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April 7, 2024 at 6:23 pm in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430739
ParticipantDear Tommy,
Yea I will stop.
April 7, 2024 at 3:21 pm in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430733ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Anita,
You got offended by the facts that I stated? Or you got offended by the way I stated those facts?
Don’t you think it is disrespectful for you to say that I am a verbal abuser with uncontrolled anger and that the only reason why I do not call my responders names here is cause of some website regulations instead of my actual personality and my patience?
Don’t you think it is disrespectful for you to be here accusing me of loving to argue and fight when all I did was clarify some facts that you got wrong so that you can formulate your advice better?
Don’t you think it is disrespectful for you to call me a verbal abuser when I AM THE ONE who came here ADMITTING that I have used disrespectful terms sometimes when I was really really tired of her bs and I admitted that I know that what I said was wrong and that I regret it and that I have been working on fixing it by considerably reducing it? I even told you that this “verbal abuse” of mine is not even that common. Yes I have used disrespectful terms against B but those cases are like once in every 4 months or something despite the number of fights we had. My so-called “verbal abuse” does not happen often enough for me to be considered an abuser. Fine, even if we say that verbal abuse is still verbal abuse, you have to accept that everyone has a limit to their patience, EVEN YOU have a limit to your patience, as proven by how you are behaving RIGHT NOW but I cannot call you hot-tempered for that, cause that would be stupid and unfair. I extremely regret the things I said to B, but please, please, PLEASE, I beg you to understand how extreme the situation became before I ran out of patience and entered the verbal abuse phase.
Don’t you think it is disrespectful for you to be here giving advice and coming to conclusions by INTENTIONALLY ignoring the things that are said and refusing to allow some facts to be corrected when IT IS MY LIFE that I am describing? A very good example would be when you ignore me when I REPEATED COUNTLESS TIMES that I entered the verbal abusive phase AFTER HOURS/DAYS/WEEKS OF NONSTOP ARGUING. Obviously, just like it is PROVEN by this thread, when you are arguing for over a month about the same issue, you will eventually run out of patience. But do you see me being disrespectful to my responders? Even in your case, all I stated were facts, such as that Tee’s advice was BETTER than yours because she understands the situation BETTER than you. Where is the disrespect in that? Don’t you think I get tired every time you misinterpret something that I said? I asked you to UNDERSTAND the anger that I felt when B was behaving the way she did. But it looks like even if you didn’t understand my anger then, you are now experiencing that same sadness and anger I felt when dealing with her, as shown by you stating “reading the above makes me feel anxious, sad and angry, the many hours of my efforts to help you ending with your efforts to hurt me.” Just like how you are feeling anxious, sad and angry after spending hours trying to “help” me, I felt THE EXACT SAME EMOTIONS when I had to argue with B for prolonged periods of time. See NOW, you are able to understand what lead me to become “verbally abusive” in that moment, even though I regret doing so.
Don’t you think it is also disrespectful you to judge me based on how I felt FOUR YEARS AGO, despite the fact that I told you that I GREW OUT OF THAT PHASE? It is only coming back NOW as a result of the pain caused by the break up.
I can list more things that I said which YOU INTENTIONALLY IGNORED but you keep bringing it back like I didn’t already just explain it to you.
Don’t you think it is disrespectful for you to assume that I am not taking responsibility for my mistake just cause I asked you to clarify what you are trying to say about my so-called “verbal abuse”? I quote myself saying “So basically, you are saying that I am indeed verbally abusive. But I want to understand, is it still verbally abusive if the things that are said are actually true?” That was a QUESTION, which shows that I GENUINELY WANTED TO UNDERSTAND what you were trying to say. And you responded by saying âYou didnât yet take responsibility for verbally abusing her, youâve spoken from both sides of your mouth in this regard: saying that you were abusive and then saying that if she is a brick wall, then calling her a brick wall is not abusive.â It is very obvious here that you clearly misunderstood what I said. You assumed that I was making a CLAIM that calling her a brick wall is not abusive, when all I did was ask you a QUESTION.
