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  • in reply to: How to find peace with people #281309

    Dear me myself and I,

    The things that you’ve described so far occurring in your life has convoluted and conditioned your brain into a constant fight/flight/freeze mode. From living with to separating from your mother to being stalked to the situation with housing, your brain is constantly searching for anything that can negatively affect you. The excessive stress and anxiety has conditioned your paranoia which is trapping your mind in a negative state.

    First and foremost, find a way to calm your anxiety. If you can, look for counseling that will walk you through exercises that will calm your anxiety. If that’s not possible right now, then look for activities that you can that will calm your racing thoughts and heart. Is art still that thing? Can art help you enter into an neutral state that is neither happy nor sad, but just being? Because if it does, then continue it because that’s similar to what meditation does. Keep doing it then remember that feeling. Keep a strong hold on that feeling so when your mind is restless and racing with negative thoughts, which will affect your mood, remember that feeling. Envision that feeling and then try to bring that feeling into and out of your anxious reality. Make that feeling your priority.

    Your anxiety cloud your thoughts so when you feel that it is overreacting, the best thing to do is to take deep breaths and calm your racing heart.

    The thing with your mother is terrible, but seeing as you can’t depend on her for help, it’s best to ignore any issues with her until you have time and energy to sort it out. Unless she is still in your life, it is best to put any issues with her in a box for now and leave it for later. It’s important to deal with what you can first before tackling issues that you can leave for later. Also, to tackle any emotional issues regarding people, it is best to do so with a clear mind.

    Good luck.

    in reply to: Emotional triggers which restrict self-growth #280561

    Dear Harsh,

    You see yourself as “something” to be fixed. You have anxiety so you’re trying to fix your thoughts. With your relationships, you’re trying to ascertain that everything is just peachy by watching your friends and, it seems, reacting inappropriately when you try to remedy the perception that they might just dislike you. You fear the judgment of having any faults so you cover that up by “being successful and having the dream life” that many could only dream of.

    You’re so focus on the imperfection, on the flaws, of yourself and what people might see in you, that you don’t let yourself be a flawed human. You search for any signs of scorn from your friends because you fear that should they see your flaws, they will leave you. You need constant attention from others to verify your position. You feel inferior even when your “reality” is successful. You don’t want to be a flawed human.

    But other people are flawed humans who only wish for flawed human relationships, not a relationships of seeking imaginary perfection and fixing the appearance of imperfection.

    If you truly hope for a meaningful relationship, then you will have to allow yourself to be a flawed human; a flawed human that will allow others to see your humanness, your imperfection, and to be okay with that, while also making space for other flawed humans to be their own human.

    in reply to: I am always paranoid? #280489

    Dear Reina,

    Your father’s overprotective actions come from his own general anxiety. Now, what most parents don’t seem to realize is that the anxiety that they feel when interacting with their children does get transmitted to their children since children tend to tune in to the unvoiced, underlying emotions in their parents. Even if your father doesn’t express his anxiety, it doesn’t mean you can’t feel it. And a child tend to adopt their parent’s anxiety as their own when they see/feel it’s something that is a common part of their parent. After all, you are learning about one part of the world through your parent’s perspective. So couple that anxiety with restricting your movements to which you didn’t care to obey, you get a dynamic that is you wanting to do what any kids would want to do at your age, but doing it behind your father’s back because he didn’t trust you to be responsible for yourself. The thing is, your situation before was ripe with anxiety from your father’s actions to your actions.

    Now that the situation has changed and you don’t have to do things behind your father’s back anymore; your anxiety (half generated by your father’s anxiety and half not wanting to get into trouble before) that had colored your situation before your father allowed some freedom of movement, has nowhere to go now. Before, you might have been anxious but you were in a situation that, if your father knew you went behind his back, could get you into trouble. So that anxiety seemed normal, it was normal to be somewhat anxious most of the time. But now you don’t have an outlet for the anxiety anymore. Before, you could be anxious about your father finding out what you did. Now, there’s not much to be anxious about, but you are anxious because you were conditioned to be anxious. Even if your father is lax now, you were conditioned to his overprotective before so you were used to be limited in your actions and the perception that he (might) know things.

