Forum Replies Created
Participant@Driftwood: Yeah, no. The online academy covers the entire state, and not just the district. There is one for the district, but a former friend of mine tried it, and didn’t like it. Looking back, it sounds like it could’ve been the better choice. Well, I’m not gonna bother now. Bleh, it’s the weekend, I’ll think about schoolwork on Monday. I know, I know, I’m a procrastinator, and this is when people are supposed to catch up.
Rah, censoring art is the worst. I’ve had a lot of my artwork deleted from sites, and I’ve also seen a lot of other people get their artwork reproted, even if it’s just a well-made sculpture. Bothersome. It could probably also be my occasional angsty teen language, accidental risky links (if tinybuddha allowed me to, I’d go back and either add a warning to those links, or delete them entirely). Could be just someone flagging us for overstaying our welcome. Maybe I have a guilty conscious.
Thanks. I have thrifting to do now, (from that overdue christmas shopping spree thing) so I’ll check back, later. Wish me luck on my finds. There was a neon yellow fanny pack there last time, and I’m hoping it’s still there. Not joking, I have that feeling of regret for not impulse buying it the first time. Didn’t have a price tag, so that means I get to wave a neon yellow fanny pack in a worker’s face, to ask them how much it is.
Participant@Driftwood: Hey. Quicker than expected.
Thanks for the reassurance on art styles. I follow a lot of twenty-somethings who are more than comfortable with their current art style, but I can see them burning out eventually. But it is nice to have that signature thing that keeps people coming back. Still yet to find mine, but with time, I’m sure. I guess it’s better to start the endeavor now, than when I’m 80.
I’m having a hard time understanding the first question you’re asking. I’m currently enrolled in an online academy, if that helps any. My counselor is under my health care and my former doctor referred me, so I should probably be mentioning her as my therapist, but y’know. The academy does have counselors, but all the communications are forwarded to your parents. There was a school counselor last year who skype with me and helped me set up a plan for catching up, but I’d be embarrassed to go back to her, for help. But she taught me techniques that I can use again, if my teachers decide to keep the assignments open for longer. A few of my teachers this year are notably rude and show no empathy when it comes to late work or mental illness (okay, maybe I’m actually using it as an excuse here, but you try doing algebra while someone is screaming at you from outside your door). Anyways, I’ll see what I can do. The lady from last year told me to always turn in the things with the most possible points first, to boost my grades faster. And that anything is better than a zero. Very nice lady.
“This topic has been reported for inappropriate content.” Fiddlesticks. If it survives, it survives. If not, it lived a long life.
Participant@Driftwood: Howdy. I feel like this is gonna be a long post, so beware.
Yeah, it’s a bumpy start to 2017 for me, too. I’m sure we both remember the art high I was on during the entirety of winter break, which means that I didn’t do any catching up, and now I’m failing 6/7 of my classes, with little to no hope of passing any of them now.
As for the con – I made the wrong choice. Only one of my three friends I invited could make it, to start off. It was supposed to be a “end of winter break/end of the year” hangout/celebration thing. But where I messed up was with the location. As I mentioned before, I already knew they changed the con hotel location, but I decided to go to the mall nearby anyways. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to a con hotel, but there’s nothing to do, besides pay gargantuan amounts of money for admission and overpriced merchandise. And attend the deathly boring panels, which are usually hosted by very awkward introverts, who can’t do anything but mumble and click the “next” button on a powerpoint.
So we get to the mall. In onesies. We are the only ones dressed up. I’ve made a terrible, terrible mistake. My friend has never been to a con before, and she’s now upset with me for lying to her. We Google the new con hotel location, and it’s nearly 3 miles away, which is nearly an hour long walk. We tried to find the bus stop that’d take us there, but neither of us have the best sense of direction, so we decide to stay at Lloyd (the mall). I would’ve called mom to come back and drive us across the bridge (where the con hotel is), but she was on her way to go grocery shopping, and she brought her boyfriend with her. (And yes, that made a super awkward car ride from my friend’s house, to the mall. This particular friend knows I don’t like him, but doesn’t really understand. So she was yapping during the entire time, in which I only replied with silent nods, and pretended like I didn’t want to curl up and die.) And that being said, I didn’t get to go to Powell’s. I will, though.