Please, Anita or anyone, please tell me if I am the one misunderstanding here. I am more than willing to learn from my mistakes as all I have is respect for you Anita. Even to the point where I kept apologizing to you Anita for sounding like a “brat”. I do appreciate your help, all I am saying is that Tee’s help was more beneficial for me because she was able to understand the situation better than you and she was able to point out things that I had not thought of. I don’t mind receiving a motherly hug from you, but how can you expect me to receive a sympathetic hug from someone who doesn’t even sympathize with what I am going through? I hope you realize that I meant no disrespect. I know you do not want to keep talking to me, but I will still look forward to your response Anita as I see you as a caring individual with more wisdom than me, but just like how I respect you, I want you to respect me too and not misinterpret the things that I have said.
April 6, 2024 at 2:26 pm in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430692ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Tommy,
I know Tommy, I have already broken up with her, I am just working on the process of moving on.
April 6, 2024 at 2:23 pm in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430691ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Anita,
Brick wall is not saying that the person is dumb, it’s saying that the person refuses to listen. It feels like I am talking to a wall. And even if the person wants to love and respect to return, you have to also realize that all this namecalling only occurred at the VERY EDGE of my patience, which would be hours or days or even weeks of continuous arguing over the same thing. Everyone has a limit to their patience, no matter how much they love the person.
“She shouldnât listen to anything you say for as long as what you say to her includes verbal abuse from time to time.” So it is okay for her to be disrespectful to me through her actions but it is not okay for me to respond with verbal disrespect AFTER HOURS/DAYS/WEEKS of continuous arguing?
“I donât think that you listened to my advice in this 5- page thread, not yet.” You just proved my point lol. Even if you don’t call me a brick wall, you already feel that I haven’t listened to your advice. That is what I am trying to show you.
“You didnât yet take responsibility for verbally abusing her, youâve spoken from both sides of your mouth in this regard: saying that you were abusive and then saying that if she is a brick wall, then calling her a brick wall is not abusive.” I was ASKING you if calling her a brick wall is still considered abusive if she behaves like a brick wall. I was not making a claim. I was asking because I was under the impression that though I know my actions appear verbally abusive, I assumed it would be justified cause of what she was doing. Asking for clarification does not mean I am not taking responsibility for my actions.
“If I called my partner names, dumb, a brick wall, etc., and repeatedly, if I was arrogant, dismissive and abusive to him, I wouldnât expect him to be loyal to me.” Clearly you are not reading what I wrote. I said I only became verbally abusive after HOURS/DAYS/WEEKS of constantly arguing to the point of reaching the edge of my patience. That means the verbal abuse is not something I do all the time. I also said that I had CONSIDERABLY REDUCED how verbally abusive I was after she told me that she didn’t like it. But did she change her ways despite telling her I didn’t like it? And most of the fighting and verbal abuse started AFTER SHE CHEATED. So your statement above is not appropriate for the situation.
“Uncontrolled anger is behind much of interpersonal abuse and crime, crimes of passion, itâs called.” My anger has always been controlled, that is why this relationship lasted 1.5 years because I WAS THE ONE FORGIVING. If I had uncontrolled anger, she would have left a long time ago. And like I said before, the only time when I became verbally abusive is after HOURS/WEEKS/DAYS after CONTINUOUS FIGHTING. If that doesn’t show you how patient I am, then idk what will. I’ve been the one staying calm trying to negotiate with her while she continued to blame me and etc for the way she was feeling and for how she behaved. My energy is being drained because it is being used up in being patient, I am using up my energy as I control my anger.
“The second part of this quote is one of the times that you have taken an exception to speaking the truth.” So you think I have not been pouring out love to her. All I am going to say is this, from the third person’s perspective, you won’t be able to see the things I have done, my attempts at fixing myself for her, being able to understand how she feels and etc. All I know is that I did my best, and my love for her was greater than the love she had for me.
“This is an accusation some abusive people make on a regular basis, accusing the abused of paying too much/ disproportional attention to the abuse. Itâs a false accusation.” Explain to me how I am such a horrible abuser just cause I became verbally abusive at the end of my patience which occurred HOURS/DAYS/WEEKS after CONTINUOUS FIGHTING. I told you what terms I used in my “verbal abuse” I did not tell you how often this “verbal abuse” happened. Cause if it was as often as you describe it to be, my “verbal abuse” would be the number one reason why B would cheat on me or even want to leave. In reality, my so-called “verbal abuse” is one of the smallest factors that play into how she behaves and she has already admitted that.