    In conclusion, you’ve developed anxiety and that anxiety is taking the form of your father watching your movement.

    in reply to: I just want to be beautiful #280267

    You know, opening Instagram, a plethora of pictures instantly explode across the screen. From the orangest sunset up the mountain to pretty models in outfits to die for. It is perfectly curated and people know that. But many people still buy into the pictures while envying the person behind the account. Because they want that popularity, they want that acknowledgement that people across the net seems to give to these accounts. So they copy what’s been done hoping to attain a sliver of that attention.

    In your case, you’re seeking external validation through something that you feel you can control, which is your beauty via your body. Because you’ve seen that your friend had seemingly obtained ‘affection’ from strangers due to the fact that she is beautiful. Because she was beautiful, she had certain privileges that you might never know as you are ugly. People even go out of their way to date her because of her beauty. And when you watch that, you tell yourself the story that you’re not pretty. And since you’re not pretty, you need to work at being pretty.

    Dieting is controllable. Skin care is controllable. And since they’re under your control, you feel in control. But no matter how much you do these things, you still feel yourself as ugly. So you keep rationalizing that if you continue to do these things, you will eventually be pretty. People will then like you because you’re finally pretty. You keep telling yourself stories that pretty people have the best privileges because people acknowledge their existence so you have to be pretty. And then you reached the physical form of pretty, but you still feel ugly. You’ve tell yourself stories that you’re ugly because that’s the stories you’ve been telling yourself since you were 15, maybe even younger. Why? Because people decided that you didn’t meet their standards so they hit on your friends, they noticed other girls around you, but they never seem to notice you, or so you tell yourself.

    You tell yourself stories how it’s about other people; how if only they would notice you then they can see how pretty you are and maybe, just maybe, they’ll also want to get to know you. The you that is not just your physical form, but the person with dreams and wishes and emotions and not just a pretty face, or a plain face or an ugly face. You seek for approval from others by trying to be physically pretty. You give people the agency to decide your worth for you as you try to grab their attention. You want someone to give you the validation that you crave because you don’t approve of yourself.

    But it’s hard not to take those opinions and make them into your own thoughts. After all, you are always interacting with your surrounding in some way, and the world is harsh in its judgment in that if you’re not #1, then you aren’t worth much. And not many have the insight to guide children and teenagers to find value in themselves without the white noise that is other people’s opinions believing they have the right to comment on and critique other people’s worth. The world is constantly judging you for one thing or another and it’s really difficult not to want to meet those expectations to be #1.

    You might be physically pretty, but you don’t feel beautiful because you don’t feel you have any values. You were surrounded by those who value a beautiful appearance, but were never taught that you could be more than just a pretty face. You were taught to seek external validation because it’s simply easier to judge someone’s appearance than tell them to look inside of themselves. The people around you gave the impressions that they would only value your existence if only you were pretty, so you strive to be pretty.

    But as you’ve found out, it’s really exhausting trying to meet someone’s else demands, imaginary as they are. And now you’re at the crossroad of exhaustion.

    Now, there are many things you can do about it, but the two prominent thing is either you do nothing and continue on striving to attain an imaginary goal of beauty or you can look at the stories you’ve been telling yourself and question it.

    Start with: Why beauty? Why ugly? Why is it about someone else deciding for you that you are pretty? Why is it someone else deciding for you that your existence has value in any way by giving you attention? Why must you compete/compare with other females? Why must your existence be valuable only when someone acknowledge you based on your prettiness?

    If you don’t like the stories you are telling yourself right now, then learn to rewrite them. Your stories are your most important beliefs about yourself, even when they contain the words and voices of the people in your environment. But you are still the one to decide whose voice matter, which voice is truly important one, in the end.

    in reply to: Exhausted from EDMR #278157

    Dear LeeAnn

    Certified or not, any counselor working with a certain method using distinctive tools must attend training, the question should be are they doing EDMR with you in mind or are they simply trying to test out this method of recalling memory and its dissociation to see if it might work for you? Not every trauma works well with the EDMR method nor does it work for certain people.