My friend and I had a decent time. I made a other shallow promise of claiming there was a hot topic there, when it, in fact, has closed down within the past year. But we got some shopping done. She bought a tokidoki book bag, and I bought a little tokidoki unicorn notebook, to fill with advice and short quotes by the end of this year. And she stayed over for new years, which we spent standing outside my apartment, looking for fireworks, in the worst spots. She started shouting happy new years at everyone, and told me to lighten up. Then we went out and got sparkling cider. I spent that night sick and trembling, because my mom didn’t get me the sleep aid until 12pm. But all-in-all, I had a good time. And she got me fuzzy pajama pants. I really like fuzzy pajama pants. (I’m in a bit of a pickle, because her grandmother bought me a seemingly expensive jacket, but it’s really not my style, and cleaning out my closet is something I’ve been focusing on.. but my grandma didn’t even get me anything..)
I don’t currently have access to Netflix, but I have a few friends I could always pester for their login, or the online movie and tv streaming websites. That opening you linked is really well done. Their use of the drippy textures works in really nice, I think. It gives it a “dark” feel.
Speaking of art, I’ve found another opportunity. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to land it, but I think it’s worth a shot. There’s a new and upcoming monthly surprise box called Stickerbento, and they send out 8 large stickers a month, all by different underground artists. And you can submit art, for free. The only problems I’m having is that the style that a lot of the stickers they have chose previously are very cartoony, and it’s a hard style for me to pull off. I love creating as much depth as possible, and I hate doing lineart, so this is going to be a challenge. But I’ve started on a design already, and I think it’s going swell. I might’ve spent 2 hours coloring the skin how I usually would, and deleted that layer after I finished, to restart on a more simplistic style. And I started drawing my ginger character, only to realize that the company chooses a lot of stickers in a blue/purple/pink color palette, so I sucked it up, and made her hair blue instead. I think it’s coming out well.
Also, I’ve been having a little bit of an ongoing crisis for the past 3 or 4 years (yes, another one). Art style;what is it? Why can’t I maintain one? Doing this sticker submission is making me question where I am with my work, again. I feel like all the progress of finding myself, after I stopped copying anime/manga artists, is slowly unraveling. I feel lost. It’s always been a big goal of mine to have someone see one of my works, and know it’s mine, by my style. But my artwork is all over the place. And I feel like this is going to be an ongoing battle for many more years.
And more on art; I really, really, really want to sell some little doodles this year. Actually, just right before I checked the forum, I was researching on for types of paper people use when selling their artwork. I understand that a doodle isn’t going to sell as well as a painting, but it’s easier for me to take baby steps to committing to something that’ll take 2 hours, compared to 20 hours. Plus, the longer amount of time I put into something, the more attached I become.
Mother came home with a bottle of 90 vitamin D pills. One to be taken with food, daily. This means finding something appetizing to eat, daily. Actually, right before she came home I was quickly striding to the kitchen to grab some crakcers, because I didn’t know who would come home first, or when, so I didn’t know if I’d get hungry later. Now everyone’s making fun of me for never leaving my room. They’re all playing doctor, and saying “go out more”. I wish I could express to my doctor that I’m painfully agoraphobic (and for good reason).
Conflict is picking up in the house, again. It all falls exactly under the teepee scenario. He’s scheduled someone to replace the living room carpet with hard wood flooring this weekend, but he’s going to be out of town, and expects mother, the two very rowdy dogs and I to find somewhere else to go for 8 hours. After mother declines this, his response is hilarious. “None of this would be happening if [Sammi] would just take out the damn dogs to go piss.” (Mind you, I haven’t been able to wake up until 1pm, which is about the time everyone starts to come home. Oversleeping is extremely uncontrollable for me. I hate to play the mental illness card, but y’know.)
