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January 13, 2019 at 12:23 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274275
Thanks for saying that. I understand that I am no longer suffering debilitating anxiety and pain so I accept, I have improved in that sense and for that I am grateful. However, I did think I was accepting, until I really thought about it and realised I’m not taking any action now…..because I think my subconscious or heart believes HE will!!!! I know right……..I’m certifiable! But it’s how I feel and I’m done listening to Martha. If it’s how I feel now, it’s how I feel. It may change, we shall see.
I miss him greatly tonight. I miss what we were. I miss him reaching for my hand at every opportunity. So we’ll see. I still don’t feel like the situation is done in the sense that I’ll not speak to him ever again. But I’m going more day by day these days.
There is nothing wrong with contacting your ex. Did it make you ten times worse? I don’t get the feeling it did. Like the fable from my therapist….’Good or bad….who’s to say?’….it’s part of your process. It’s getting you where you need to be next.
Thats so so interesting that you have revealed that about your relationship. Three months ago, that relationship was like a Hollywood movie in your eyes, with some slight lack of future planning on his part, but now, it’s like you really see it, really understand it. You love him, but problems exist and sometimes love isn’t enough. Holy smokes, I think that’s a bit of a massive leap in your growth. A therapist might give you a gold star!
The contact also confirmed something which would have caused you anxiety- the date- but now he’s confirmed he’ll be there. So again, not such a bad outcome from communication.
Your life is not a car crash. Truly. It’s complicated because ya humans are complex. We’re not black and white and when we open our hearts to love and growth, there are risks which can emerge. But we’re all just trying to be happy. X
January 13, 2019 at 10:43 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #274259Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
Well I got through the anniversary service okay and it wasn’t unpleasant as I had expected it to be. It’s been a busy day of being on the go andIm tired now and just letting it all sink in.
I had the tiniest thought this morning wondering would there be a remote chance my ex would attend, but it wouldn’t be possible. He wouldn’t have known about it. I just felt a bit alone as all my family attended with their partners.
I realise now something I didn’t see months ago. I CAN survive without him. I’m going about my business and managing fine. My problem is I don’t believe I can be happy without him, so obviously not just there yet. If ever.
I hope everyone managed to have an okay weekend.
January 12, 2019 at 8:34 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #273985Shelbyville
I just read your post and I’m so sorry you’re sad and in pain. It is so difficult. So all I can say is this- you broke up for some reason. Something inside you made you do it. You were not being fulfilled in some way and that’s what caused the action I think. However, you were together 5 years- it was never not gonna hurt.
You miss being with him every day, seeing him, talking to him, cuddling him. You miss being in that relationship, having him as your person. This is all normal and natural. Trust me. Normal. The pain- I’m afraid that’s normal too. If you felt no pain, the last 5 years wouldn’t have meant much to you. You feel pain because you feel/felt love.
If this breakup has shown you the light and you realise it was a mistake because you were BLISSFILLy happy and if you get back together you will be fulfilled and beyond happy again, then great. It has taught you something. However, do you think deep deep down, there would still be something amiss? Something just not making you the level of happy you thought you could be? Of course you’d be back together and doing all the fun things again, but would it eventually end up back here? Because some things didn’t change?
I have no clue what the answers might be, I’m just trying to help you as best I can. It’s 4 months since my ex split with me due to what I think is his reason- push came to shove and he couldn’t meet my needs. But it’s still hard. I miss him everyday. It hurts. But it honestly is less acute than the first two months, I promise.
I wish you all the warmth and support in the world right now.
January 12, 2019 at 7:48 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #273971Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
I’m still exhausted today and in a lot of pain with my back (chronic pain). I did the 5k this morning and have been on the go since doing bits and pieces but am finally sitting down. I’m so tired!
I feel more like contacting my ex today than previous days but still not enough to actually do it. The overbearing need is fading. So if you want to use me as a barometer- it does seem to ease with time, whatever chemical or emotional changes go on, it’s not like it was the first couple of months.
Part of the process is understanding what you need. What do you need now? And remember when you answer, to answer realistically. I used to think I needed my ex to hug me and cuddle me and make me feel better. But actually that’s not really what would happen. He might hug me and i’d feel better for two mins but everything that we have been through, everything that separated us still remains there, it exists too and didn’t disappear so it wouldn’t just be my fantasised Utopia of being with him. Happy ever after. If I were to meet him now, it would be the same as before- real life- nothing magicked it away. So I absolutely empathise- I know you want him with you now. Understandable. But actually he seems in rather a shaky place himself at the moment and honestly I don’t think you have any extra energy. You need to process what you need to process I think. That’s not to say if you do contact him it’s a bad thing, I’m not saying it’s either good or bad! Nor should anyone else – even Martha!