    Also, ask yourself if your sessions in therapy is focus on working through your crucial concerns at the moment, since those concerns are what is first and foremost hindering some of your daily life. Are you working through strategy that addresses the loneliness you feel? How about role play on how to speak with your son? If you feel that you aren’t addressing any of your needs, talk to your counselor. It is their job to address your needs first before diving into what they think you can do since it’s your mental health that you are addressing, which you would know best, not your counselor.

    Regression, addressing your trauma, in therapy does not work if you are not given tools to empower and validate yourself.

    in reply to: Psychotherapy challenges #277697

    Dear Lisa,

    Not all relationship issues stemmed from issues in your childhood with your parents.

    Those so called abusers are not as what people imagined is shown in the movies and TV shows. Many are very, very skilled at manipulating their image to be respectful on the outside. So when you first get to know them, they will seem like the kind of guy you’ll want to bring home to meet your parents. Due to their nature, they will not show you their ‘hysterical’ side until they have made sure that you are within their grasp in some way, i e, dating then moving in with them. Once they have you by their side, making it easier to monitor you, they will slowly start to dig at your self esteem, self confidence, self respect as a person to diminish your sense of self. They will begin isolating you from friends and possibly family if your family live near. They will keep badgering you with guilt about this or that to make you question yourself. They will regularly insult you to demean your spirit. Then they’ll suddenly show a sweet side to you which will make you feel relieve since the person you’re dating can’t be that bad if he’s so sweet now. He can change, he is a decent person. Only, he’ll return to the violent/abusive side and, since you have affections for him, you’ll hope against all odds that he will turn sweet again because he can be sweet, if only you give it a bit of time. And the cycle repeat until you can’t tell what is normal or abnormal anymore.

    But well, most of it is speculation since you give little details of your relationship, but abusive relationships are really difficult to leave from because of many reasons, many of it is the abuser cornering their victim that they feel like they can’t leave. Many have linked abusive relationships to be similar to Stockholm syndrome. You did what you thought was the correct choice to endure and survived the violent terrain of abused from you ex while feeling cornered. So while you did think about leaving, it was also terrifying because you don’t know what could happen should you leave. Did he ever threaten violence on either him or you should you leave him? Did he threaten to hurt others if you ever told people about his abuse? Or was he skilled enough to convinced people that you were the ‘hysterical’ one and that you needed help instead, though with him watching over you? Effectively isolating you in that regard.

    Though if you were the one who thought you had to stayed behind to helped him through whatever it was he needed help with, then that is also bad. Since he was manipulating your goodwill and affection for him to stayed with him, telling you that he could change for the better if only you stayed with him. And the more pitiful he made himself out to be, the harder it would have been to leave because of the guilt. The guilt that his suffering would be worse without your help, that he couldn’t live without you or your help. A terrible, but effective tactic.

    So yeah, abusers are very talented at manipulating their victim which makes it hard for the victim to take actions to leave the violence, especially when physical violence it involved. Of course, it could be due to something in your childhood, you entered into a relationship with your ex knowing that he was abusive in some way. But it’s not always the case. It’s just you don’t know a person’s true nature until they show it to you.

    Well, you’ll have a lot to discuss with your counselor now, at least.

    in reply to: Boyfriend Sleeping in Mothers Bed #277493

    Dear madxx,

    What you’ve described of your current boyfriend’s relationship with his mother are signs of a codependent parent-child relationship.

    Now, I don’t have much knowledge of your boyfriend to be too sure, but moving back home, planning on a nursing degree then finally sleeping in the same bed? That’s definitely him, your boyfriend, giving into his mother’s needs; needs that was probably generated by the fear of something that came out in a grotesque manner after his father’s death and your boyfriend being an adult who actually left the home, leaving her alone. And now that the mother actually need help with daily life, she is taking full advantage of her son who came back home to help her to reenact whatever she taught him during his years of living with her, which no child forget easily. And now, they’re practically glued at the hip.

    You can tell your boyfriend all of this, that this codependent relationship with his mother is unhealthy for the both of them, but he might not listen to you He is probably not too aware that this relationship is unhealthy because for him, it’s a normal relationship with his mother. This relationship has not deviated from what was happening during his childhood so through his perspective, his relationship is totally normal. This relationship is what he was taught and you can’t undo something like that so easily. Though you can tell him that it’s best to see a family or grief counselor, but whether he’ll listen is up for debate.