The blame game. I love the blame game. Keep it comin’.
Participant@Driftwood: I made it out of Christmas and the candlelight service alive.
The candlelight service wasn’t awful. Though, I had quite a few uncomfortable handshakes. One of their hands felt like grabbing onto one of those oddly wet putty slime toy things. Another wouldn’t let go of my hand for at least an entire minute. And my mother thought it was a good idea to sit at the balcony section of the church, which meant carefully making sure not to drop my lit candle onto the unknowing crowd below. But I survived nonetheless. And on Christmas, I didn’t leave bed. Not complaining.
Not many presents, besides the overdue shopping trip that’s continuously being put off. My online friend and I do a thing each year where we buy eachother a few things, so I’m currently waiting on the things she bought me, along with the presents I ordered for my local friends.
I’ll try to make my way to Powell’s tomorrow. No promises there. I have a pretty awful sense of direction, and downtown is kind of a rat maze.
The majority of the listed symptoms of having too much testosterone are physical, but there’s also an increased risk of depression, anxiety and mood swings. I had a surprise blood drawing at my checkup yesterday, along with other uncomfortable tests. Going in for the results next week, or so.
Severance has become a staple in a lot of my work. I’m not sure why, but it’s just become something I find fun to draw. I’ve never looked too deep into it meaning-wise, but I’d imagine it’d have something to do with the disconnect between body and mind. When the head goes, the body does too. You never see a physically healthy person who’s mentally ill. Maybe it comes from my concern that mental health isn’t treated as seriously as physical health.
Also, I use Paint Tool Sai to draw, mostly. I have CS6 downloaded too, but I mainly use it for adjustments to the Canon photos. I’m always told to try drawing in Photoshop, but it just doesn’t feel as user-friendly to me. I understand that it does have an amazing amount of features, but I can’t help but cling onto the simplicity of Sai, even if it shows through my artwork. Maybe I’m just not willing to give up the 3 years it took to master navigating sai.
My mother considers my s.o. as a family friend. She’s busted into my room a few times while him and I were on skype, so they’ve talked a few times before. She actually asks me about him daily, just because she knows he’s one of the few people I talk to daily.
Misunderstood is a relevant word. As much of a generic teenager problem as it is, I just feel like I can’t tell her anything, because she won’t understand. I feel foreign, compared to her. She’s very caring, but also very clueless, if you will. Maybe clueless isn’t the right word, I’m a bit sleepy, and also lacking 3 vials of blood.
Speaking of which, my mother was in the waiting room, while my friend and I were at the appointment. I come back out afterwards, after just regaining full consciousness (I didn’t fully pass out, but I came close enough to where my vision and hearing were gone for a few minutes). What do I see? My mother, flirting with another guy. He looked like he just flew up from California, after a douchey model shoot.
I’m standing there, leaning on my friend, waiting for the two to exchange Facebooks, so we could schedule the next appointment and leave. I felt a strange mix of frustration and embarrassment. I was irritated with my mother for obvious reasons, but also embarrassed that my friend had to endure waiting for my mother to stop letting herself get harassed by this guy.
Though, I suppose he did compliment my hair, so he obviously couldn’t be that bad. “Only doing that to be on both my mother and I’s good side”? Whaat? Of course not. Definitely not another overly confident, abusive twat that only shows his true colors after signing a lease with him.
Everything’s been kind of slow, recently. I had my friend over from Monday to Thursday. I feel a bit guilty, because some of my traits acquired from the situation are rubbing off on her. She doesn’t want to leave my room when he’s there, and she asks me if she’s allowed to eat things from the kitchen, before she does.
Anyways, this is my one day of being antisocial before this weekend. But it’s also my s.o.’s birthday, so I’m on skype with him, mostly replying with grunts and falling asleep here and there. Joyous. Hopefully your day is going better than mine.
ParticipantOh, forgot to mention another side note. I finally got mom to send out my painting to my s.o., and he just got it, a few days ago. On the packaging, she apparently wrote “Thank you for all of your kindness to [Sammi]. I appreciate you more than I can express. Love, [Sammi’s mum]”.