“What I see in your past (quotes right above) is severe verbal abuse perpetrated on you by your parents, abuse severe enough for a neighbor to notice and threaten to call social services. I see you minimizing their abuse. I see you suppressing your anger at your parents and expressing it at yourself.. and at a woman in a movie, enjoying the portrayal of her violent death.” How I felt 4 years ago does not define me now, because that was a phase of extreme depression and I have gotten out of that phase especially since I am no longer with my parents and it is only coming back now as a result of the break up. So do not let my past deceive you or your judgement.
“The hate predated you meeting B, she did not create your hate.” Anita, I already told you that I do not redirect my hate to other people. I do not do that because I know what it feels like to have anger/hate redirected to me. I am literally repeating myself here.
I do not call my responders names because LIKE I STATED BEFORE, I have a lot of patience and understanding, which you have still failed to realize despite how long we have been having this conversation. The very fact that I have not called you names is proof enough that you are wrong about assuming that I have uncontrolled anger and that I am verbally abusive. I argue because you are not getting the facts accurate, which makes your response not 100% correct regarding my situation. I have already thought out all of the things you have said and I know it will work in most situations but not in mine specifically. EVEN THEN, I am learning as I converse with you, which is why I asked you questions to clarify what you are saying about me being verbally abusive. In each of the arguments, I do not exactly say that you are completely wrong about what you are saying, I allow the evidence to prove it for you.
Look at the conversations that Tee and I have versus the conversations that you and I have, do you see the drastic difference between conversations with her versus you? Tee was able to understand the situation better than you could and show me exactly where the issues lie whereas you have not because you have not factored in the extra details that I stated to you in each of the arguments, such as the fact that my so-called verbal abuse only occurred after a fight has been going on for a LONG PERIOD OF TIME, which is evidence for how much patience I have, which also proves that this so-called verbal abuse is NOT something that happens all the time. Despite how much I appear to be arguing with Tee, it is more evident that I am learning more from the things she said compared to things you have said as she is able to understand the situation better than you.
No disrespect but I don’t think I want a hug from someone who doesn’t even understand why they are even hugging.
April 6, 2024 at 12:51 pm in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430681ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Tommy,
I came here with all these lengthy posts because I am searching for an excuse to forgive her and take her back because my brain is already aware that I should leave but my heart still loves her. I do not hate her but I hate what she has done. I just wanted to hold on to hope that there was some chance of fixing this issue.
April 6, 2024 at 12:46 pm in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430679ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Tee,
Even if you are referring to the hurt that predates the relationship, she said it herself that the hurt that made her prostitute herself was my parents’ opinion and the break up itself. Cause there were other situations where she could have prostituted herself but she didn’t because she knows it is wrong and she was not hurting in those periods. Such as when her own manager wanted her to sleep with him to save her job, she refused to do it because she was emotionally healthy then and she knew it was wrong.
In the end, all the hurt that she has endured all her life factored into her decision to prostitute herself but it was our break up and what my parents said that put her in a weak, mentally unstable position where she could not think straight nor form proper decisions. That is how I understand it. Cause she could have prostituted herself in other situations but she didn’t.
She said that I ruined her self-esteem, and that is why she wants validation from me. She specifically said that. Despite how many times I clarified the situation, it still offends her because she is too blinded by the emotion to understand my clarification.
You are right about everything else that you said about her. But how do I fix that? Even therapy doesn’t gurantee 100% chance at fixing that kind of behavior, not to mention how expensive it would be by the time she is healed.
She also told me when she confessed her cheating that most of the fights that she caused last year were excuses to leave me cause of her internal conflict so that she doesn’t have to deal with the guilt of proving my parents right. But the fact that she still loves me makes her want to get back together with me, and my dumbass self keeps forgiving her too.
Even if only she can help herself, wasn’t there anything I could have done to help her in the process of healing?
I just thought that if she was craving attention from men, then having all my attention would be good enough. If she wanted the feeling of being loved and cared for, I thought I could provide that feeling. I thought I could make her feel worthy and validated, but I was not aware that she was still holding on to things that I had already explained and corrected.
I know that calling her names added fuel to the fire, but I didn’t expect educating her to behave properly would also act as fuel.
