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  • in reply to: I am like a bonsai in love #179417

    Hi Anita,

    Good timing, too. I was just about to write a bit about this whole post. I see how it can be hard to read at some points, but speaking, and languages were not a problem till recently.

    Responding to your question Anita. I got my heart broken by a pornstar. I seen her prior to her career, and I canā€™t shake the feeling that it was something I did to cause this whole issue. All I did was look in her eyes, and she cried. I liked her, and still do. What else can I say. Everytime I see her in person though, sheā€™s crying. The last time I saw her, I can understand why she cried. I was about to say something, and offer what aftercare that I could when I got called stupid. The comment was nothing major, but it was enough to disrupt me. Iā€™d still like to see her, but thatā€™s up to her. Always has been. Iā€™d like to see her smile though.

    Apart from that, the tech issues should handle themselves after a while; and this whole process seems to be making me younger. I just fit into a t-shirt I bought back in 1997. Before I grew to 400lbs, and developed this downe sydrome look to my one eye. Thatā€™s just a symptom of the concussion I suffered while on Ecstasy. The healing of a concussion takes about 13 years, and has an explosive anger component after the fact.

    She, the pornstar, woke me up from a waking coma. So, I feel she deserves something nice. Who knows, maybe Iā€™ll look better to her, the way she made herself look better to me.

    in reply to: I am like a bonsai in love #178569

    Finally back down to ground level, and still dealing with the gate in my brain. Iā€™m tempted to re-type the entire story here, but it would hurt too many people, and itā€™s still ongoing. Iā€™ll probably go on a pub crawl that means something to me. Who knows, maybe Iā€™ll find her again.

    in reply to: I am like a bonsai in love #177633

    I think I feel bad because my need to cheer up a sad girl, caused her to feel forgotten. I canā€™t let go of what isnā€™t mine. All I remember is her sadness, and I know it too. I hope she is happy knowing she can always come back. I can write the world away if she likes.

    in reply to: I am like a bonsai in love #177287

    Timeline so far:

    • Extra solder connecting cd to radio caused me to become paranoid
    • Watching tv late at night while meditating opened my mind to a lot
    • Playing video games excessivly allowed me to discover the edges of my mind
    • The schizm introduced caused a division.
    • Online games became tedious, and were more about a corruption behind the scene.
    • Online communication tried to twist who I knew were friends
    • I let myself go, to find love, and nearly drowned
    • Gardening caused me to see more.
    • Staring at forced aversion caused me to become aware of more than the character that was portrayed.
    • My new neighbors destroyed my sleep
    • My education became perverted
    • I stopped going because I saw the excessive interest in my actions
    • A new corruption was planted on my phone
    • A woman set me free with a few words, and another saw it was true the next day
    • A terror scare caused a new wound with shock
    • I remembered the woman from before
    • I took a vaction
    • A scientific Carrs model allowed me to see past the aversion
    • I spotted the electronic cage that is controlling what I see, and denying me sleep.
    • It is toxic, from my neighbors gossip.
    • A second psychic shock forced me to go back, and even though the assumption hurt it proved me right. The problems became technological
    • Allowing myself to slip showed me where the truth lay.
    • So if I am denied my ability to learn why should I go back to school? If I am denied my ability to read why do I hold these books? If I had a reason to look for love before this new corruption was planted on my phone, why should I not wait for her?
    • She improved herself, why shouldnā€™t I?However if technology is the cause, and its causing disruption. this entire thing is based on the assumption I canā€™t understand what happened. I know it would invariably point to an experiment that mirrors the nazi superman one.
    • I trust this world more than I get credit for. I just seem to be more in tune, and able to see why the technology, if misused can lead us to war.

    Thatā€™s about as far as I can think till my grey matter regrows. lol. Food, rest, retirement basically. The university degree can wait a bit. Itā€™s in my treaty rights.

    in reply to: I am like a bonsai in love #177119

    Damnnit, there it goes again. That was supposed to read, ā€œwhere our eyes met, and we looked out the window.ā€

    The other part was just after blue beetle,ā€near the second time our eyes metā€. I really, and very quickly lose focus when I look at a screen these days.

    in reply to: I am like a bonsai in love #177117

    I think I can honestly say that if that mysterious woman truly did see what I felt when our eyes met. I could say I could wait where we both looked out the window, and I mean both times. Theyā€™re not hard to find for her. I could even show her a picture of the blue beetle I spotted today. I hear the younger asian boys like to train them. I know Iā€™m too old for that, and Iā€™m greatful. I could still point the way for her though. Itā€™s not like I have a problem with knowing too much, and am just trying to leave room for someone other than myself. If I canā€™t upload that picture of the blue beetleā€¦ well blame the phone.

    in reply to: I am like a bonsai in love #176935

    What an odd thing to go through. I feel like Iā€™ve been made to look at aversion for a long while. So long that even my speech comes out wrong at times. Like Iā€™m looking down at a clear bag full of water, and a few droplets continously flow from my eyes. The aversion part comes from the way the droplets roll outward to the edges. Iā€™ve been made to feel thatā€™s all Iā€™ll ever know, and the images I want are behind it. Now when I go outside the concepts flow from my mind to wherever they began. I know I have a hard time letting go, but I am a hard headed sort, so I look at this sort of thing like a break.