I just found that odd and heartwarming, figured I would share. I think she knows about him and I, but doesn’t think I know that she knows. Or maybe she does, and we’re all just dancing around thin ice. Either way, she’s cool with it, apparently.
Participant@Driftwood: Hey. Merry Christmas to you, too. Hope all goes well, and you get to spend time with your daughter.
For christmas this year, mother and I are essentially doing early back-to-school shopping, sooner or later. I only have two pairs of non-pajama pants that fit, and two pairs of shoes I can survive a day in, but one is starting to kick the can. But I think as far as the day itself goes, I don’t think much will go on here. It’s kind of a bummer, because nothing else brings me back to actual childhood more than waking up to an array of presents. But last year, my mom’s idea of good presents were a rickety makeup holder, and a scale. So it’s better this way, since she doesn’t know me well enough to gift me anything I’d actually want.
There’s a cosplay convention going on through new years weekend, in downtown. Maybe I’ll stop by the bookstore, if we’re close enough. Or if my two energetic, impatient friends will let me. Long story, but the con is relocating this year, across the river, so now the area we usually hang out at during the con is too far away. The new hotel location is at the waterfront, but no one wants to run around a river in 30 degrees, or pace back and forth a tiny hotel for a few hours.
I wouldn’t say he’s heavy into body building, buuuut, he leaves for the gym at 5am every morning, with a protein shake. With the short glances I get of him, I don’t see any improvement over the past 3 years. Also, this is probably irrelevant, but on Wednesday, I get to pester my doctor about testing for having too much testosterone, as 99% of the symptoms listed online align up. I just found it funny how that works.
The livestream went well, a few of my friends sat around and chatted with me, until my wifi dropped. And it was an ego booster too, which is always nice.
I really hope this new year does show some sort of change. Excuse my language, but 2016 was quite the kick to my tush.
I accidentally said “yes” at the wrong time, and now I’m being dragged to a candlelight church service in 3 hours. Please wish me luck. I don’t think I’ll survive.. -dramatic back of hand to forehead-
So, this was my first week of break. I’ve gotten something artsy done nearly every day this week, but I also have 30+ assignments to catch up on. I. Can’t. Win.
Warning; minor surrealistic gore. If you can’t handle bubblegum pink blood, and gobstopper insides, don’t click. (This one was done on a 2×2″ canvas that my friend bought me for Christmas, along with two giant ones. I used watered-down blue, yellow and pink florescent pink. Took me ’bout 3 hours. I genuinely love the challenge of working on small canvases like this, but no one views the outcome as impressive as something larger.) (I was putting on some of my favorite music, and getting pumped to get some schoolwork out of the way. Suddenly, he comes home, screaming. What do I do, instead of schoolwork? Trace a stock photo on my phone, and make it my own. Took me 2 hours.
For reference, I don’t smoke, and I don’t have interest in smoking. Cigarettes are just kind of the trademark of one of my favorite singers, whom I was listening to at the time, so that’s what I was inspired by.) (This was a request from my friend, if you can’t tell, because it’s not something I’d normally draw. He wanted cover art for a song he wrote. Something about lightening and women. Also took 3 hours.) (This is another thing I drew on my phone. It’s a trace of one of my old photos. Took me about an hour. Deciding to start a drawing at 4am is a bad idea.)
Ooo, outside links.. click at your own risk.
I also got another painting to near completion, but I don’t feel like taking the time to complete it. And I started another one, but I can’t get the style I want correctly. Raaah. I have so many canvases, so little ideas, and even littler motivation. And massive amounts of schoolwork hanging over my head.
Participant@Driftwood: Howdy. I hope your snow shoveling wasn’t too exhausting.
Ah, mailmen. My dogs don’t like them, either. Maybe they’re all up to something that us non-mailmen humans don’t know about? Who knows.