“You donât understand her, Paradoxy. She is not stupid or foolish.” I already stated that I said stupid because I could not think of any other term to describe her behavior. I am not saying that she is actually stupid. And I said I understand her because I am able to accurately describe how she is feeling. There are countless arguments where she told me that I don’t understand her, and then I proceed to describe exactly how she is feeling, to which she admits that my description is correct. So do I still not understand her? I was already aware of a degree of the internal conflict because she already told me that she was looking for excuses to leave me but also wanted to be with me. I was just naive enough to believe I could be the solution to her internal conflict.
I think I am actually insane because insanity is when you do the same thing and expect a different outcome, and by going through this same cycle a 100 times, maybe I have gone insane in the end.
I told her at the very beginning of our relationship how clingy I am and how attached I become to the person I love the most. I guess it came back to bite me in the ass. Should have seen the red flags when she was dry and cold and behaving weird in the first couple days of our relationship. Everyone told me not to date her when I showed them what she was doing but my stupid self continued to love her.
We just had another two day argument yesterday where she made false accusations again regarding the same things we have already discussed and it hit my ego cause of how she is incorrectly describing what happened. Eventually I corrected her but it was still another 2 day argument that still drained me. I wish I could just block her or something but she still has my belongings such as laptop, mouse and a lot of money which she cannot return as she is not financially stable right now and her work requires her to have my laptop as she cannot afford her own. I really hoped that she would be the person I would end up marrying. Now all the dreams I had with her are crushed.
April 6, 2024 at 12:18 pm in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430675ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Anita,
Where did you see me indicating that I love to hate her? If she was as perfect as can be, there would not be any hate to direct in the first place.
April 5, 2024 at 11:56 am in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430632ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Tee,
Ok Tee, you may be right, maybe it is due to her external conditioning, I just categorize all of it as stupidity cause I couldn’t think of any other term to describe it at the time.
“B is not stupid, she is hurting in some way.” She said that she was hurt by the break up, she was hurt by my parents’ views on the women today due to the horrible experiences they have come across. But that was just a misunderstanding, because they are not saying that she is a gold digger and etc, they are saying that she COULD be and I asked her if she had any ulterior motives to dating me since there were some signs that were a little similar to a gold digger like when she told me she and her friend were planning to date a med student since they make a lot of money and I am coincidentally a med student. Besides, her own aunt is a gold digger because she married multiple men for their wealth, status etc so what is going to stop B from becoming a gold digger especially since her aunt heavily influences her? So would being hurt by what my parents said be considered a valid reason to prostitute herself?
” If my assumption is correct, she didnât go to prostitute herself because she was stupid, but (bizarre as it may sound) because she wanted to feel loved, to feel good about herself.” That is precisely correct. She said she felt more loved by other men than with me cause of the stereotype my parents had of women in general in the modern world. I just call it stupid because how can I pour out so much love but she is still too blind to see the difference between the love I poured into her and the love other man poured into her. I said it was stupid cause how can she ignore my pure love for her but love the fake love that other men had for her. Even as someone who has being studying psychology for years, it is still hard for me to wrap my mind around her ungratefulness.
“She told you she wasnât thinking, and you believed her, but the more likely explanation is that she actually liked these guysâ attention, because she herself admitted that she felt good being with men who desired her.” That is difficult to tell because these men are like 60 or 70 years old, even her guy friend is married and close to his death (I think he has pancreatic cancer but I don’t remember exactly). But maybe you are right, maybe she has the subconscious desire for men’s attention that even she is not aware of. I just thought my love could fix those issues, those flaws in her.
“Thatâs why I would like to suggest to you to re-evaluate your stance that she is stupid and oblivious. And start thinking of her as someone hurting inside. Someone with unmet emotional needs. Perhaps even someone like you, even though she is displaying a very different behavior than you.” Fine, I could start seeing her like that. And then what? How do I fix it? How do I correct this subconscious desire in her? I thought I could fix it if I loved her right, but that didn’t work. I thought that my desire for her would have enough effect on her to not appreciate other men’s desire for her. Would a therapist help? She doesn’t have that kind of money right now so that will have to wait.
