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  • in reply to: Do artist make art because they believe in something? #286899

    It was definitely easier the only thing was I got distracted often, will give more news. Thanks Jayjay!

    in reply to: Do artist make art because they believe in something? #286785

    I don’t know I gotta try that right now actually 🙂

    in reply to: Do artist make art because they believe in something? #284621

    @Peter You know what? I think I often did the same, there were days that I would be in a low mood and I would shout “screw it!” and just worked with no expectations like I didn’t really care if I failed. In those times it went very well and in the end I would be happy with the results and share with others. I take my work too seriously and it is killing my drive, we know that the human body is afraid of discomfort and try to stay away from it. If I’m always afraid and believe making art is a struggle, hard, slow, I’m unmotivated, fear of disappointment and so on… Then there’s just no reason to do it if all it’s to be is pain.

    Don’t know about you but I’m a gamer and I love video games. A LOT. I decided to analyze what comes to my mind when I feel like playing something. There’s the excitation, expectations, looking for a challenge, wanting to get better, I play just because I want to and not because I have to.

    Now… It’s not always all rainbows I can get quite mad sometimes and swear but I can take a short break and few hours later I return back and feel fresh and new. I enjoy unlocking achievements and they can be very challenging, sometimes you have to start all over when you make a mistake, but I still like it, I find it odd, like why do I want it so badly to get all of them? I could easily make a living by just playing video games all day long because I’m good at it and been doing it since I was like 5 but I would prefer to create them and share with the world and inspire.

    in reply to: Do artist make art because they believe in something? #284613

    @JayJay Well yesterday I started to post my work online on Facebook so that I can get clients. I’m good at fixing old pictures and it is something that I do quite enjoy doing. Still don’t know if it will workout but hopefully it will. I’m not in any art group, I’ve been to a couple before but seeing people’s work and their paste it was making me mad at myself for being so slow so I decided to stop looking at people’s work for now. I often compare myself to others but not as much as I used to.

    in reply to: Do artist make art because they believe in something? #284607

    @nycartis  I do have things that interest me that I would like to try but I fear that people will judge me or see me in a weird way. I know I shouldn’t care because it’s my life after all but I don’t know… It’s related to sex, fantasy, kinks, that sort of thing. I’m still looking for a type of art that I could easily enjoy everyday.

    in reply to: Do artist make art because they believe in something? #284605

    Hey JayJay I’m back sorry for the late response.  No I tried to do something easier and I’m still working on it. I had so many things that was bothering me so I decided to use art to express my feelings. I haven’t done anything like it before, it will be small work but still challenging so that I am still learning. Thank you for sticking with me all this time I really appreciate it.

    in reply to: Do artist make art because they believe in something? #283563

    Still procrastinating :/ I felt like it helped but I think there’s something else. This is really annoying. Will try small tasks first maybe I’m too hard on myself.

    in reply to: Do artist make art because they believe in something? #282807

    I will 🙂 Just give me a few days.

    in reply to: Do artist make art because they believe in something? #282725

    I am about to start! Thank you for everything and the excellent support! I am excited to see how it will turn out 🙂

    in reply to: Do artist make art because they believe in something? #282657

    It is helping yes thanks a lot. It shows that there’s a some kind of blockage that I am not seeing. What I will try today is to just do art for fun, no stress, no worries, and I will see if I enjoy it more. Normally what I do is I start a project and I’m like “Hopefully it will turns out okay” And it does gives me anxiety because I know it’s going to be a challenge. I have fear of failure and I ask questions like “what if it will take weeks, what if I make a mistake, how can people do this so easily??” All the time.

    I will give an update later on to tell how it went 🙂

    in reply to: I'm totally lost and I need some support and reassurance #190407

    I’m doing much better, I don’t have any loved ones or professionals, and even if I did I can’t afford. I want to work for myself which takes a bit of time. I kept myself busy these pass days and stopped worrying as much and I was able to sleep better and have less symptoms. Today is a new day and I made two little projects I want to finish, it’s going to be fun.

