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October 30, 2020 at 8:41 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #368445
ParticipantHi all,
So sorry for delayed response. I’ve taken the work promotion and I feel like there are literally no enough hours in teh day nowadays, I don’t take lunch breaks and barely respond to texts! It’s full on, but I’m hoping it’s only while I find my feet.
Not much time to go into detail….I will try at a quieter time but for now – Sammy, message your ex for his birthday if you feel like it. You are not on bad terms, it can be a generic enough text but nice to just wish him well without any further expectation out of it.
Lucie, I hope the ginger biscuits help, but Kkasxo is right, the nausea reduces when the anxiety reduces – so some methods to reduce that might be the best option. Fresh air, walk, journal and watch funny videos on youtube sometimes helps me.
Kkasxo and I often are of the one mind….I literally thought reading your post ‘Hurt people Hurt people’!
I don’t think you are a player, i think you’re playing at being a player. You’re the kid from your childhood. We do the best we can…..until we know better. The we do better.
B deserves an apology but for HER sake, not yours. It may help you feel better to apologise but it can’t be for that sole reason you do it. It should be to give what you describe as a wonderful woman, some peace.
You have work to do on yourself. Sometimes people are brought into our lives as journey mates, maybe they’re there to show is something we needed to learn, might not mean they are meant to stay. You’ll be okay. This is all learning and growth and self awareness, hang in there.
October 23, 2020 at 8:36 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #368139Shelbyville
Participant@kkasxo – How are you? Hope you’re doing okay…
October 23, 2020 at 8:35 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #368138Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Sammy,
Holy moley….like…wtf?!! Am I surprised though…hmmm..nope! This is very habitual behaviour apparently in cicurmstances like the ones you and I have found ourselves in with our two exes.
There could be attachment behaviours going on on his part too, who knows. But at the end of the day, YOU contacted him. He indirectly enquired about you, but he obviously hadn’t enough work done on himself to pick up the phone and make direct contact – in the mode of Tim.
So he may be having some realisations lately, he maybe experiencing attachment issues but there is not enough there to indicate that he has made real substantial change. He still comes across from what you’ve written as immature or young boy – panicking now a bit for whatever reason. If it’s meant to be and he really demonstrates change and growth and wisdom, I’m sure you will find you way back to each other, but the person he is currently doesn’t seem to be good enough for the wonderful, insightful, strong person you have become. I don’t have contact with my ex now really, except for the odd bday text maybe or New Years wish. The other exes, we just drifted….not ill will, but we weren’t really friends. The ones I’ve stayed friends with…I’ve written previously as to why.
The family thing must have been so difficult. That was one of the biggest things for me….his parents. They adored me and I them. They were so happy when we reunited. I felt lost without his Mum…..especially when my own mum had passed away, his mum sort of filled that role somewhat. It was heartbreaking, but I genuinely have to say that the attachment I had to them has eased. I still think of them and hope they are well and safe and miss them, but it’s definitely not what it was when things were so intense and upsetting after the initial goodbye. I feel you can get to that place too.
As for me, the boyfriend is being very sweet and forward about his feelings too. I’m adjusting. It’s a lot to take in and I’m not used to it (from the ex). I really like being with him and find I feel like we’ve been together ages, even though it has been a short time. I’m learning more about him daily and he about me. I worry when I go back to the city for work again, things may change or it’ll be hard again, but I’m hoping we’ll be in a much better place than when I first started the new job.
Oh speaking on the insanely intense job….sorry for my delayed responses….I barely even get to text back family these days I’m so busy! But anyway today the owner called me up and said the guy to kind of trained me in….not exactly my direct superior…but over most of the company…has resigned and the boss wants me to more or less take over running the company!!!Arghhhhh….you cannot make this stuff up! My head is spinning, but I’m actually taking some annual leave for a couple of days next week so I’m looking forward to tuning out a bit over a long weekend!
Lucie…my heart goes out to you. I remember going into work in my old job each morning and literally holding one arm over my tummy as I sat at my computer as my tummy would be heaving from the anxiety. I would awake at 5 am (early work shift) and it wouldnt be until after 12noon where I felt I could eat anything. Again, stick to small bits and pieces, even if you feel nausea…because it’s a vicious cycle, an empty stomach will increase anxiety as the stress hormones will be pulsing through it. Any chocolate bar helps give energy, that one was just the one I could stomach at the time…Kinder Bueno also!