“You said you loved her and tried to help her heal (I am the only person who took on the role of helping her heal). But telling her that she is stupid, dumb, brick wall etc isnât love and isnât conducive to healing.” Helping her heal and calling her stupid and dumb happened in totally different situations. Like I told Anita, I only entered the verbally abusive phase after fighting for HOURS, or DAYS, or WEEKS, nonstop to the point that I feel helpless and energy drained. I am able to accurately describe how she feels and she knows that I am the only person who understands her so well, but that doesn’t mean I do not have a limit to how much foolishness I can tolerate. I am the one who keeps trying to simplify her argument so that she does not misunderstand easily. I am the one who breaks down the situations into bullet points so that she understands where she went wrong. I am the one who showed her how a real boyfriend should treat her. I respected her throughout most of the relationship until those severe moments when I ran out of patience for her bs. Like I am human. I have a limit to how much foolishness/stubbornness I can take. I have a limit to my patience. I cannot be calm 24/7 when she gives me the stupidest excuses of her behavior. Like come on, how can you expect me to not get angry when she sleeps with another man and then blames me for it? It is so draining to have an argument with her cause of how stubborn she is. It is very unfair that I get judged for the times that I was verbally abusive when it is very obvious how wrong her behavior is. But I will still consider what you have said, but I think I need to cut ties with her cause she comes back telling me how hurt she is and etc that I am detaching when it is so obvious that I am detaching cause of the numerous amount of times that she has hurt me.
April 5, 2024 at 11:21 am in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430631ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Anita,
So basically, you are saying that I am indeed verbally abusive. But I want to understand, is it still verbally abusive if the things that are said are actually true? And it is not like she felt any remorse over her decisions/actions. Would calling her a brick wall be considered verbally abusive, when she is actually behaving like a brick wall by not listening to me or give me a chance to explain myself or by not keeping an open mind when I try to correct her misunderstanding? Even you probably thought of me as a brick wall when I appeared to be too stubborn to listen to your advice even though I was listening to your advice.
Keep in mind that the only time I crossed the line with my namecalling was recently when she pissed me off worse than ever before, but the usual namecalling were minor terms such as stupid or brick wall etc, each used in situations where they accurately describe her behavior. Even if it sounds like an insult, the purpose of the use of those terms were to describe her behavior, except recently when I crossed the line with the namecalling.
“I wanted to ask you a long time ago, but didnât: since you met B, if you add all the time you and her were together vs apart, were you apart longer than you were together?” No we were together longer than we were apart. Because every time we broke up, I just chose to forgive her when she apologized.
“Also, who initiated a breakup every time a breakup took place? In the early part of our relationship, the break ups started with her, when she broke up over reasons such as having feelings for another man or the age difference being an issue or other people’s opinions regarding our relationship or other false accusations/misunderstandings such as me not responding to her calls due to me being asleep etc. I started initiating break ups in more severe cases like finding out that she spent time naked in a towel with another man (her ex which I was unaware of at the time), when she was disrespecting my parents, when she was too stubborn to listen to me when I tried to correct her misunderstandings etc (she was draining too much energy from me when I try to correct her). I have caused fights three times, which I am willing to take responsibility for due to my rash decisions and my own forgetfulness even though the situation only became an issue as a result of her misunderstanding. I have already told you about what happened in those three fights where I was the problem. But all the other fights started with her, but she says that she started the arguments cause of the way I made her feel. An example would be when she believed that my parents were calling her a gold digger and manipulator, which offended her, but in reality I was just telling her about the experiences they had with women from this side of the world. The annoying thing is that it was already explained, clarified to the point where she already apologized for her misunderstanding, but every time we have a fight, she goes right back to her assumptions proving that she never accepted any of the explanations I had for her misunderstandings. Another example would be when she got offended by me when I could not give 15 minutes of my time for her cause I was preparing for exams, which made her feel neglected and unwanted, but I had already told her that if it was something that was planned, I could have changed my schedule to give her my attention cause I can’t just immediately change up my plans just for her because dealing with Med is a pain, and despite the fact that I tried to resolve the issue, she crossed the line when she said I would rather be with my gamer friends than with her, which rubbed me wrong and I initiated the break up then, but she reinforced my decision to break up with her by doing all the extra things which I informed you about already.
“When you called her names, how did she react?” She was obviously hurt, but every time I called her names, they were terms such as brick wall or stupid or dumb, which are normal terms used to describe an individual’s behavior. If she called me those terms, I wouldn’t mind at all if she was telling the truth about my decisions/actions being stupid and etc. I always speak the truth, even if it is the harsh truth. I’ve been working on decreasing my verbal abusiveness and it was considerably reduced until she crossed the line in our arguments. Even in the fight where I called her a whore and etc, I only called her those names because she called me a moron first and when I asked her to prove that I am a moron, she couldn’t but I had proof that she was a whore because she was paid to sleep with that man in January.
