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January 6, 2019 at 6:17 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #272537
You WILL be okay. Yes, you are absolutely traumatised at the moment, but we both know, that doesn’t last forever. Just breathe. When you feel everything closing in on you, when you feel the pain of loss, say to yourself – I’m grieving and let it through you but in the back of your mind remember, this too shall pass. It’s just a little hook that used to keep me from the brink. I would be buckled by the pain and scared and I would just say in a small voice in my mind, I will survive and this won’t last forever. I felt it was enough to keep me from the darkest recesses of my mind.
In the worst of times, I called my sister but I don’t know if that option is available to you given the reconciliation had been mostly a secret for you, but call or text a friend you trust. Also, I’m doing nothing today, so I’m online anytime you need.
Im so sorry. I’m so sorry you feel so broken hearted and that his lies created so much insecurity in the relationship. I wish he had been better. You deserve better than what you received but we can’t control who we love.
Distraction is the key again. If it’s all too much to deal with in one go, take it in small bits. Then do something to distract, then go back to it again and so on. Maybe punch and punch and punch a bag in the gym?
Im sending all the warmth and support I can possibly muster into the universe for you. You deserve kindness now.
I don’t know how one goes about ‘knowing’ oneself or exploring that, but I’ll bring it up in therapy and hopefully move from there. Thank you again.
Not So Lost Star,
Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our situations and offering such empathy and advice. It’s very kind of you.
I don’t want to mourn my ex forever, if we are not to be together I just want to be over it. But it’s hard to get to that point. It’s heartening to see you feel you have moved on. Can I ask…..when you went away by yourself, were you lonely, did you miss him or were you able to stop thinking about him and enjoy being by yourself?
S x
January 5, 2019 at 4:35 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #272487Shelbyville
It must be incredibly difficult to move forward with someone when you thought it was one thing (a clean slate) and it ended up feeling like something else (a lie). It depends what your dealbreaker is?
For me, dishonesty would be a dealbreaker. Just for me, I live my life as honestly as possible and I emphasise to those around me how important it is. That was one thing I never had to worry about with my ex, I don’t believe he ever lied to me or was dishonest. I trusted him implicitly. Was he to be trusted with not breaking my heart- clearly not!!! But in the general sense, you know what I mean.
Do you want to take a break from your ex for a while and see does that drain you as much as being with him? Not an end, but space?
Honestly I feel like you’re a person that would naturally attract good people in life, even though I don’t know you.
Thank you so much for the advice, you have a way of making really good points and inspiring me without dictating what I should do.
I want to explore what it would mean for me to get to know me and grow. Thank you for posting here.
January 5, 2019 at 7:05 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #272387Shelbyville
Do you both understand that issues have yet to be dealt with? If the issues were there in the past, even with the best will in the world, they will continue to arise in the future. I don’t think that even though there are f ups, that a relationship can’t work. If they are worked on.
When I reunited with my ex the first time a couple of years ago, I set about the plan of just enjoying each other’s company, a clean slate and start fresh. But the issues emerged again. There was a reason we broke up the first time and it was more or less the reason we broke up the second time. I tried to be okay with what was on offer, at first and when I couldn’t contain my own needs to move forward, I changed my mindset to one where I thought he would change. Work was never done on his part, so it made sense that it didn’t work out again.
You’re not ready to let go yet. You don’t want to. Even if you think it’s what’s best for you, you still don’t want to let go. So work with what you’ve got. I know it’s not a nice feeling to feel taken for granted, believe me I know, so I think maybe that requires a conversation. Are there other areas ye need to discuss also so that when ye actually do move forward, ye can do so a bit more progressively. Don’t worry about being embarrassed – I’m embarrassed too, but the heart doesn’t care about embarrassment, it just wants what it wants, at time whatever the cost. Worrying about the embarrassment will only add extra suffering you don’t need right now, so let that one go, shrug your shoulders and instead of berating yourself, say ‘it is what it is’, whenever you think it’s embarrassing.