    So now, you have the option of continuing a romantic relationship with your boyfriend, codependent parent-child relationship and all. But, be warn, he might put his mother’s needs before yours in the future. Codependent is not the name for no reason. Or you can leave. You can pose an ultimatum before deciding whether you’ll leave. You can sit down and discuss with your boyfriend your feelings about the whole situation and see if he is willing to acknowledge the situation as it is, codependency and all, to which he will work with you to come to a compromise or any solutions.

    Whatever you decide to do, do it with your well being in mind. After all, you can’t always be sitting around waiting for someone to come to their senses.

    in reply to: Ongoing trust issues #277483

    Dear Jemma,

    Where does your shame come from?

    You acknowledge that you have trust issues, but you don’t allow yourself to have insecurities. It seems that every time any insecurities about your relationship crop up, you shame yourself. You get angry and question your integrity/sincerity towards your partner. But does your partner expect you to be this magical unicorn that does not have a care in the world? Because across the keyboard, it seem like you’re very human. That, or you’re a relationship programed AI. But assuming that you are human, then you’ll find it useful to look at your very human insecurities and why you feel ashamed for feeling insecure. Certainly, insecurities isn’t rainbow and sunshine, but for any one human to have insecurities is human nature. It’s not right or wrong, it is simply how humans are wired. It’s just many people have found ways to live their life even with their insecurities.

    Of course, while many people desire to erase their complex, it won’t go away just because you don’t want to see it. The more you try to push it away, the more it’ll try to gain your attention in a more grotesque way. The insecurity is a part of you after all, so who would like it when a part of who you are as a person is rejected? You’re only human.

    So rather than ask how to ‘fix’ your insecurity, first ask why it’s shameful for you to have insecurities.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by GL.
    in reply to: Negative feelings #277119

    You know, people tend to forget this simple fact, but change is a constant of life. But it’s not very obvious until something hit you in the face that you’ve realized that thing(s) had changed, you just weren’t aware of it happening. Yet it still happen. From 10 to 20 to 30, life was never the same from then to now, it only seemed to suddenly change then reverted back to ‘everyday’. Rather the illusion of ‘everyday’ is only disrupted by the changing date. Even then, it is merely the perception of the date changing and not the people.

    So what’s changed? What used to work that’s not working now?

    Look over your life from a few years back. What have you been doing that is similar from one day to the next when suddenly something had changed? Yet when had the change suddenly reverted back to ‘everyday’? Then examined your feelings. How are you different from the you a year, two years, three years ago to the current you? What are your feelings about your current life compare to the past? What is different? What is good and bad? What are your current thoughts as compare to the past? What used to make you happy yet is now a neutral feeling? What used to make you feel bad yet there is a curiosity to explore that?

    Who are you?

    Or it might be that there is something in the past that is coming back in a new form. Form like self, -worth, -esteem, -confidence, -respect is something that people have to learn to build for themselves over and over again. Why? Because life is never a linear sequence but a chaotic web. People can never see the end of the road until it is the end; the line you’ve chosen to walk on the web is ever connected to other lines so there will always be some kind of tangle and knot in the line. Maybe you’ve decided to turned left or right at some points that you’ve walked a different road then you intended before. And maybe you’ve come back to the same knot on that new road you’ve chosen.

    Just because you’ve released a past that was painful does not mean that you won’t encountered a new problem on a new stage, but old pattern of past hurt. So your integrity and identity is now under the microscope, yet your fragile heart might not be able to hold together under the new circumstances and you grow stagnate. You slow down and life starts to feel like a constant battle to just autopilot from day to day. Then it start building on each other to the point you don’t know what happened until you’ve seemingly fallen into a pit. So to build the proverbial ladder, you’ll have to ask a lot of questions and be patient. You’ll have to face what is your neglected child, your voice/intuition/heart at its most basic. That child will try to tell you what is it that you’re neglecting to be honest about, whether it’s about yourself or your situation in life. Or it’ll help you identify what is is you’re missing at the current moment.

