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December 16, 2018 at 11:48 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #269571
ParticipantNow that reality has dawned, I’m extremely anxious. Actually, not so much anxious as downright scared. I’m even thinking of backing out. Is it a bad idea, why did I feel provoked to do it. The impetus that spurred me to finally do it, seems to have faded completely, only to be replaced with fear.
The last three months have been tough, I don’t want to go back to square one. I have never ever stopped thinking about him, but at least, with no pictures and no run-ins with him, his exact features are kind of fuzzy in my mind. Now they will be in full technicolour later. Also, I think I’m uncomfortable with his choice of location, a hotel near me. It’s public and also in my territory in a way, I don’t want to cast a shadow over my local area which I frequent regularly.
I have no clear idea of what I want to say or achieve, it’s honestly like the wind has gone out of my sails and I’m scared now.
December 16, 2018 at 10:51 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #269459Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
He texted back at 4am, hence he reason I felt he was abroad, plus his sister messaged me yesterday and said he was sorry to hear about him and I and that she had just heard, because she hasn’t been in touch with Home recently and her family tends to only share info face to face. So I put two and two together.
He was incredibly formal, even at 4am, wishing me belated birthday wishes. I asked if we could talk but he left it hours to reply. Then he phoned me, but I was with my sister and couldn’t answer.
Besides, I didn’t want to talk over the phone, while I’d imagine that’s his preference. I messaged a little later to apologise for missing the call and asked if he could meet me at some stage when he is around.
It turns out he doesn’t appear to be abroad and is meeting me tomorrow evening. So now it’s about trying to come out of this interaction with as much of my heart and what little is left of my self esteem held together, if not exactly in tact.
Now that it’s coming, I don’t know what to say. Being fully honest seems to go against most people’s advice in the sense it will make me feel desperate and pathetic and appear so to him, but we’ll see.
He has arranged a public place, so as to avoid any kind of emotional traumatic experience again I presume.
Your situation is very similar to my own. How long had you been with your ex?
Mom afraid I don’t have any of my own words of wisdom as I’m a little behind you in terms of processing. But I know how it feels not to be able to accept it. It’s nearly unbelievable in a way.
However, many kind tiny Buddha posters have written on my threads with tips and advice & support so perhaps some of those words can help you.
It takes as long as it takes is one phrase used a lot around me. 8 months might need to be 18 months.
S x
December 15, 2018 at 4:00 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #269385Shelbyville
ParticipantUpdate: I messaged him. It hasn’t been read yet but I think he’s visiting family abroad so there’s a time difference. I feel sick thinking about it but I was struggling daily anyway, agonising over doing it, so I just bit the bullet, felt the fear & did it anyway. Let the chips fall where they may.
Thanks for posting. It’s a daily struggle, I know. Most days I don’t feel like I’m supposed to learn anything or that this happened for a reason. I just feel like something sad and crappy happened in my life for no real reason at all. That this is just life.
I know successful people grow from failure, loving people emerge from a broken heart. Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t have great faith at the moment that ‘this too shall pass’. So I’m completely there with you and I empathise. I know how hard it is. x
December 15, 2018 at 7:53 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #269365Shelbyville
ParticipantToday my head is all over the place. I planned to contact him and arrange a meet up but every time I think of doing it, fear takes over and I bail out.
I sent a bday message to his sister, given that she messaged me last wk and she sent back a pic of celebrating with her niece. Her other brother was with her and I then I wondered had my ex headed over for some winter sun to celebrate with her too and then now I feel dreadfully sad.
I realise I have been keeping hope alive and I don’t know how to kill it. I can’t imagine him doing things that I don’t know about or am involved in. If I did meet up with him, I wouldn’t be begging to reunite but I still want to talk to him.
It’s been three months and almost all my thoughts are of him. I’ve been trying to think more lately of all the times he let me down or I didn’t get enough from him to try and offset the Rose-tinted glasses but not really working.
I don’t know how to be happy in a life that doesn’t involve him. Sad an all as that might sound.
Thanks so much for your advice and help, I welcomed all your posts! I guess the crux of the problem is how do I accept the unacceptable?!
I will try all your tips and see how I get on. Maybe one day I’ll feel more inspirational and hopeful about the future. Right now, it eludes me. And when I’m stuck in a moment I can’t get out of, I feel I’m wasting the gift of life which has been given to me. It’s like a waste of a life on someone like me, who can’t embrace it fully.
Perhaps one day this will change. I can’t say at this point. Thanks again!
December 14, 2018 at 1:21 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #269321Shelbyville
Honestly sometimes there are so many points you make that resonate with me. You kind lady, are far stronger than me. You have more self worth, you know the things you are not willing to put up with or sacrifice long term. Where on earth is my backbone?!
Maybe I do need to be rejected again to get it into my head. You’re right, I know what i know already however there must be a flicker of delusion keeping some hope alive and that might be completely extinguished. Which has good and bad points. Some might say good because once hope is gone, acceptance must come, bad because I could sink again after it.