    I started to think a bit differently after October 16th, but the reasons are hard to explain. Like I felt that was where I should be. I wasnā€™t. I was still going through a bit of recurring shock.

    On July 2nd, I might have walked through a terror scare. As I passed through there, I felt like I was under a spotlight, and the police cruisers (4 of them) looked to me like they were getting ready to jump me. I used to have a spot that I liked watching the sunset in the evening, but this changed that. I gave a high five to a bear paw in the sky the evening before and realized that mightā€™ve been a mistake. Cold, shivers, low energy, and probably low blood pressure. I couldnā€™t even go out on the 3rd.

    On October 28th, I got hit with a second shock. This was where I felt the missed oppourtunity of the 16th, and it hit me with a psychic shock. I relived one of my earliest traumas, and felt the shift from now till then. There was however a second shift too . This one I didnā€™t anticipate. It became clear my troubles originated when I used to have an old windows xp computer. My dreams shifted one night, and one stood out. I wonā€™t speak of it, because its clear it has roots in todayā€™s politics, and its clear there would be more trouble than I need bother with. The 16th made clear that all the neighbors gossip so much that I sit in a toxic environment still dealing with the conversations I had all those years ago on windows live, and facebook. My neighbors now, were talking to me then through a system that pings when I am online. That facebook account I closed due to health reason, but in truth I didnā€™t like the person I was becoming.

    Yesterday, I hit a third much more soft shock. Nothing too major. Just a chill, and cold hands. I was already on the mend when I spotted the back of her head, and wouldnā€™t you know it my heart soared. This time I know I can go my own way, and I seem to be considering ways to let her back in so I can be here long enough to consider my life when Iā€™m 80.

    Now to see if she still sees my words, I think I should mention the documentary of John Lennon I watched the other day. I was surprised to hear his sentences sounded like mine every now and then. That slight loss of focus, but still unified in meaning. It was beautiful to consider the similarities. Iā€™m even considering staying in my toxic environment to enjoy putting my feet up with a woman in a place like home.

    in reply to: My boyfriend hurt me so much and I can't get past it? #176905

    On October 29th I got hit with electronic shock so clear it pinpointed the source that the people around me recorded an image of a bar where I was supposed to ā€œbelieveā€ the woman who spoke those words would be. I learned the place I reside is toxic. Sorry E, but I think because of the people in my life I canā€™t look for a dream of my own. Just so you donā€™t worry either, E, I understand. Itā€™s the about letting things go. Itā€™s a bit harder when you learn the truth, and see it everyday. Enjoy time with your partner. And yeah. I did see you grab her hand. Peace, and if you see her give her a kiss for me.

    in reply to: My boyfriend hurt me so much and I can't get past it? #176445

    Hi E,

    I have one simple question that could help you. Do you know what an emotional reset is? I think it could help a woman like you. It might take some time to write down, but that can wait.

    The woman who stole my heart, may have been through the same thing years ago. I wouldnā€™t want her to go through that again. I seen her on the news, and remembered where, but only after the fact. I too nearly drowned that fall.

    My reset hit harder than most because it has two sides. A past sexual trauma, coupled with enforced circadian rhythm, and massive technological monitoring, through my healthcare. I used to fall asleep listening to CDā€™s, and threw my headphones off after I fell asleep. My case has a bit of a hitch to it because the cause of my concussion was from how hard the ecstasy hit me. Yup, that little pill knocked me right over. The hitch, and added stress were feeding off each other and forced me to learn the cause. Somewhere, after I bought my reciever amp, and before my concussion, someone must have broken in, and added some extra solder to connect the CD to the radio. The accident points out the need to maintain proper connections, because this process can lead backwards to something like Alzheimerā€™s disease. I donā€™t want to startle the world with this news, because of something like aversion can be used to cause panic, and fear where none was before. My sexual trauma has passed, but the secondary implications remind me to accept knowledge that is not my own, and not place blame.


    in reply to: A light hearted comment #176423

    This ones for the ladies, and the heartbreakers.

    You canā€™t break my heart, because I gave it to you.

    in reply to: I am like a bonsai in love #175843

    I was just thinking if things go well. I may try getting a degree in something in about five years.

    in reply to: I am like a bonsai in love #175725

    Whew! I donā€™t think I want to go through that too often. Iā€™ve been forced through a past trauma, and I learned it wasnā€™t the cause of my troubles. Who would think someone breaking in to your house would put you at risk for becoming brainwashed. I learned my radio was connected to my cdā€™s all those years ago, and it caused a susceptibility to being manipulated by sleep reinforcment. My sleeplessness is forcing me to relive key parts of my life, but neglecting to recognize the souce of all of it.

    I know Iā€™m being used like this, and I can understand the premise, but the severity has caused me to experience a psychic echo from July 2nd. I was out enjoying the evening when I felt like the police were getting ready to harm me. I still donā€™t know why I went through shock that day, but I went through it again 2 nights ago. I even ended up auto-writing to my mom, because it felt like I was being mesmerized by my new PS4.