Magnesium is a supplement I take to regulate the nervous system too – I find it helps with sleep and maybe anxiety.
In healthfood stores in the homeopathy section – there is a natural homeopathic remedy called arsenic album – my therapist recommended it and sometimes it really helps just take that very sharp edge off the anxiety. But again I’m not a medical practitioner or expert on anything like that, so always get legitimate advice from those who know.
October 19, 2020 at 11:41 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #367953Shelbyville
Look at you!!!! What an incredible woman you are. Honestly, I admire you. You’ve shown more resilience, wisdom and self awareness than I probably ever have.
I’m so glad you have much more peace now. You deserve that. Big steps have been taken and they are steps in the right direction.The outlook you have for future relationships means you’re learning the lesson life must have wanted to teach you. Well done.
As for friends with exes. So, I’m not friends with ALL my exes. Just some. To be honest, none of them were anywhere close to the relationship I had with my ex, so I don’t know if that impacts it. However, some guys (who I still had feelings for) I remained friends with because they moved on and met other people. When they did that, and I could see them happy, I honestly stopped pining and just said oh well hey, not meant to be, but they’re still cool. And I just stayed friends. But there would always been a tiny bit of a cooling off period. It wouldn’t be friends immediately after – let the dust settle and then the odd bit of communication was what I did and then the odd meet up and it went from there! Now I’m friends with their wives and they send me pictures of their newborns!!
Lucie – are you pregnant? Perhaps I’ve misread the previous posts. If it’s nausea from panic- yes, I experienced nausea. To the point I couldn’t put any good in my mouth. I eventually used to just eat one double decker chocolate bar a day to keep my energy alive, and from there I started to introduce toast etc. But it took a while – really until the medication helped ease the anxiety.
are you doing okay? We’re here if you need us
October 14, 2020 at 3:06 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #367849Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Sammy,
Things in work are still intense, but I ate today- so that’s good! I feel some days like I’m getting the hang of the new job & other times, like I’m back to square one. I’ll persevere though, now is not the time to give up an income!
The tablets have definitely helped me not spiral beyond what I can manage. I still get anxious, but a ‘normal’ level – if that makes sense?! Not like a month ago where I was teetering on the edge of sanity! So I manage now, albeit with a bit more of a struggle this week due to hormones.
I can understand what you mean about the physical side of relationships and its importance and what it means to you. I do get the sense though that whatever behaviour your ex displayed was somewhat not conscious. I don’t think he realised at the time, I don’t think he had the self awareness or maturity to realise. However, it seems now he is willing to face up to some stuff and that will be his journey.
Yours is learning and growth. You have learned so much already and grown.I don’t know if there is much point staying in contact, but whatever you choose will be right for you. I was so ensconced in my ex’s family/circle, I thought the world had nearly ended when we split as I cared about all of them too and wouldn’t see them again. Time moved on, my life has moved ever further away from those contacts who were so close to me before. But things have drifted, I don’t have the same attachment to them that I once did. We don’t stay in contact now and that’s ok. There’s no ill will or awkwardness, it’s just that part of my life was then and this is now and him and his family are not part of my now, so that’s my rationale.
But everyone is different & you do what sits best in your gut.
Relationship is good. But it’s a bubble at the moment (with working from (his) home & Covid) . So who knows what will happen down the road. Things will eventually change I guess
October 13, 2020 at 2:32 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #367821Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Sammy,
wow, well done on seeing the wood from the trees. You are no longer seeking a relationship with him, what progress!
As for the attraction and nitpicking – i definitely feel that you’re honing in too much on that minute element of everything he said. We usually do that when it hits an old wound. It definitely wasn’t what you might be imagining in your head that he was totally repulsed and tearing you apart in his head. I think it was more just that, resentment can make people be less attractive. It’s nothing to do with how they look or what they do exactly from one minute to the next. It’s just that if we have low self worth and place the responsibility of loving us solely on someone else’s shoulders and need their validation constantly, resentment will inevitably set it. It did for me and my ex despite us having insane chemistry. But no-one can shoulder that much responsibility and resentment kinda sets in and then the mind creates outlets for that resentment by nitpicking etc.