    If these introspection into your psyche is new, it would be best to employ the assistance of someone who has experience in helping people identify their current self, the good and bad. But make no mistake, this is not about fixing your emotions. It is about acknowledging and validating your emotions and the thoughts that comes with those emotions. Regardless of how depressing these emotions are, if you didn’t have them, would you have the opportunity to understand its counterpart? Of course, getting to know yourself emotionally is never an easy thing to do, but as an mammal that has the habit of reflecting on their emotions, it is something that is all too natural to do.

    Good luck.

    in reply to: Feeling conflicted in a weird situation #276985

    Dear Shae03,

    What you’re describing of your relationship seems to be the beginning stages of a codependent friendship. After your friend moved in and you started to connect emotionally, you found a person willing to validate your thoughts and emotions, which is awesome because not a lot of people in society are willing to acknowledge the emotions men have and feel. But what’s not awesome is that it’s easy to become dependent on this person who acknowledges your emotions, especially given that they live in the same house as you. So it’s just became that much easier and convenient to depend on one person for your emotional need rather than look for other sources of friendship.

    Though your friend is a great person, you are too comfortable becoming dependent on her to validate your emotions, which is her doing the emotional labor of listening and giving feedbacks whenever you’ve feel the need to vent. But then you don’t have to do the work of figuring out your emotion because she is right there to be your soundboard. As that progress, you two become closer friends so now you two are the BFFs that everyone envy. So you two hang out together so much that many are lumping you two as a pair instead as individuals. You can’t have one person without seeing the other, as if you two are glued together. Because that’s what BFFs do, they don’t go out without the other. Switch BFFs with codependent and you would get a similar thing, though more exclusive to the two of you.

    That you’ve noticed the new dynamic is a good thing, but the difficult part comes after acknowledging that your friendship right now is not working out. The difficult thing right now is to sit down and talk this out with your friend. Explain to her what’s happening and your feelings on the subject matter. Also, you need to begin to distance yourself from her since you are the one who is depending on her to be your emotion laborer. You don’t need to cut off contact, but you do need to keep a certain distance since it was the distance in the first place that made it easy to become dependent on your friend. Of course, it’ll be difficult to do since you live in the same house and is part of the same social circle. So maybe you can agree to meet with friends on separate days while lessening your daily interactions. You can even decide to move out, though only if it’s one of the last options.

    Whatever you decide to do, make sure you talk this over with your friend first. The first talk might not turn out any good solutions, but at least you’ve brought the issues to the table. After that, you two can work together to figure out what would be the best schedule to follow between the two of you. But remember, it’s not about finding fault in your friendship, it’s about building a friendship that is about support and not reliant.

    Good luck.

    in reply to: Struggling with "break up" #274823

    Dear Brianne,

    I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this guy is clearly stringing you along and you are choosing to be an active participant.

    From the time you regained contact to the point of the physical relationship, he told you out right that he didn’t want an intimate, exclusive relationship. You conceded to that, but still chose to keep in contact with him. Then as he kicked things up, you started to dive deeper into this ‘friends with benefits’ relationship. You chose to fall even when your intuition warned you that it would end badly. And it probably became a game for him, a game to see how long you’ll stay as long as he continued to deliver words of sweet nothings to you on a basis that would keep you hook. As you continued to let yourself stay hook, you eventually put him on a pedestal of ‘in due course, a boyfriend’ but remember, he told you from the beginning that he did not want a serious relationship and you agreed to those terms. And the terms is friends with benefits with no serious commitment in the future.

    So the best course of action right now would be to end this ‘friends with benefits’ relationship since you clearly desire a serious relationship, but this ‘friend’ is not going to be the one who will commit to it. He does not really care for you, he cares about this fishing game. He has chosen to look at this relationship with you as a way to pass time because you chose to let him see you, the other person, as someone available and waiting for him to commit or at least text you back to let you know that he is still thinking of you, if only for a few minutes. You let yourself wait for him, wait for him to finally come around, but how long will he make you wait? And how long will you be waiting?