January 5, 2019 at 3:56 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #272363Shelbyville
You have had such a positive impact on me in your posts. It is heartening to see someone who knows exactly what this pain and hurt feels like, but genuinely has made it out the other end. Perhaps it will come to the stage where my ex says he wants no more contact and they, as you say, I will be forced to crawl back up again.
Kkasxo, I think you’ve answered your own question! What rational person would do this? None! That’s the point, rationale is not in full flow yet, the heart is still in control and I guess it’ll be in control until it’s not.
I know what hope is like, if you have it, it’s hard to move on from anything. I experienced a very close bereavement years ago and people say to me, Shelby you handled that, this is not half as bad. But actually, with death, I felt it was somewhat easier to accept, in the sense that it’s final. There were no questions for me, the person was gone and could not come back. In relationships it’s different, if there is hope at all, however misguided, I cling to it.
Why don’t you decide, from today, ok…..I know what i think i ‘should’ do, but instead of beating myself up about the fact that I’m not doing it and I want to give us another go, I’m just gonna accept that this is my choice for now and be happy with it. Throw yourself into it so that you can at least say you gave it your very best shot. If a time comes down the road when you want to change your mind, so be it. But that time is not now, so give it your best, with no chastising yourself for doing it? x
January 4, 2019 at 5:42 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #272333Shelbyville
ParticipantI understand exactly what you are saying. You have to exhaust all possibilities so that you could walk away having literally tried everything.
I have read lots of stuff lately about rekindling a relationship and the general consensus is- the old relationship did not work. Therefore it had to be a new relationship. So while you and your ex easily fall back into the chemistry ye always had, similar to me and my ex, that’s the same as before. What’s new? What change has happened so that ye are approaching it differently this time to get a different outcome?
Maybe you’ve changed and see a new way of dealing with relationship obstacles? Has he changed or grown?
I guess I might get to the stage where is becomes beyond question to me that there is no hope for my ex and I. Apparent to plenty of people already I’m sure, but still a difficulty for me.
My only concern is losing all my dignity. But then again, maybe that’s my journey- to hit rock bottom?! I don’t know. I know myself, I would never beg etc, my interactions with him are a mix of me being aloof and fun and then dropping in a sprinkle of the serious stuff without damaging my dignity too much, I hope!
Sometimes, I’m just fed up. He’s an idiot. Spoke about it in therapy today. He’s costing himself his own potential happiness and mine, because he’s too afraid to try. If that’s the case.
Everyone is trying to get me to look at opportunities with new men and I genuinely feel like throwing up at the thought of it. Zero interest and still in the zone of thinking no-one will ever compare to my ex.
Heartbreak is exhausting.
January 4, 2019 at 11:05 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #272279Shelbyville
Feel the fear and do it anyway. I as worried about contacting my ex again, it could have broke me, but the constant daily debating about doing it was driving me insane and I was drained, so I said…. ‘right, I’m doing it. Whatever the consequences I’ll survive’.
Essentially that book on feeling the fear explains that we will survive – no matter what we do. I’m fairly sure when I meet my ex again, things won’t have changed too much. Yet I guess I need to do it. I seem to need to hear the rejection point blank or several times!
I spoke to my therapist today and he said he’s not entirely convinced it was a bad idea to contact my ex, because it is giving me more of a sense of where things are at, in real terms, rather than months of fantasising and idealising my ex through no contact.
You’re so funny ‘cos after that last message I posted, I literally thought to myself, I’m prob not gonna be much improved by next Oct!!! Great minds think alike ?
I asked my therapist when will I cop on and listen to what everyone says, to the writing on the wall? He said when I’m tired enough of feeling unhappy & crap. He said I’m obviously still not at that point yet but I’ll probably get there.
So despite all the best advice, perhaps you’re just not there yet, you’re not fed up enough to get yourself to a happier place. I know you’re tired and drained, but are you tired and drained enough? Maybe not yet!
Do you think you and your guy can be happy and leave this all behind?
January 4, 2019 at 6:25 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #272217Shelbyville
You do definitely inspire me and I wonder some day will I be posting on this forum offering advice from a very good place about the tough times I went through but overcame. I feel like the whole world is doing what it’s meant to be doing and moving forward and I feel stuck, as though my plan is only on hold, not cancelled.