Im trying to listen to my gut, but it’s of course lately as I don’t know when my heart or when my head is talking and neither is the gut really?
I believe you deserve happiness, fulfilled happiness. From what i know of you on the forum, I genuinely believe you deserve the kind of happiness that nearly makes you giggle with the amount of it bursting from your heart. So make sure you get that!
Thanks so much for being a lifeline!
I don’t think you’re off at all. That may very well be the case. I did make our relationship the centre of my universe. I didn’t mean to, but I just loved spending time with him. But I do remember him asking me from time to time if I had any hobbies of my own. I used to feel pathetic when he said that! I bloody well had lots of friends and family and would be considered a social person but we didn’t see each other a lot so I tried to make time when I could to see him.
Ironically I told him that our relationship might become easier if we lived together because it would give me the opportunity to get involved in things I had pushed aside, with the knowledge that even if we were busy separately all day or evening, we’d wake up in the same bed.
I absolutely understand the pressure someone would feel if they believe they hold the key to your happiness. I understood this the first time we split and when we reunited I strived to be the fun, easy going woman he fell for originally. But my feelings kept growing and I kept wanting to move forward with him so you can only hold them at bay so long.
I will fully accept any contribution I made to the relationship not working out, but there are definitely issues on his part too. But he is not aware of them, so that’s the end of that.
I guess people at work would say I’m competent and to be honest, I have a boss who is covered a lot by things I take care of, but no-one is indispensable so I just try to keep a good worth ethic and keep my head down. In work, I’m not like in personal life, I would be assertive if I needed to be!
As for previous rejections, I don’t know what they felt wasn’t worth it. I don’t have specific things or traits in mind, but the evidence is what it is. They didn’t stick around so I wasn’t worth it for them, whatever the reason may be.
I try to be kind. Kindness is so under rated at times, if more people just thought about being kind a couple of moments a day, how it could change the world, or the world of one more person. But that’s just a side note about me I guess!
December 14, 2018 at 12:45 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #269313Shelbyville
So, apparently a healthy solid relationship is one where partners move away (metaphorically and physically) from the family of origin and build a family of their own. According to my psychologist anyway he says this is most common process for adults who grew up with loving, understanding and supportive upbringing etc. He tried to explain to me that I should be or have been my ex’s priority. Like the question he asked me once- if me and my ex’s mum were drowning at sea and he could save one, who would he save. Without hesitation O said his mother, to which my therapist shook his head. He said it’s more natural to save the partner who you would build a life with. Obviously though very sad, he is supposed to let go of his family of origin. It doesn’t mean you don’t care and don’t do wonderful things for them, but you work on building your own life, your own future.
My ex to this day still feels responsible for his parents and the older they get, the more so. In all his protests about needing to be a lone wolf and not in a relationship, I believe he was fooling himself that he’s a lone wolf and deep down, he doesn’t realise his attachment to the role of responsibility is stalling him. Anyway, just a few things resonated with me about your guy. It’s understandable to have great regard for your family, but YOU should be his priority now. You first and then his family after, but your feelings need to be most important. So I hope he cops on to that.
In a way I envy your trip abroad for Xmas. Just to get away from everything and pretend it’s not happening and leave the pain and trauma and heartache and stress behind. But realistically for me I think I’m way to fragile to move from my cocoon! I do believe it’s going to do great things for you, I think you should really see it as a break away from everything and enjoy just being in the moment.
As for me, the plan was to contact him this eve to arrange a meet up tomo- if he’s even still around- but of course- I’m bawking at the last minute again. Too scared to do it! 🙁
ParticipantHi Brandy,
I guess you could say that he was my only chance. But not in the sense that there is no other man in the world who would want a family etc, but because I don’t want that with anyone else. I have only recently discovered I was open to the prospect at all, so it was definitely specific to him and the type of man he was/is. I don’t think I couldn’t attract someone else in the future but I don’t believe it would be someone I feel so strongly for or am as attracted to.
I really became attracted to his chivalry and kindness and adventurous attitude. He was a man’s man too, if you can understand, handy to do everything really and I was physically very attracted to him. He was very affectionate also.
I think he loved my kindness the most I guess, but he even had difficulty saying he loved me. But it was apparent to me through his actions. He also seemed to be very attracted to me and I’m not sure what else he loved about me. He used to say I’m kind, caring, smart, funny, competent…bla bla bla….but not sure now if that meant anything.
3- That’s an interesting point. I honestly don’t know. I do look back now and think….’gosh, not ONE guy in my life has ever thought I’m worth it!’, so maybe. I just feel lost and I’m unsure how or when the lost feeling will go away. A tad dramatic – but thoughts of dying with a broken heart spring to mind! Forgive me!
December 14, 2018 at 5:34 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #269255Shelbyville
Your family sounds quite similar to mine! I even mentioned that to me ex at the time when his sister made the comments to me and I said that my sister is incredibly over-protective and yet she would NEVER interfere and say hurtful things to him ever. Some families are different I guess, but I do not blame you in any way for avoiding situations which are not going to fulfill you or make you happy. Besides, let him focus on getting your relationship back on track fully and forget about outside involvement from his sister at the moment, it’s not the priority.
