’ll see. I don’t want to regret doing it, but if I do and I end up feeling worse, I’ll be straight on here & hopefully the advice from everyone will keep me from the brink!
How is your situation now, any improvement?
S x
December 4, 2018 at 1:26 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #267817Shelbyville
I’m so sorry to hear about your friendship. Trust me, I understand the pain. I know a little bit about astrology so maybe you’re right- maybe that’s why I feel like taking ‘retrograde’ steps.
I must get back to yoga, I did it years ago. I have downloaded meditation app which I used to find great, but lately it’s making my tummy topsy turvy.
I still feel I want to contact him, despite advice, but I am scared that I’ll end up worse. I think he didn’t text because he’s trying to move and contact doesn’t help that situation.
Tomorrow my work friend- the young woman who thinks we should rent a place together- has planned a day of surprises for my bday. Because I don’t know what’s planned, I’m anxious, but I’m sure it’ll be fun.
My ex’s best friend messaged me on social media to say happy birthday too. I was surprised tbh as I always thought he never liked me more than just my ex’s plus one.
What am I not doing? Are there things I’m doing wrong or not doing that is halting me getting over him?
December 4, 2018 at 11:10 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #267795Shelbyville
ParticipantThanks Brandy for the advice.
If I’m honest with myself, the purpose of contacting my ex is to keep the connection alive. Perhaps to stop his healing & moving forward I guess so that he doesn’t get over me and move on. I’m thinking out loud now, but I figure I’m hoping it will do something. That it will change the situation I’m in, for the better.
I have been doing meditation sporadically lately and I’m noticing, it’s resulting in a very upset and crampy tummy. It used to be a source of solace and calm for me, but lately I’ve had to stop mid-meditation when my tummy gets so bad, because it’s too hard to not be focused on that and also I usually need to hold a cushion or heatpack to it to get it to eventually settle down.
Its presumably anxiety but I don’t know the trigger as such.
December 4, 2018 at 9:29 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #267765Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
Tough evening again this evening. Just trying to manage the loss. I wish I could stop thinking about it. The urge to contact him remains.
When I actually consider doing it I get scared and my therapist explains that this is because I know what the outcome will be – and it will just reaffirm that it’s over. So I get scared of doing it.
He has advised me not to make contact, to protect my dignity. He says he will support me no matter what, but if the only purpose is to see have things changed, when clearly they haven’t, then I’m going to experience another dip.
I asked if the urge to make contact would continue and he says it goes away with time. I wish I could believe that right now. I’m mad and sad in equal measure. Has this been anyone else’s experience?
December 3, 2018 at 2:34 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #267647Shelbyville
ParticipantAw thank you Kkasxo, I appreciate it.
Today was tough, I struggled with sadness & loss- mostly felt in my tummy or swipes at my heart. But I tackled my thoughts all day, I tried to turn to gratitude whenever I felt the loss. Grateful for family & friends who are so good to me.
I wont lie, I thought I might have received a text from him today. Who am I kidding? There’s been nothing. It seems I’m the only one the penny still hasn’t dropped for.
I do feel like venting to him but I don’t know what it’ll achieve so I don’t pro-actively plan it.
How was your day?
ParticipantThank you all for the birthday wishes.
I spent the full day with a friend doing various things. It felt bittersweet, but each time I felt like I was missing something/him, I’d catch the thoughtful and say ‘I’m grateful for what I have right now’.
I did my best to enjoy it, but it has been hard.
Thanks again to you all.
ParticipantAw thank you so much! I must admit, I woke this morning on my birthday and I felt quite sad but my baby nephew cheered me up as I stayed with my sister!
I hope with all my heart that I won’t hurt like this forever and that I’m a year’s time I’ll be in a much better place.
Thanks again!
December 2, 2018 at 3:57 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #267455Shelbyville
Thanks for the support, it’s hard to explain to other people, but we definitely have similar approaches I think. I’m not as bad tonight in terms of wanting to contact, just had bday dinner with my darling family, so I’ll put the idea on the shelf until it arises again. (Prob tomo!)
My ex told me he cared about me more than anyone else in the world but ‘isn’t cut out to be with anyone’. Like ever. Apparently. We were 4 years together almost, but he struggled to be on the same page as me, liked being with me on a daily basis but freaked if we ever came close to making a future plan. It’s tough, I miss him dearly.
Good for you going to see a GP. You’re taking control. You’re also working on you- that’s such a positive self aware step. It’s not easy. By any means. This forum knows exactly how hard it is, so hang in there. You’re doing your absolute best.
Thanks for posting. A lot of good advice and a lot to take in. I’m just lonely or lonesome for my ex. I suppose it’s normsl in the heartbreak process, but having to feel it day in day out is tiring.
I will review my feelings as time passes and I genuinely hope you are right and longer periods of not thinking about him transpire.
Thank you.