I’m glad to be back at work as I welcome the distraction and everyone is still in giddy post-Christmas mode so it’s not too stressful this week.
Kkasxo and I actually have a pact to come online later this year, one year exactly from when I joined the forum to see how we’re both doing! Better I hope!
Thank you x
January 4, 2019 at 2:15 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #272197Shelbyville
ParticipantMark certainly does have a way with words and gets straight to the point and I appreciate that.
Sometimes constantly analysing things just is a way of holding on. I have to make a decision. I just wish I was not so weak about it and could just suck it up and do it.
I still feel so sad. Thank you Michelle for your input. I often wonder will I one day have the benefit of hindsight and look back with a ‘Eureka’ feeling as to why this all happened. I guess I find it hard to work off faith, I like answers and evidence!!
Thanks so much for taking the time to give me advice on this though, it’s kind and supportive of you all.
I’m finally back in work today after being ill, so hopefully the constant ruminating will take a back seat now.
January 3, 2019 at 12:55 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #272155Shelbyville
Thank you so much for such an articulate and helpful post. It has helped more than you know.
I lack confidence in the belief that the future holds better things. I don’t know how to increase that faith. Essentially, I don’t want to be unhappy.
I guess what people are saying is this- cut all contact, I will feel lost & broken, but maintain it….and one day I’ll feel better? I’ll stop hurting at every thought of him? If this is the truth, I will try it. x
January 3, 2019 at 4:02 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #272079Shelbyville
I understand completely what you mean. The security blanket was always there in the sense that you could enjoy the break, knowing you’d go back to see your guy at some point again in the future. Ya know, I nearly think I feel the same, in a way. Things are manageable for me, once I know I still have the option of contact, that there are some sort of plans to see each other etc. So is that denial? Bargaining?
I keep the phrase ‘trust the process’. So is this our process? Are we supposed to trust that it’s the right thing going back to your ‘situationship’ and me not to attempt to end and move on? Is all this supposed to happen? I haven’t a clue. I don’t really know what people mean when they say trust the process. Is that just licence to accept every action we take?! Surely we can’t have that much free reign if we are to heal ourselves. I’m also told self love takes willpower and resolve so it’s all very confusing.
I cant stay how I am anyway. One way or another. It’s not helping me and I’m neither happy nor devastated- it’s a weird unsettling limbo to be in. Ultimately I know we can’t work now, too much has happened, he has changed. He doesn’t want to. So why can’t I just accept that on every level. Damn love and attachment.
I’m at the doctor today because I’m still poorly – which of course massively affects my mood. So I best just try and sort it.
I would love to look ahead with some truly great goals such as yourself, but I have no interest in this next year- I feel it’s gonna be more of the same. Just the ticking of time!
It will be a big change when your family moves away, but not all change is bad. Who knows what opportunities it will open up for you and what growth you will have as a result!
Also, don’t forget we’re always here online to support you if you’re lonely or struggling.
January 2, 2019 at 5:53 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #272061Shelbyville
Indeed you are correct. I don’t think I even expect a different result again, I just can’t seem to muster enough self control to stop myself. I guess my attachment is resulting in ‘insane’ behaviour. 🙁
January 2, 2019 at 2:14 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #272049Shelbyville
That is honestly such a huge step forward. You went home and really enjoyed time away from him, could you even have imagined that when you broke up, even when you went to your friends wedding recently, you found it hard to enjoy it without thinking of him. Now, you are enjoying being your own person again, enjoying things that don’t involve him- i’d say that’s pretty monumental and empowering.
Its so hard to move forward for you as your trust keeps being tested and challenged and we need to have trust. It’s one of the basics isn’t it? Who wants to live on the edge all the time- it’s overrated!
What is your goal for this year? Not an aspiration…..what exactly are you going to do this year? Do you want to live blissfully happy ever after with your guy? If so, what can you do now to start achieving that? If it’s to start afresh on your own, what progress could you make this week, this month? I don’t blame you for withdrawing, I used to do the exact same thing, but I suppose therapy would teach me, it doesn’t change a situation and communication is key, even if it’s uncomfortable. But what on Earth do I know? Very little!!!!