Well done on getting to the gym, it will never do anything but good going to the gym! With a friend is even better and you’ll feel better in yourself! I do not feel great in myself, I’ve been eating a lot lately and put on the weight I had previously lost so I feel a bit unattractive and uncomfortable now and would love to be healthy and lean! I must try!
Well done continuing your counselling, it really is a guiding hand in life. It’s draining, don’t get me wrong, but being self aware I think opens your mind and heart so much and learn about your patterns. If you know about them, you can change them! Well that’s what I keep telling myself anyway!
I was babysitting one sister’s kids last night and I’m babysitting my other sisters toddler tonight. The up side of me having a broken heart – siblings have a babysitter on call! But to be honest, I do like being around the kids, they lift me up because they are so straight forward and innocent and no drama and kids never judge you!
I have a biggish family so we do Kris Kindle in our family, and I got my gift for my sister on Black Friday – so for the first time ever I feel a bit better prepared. I must get little bits for my niece and nephews and my Dad and a couple of close friends. But nothing too major!
We’re promised really bad weather this weekend so we’re been warned to batten down the hatches as it were! But I’m not gonna lie, I feel like contacting him this week. It’s like, I feel I am never not going to do it, so maybe I should bite the bullet, feel the fear and do it anyway and get it out of the way and hopefully move on, albeit broken-heartedly!
What are your weekend plans?
ParticipantHi Brandy,
1- You’re right. I absolutely miss him. We broke up previously because back then I felt I needed more commitment and in a way I thought the break-up might have shaken some sense into him. At that stage I had no clue about marriage or kids or anything, at that point I was merely looking for any kind of commitment more than he was offering. I went to therapy and felt things were unsettled and unfinished so I felt we were meant to be together so I picked myself up and got back on track and reached out to him in a casual way and it went from there.
2- The age thing IS a factor and ISN’T a factor. It IS a factor if I feel I still want that and time is running out, but to be honest, I can’t see my future with anyone else, so it’s not a factor in that sense because it’s not something I’m going to have anyway. Sorry if that sounds confusing! It’s confusing to me and it’s my head!
3- Rejection. Boy, that’s the toughie isn’t it. He CHOSE not to be with me! What is WRONG with him?! I’m not a stranger to rejection, most guys I’ve liked or had brief flings with all rejected me in the end. Previously I would walk with my head held high and make myself have fun times and look good etc and say their loss. This time not so. My therapist feels it’s because his words and actions don’t match. He was either lying to me or lying to himself, but either way, it’s not clear cut. I really felt this man loved me, not as much as perhaps I should receive but by far more than he ever thought he could give or reach. So I’m sad because he chose not to be with me. But I’ll absolutely take on board your advice and try saying it aloud regularly.
4- In terms of other ways I’m hurting. I’m lost. Honestly lost. I can’t find a path, I can’t find anything or any plan that would make me happy. Much advice suggests finding something you love to do and participate and you will start to feel better. I can’t imagine ever feeling happy again, not with the passion and love I felt for my ex. That’s pathetic maybe, but it’s just me being honest. I thought my life was going in a particular direction and now it’s not, I’ve no interest in alternatives which don’t make me as happy. Not to say I was fully happy with my ex, clearly I wasn’t, I loved being with him but the lack of future hurt me, so therein lies the pain.
It’s all such a process but I’m not sure do I know to much or too little at this stage now and I’m all levels of confused!
December 12, 2018 at 12:57 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #269089Shelbyville
My internet has been down for maintenance apparently, so I’ve had no coverage for the past day.
First off, is your sister okay? Your poor things, A&E is not a fun place to be- trust me I’ve had my fair share of trips. It’s exhausting, I hope she got the care she needs & is recovering.
As for your boyf, it’s understandable to be agitated. The person you love is spending time with someone you feel doesn’t like you and hurt you badly. It’s a tricky one because she’s family, and family is family. Having said that, my ex kinda pulled away from his sister when she hurt my feelings with some things she said at that family event before we split & I didn’t even ask him to. If your sister or brother hurt your man badly & still made him feel uncomfortable, how do you think you would behave?
Look it, you can tell yourself all you want what ya or may not happen, but I think most people on this forum understand the complexity of love, of attachment, of loss. My ex is in the dust and yet I still feel going back is an option!!!! What sort of delusional world do I live in?!
Im thrilled you made it to the gym, it’s given me some motivation to do something similar as I have been really bad with rubbish food lately & piling on the pounds too- again adding to low self esteem.
Could you ask your counsellor for ways to communicate how you’re feeling, instead of using the tried-and-tested withdrawal method?
ParticipantHi Brandy,
I really thought about your question. Obviously my age is a big consideration for me, but is it the biggest element I’m feeling? I don’t think so. I miss the man, flaws and all.