It is no reflection on how you look or if you banged the bathroom door or always spilled tea in bed, it’s just – if something is not right – and you can’t figure out what it is – nitpicking will start to give you an out that the brain can process.
anyway, that’s just one view. But I definitely feel like you are zoning in too much on that part – I could see it even from your first account of what happened when he called over, you seemed to skim over much of what he said but kept pushing him about the attraction etc. From an objective point of view, that wasn’t that integral to the whole story, it was merely a sort of eventuality based on the way things were playing out at the time. Again, no reflection on you, unless you want to view it as a starting point for self love.
I’ll fill you in again on my life, I’m just so swamped with work at the moment, I just don’t have a free minute to catch you up, but wanted to get back to you at the very least about your EPIC progress! Well done you!
October 12, 2020 at 1:33 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #367783Shelbyville
How are you doing? What an ordeal? Wow. To be honest, it’s so similar to previous experiences I’ve had, a lot of what happened and what was said resonated with me. I don’t know if he even knew what he was doing by meeting up with you, I don’t think he knows where or what he is at.
I am so proud of you for asking him to leave, for stating that you realise you don’t fit together now. That’s incredible. I could never have done that. In fact, three times, I didn’t! I just absorbed the breadcrumbs in those kinds of conversations and ignored the glaring dialogue which revealed we didn’t belong together. So kudos to you.
There was a lot of anger there for you that you obviously needed to express. I hope you feel better now, that you feel like it was worth it. There is a lot to process now, do you think you will be able to move on?
October 9, 2020 at 3:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #367714Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Sammy,
Yeah I’m signed in online all day and just a lot to get done so didn’t really have the time to leave my computer! Not healthy indeed so I need to work on that!
Evenings are really lovely actually, just spending time together, maybe cooking or ordering in or going for a walk – it’s been very…..easy and I feel content.
However he threw a curveball this morning in that he feels he will be moved back to his previous job now that the latest project he was working on has been cancelled. That basically means he will be working night shifts and 12 hours shifts and basically always at weekends.
So I’m thrown. That literally leaves no physical way for us to see each other especially when I move back to the city and stop working from home. I feel like running away now. He’s working from home today too and I feel like I want to leave and just run back to my Dad’s house and cry by myself! What am I like?!
Well done you on staying sober, every day….another achievement. And hey, it’s okay that you texted him. Did you receive a response?
October 8, 2020 at 6:09 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #367681Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Sammy,
Sorry I’ve been delayed in responding, my new job is kicking the formidable out of me! I barely get time to eat a sandwich at lunch!
How are you doing, still taking it day by day? I hope so, because I am well aware you are capable of it.
As for your ex, there is no judgement. I felt that overwhelming need to see my ex and did so several times, despite putting it off, the need remained within me and I knew it would eventually happen.
In some ways at that time, yes it did set me back, but I feel it was setbacks that were necessary for me. I would have constantly thought about contacting him anyway, even if I had not chosen to do it, so I felt, oh well…it’ll be a trainwreck, but I might aswell do it now and stop eating myself up with indecision for the next couple of months!
Evidently I needed to contact my ex several times before I could move on. Others on here might argue that I would have moved on quicker had I not made contact, but this was my path. I obviously needed to reconcile three times, to reach my limit.
Don’t worry if you decide to get in contact, but bear in mind that even the suggestion of it has brought up all kinds of big emotions in you. Your sobriety and survival is the most important thing, so think about how a meeting or contact with the ex might effect that and as always, no judgement here – whatever you choose. x
Take care and thanks for all you input. Kind generous person. x
@kkasxo – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I’m so sorry I’m late, it’s been a hectic couple of months – how did you find it? Do you have any exciting news or developments in your life? I’d love to hear from you xOctober 5, 2020 at 9:46 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #367573Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Sammy,
Aw thank you, what a strange two years. It’s a bit mad that so much time has passed and in many ways I feel I’m the same and in many ways I feel I’m nowehere near the same person I was!
I’m feeling okay currently, I’m not in the new city for work as I’m working from the guy’s place while covid restrictions are in place, so that has helped as the anxiety of a new location and being out of my depth has eased and also trying to navigate a new relationship with distance as a factor was also very anxiety inducing, so this repreive has helped a lot in many ways. But we’ll see, it won’t last forever so I have to carve out a life that works as time goes on.