“You didnât mention that she called you names.” Well she used to call me “a piece of sh*t” but she stopped calling me that when I told her not to use that name since there was no evidence of me behaving like a “piece of sh*t”. But recently she called me a moron in one of our arguments but when I asked her to prove that I am a moron, she couldn’t do that either. I mean I understand that she is just angry but at least let the anger by justified. At least be fair in your anger bruh. At least be angry with me if I deserved it. If I honestly did something wrong, I would gladly accept my mistake and apologize for it. But all she does is make these false accusations and when I ask her to prove it, she doesn’t have any evidence. Like how is that even fair to me? Whenever I am angry with her, I always pointed out exactly and precisely what bothered me and why what she did was wrong. But in her case, she is just angry cause of her OWN MISUNDERSTANDING. HOW IS THAT FAIR BRUH? How is it fair for her to be angry over her OWN misunderstanding and she doesn’t even let me correct the misunderstanding. Why should I put up with that???? I am more than willing to take responsibility for my mistake but at least be fair when judging me.
“If you got into a relationship with any of the âworse than Bâ women, what would you call them..?” Trust me when I say this, if I were to date the women who were actually worse than B, there wouldn’t even be time for namecalling. That relationship would have ended instantly. But even if there is time for namecalling, I would be fair. If they cheated on me, I would call them a cheater or a whore or something of that level. If they did something incredibly stupid like wasting a thousand dollars, obviously I would call them out for their actions and say they were stupid for wasting the money. I used to say that I was in love with B despite her flaws, but now the flaws are like porcupine spines piercing me every time I try to hug her.
“The answer:Â yes, you verbally abused B, and repeatedly.“ Fine, you are right, my verbal abusiveness was harsh, but how else did you expect me to react when you are trying to explain the same point for DAYS or even WEEKS and she just REFUSES to listen. I do not INSTANTLY go straight to being verbally abusive. I go there after HOURS or DAYS or WEEKS of CONTINUOUS ARGUING over the SAME STUPID ISSUE and I reach that point of being verbally abusive when I RUN OUT OF PATIENCE. She is the only person that I wanted to correct. The only person I wanted to understand. I don’t care about anyone else, my parents, family, friend etc. SHE IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO I WANTED TO UNDERSTAND HER MISTAKES SO SHE CAN CORRECT THEM BECAUSE I WANTED TO LOVE HER WITHOUT HER CAUSING ME MORE PAIN. Honestly Anita, how do you expect me to react when she sleeps with another man and then blames me for it? Like how? How would YOU react if your OWN PARTNER slept with another woman and then BLAMES YOU for it, saying that it is YOUR FAULT for making them feel abandoned, YOUR FAULT for making them sleep with another woman? Maybe you would have handled the situation better than me, but please understand the amount of anger that I was feeling in this situation and other similar situations. All I have been doing is pouring out love to her. The only wrong thing I did was my verbal abusiveness which ONLY OCCURS WHEN WE ARE FIGHTING FOR HOURS OR DAYS OR WEEKS NON STOP. Some people just forget all the good things that someone has done when they do something bad one time.
âIf a spouse is unfaithful, the Bible teaches that they can ask God for forgiveness, and He will forgive themâ- not that B is a spouse, but nonetheless, she can ask God to forgive her. She already indicates that she regrets her actions and I am sure God has forgiven her, and I have forgiven her too, but how can I forget the things she did, knowing that it was her own decision and not 100% forced decision. I want to forgive Anita, I want to fix this. I want to pour out my love to her again. I don’t like calling her names. I wish I didn’t get as angry as I did but it is so difficult when she keeps testing my patience. If the situation was actually my fault, I would gladly accept it. So why is it so difficult for her to take full responsibility for her mistakes? She claims to take responsibility for her mistakes only to try to justify her mistakes the next day. Just like what Tee said, how can I continue to date a 5 year old who is incapable of making proper decisions, living in a 22 year old girl’s body?
I repeat, I know that I am verbally abusive and I regret my actions but I only entered that state due to the helplessness I feel when she is too stubborn to be deal with, when she refuses to listen to me or even give me a chance to correct her. I just feel so helpless when I am forced to just shut up and listen to her false accusations when she doesn’t even have proof of these accusations other than her own misunderstandings. Please understand the anger I felt in that moment, which caused me to be verbally abusive.