    The thing is, you didn’t advocate for yourself, you didn’t advocate for what you want, which is a serious relationship with this person who you knew briefly a few years back. But people change and you can only know the present person. No matter what you might think, you are not responsible for anyone’s actions, but your own. You also need to set down boundaries. When you set down boundaries for what you will or will not do, will the voice that tells you ‘that’s as good as it gets’ will be irrelevant, will seem illogical and very unkind to the present you. And you’ll be able to tell that voice that you don’t have to obediently do what it tells you to do because you will not cross your own boundaries. You’ve set down those boundaries for yourself as an act of self care and you will not cross them nor let anyone else cross them.

    You need to find ways to put value into yourself than the relationship with this person who only remember to text you when he deign it not a waste of his time. You need to learn to care for yourself first and foremost than to look for someone to ‘take care’ of your heart for you.

    Good luck.

    in reply to: Are some things just unforgivable? #274563

    Dear Ann,

    When a person is arrested for soliciting a minor with an electronic, it means that the person was communicating with a minor, someone younger than 18, to forge a transaction with them. From the looks of it, the police posing as a minor invited the person with the invite for some ‘actions’ or the person himself initiated the meet up and it seems that the person was aware that it was a ‘minor’ he was talking to. So he probably was hoping for some bed action with a minor if he went since the police did arrest him. That, or he was trying to do something else, but the police was waiting for him at the meet up spot so fishy things about it.

    If you are uncomfortable about it, but still wish to hear his side of it, then meet him for coffee and calmly ask him about it. Just make sure not to accuse him of anything since you don’t have all the fact. But do be careful of what might happen if you do meet up. Or just tell him that it’s not working for you and cut off all contact. Do whatever makes you feel safe and comfortable.

    Be careful.

    in reply to: Habitual Anger vs.lack of self-care accusation #274553

    Dear Bluesses,

    There’s some things that are unclear about your relationship and some things to clarify.

    First, how is your communications with each other? A relationship requires that all involved parties voice out their thoughts and feelings about their situation together, which it seems like you were bottling up some things before so if that hasn’t led you to explode until now, that’s both good and bad. Good in that you are finally expressing your thoughts, your partner might have unconsciously sense your inner fury though, but bad in that the language in which you are expressing them might put your partner on the defensive which makes you go on the defensive. When frustrated, people’s language tend to sound accusatory rather than neutral or compassionate. Think of how you are communicating with each other right now, are you two listening to each other or are you accusing each other of something? Though you do have to keep in mind your husband’s anger issues.

    How to use “I-statements”


    Your husband was incorrect about the stress being non-transferable. Emotions are very contagious, especially when you are female and when most of society expect females to be socialized caretakers. So that stress that your husband is letting out? That is being transferred to you in some form which will stress you out, regardless of whether you want to feel it or not. But that your husband refuses to acknowledge that seeing him stress stresses you out, that’s a red flag. In other word, he is refusing to take responsibility for bringing in the stress into your relationship. Even if he is the one feeling it, it doesn’t mean that you don’t see it. He’s obviously telling you about it, and if that doesn’t stress you out or leave a bad taste, then that would be weird. So yeah, you’re implicitly involved with his stress.

    You don’t mention much of how he is manipulative, but if he is manipulating you in anyway, then it is recommended that you spend some time and space away from your husband to sort out your thoughts and feelings. By staying with your husband while you try to process your emotions, he will sway you emotionally to his logic. So if you can, go stay with a friend or your family who you can recruit to act as a sound board for you as you let out your thoughts, the good and bad. Make sure to write it down, it’ll help to clear your mind, but also let you see the bigger picture. And it’ll help you decide what to do with your relationship.

    Above all, value your health first and foremost. Your husband might be your husband, but that doesn’t mean staying in a relationship that causes damage to your overall health. You have a serious responsibility to yourself to see to it that you take care of yourself because only when you are healthy can you give your attention and energy into caring for another person. But if the person you want to care about is actually dragging you down, then it’s not worth it because in the end, he doesn’t value himself nor does he value you to care if you’re suffering from his actions and emotions. Also, he might be going through counseling, but if he really wanted to change, you would already be seeing him actually try and not just going through his day as per usual with all the anger and rage.

    Keep in mind all of these things as you think about all the pros and cons about your relationship and if it is still a relationship you want to keep fighting for until you can’t help, but feel too tire to care.