I’m so glad you’re out of self isolation – as someone who did it at the start of all of this – I know how headwrecking it can actually be. Even if the weather is bad, maybe run in the rain – wear appropriate clothes and hot shower when home – it might be cathartic! Although you may curse me if you develop a cold and end up having to be tested for covid… maybe not!
WOW… have not had a drink in 5 days. That is a wonderful achievement. You are doing really well, keep it up, because if you can do one day you can do another and next thing you know, one or two days turns in to 10 or 20 days. Hang in there, brighter days will come.
As for the ex, it really isn’t for me to say as we only glean the smallest snippet of someone’s relationship on these threads…so all I can do is maybe give general advice. Most of the time reaching out to an ex doesn’t help. They have made a decision to move on, without you…without us (I know how it feels). While your head may tell you that you have no desire to resurrect the relationship, the loss of it still have a huge impact and it hits wounds that hurt, that need to heal. I have rarely come across a situation where an ex who was the one who did the heartbreaking, was able to help the broken-hearted party heal.
You can be guaranteed that whatever choice you make, there will be zero judgement from me. I contacted my ex a few times over the years. But at the end of the day, in hindsight, it never helped. He could never fill whatever I needed filled in me. An encounter with him was never going to end satisfactorily, he could be the nicest person in the world but deep down I wanted to be chosen and he had made his choice and it wasn’t me, so any meet-up with him after that would just compound the pain.
I definitely found myself doing better in the times when there was zero contact and I almost imagined him completely gone from my ether, like he didn’t exist anymore. It helped. But again, your gut will tell you what’s right…even if your heart is over-ruling it – your gut is there deep down.
Well done again on making it through another day – another achievement – a survivor.
October 5, 2020 at 5:13 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #367560Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Sammy,
How are you doing? Is your period of self isolation over yet? Hopefully it has and the worst of the weather has passed so you can get out and about again….
September 28, 2020 at 7:52 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #367341Shelbyville
I do have a dog…well he’s at home with my Dad, but he’s Dad’s best friend. I honestly know how it feels, we have lost our dogs in the past and it has taken a toll each time. I see my Dad now with our dog and they are inseparable and I dread to think of the day when old age will take him away before Dad is ready to let him go, but I’m eternally grateful for the love and companionship he gives to Dad and the unconditional love he gives to me whenever I arrive home after the week’s work. Animals are incredible and add so much value to our lives. It is natural and honest that you feel this loss now. Take care and be well.
I’m working from home these days due to Covid restrictions, well working in the new guys apartment. It seems to be going fine for now but we’ll see how it goes. At the weekend he asked me to be his girlfriend, fully committed and I also met his parents. We had a nice weekend and I enjoyed it, but my mind and feelings never stay static for long and inevitably if I notice one off-hand remark or one time he doesn’t cuddle me when I want him to, I got down the rabbit hole in my head. Im aware of it and am trying to work on it, so we’ll see what happens.
I’m really not loving my job but don’t know what to do, this is only my 5th week in it, but I’m already seeing that it’s a tough work environment and perhaps not the best culture in there either. But I’m not a quitter either so I’m going to keep going and do my best and see how I feel around Chrismtas.
Weddings are tough. They are so stark sometimes is showing us what we feel like we might be missing. I have always gone to weddings almost my entire life without a partner until I met my ex. People would always expect me to be alone and I’d be seated with lots of friends and their partners, who I also got on very well with, so it became a cool thing and I used to really enjoy weddings on my own with no-one to ‘mind’ etc. Then I met my ex and we went to weddings together and I liked that feeling of having someone there with me so after we split, weddings were a little more difficult again and I seemed to lose that laissez faire feeling. They can be lonely now. Probably because I’m older now too I guess.
But the day you had dreaded for 2 months is over now. The worst has passed. It’s behind you and you can move on now. I know you’re being hard on yourself for how you felt on Saturday, but honestly, you’re human. It’s okay to give yourself a break. We do the best we can most of the time. Keep planning things in the future with friends or family or even by yourself, if it’s only going for a walk and hopefully bit by bit, life will start to fell better.
