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  • #88212

    i broke up 12 times in 9 months when i was 24. it was first time. intuition pushed me to. i was right.


    hi Aida,

    How young are you so I can talk to u accordingly.

    Here are some prescription:
    1. pray every morning n night to help u to let go (or anytime when the obsession is intense)
    2. widen your social scope(join meetup/social services to help)/ daily actitivities (gym, exercise to sweat out, meditation of letting go and law of attraction) to meet more people/guys (only the brighter ones, be selective)
    3. read more good book to gain wisdom ( Bibles and sprtitual scritptures) – have a healthy concept of romantic relationship (wait until marriage, in control when come to sex, not submissive, u r the Queen, not a whore!)
    4. be careful in choosing friends n relationship, pray for discernment in guys’ quality ( quality control!)
    5. if u r lonely, dont be desperate for sex or men. channel your love in alternative ways which are more worthywhile, like loving your family, or working w children n animals, patients, needies.

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