As for you “big baby” comment, that sounds pretty correct. I don’t know if “addiction” is really something relevant here, unless we’re talking about his frequent protein shakes, and testosterone shots. That was a bit mean, but it’s true.
When I read your challenge/suggestion to do something that essentially makes me confident, and then leave my room when he’s around, I got the mental image of younger me standing there, and quietly shaking my head. Forgive me, as I know that it can only be a step forward, but I don’t think I want to endure that, just yet. It is doable, but in a chore way. Don’t think I would look very natural at it, and then it’d become their entire conversation for the night. When I close my room door behind me, it’s kind of like I’m leaving all of my confidence there.
To get myself out of bed tomorrow, I’m planning on livestreaming my makeup process, before counseling. (Instagram has a livestream feature, now.) I have a pretty small following, for someone online (350 people, about), so it’ll be a shock if I get more than 2 people watching. Hopefully that goes well.
The snow isn’t as pretty as it was a few days ago, which sucks. I really wanted to take a few photos, but the area around here isn’t all that inspiring. I have a hard time finding nice sights, within walking distance. I wish I had friends over a few days ago, but the drive would’ve taken forever. I’m kicking myself, because it was all such a missed opportunity. Maybe more snow will come, maybe not. There’s always next year.
I’ve heard of Powell’s Books, but I’ve never really had the chance to have a wholesome trip to one of their stores. I was passing through once, (wasting time with a friend) a few years ago, and got a few uninviting stares from the college kids that seemed to be everywhere. Felt a little lost. I remember their variety of books being insane, though. Believe it or not, I don’t actually read a lot of books, but I do like being in bookstores. Preferably, the manga or comic section of Barnes and Noble.
Oh – sorry to hear about the video sending website. I’ll dig around for an alternative, for future video sending needs. Possibly just uploading things to youtube as unlisted.
Had my friend over, for a few days. She managed to motivate me to get out of the bed relatively early, and then we headed out to the mall. The sidewalks are completely covered in ice, and she decided to wear high heels. Having a laugh at her wobbly, newborn deer walk felt nice.
We got there. Everything felt routine, of checking the few same shops and nagging about the same few things. But we got to Spencer’s, and the routine broke a little. Someone tapped me on the shoulder, which nearly gave me a heart attack, and complimented me on my hair. I quietly accepted it, and then wheezed at my friend, because neither of us are used to social interaction. Also, the mall is at a constant state of being completely packed, so her and I ended up panicking in the middle of Spencer’s. The guy that complimented me earlier sees us two huddled together and comes over to make conversation with us. He’s our age, apparently. At first, I thought he was an employee there.
Anyways, he ends up being a cool guy, and we exchange contact info. This is a big deal for me, because now I have a new friend. I’ve made a new friend. (I should clarify that I’m not naive, I made sure to make it very apparent to him that both my friend and I are in relationships, and he understood.)
Participant@Driftwood: As they say, work happens. Or y’know, something along those lines.
I’ve come to terms with that whole situation. It’s done and over with. But I do feel a little guilty for carelessly posting outside links. I just considered the fact that I’ve used that website many times before with no viruses/scams, so it would’ve prolly been fine. Then again, not everyone uses Avast. I dunno.
Yeah, I do sense change. Little change, but it’s still there.
Just walked the dogs again. One of the most infuriating dog walks ever. Mother decided to avoid driving, so we walked them around the icy parking lot. I got stuck with our rowdy, massive bulldog/pitbull puppy, who likes to tug, and not listen to me ever. My mother offered to switch dogs, but I didn’t want to give up, or make her day any more stressful. (I already added to her list by asking she schedule a doctor’s appointment, as I managed to get something lodged in my ear.)
After lots of yelling, screeching and tugging later, we got home. My hands were burning from firmly gripping her rope leash, and my face was burning from having to put up with her. (The dog is a girl, I’m not referring to tugging my mother around on a leash.) He greets the dogs cheerfully, with not a care in the world. This made me realize something.