After our meetup recently, my ex texted on Xmas day – a usual ‘formal’ message wishing my family and I a nice Xmas. I think he did it to be the ‘good guy’ especially on the back of me mentioning during our meet up that I found the cold turkey no contact quite harsh.
I replied a simple similar message and that was it. Last weekend then I suggested meeting up and he seemed to be cool with that but several times and venues I later suggested didn’t work out due to…….surprise surprise……family business commitments. Eventually I caved in NYE & texted him to talk. He was working but called around 2am. He was quite curt with me to start, almost like he was trying to disguise anger….but I couldn’t be sure. Anyway, once he heard I had been in bed sick all day, his attitude changed slightly and he was warmer.
I suggested meeting up for a chat and he urged me to get well first. I suggested meeting at the weekend or next week and that there was absolutely no pressure on him to do so if he didn’t feel like it. I figure he was kind of caught on the hop, and stumbled a bit before saying ‘sure’. Again, probably to be polite, because he would never downright refuse.
What do I want to achieve? I have no idea. I’m gone completely off the map now. I don’t even know anymore. Of course I want him back, but a part of me knows, it can’t be revived without change and there apparently has been no change on his part. So then I think I want to really let it all out and explain what I really feel, but then I worry that will decimate my esteem even further.
So here I am, start of 2019, no further down the road than week one. No clue what to do or how to accept this and get over it. Everyone thinks being in contact is bad, like….very bad, even my therapist, though not as bluntly. Why am I not listening? Why do I think I know better? EVERYONE can’t be wrong!
Btw, it’s lovely to hear from you again. Sometimes it’s lonely when you can’t speak frankly with those around you
January 1, 2019 at 10:33 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #271953Shelbyville
Happy New Year to you. I’m looking forward to hearing about your break with your family! Did you get headspace during that time?
Ive gotten myself into a pickle again. I’m not sleeping as my mind is constantly churning trying to figure things out, wondering how we could work. It’s like the past 3 months didn’t happen! I don’t want to be without him, but I feel I need to let go, for my own sake, because I can’t continue like this. I’m under the weather and the lack of sleep is not helping.
Im due to meet him within the next week again. I’m not sure he really wants to but he’s too polite to ever refuse. I think it will have to be the last time I see or speak to him. I can’t coax someone into a relationship with me, they have to want it.
I hope you really enjoyed the break and we’re able to switch off.
January 1, 2019 at 6:32 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #271809Shelbyville
ParticipantHappy New Year all, I am just going to continue posting on this thread as I find it somewhat therapeutic.
A quick summary- my ex broke up with me 3.5 months ago, we’ve had periods of no contact and lately I have been reaching out again.
He has no spurned my attempts at contact, nor can I say he’s been over enthusiastic about them either. I spoke to him on the phone last night after midnight and he was still working in his family business and was exhausted. He seemed curt at first but then loosened out as the conversation went on. We didn’t discuss anything serious, just chit chat and I explained that i’ve been ill and didn’t make it out for NYE.
I suggested meeting for a chat soon and he agreed. I told him there is no pressure whatsoever to do so, but I felt like he agreed because he was caught on the spot and didn’t want to say no directly.
If I’m honest, I would say he would prefer no contact, not because I think he doesn’t care but because he’s just trying to get over the breakup and it’s the best way I guess. Me on the other hand, I don’t know what I’m doing. Trying to get the relationship back I suppose, but probably not thinking about it logically or long term.
This is the most difficult thing I’ve faced in my life. I would love to be a woman who says ‘his loss’ and goes on to live her best life, but I’m just lost and miss him beyond measure. Despite the problems which have faded behind the Rose-tinted glasses it seems.
December 31, 2018 at 1:40 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #271697Shelbyville
ParticipantHappy New Year Tiny Buddha community!
Im not going to make it to midnight as I’m feeling poorly and need my bed. It can be a lonesome time of year so I hope you are doing okay.
I was due to meet my ex today but he seems to have ghosted me so maybe it serves me right for holding out hope.
Wishing you strength for each of your journeys in 2019.
S x