But you seem in our communication to have less mental anguish this past week not having to deal with the stuff with him too on top of everything else?
January 11, 2019 at 1:24 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #273909Shelbyville
That in itself is you growing? You would always have tried to look after him, essentially putting him first- the same as me. I always put my ex before myself. But now, you’re showing up for yourself. It doesn’t make you a bad person, it makes you a better person.
You’re moving along this process whether you realise it or not. Enjoy just resting up this evening and not having to drain what little energy you have.
Im still using the account he set up for me on his Netflix (eek), to watch some light hearted comedy tonight. Sleep soon though hopefully!
January 11, 2019 at 11:56 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #273899Shelbyville
oh dear, it sounds like you’re coming down with the flu- everyone has it at the moment. Terrible dose, so take some paracetamol and vitamin c and drinks if you feel worse. Rest is definitely the most important thing though, so well done!
I went for the walk with my cousin this evening after work, but I really wanted to bail- I’m exhausted, I just have no energy. My therapist feels I’m now letting my heart break and now it’s time to rest, to just be and let it happen. So we’ll see how that goes, I’m missing him a lot this evening.
Your ex is really getting desperate for contact at the moment, he’s in withdrawal it seems and finds it’s difficult. I’m glad he acknowledged you need space and ‘fighting’ for ye sometimes means doing what’s needed- and that might be space, so he has to appreciate that.
If you’re under the weather, it is definitely not the time to get into it. You need what little energy you have to try and fight any illness!
I’m considering bed soon, how sad am I?!
January 11, 2019 at 5:44 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #273807Shelbyville
ParticipantOh you are definitely emotionally and physically drained. You need to get a good wholesome meal into you later and a bath and early night. If you don’t feel much like eating during the day, try apples or oranges or something small like that. I find little yoghurts are good too just to be you ticking over.
I’m tired myself today, hopefully I will feel a bit more energised after it and sleep better tonight!
January 11, 2019 at 3:05 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #273787Shelbyville
ParticipantWork really is a lifeline at times isn’t it! It keeps our brains occupied and distracts us enough to get through another day!
Take this evening off for sure, rest up and relax and try to sleep at an earlier time perhaps. I find the insight timer app brilliant for meditation to get me off to sleep, I’m nearly always out for the count before the dong goes off at the end. Staying asleep is the next issue, but at least if you got to sleep at a reasonable time it might help.
Brilliant idea to stay occupied this weekend to try and regain some mental energy for yourself.
Perhaps you are right and in a sense that kind of makes me more sad….that I might be accepting it…and eventually let it go. It’s almost heartbreaking and I feel like it’s such a waste. I don’t see yet what I have learned, just the loss of many things. But perhaps that will come in time.
I will continue to think further about travel. Before I met him it was the thing that gave me the most motivation but now I don’t know how I feel about it!
I will definitely get that book, I love anything that opens up my mind or gives me different perspective. Thank you so much.
January 11, 2019 at 1:23 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #273781Shelbyville
Well done to you. Honestly, well done. You are trying something different to get a different result, rather than falling back into old familiar patterns. You’re absolutely right, he needs to be able to cope on his own and support himself. In fact, you’re kind of doing him a favour as well as yourself. So that neither of ye fall back into a situation where each other’s life and survival depends on someone else, so that ye can both become self sufficient and healthy on your own and then take it from there. Incredible progress! Also….wahooooo…..I saw a distinct lack of Martha-esque criticism and more praise of yourself in your second last post….look at you go!
I am honestly floating at the moment, I don’t feel like Im connected to anything substantial right now, but I hope to rest as much as possible this weekend. Well I’ve agreed to do a 5k with my aunt tomorrow morning and the memorial service on Sunday morning (eek), but I’ll relax for the latter half of both days hopefully.
How about you?
January 11, 2019 at 12:48 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #273777Shelbyville
I think feelings are likes waves or cycles…you got ten hours or so without thinking about him, which is amazing, but it’s inevitable that your feelings wil ebb and flow and you will want to reach out again. Michelle makes a really good point, you asked you ex for space. If he truly loves you, he will respect that, because it’s what’s best for YOU and not what he NEEDS right now. True love is wanting the best for the person you love and the best for you now is to have space so you can heal. He seems to just be in attachment mode and is panicking. Not dissimilar to ourselves a while back actually, but he has to push through too and turn to himself rather than you to bail him out of the feelings he’s feeling right now.