September 25, 2020 at 6:58 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #367224Shelbyville
You are surviving. Maybe not how you want to survive, but you’re surviving and sometimes that’s an accomplishment. It’s difficult facing loneliness, facing internal emotions, wounds….believe me I know. But I think you can come up with another plan, one that doesn’t require alcohol. You come across as an astute clever self-aware woman, so I feel confident that you can put together a new routine. How long more until the self isolation period ends? What do you plan to do this weekend, could you read a book from beginning to end or perhaps bake something? Or could you do an aerobic workout session from youtube?
We are all here at the end of the keyboard if you need us. I didn’t mention much about the new guy in my last post for two reasons – firstly, it didn’t seem that important versus a more serious concern you have about avoiding alcohol and I wanted to just give you support/advice and secondly haven spoken with the therapist, he pointed out that no relationship can survive the scrutiny of being under a telescope all the time (which I always do), so I’m working on it and just trying to enjoy it day to day for the moment – we’ll see how it goes.
My heart is with you. Truly. You’re a lovely kind human being and Rupert was lucky to have you as a friend. You will be okay, but right now the grief is painful and you need to do whatever you need to do. I hope that with time and the lovely support you surround yourself with, that the pain will lessen and the smiles will get bigger at the fond memories.
You’re incredible! Well done, you’re making steps in the right direction all the time. Every baby step, even if you think it’s small, is a baby step in the right path. Keep it up, the baby steps add up to big steps eventually. You are a kind, warm and smart person and I’m glad this thread can help in some small way.
The anxiety and mild panic attacks are yuck. An I know how you feel, I’m 37 about to turn 38, so I’m feeling the pressure – and in fairness it’s a biological pressure I guess, not society as such for me, but the scientific fact of having a female body….my choice is ever dwindling. But that’s life I guess and I try to tell myself that I’ve arrived where I am today, because I was meant to arrive. The medication is so light its barely perceptible but I do feel its taken the slightly out of control anxiety edge off. Who knows it might just be a placebo, but I’m going with it!
I hope to get a nice long walk in somewhere to get some fresh air this weekend – never underestimate the power of nature!
Be safe and well all.
September 23, 2020 at 3:28 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #367106Shelbyville
Yeah medication is never a long term option for me, but I find it a useful tool when needed and it doesn’t mask anything for me as I still feel everything sharply but it helps get a little more control or sense over my emotions so I can deal with them better.
With the journalling I guess I just open a page and usually a first thought will come to me. Oh I date it, like a diary…don’t know why, but that’s what I do! My first line might be something like ‘I feel lonely…..and then the words just pour from there. I start asking myself how do I feel and I write the answer that comes down on the page and I keep going until it’s all out or my hand gets tired writing. That’s another thing, I do it with a physical notebook and pen, not on my computer.
Rhaenys made some goof suggestions about youtube or podcasts….I find them great as they engage my mind for periods, especially if they are insightful. But it’s okay that you feel this way, it’s a pretty sucky situation at the moment – and you’re at a point in your life now it seems where the breakup has triggered other things that your soul wants to deal with. It’s all growth….painful though it may be…it’s a cracking open.
Stay strong, you know you can do it and the few weeks isolation will be over soon and you’ll get to pound the pavement again.
Rhaenys, I can enpathise on the work front. I was really nice inspired anymore by my last job but it was comfortable and familiar, hence I stayed there too long.
You have great suggestions though to fill up your life outside of work, so I hope that keeps you going.
September 22, 2020 at 8:33 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #367075Shelbyville
ParticipantRhaenys – thank you also for your insights and for reaching out to help people on this thread.
It has proven a lifesaver for me on many occasions.
Quick update on me for all: I had a chat with my GP and due to the level of change in my life right now…it’s overwhelming me a little, not to mention covid being a constant threat, so I’m going back on a very light dosage of my anti-anxiety tablet for a couple of months until I have the bandwidth to cope with everything I’m going through.
I’m happy enough to do so because it gives me the slightest reprieve. I don’t stop feeling or anything like that, I still have all the feels and get anxious etc, but it is taking the nasty edge of – it has stopped my hands shaking as my body was wracked with anxiety going to work in the mornings for example. Plus it doesn’t have any side effects for me and I know it’s a useful short term measure for me. I’ve managed a year probably at this stage now without any medication and it’s been fine, but at the moment, it’s extraordinary circumstances.
I’ll let you know how I’m going. I’m beginning to see the crazy fog lift the tiniest amount which is good and working from home is helping me too, so fingers crossed.