    Thank you for being concerned for me and wishing me the best, I truly wish you the same. If you want more news from me let me know, take care!

    in reply to: I'm totally lost and I need some support and reassurance #190013

    Hey L,

    Wasn’t sure for the question, I’m single but I do have one of the best friends I ever meet we talk daily but she lives in a different country so we only talk online. If I go to professionals I can’t afford it. (I hate to go to money subjects) I do not work and I can’t even get myself proper clothes, at least I have a place to live with my parents and have food as long I pay the rent. I will ask on a vegan forum and see if anyone ever experienced this because I really feel awful I have no idea what’s up with me, it could be stress but I used to have full blown panic attacks for almost four years and not once I had that many problems with my guts or overall health, though back then I was a meat eater, I could be deficient on something who knows, will do some research. Thank you for your concerns I will let you know when things will settle down. Take care, Luc

    in reply to: I'm totally lost and I need some support and reassurance #190001

    Dear anita:

    What I was saying is that when I was little I had bad experiences and I think that these made me fear of throwing up, but in 2015 it happened again but without warning and it went so fast. And then I said it’s making more sense now why I get so scared of it, thinking it will be another bad experience, in my mind I make scary scenarios and it often feels so real and I over exaggerate things. The more I stress myself over this the worst the symptoms gets, and it affects my belly too and with time I developed IBS and I struggle with it daily. Not fun at all…

    in reply to: I'm totally lost and I need some support and reassurance #189843

    Dear anita:

    yes I’m 24 and my mother always took care of me, maybe a bit too much sometimes, I remember when I was around 7 I had severe food poisoning that lasted for days and she took me to the hospital because I was dangerously dehydrated and I refused to drink or eat anything, then the doc scared me saying I will stay in the hospital if I refused to drink the orange juice he gave me, so I did. Since then I think that’s when I started to not like hospitals. I never saw my parents ever get sick or my two older brothers, just fever or little colds. 2015 When it happened I thought “Why me?” I didn’t like to be the center of attention. When I went to the kitchen to go upstairs for the bathroom to clean it my mother was like eugh! that smells bad… I felt more shame, she didn’t mean to do that though. When done cleaning I went back to the kitchen and she gave me a glass of Eno and took one or two sips and again I rushed to open the door and go outside and everyone could see me, I even missed a bit and hit the balcony and I heard my dad screaming inside “not there!” done it 6 more times and I felt much better. I wasn’t that scared at the end I was mostly thinking “come on end it already” And that was it, went to bed and during the night I had a fever and I barely eaten anything during the day so I forced myself to eat soup.

    The emetophobia I have is not very serious and I don’t let it stop me to eat or live, yesterday I wasn’t feeling that great but I went to visit my friend because I told him I would visit him, I’m able to see people get sick in front of me too and I won’t freak out. Everything is making more sense now.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Luc.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Luc.
    in reply to: I'm totally lost and I need some support and reassurance #189727

    Thanks Peter, anita, Mark, L, and Grant for everything. It helps and I thought that it was beautiful and at the same time I struggled a bit to accept reality. There’s no point to fight it I can’t control anything so I will let it do his job and do the best I can to be in peace. At the moment I have a bit of nausea and cramps in my stomach due to anxiety and other symptoms like cold hands, head tension, body all tensed, heart rate higher, chills and a couple more. I really hate it and tired to suffer, my biggest fear for now is the emetophobia I created because of an unexpected experience three years ago.

    Skip this part if not interested to know.

    I was trying to sleep but couldn’t I kept burping and feeling hot, bit dizzy and all off, not sure if it was food poisoning or a flu but I was in my bed staring the ceiling with the light on and the fan spinning and suddenly my body gave like an alarm telling me to stand up and run for a bucket and I succeed but barely, it happened so fast and my mother heard it and I felt ashamed and helpless and scared because I kinda forgot how to do it, it has been years and I rarely get sick, but it was automatic but not sure if it was simply luck. I fear that it will happen again and I will choke or my throat will burn the taste will be horrible and I will lose my mind etc. I wish that I had someone I could hug and let all the negativity out honestly 🙁


    Anyways I know it is my choice and I can do something about it. I just wanted to say that it makes me feel less alone and I’m glad you’ve all took the time to respond to me and helping me, love you all. I will get some sleep I’m exhausted.

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