I have been feeling exhausted the past while. I go to bed now super early and even last night I had about 11 or 12 hours sleep and I’m still depleted. I think it might be a touch of depression because there is no other physical reason for the tiredness. Or emotional drainage perhaps. Sometimes I feel I wish I could just close my eyes and not have to wake up and that’s me done. Not is a suicidal way, don’t worry. But I feel done. I find it difficult to believe that future happiness awaits me and I feel that my time has run out or something, so perhaps that’s where the weariness is coming from! I have therapy later, so hopefully I can discuss it more fully there.
January 10, 2019 at 12:36 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #273707Shelbyville
I feel really disconnected. I just don’t know where I’m going, or what’s going on. I guess up to now I had some sort of compass- to stay in contact and see could we reunite. But now, I don’t know where I’m at. It’s a weird floaty feeling and I can’t focus. It is what it is I guess. I’m missing him more than usual this evening. But nothing has changed. He hasn’t contacted me despite agreeing for us to have a chat.
Wow, your ex is pulling out all the stops now. But while it’s sweet, it’s inner work I think he needs to do rather than outward gestures. So fingers crossed. Honestly, you are developing some serious resilience. No contact again- go you. The process keeps moving!
Mum glad therapy went well, it really is a life buoy at times. It sounds like you have a good plan for the evening! I’m jealous. I started reading a book I got off my brother in law at Christmas. Chicken soup for the soul- he was being thoughful and helpful. The first bit I’ve read is grand but it’s a little bit too cheesy so far, but I’ll keep going!
I’m down too this eve as I received a thank you card from my cousin for my ex and I today in the post. It was a thank you for attending their wedding last year. It had a picture of my ex from the wedding included. That was an unexpected stab today. I just closed it quickly again and put it under the bed! Not everyone in a wider circle would know about the breakup yet.
January 10, 2019 at 6:13 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #273615Shelbyville
I know how it feels to be so hurt. It’s crippling. I definitely don’t think you should wait around though for his answer if your ex has been ‘seeing’ other people. That’s just not fair. Well done for trying to focus on yourself, hopefully we will all come out the better end of this whole ordeal and leave our exes in the dust. x
January 10, 2019 at 5:03 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #273609Shelbyville
It’s hard to know what’s going on in my heart and my head. Next week, I might get renewed vigour to try and retrieve the relationship again, who knows? I could be closing myself off slightly too in case I know what’s coming, a confirmation that the relationship can’t be reconciled.
I was just thinking there while eating a weight watchers lunch (trying!), I wonder if my so-called lesson that blogs and books and quotes always refer to after a breakup is that I was too reliant on my ex and my relationship for my happiness. I know I was, I can admit that. So is something telling me, go find happiness by yourself first and then we’ll see what the universe has for you? I don’t know, very philosophical today for some reason. Could just be BS too!!!!
I do miss him massively though, I still can’t believe in a way that he is not part of my life and I a part of his. It’s just weird.
Best of luck with therapy later, I’ll be online if you need to post. When work is busy, I find it a good thing. I like staying active, but want to work on being ok to just be.
January 10, 2019 at 3:08 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #273603Shelbyville
Your ex is probably where you were some time ago and can’t resist the contact and feels he will sink without you. But this is a good time for him to put action behind his words and try therapy and really prove that he’s trying to change. Like Michelle said, time for a new approach to get a new outcome! Well done on refraining from contact, you need this time without too much extra drama.
Yes, the other guy trying to go to the cinema with me has stated that he completely understands it’s just as friends and it’s hard to be too blunt with him as he is genuinely the sweetest little fellow and wouldn’t hurt a fly, but I fear at some stage (without any conceit on my part), that he may fall again for me, just because I’m a woman and I’m kind to him. He tends to latch on to anyone who shows any interest, even platonic. I will decline his invite or request it to be a group outing I think.
In my opinion, it has always paid off in my past to go for the more expensive option if they have the results to back it up. Sometimes, you DO get what you paid for and I’d not skimp on things like facial procedures, hair cuts or cars. I think they’re too important, so go with your gut, even if it’s a more expensive option, provided you can allow for the extra cost.
I always welcome your input and sometimes I wonder to myself, how on earth can I eventually end up like Michelle. Then I think to myself, she must be different to me, more resilient, different circumstances etc. It seems like a distant dream that I could ever be happy again. However, at the moment, I’ll take meh and somewhat sad. It’s better than excrutiating pain I guess. I feel I’m accepting the end of the relationship more the past few days and it’s making me very sad and feel low. But who knows?!
I have therapy again tomorrow, so hopefully that will shed some light.