    Take care.


    Dear Dan,

    You were in a friends with benefits relationship with your current girlfriend and that was it. You were friend with benefits, you weren’t girlfriend/boyfriend, you were also supposedly in love with another girl at the time too. So no, there is no apologies needed from your girlfriend and for your forgiveness, her boyfriend.


    Because you both decided that it was fine to share the same bed, but without communicating that you both were not going to sleep with other people at the same time. I repeat, you were friends with benefits without a contract of sleeping exclusively with each other. So no, your girlfriend has done nothing wrong, she was only trying to distract herself from her pain. And sleeping with people did that for her, that’s all.

    Clearly, you have some family issues that you need to sort out, but your girlfriend is not at fault for her actions before you both decided to enter into the exclusive girlfriend/boyfriend relationship. You fell for her of your own violations and she share mutual affections now, but before? Before was every person for themselves as you were only friends with benefits. So instead of thinking that your girlfriend is at fault when you weren’t even a couple back then, look at your own insecurities and think about why you’re so trouble about her sleeping with your brother. If it was some other person who you didn’t know, would that have made it sting a little less?

    And hey, she could have ignored the past and not even told you about it. That she even told you just goes to show how much she want this relationship to work. She chose to be honest with you. Now you need to stop blaming her for something that she is NOT at fault for and look at your insecurities.



    Dear Roary,

    Life is pointless because you were expecting to find meaning in your life eventually. Only you constantly crashed against the wall called reality as you continue to face the horror that is the world you live in. Maybe you were simply following others’ script of ‘what to do to achieve happiness’ only it’s not the script for you. Or maybe you chose a road that you thought would lead you to a bit of happiness only to find it was a dead end. So yeah, life is pointless. You haven’t given it any points.

    So, what’s not fulfilling you? Your job? Then quit and look for one in an environment that fits your need. Your relationship? Do you want to enter a romantic relationship or is your current one not working out? Lack of friendship? Relationships are a number game, you have to go through a lot of people to find one that you can actually connect with a deeper level than shallow acquaintance. You also need to commit to working at them. Are you bore? Look for a new hobby. If you need help understanding what fulfill you, I recommend the book Find Your Why by Simon Sinek. It’s a good starting point.

    But you also need to give your mind a break from thinking. A decade of depression tends to make the mind over think and over analyze every details of every situations so it becomes a looping spiral of negativity that you don’t realize that you’re re-enforcing with every thoughts. And if you can, look for counseling that can help you with identifying the areas that you are having issues in. Not every depression is caused by neurochemical misalignment nor is it caused by a drama from your childhood or a later trauma in adult life. But when you feel unfulfilled in one area, it usually start to expand from there to other areas due to the domino effect.

    When you do think and it’s about how you’re a failure, take a step back and try to trace those thoughts of yours. See where they are coming from without reacting to them. Identify them then let yourself move on. When you react to those negative thoughts, you are giving them power because they become an enemy to fight against so they become a force of power against you. Take away that force and it merely become thoughts that is cautioning you about something because of fear but in the end is merely thoughts. It’s like opening the door to an an unexpected guest that you slowly but surely guide out the back door.

    There are also issues with self esteem and self worth. If you are not doing things that will feed them, then you will have empty holes called self esteem and self worth. Depression eats at your image of what makes you a person so you usually don’t even try to fill in the space set aside for self esteem and self worth. When that happens, they are sitting there collecting dust until you don’t see them anymore. So can you still see your self esteem and self worth or it is floating somewhere in space?

    Of course, it’s not easy to have good thoughts every single moment of every single day. There will always be negative thoughts, but there will also be positive thoughts, you just have to allow yourself to have them. If you need reminders, write them down and tape it up. TinyBuddha is always brimming with good quotes. Or maybe you’re more of a picture person. Allocate a few minutes a day to look at pictures that makes you feel good or content or okay. YouTube has videos of baby goats jumping around. Listen to a song you like. Take a walk. Eat your favorite snack. Keep re-enforcing these things. Focus on them without letting your mind think. Thinking get in the way of feeling, especially when you just want to feel okay.

    Remember, life is pointless when you don’t give it points.

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