    It hurt like hell to go through a past trauma at the same time as being pushed to speak of something I canā€™t prove. I know the pieces fit, but the person who added the extra solder to my old stereo is 20 years older, and I am being told to speak of a child being sold into slavery in Canada, however I donā€™t think it was true. The man mightā€™ve been using it as an excuse to rile up and incit religious fervour. The proof would be on a banking machine camera and could see the scene behind me. That, and a sort of wrap around back to a news story of the 300 dead in somolia.

    I can see why the first nations people have been having a crisis with suicide, and I know Iā€™ve just went through the same thing. Being burdened with a war that is not ours to fight. Iā€™ve been hit with a stroboscopic effect that induces a sort of Aversion. This electronic Aversion is being manipulated by sight, and sound, and sleepdeprivation. I know itā€™s electronic, and its originating points.

    I may, in a few years be forced into seclusion due to my being repeatedly, electronically abused. Like an electronic bully with a psychology degree, a law degree, a medical degree, a compter enginerring degree, a political science degree, a christian science degree, a astrophysics degree, and a media degree. I know Iā€™m being fed information, but this part may be the strangest. Everthing I see points to someone using data obtained illegally to confuse, and distract and try place blame where none was before.

    Electronic guilt feels like looking at oil on soap. Same for aversion.

    in reply to: I am like a bonsai in love #175369

    Wow, talk about epic! Iā€™m understanding the G7ā€™s audio tech is using sexual torture, and history mixed with religion to terrorize me with the truth of religious extremism on a global scale. The worst part is that Iā€™m becoming aware it is a gang that hates, and I know they used a masterkey to install the video component the first time I went through this*.

    Both me, and the woman Iā€™m infatuated with have been targetted before. (Nearly drowning, and nearly falling) Thatā€™s how far the G7ā€™s audio tech has made it into a populace bracing for civil conflict. I feel I need to speak because, I went through what happened during the G8 first iteration tech, and nearly drowned.

    I know my friend Mohammed Suleiman might have been murdered to push me into believeing in the moment my sleep was corroded enough to allow the suggestions in. And suddenly I am conflicted by an understanding of how far they get me to push for their twisted beliefs. I would rather go through WWIII than have her broken by my own endurance.

    My anger* is that it only forces the technology toward one religion, that I have no issue with. It repeatedly points me to hate, and that whole seriousness. Iā€™ve been connecting the dots slowly, but this latest one has highlighted a need, and requirement for change. The woman I believe I have fallen for has been willfully turned to aversion by an overbearing extremist attempting to place their religion over anotherā€™s without their knowing consent. I spotted the change from foreground characterā€™s, to focus on background iconography that dulls my focus enough to force consumption while unaware, thereby allowing subtle changes during sleep.

    I realize my facial muscles are twisted, and itā€™s been caused by an unreported concussion that has partially paralyzed a muscle next to my eye. So, even for her it would be tricky to see my anger. Let alone deal with the realization of what may be happening to her. I donā€™t want to see her broken, because of the invarible nature of the suggestions placed in her dreams.

    We are two sides of a very unique coin, and I am crushed by the technology that has been developed through multiple generations. Iā€™m a product of a nazi campaign, and I can see how far back itā€™s gone. Why does this kind of highly targetted electronic monitoring cause others near me to suffer IF, and I do mean if, there is truth in it.

    Suddenly when I think of her, the simple concept of, two rights donā€™t make it wrong, make it me smile. And I know I let her in by letting love flow. Not even the knowledge of where the tech came from can help if I canā€™t trust the people controlling it.

    Iā€™m also aware the tech requires a steady visual component to work properly, and Iā€™m being twisted into a weapon against what I care about.

    I mean just how poorly the First Nations people of Canada have been treated in the last few years. From birth we feel out of place because two overbearing religions are fighting over control of the populace and using other religions to bend, or deny toward that singular religion.

    Iā€™m being twisted by denial of concept, so Iā€™ll wait till it clears up first, and let the news write itself till it can claim it knew first. The 300 in Somalia were my friends, and I donā€™t know why I suddenly canā€™t speak of it.

    in reply to: I am like a bonsai in love #175297

    Just finished Wen-Tzuā€™s Understanding the Mysteries, and thouroughly enjoyed the read. Its a good one, and might keep it. I might try some Manga next, to get my mind off some things.

    Besides, looking at the screen makes it harder for me to read.

    in reply to: My boyfriend hurt me so much and I can't get past it? #174947

    Hi, one more time E.

    I think I understand a bit too much about what you went through to jump. Trust me. Iā€™m still thinking of the news footage. I understand from my video gaming days, then, and now. Iā€™m understanding that I can be taught, and trained in sequence over the course of about 10 years. More so, because I play The elderscrolls a lot on legendary and have learned tricks that bend physics in game, and exploit slight variations in the in game objects. Even in a completely passive way at times. Others, I understand as being tests of flexibility. I just spent 12 hours walking just to figure it out, and I still canā€™t sleep. I guess, Iā€™m starting to get rough around the edges. And need some quiet time in the rain. Kisses.

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