I’m better than him at something. This may not seem like anything new to anyone else, as you always see how I hold myself, compared to him. But for the longest time, I felt like I was good at nothing, and good for nothing. This is still a very familiar feeling. Let me explain further. If it was him being tugged around by the puppy, he would’ve lost it. He would’ve either scream at her until she listened, or threw the leash and stormed back to the house. I do the dirty work that he can’t handle.
ParticipantLil update.
I’ve spent more than an hour out of my room today. This was not purposeful, though. While we were out at my old Jr. high, walking our dogs, there was a snow storm just picking up. The school is about 10 minutes away from where we live now. We hit the freeway, and got stuck there for 3 entire hours. I was forced to listen to nothing but the repeating local news stories on the radio, and my mother humming the same Christmas song for the entirety of the 3 hours, while slowly starting to become more and more hungry from (accidentally) not eating for 24 hours. Her phone died, so she also played on her noisy gps, and changed the house address on there, for the first time in 6 years. (We’ve moved 4 times since then, actually.)
I’m home now, though. We got one of the furthest parking spots at the parking lot, so it was a lengthy walk in the snow to our apartment. Just as we’re coming up to our apartment, I can make out a familiar, irritating silhouette, through my fogged-up glasses.
He’s standing there, in shorts. He set himself up for failure, much like how he insist that mother has done to me. I can feel myself grumbling every swear word in the book as I have no other option but to walk towards him, with my mom just behind me. He states that he came out to find her. How sweet.
For the rest of the way, I walk as far ahead from them as my dog allows me to. It’s uncomfortable, because he, her boyfriend, purposely slows down behind me. At one point, I tug the dogs leash too hard, and it slides off his neck. I grit my teeth, storm to the door (no pun intended), and fight with the door knob.
He locked the door, before taking his heroic two steps outside. This meant I had to stare at my phone for a few minutes, while waiting for them to catch up, so he could unlock the door. He finally does, and I wait for mother to go inside first, so I can have that little extra bit of space away from him.
Later, in my room, I hear him telling his absolutely heart-warming story. It basically went something like “well, I wasn’t getting any response from you, and I didn’t know if she had my number, so I figure I would go out and look for you“.
I just feel like he’s acting all high and mighty about nothing. Even if he did manage to get to his car, he wouldn’t have had a clue where we were located, and would’ve gotten stuck in traffic. Then, after two minutes of waiting and swearing, he’d drive back home.
Also, my friend’s single dad has been freakishly nice to mother and I. Like, he’s given me $200 USD within the past month, and he comments on everything her and I post on facebook. I’ve asked mom on her thoughts, and she said he’s “too nice“. It’s repulsive to think she actively searches for someone who treats us both like garbage.
Anyways, that was my little ramble on today. Nothing special happened, but I just felt like venting.
Participant@rose-tattoo: Thank you for taking the time to post!
I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had to go through something similar. It’s definitely not any fun.
I’ll try to be a little more open with the idea of going out more. There’s a mall across the street from the apartments, so maybe I’ll go over there, with a sketchbook, sometime. Well, if I can get up before 4pm. Hopefully next year is a little brighter, when I can spend 7 hours a day outside of the apartment, at school.
Usually, I say my worst bouts of depression are in summer, but the recent drops in temperature have been freakishly debilitating. I’ve been oversleeping like crazy. It’s too cold to get out of bed, but every time I turn my electric blanket back on, (it turns back off every 8 hrs) I get sleepy again. Not to mention, I have nowhere important to be.
I never really get out of bed and take photos anymore, cause I feel like there’s no point. It’s not worth the discomfort of freezing my bum off. But on the other side, I’m seeing both my quality in both art and photography going down the toilet.
Can’t use my room heater; it’s placed in the worst place, to where however I can place my mattress, it’s up against the heater. Catching on fire doesn’t sound like fun. Can’t buy a space heater, either.
Winter’ll pass sooner or later.
Participant@Anita: Oh lord, I’m very sorry to hear that you had to go through that virus fiasco. I’ve ruined many laptops due to such, so props to you for getting your computer back up and running.
Best to you too, Anita.
(God, I accidentally mentioned the wrong Nina in the in my last post. My bad.)
ParticipantOh gosh, a lotta posting has been going on since I last checked here..
@Nina: Hi! I completely understand, I really don’t expect you to read through 120+ posts.And thank you – maybe I’ll get back into creative writing. And I’ll be sure to check out the movies you’ve mentioned. (Though I have seen Dark Knight Rises, I don’t remember anything that happened in it, besides batman being cool for a few hours.)
I know something else lies past my room, and I really can’t wait to find it. Only a bit longer, now.
@Driftwood: Thank you for doing all the helpful explaining that I always have trouble with.
I’ve had no communications with Nina outside of this forum, (but she sounds like a cool lady). I chose Sammi Sakura as my username because it’s been my online alias for a while, now. (Yes, that means that Sammi isn’t my real name. This doesn’t change who I am, of course.) Sammi is just a name I grew fondly to within the past 5ish years (it started off as Sam, due to the tomboy phase..), and started introducing myself as such. Even my close friends call me Sammi.
As for the Sakura part, this comes from when I started my unhealthy obsession with Japan. I submerged myself into the culture for 2-3 years. And there’s quite a few cherry blossoms here in Portland, and I always thought those were pretty. So, y’know Sakura. Plus I really like alliteration. So I couldn’t resist giving myself an alliterative alias.
Hopefully that clears it up?
(Apologies that I don’t actually use my real name, but it’s just a small safety measure that I’ve always used. Especially when I’m revealing so much, personally.)
@Anita: Thank you.I’m glad that you’ve come to that conclusion, as I do truly look up to you and your work on here. No bad blood, alright?
I do see my inconsistencies, but I can only explain it as writing from both of my extremes. Obviously, I have anxiety (as most people nowadays), and so there’s times when I go through worst case scenarios in my head. Those are the times I find myself scared to be around him. But as of lately, I’ve been mentally debunking the worst case scenarios, and peeking behind the stage curtains. I can see past his tricks. “Good person, bad situation”. And as Driftwood has verified, I am, in fact, only human. (A human that has a very hard time explaining themselves.)
And for my corrections, I understand. I don’t remember exactly what I told my ex boyfriend when we broke up. I truly don’t. I wish I did. I might’ve said I found someone better, I might have not. I understand how hurtful that comes across, though. I’m still paying the price of getting his hopes up. Guilt still consumes me daily, but I still feel like I made the right choice.
And as for the “hugs put medicine to shame”, I don’t know what’s happening there. I’m not sure if the context is coming off right. But I don’t think it’s worth really looking into too deep, because all I mean is that I prefer hugs over medicine. A hug is more likely to cheer me up over antidepressants (not that I’ve ever tried any, because I don’t have any interest in relying on medication like that).
I don’t have much to say here, besides the fact that I’m still very tired. I accidentally deleted one entire set of photos before I could import any of them to my computer. If only kicking yourself was actually possible.
Participant@Driftwood: I hope your weekend went well, hearing that you were pretty occupied.
Raaah, I’m tired. Not much of a response is coming to mind, currently. I really shouldn’t be trying to form replies when I’m completely emotionally drained, but I like to respond as often as possible, for the simple sake of politeness. Why ignore someone if they’re only trying to help?
Ah – eggshells. During this weekend, my friend’s grandma (she temporarily lives with her grandparents, due to a divorce) kept insisting I eat constantly, and with their household, around the TV. It felt painfully uncomfortable for multiple reasons. For one, I never eat other people’s cooking besides my mothers. Secondly, I never eat in the same room as anyone else, unless it’s something quick at the mall. To be so welcomed into a household was completely strange to me. I actually ate 3 meals, in one day. Granted, I felt like garbage afterwards. But it was strange to have someone always in the kitchen, preparing the next meal. (I’m used to fending for myself until when mom makes dinner, so that ends up being the only meal I eat, because it’s the only thing I’m forced to eat. Maybe “forced” is too harsh of a word.)
But the entire time, I felt like nothing but a waste of time, effort and food. They didn’t make me feel like such, but I felt it anyways. It’s an unshakable feeling. I couldn’t help but do an awkward bow, synced with a quiet “thaaanks..”, after every meal. Also, thanks for pointing out the lack of self worth as fallout, because I have a decently difficult time identifying what is, and what isn’t.
(And as much as I wish I was a 65 year old male taxi driver, though that’d probably equally or more miserable, or in any other life than my own, I am not. Sorry, if I seem to have come off as such. Actually, I still don’t fully know how to drive a car.)
@Anita: Howdy.I’ve filmed a video, in response to most everything you’ve said. Only in hopes that repeating myself for 30 minutes on camera would make me seem a little more believable. I didn’t edit out the parts of me reading your later posts, but that’s because I didn’t want it to seem fake. (Also, the watermark at the beginning and end are from converting the video file to a lower quality type of file, because my PC likes to film in the .mp4 format, which made the file 1.8GB, which made it exceed the SendVid limit.)
As for the notable difference in speech – in my typing compared to my talking – I don’t really think of things before I say them, whereas I can think before I type. It makes for a difference, because I can make alterations to my vocabulary before I post. (I mention that briefly in the video). It should also be apparent that I’m a total introvert, and so it’s harder for me to successfully get my point across offline, rather than online. I’m really not quite used to talking alone in my room, unless it’s during a Skype call.
The more I think about it, the more guilty I feel, though I have no reason to feel as such. It’s like when a cop drives by, you’re wearing your seat belt, but feel on edge anyways?
A little more to mention to post #5 – my mother is constantly complaining to me about her adult problems, so then her adult problems become my adult problems. Well, I don’t actively worry about them, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t in the back of my head. So I constantly get to hear about her late paychecks, the utility bills rising, the rent rising and the garbage apartment managers.
I should also mention, in addition to being homeschooled, I’ve always been friends with the older crowds. And even when I went to public school, I always befriended the teachers, more than most of the students. Or freakishly mature people my age, mostly online. (And I always know they’re my age, thanks to Skype. I don’t have a problem talking to older people, at all, until they hide their age.) I don’t wanna whine on about “wah, wah, I’m truly mature for my age!!”, but I am.
Lastly, around the end of the video, I beg you for more ways to prove it, but in the 4 hours it’s taken to film, convert that video, and type this up, I’ve come to a conclusion. A conclusion I’ve mentioned before, but didn’t quite settle on, mentally.
Believe what you want. I’m tired. I really don’t feel like bending over backwards just over the fight of my existence, so I’m not going to. Take this, or leave it. I know who I am, my friends/s.o. know who I am, and that’s all that should matter to me. This was stressing me out all day whilst shopping, even though it shouldn’t.
But, I’m impressed by your creativity. Have you witnessed something similar on here before?
My apologies for handling this so immaturely, recently. Again, I’m just in a little bit of shock.
I’m gonna go edit the new canon pics now, finally. Goodnight.
ParticipantIt won’t let me edit my last post, but I also should mention that I’ve never thought too much of my clarity, patience and intelligence and such, so I appreciate you both for opening my eyes a bit. It’s really nice to have something else to add to the list of “things that don’t make me a complete waste of space”. Slightly self-deprecating joke, I know.
Now that I’ve added that, maybe I can stop tossing and turning. It’s been thirty minutes..
Participant@Driftwood: I honestly have no idea.
I think that where she’s coming from is her disbelief in how I manage to be so unjaded in the current situation I’m in, and with how long it’s been. I’ve read her reply a few times, and I’m still a little lost, but all I can do is give quiet acknowledgement and respect her choice.
Again, I just don’t ever want anyone to think that I’m not trustable. I am who I say, and I’ve endured everything as long as I have.
Also, I’m at my friend’s house again, this weekend. Replies might not be too speedy/lengthy. Trying to get photos of the new hair, before it fades. Being away from home only makes me want to paint, but I’m never in the mood to paint, when I’m at home.