April 4, 2024 at 9:45 am in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430565ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Roberta,
There are libraries here and etc but I don’t think I will have any luck there. Besides I need to heal from my last relationship and focus on my priorities which is med right now.
As for B’s case, I am just naive enough to believe that people can change, naive enough to hold on to hope that doesn’t even exist. I was never given a chance when I desperately wanted one, and I don’t want anyone else to go through that. I know I gave B a lot of chances already, but even the Bible indicates that I should forgive an infinite number of times. However, I guess even the Bible doesn’t want me to be taken advantage of.
April 4, 2024 at 9:36 am in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430564ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Tee,
Yea you are right that I should not be dating someone who behaves like she is 5, I just believed that she is only behaving like a 5 year old because no one guided her properly and so I thought I could guide her to behave like a grown woman, but I guess I was wrong.
“But you should know that when two people get married, they vow to be there for each other in sickness and in health.” Yes that is what we are SUPPOSED to do, but I have not found a single unmarried woman yet who takes that vow seriously. The woman here believes that they will only behave like a wife when they become a wife but they expect men to behave like husbands when they are not even husbands yet. I do admit that men here are horrible too but so are the women. I have not found any female who takes the marriage vow seriously other than B, so far. But maybe I will. My naiveness is probably making me blind since B is my first gf. Most of the women here want men to treat them like queens but they don’t give anything else in return except maybe sex but I am not interested in sex.
“You said she has finally taken full responsibility for her actions â what exactly did she say?” She said that she will deal with the consequences of her actions, and she has stopped blaming me, but maybe she is still blaming me in her mind and she just chose not to say it directly to me. Maybe she still believes that all of this is my fault but she is not expressing it, so I won’t know. But despite agreeing to the terms, she does occasionally text me saying that she misses me and everything but she stops when I tell her to stop.
“But you keep trying to make her understand.” I just held out on hope. Finding excuses to convince myself that she would change. But some people cannot change until something really really bad happens. Maybe she didn’t have the motivation to change her ways in the past cause the arguments prior to January were not as complicated as it is now. But now that she knows that I am serious about the break up, maybe she will change.
“She too seems incapable of understanding.” No she seems to be capable of understanding, she just chooses to ignore the understanding. Like she knows exactly what I am trying to say but her emotions cause her to overthink unnecessarily and misunderstand things too easily. My father is INCAPABLE of understanding. Like it is very obvious that I am wasting my time trying to explain things to him, but to B, she will eventually understand things but it just takes a while for her brain to register.
“How are these other girls worse than B? Because I have a hard time imagining bigger disrespect than cheating on you and then blaming you for it.” I have told you a few stories already about some women here. But I can give you more stories. There is a girl here who is dating three men at the same time, and none of them know each other. Each man treats her well but as soon as one man leaves for work or something, she has the next man come over. And another thing is that she ensures that she does no service other than sex for the main bf. So far as to make sure that she cooked something for herself and ate it right before her bf came over. She has her man literally starving whenever he comes over or he brings food for her himself.
The men here are no better either but I noticed that it is actually a cycle. Either a man or woman gets cheated on, and then they proceed to become a cheater in their next relationship and then whoever they cheated on becomes the next cheater and the cycle continues.
There was another girl, who was dating a rich chinese dude. Whenever he invited her to dinner or something, she would bring her real man claiming that he was just a friend or she would have him buy gifts for her, which she either kept for herself or gave to her real man. Eventually the chinese guy figured it out and he left but still, the audacity of the girl to cheat RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM is crazy.
“But you concluded â incorrectly â that none of those girls were interested in you” Tee, my first online relationship ended cause of my parents, but when we got back together for a few weeks, she told me she didn’t want to date at all, only for me to find her dating another guy. Then she proceeded to ghost me after finding out the guy was interested in another girl. Even if the first break up was my parents’ fault, she still chose to dump me after we had gotten back together, so doesn’t that mean she was no longer interested in me?
My second online girlfriend dumped me, went on a date with another guy, then got back together with me. Doesn’t that prove that she was not really interested in me but was actually using/manipulating me?
My third online girlfriend was fine, but she also ghosted me cause of her parents without informing me of her circumstances first. She could have at least ended it properly so I don’t go waiting for her in vain. Fine, let us assume that her parents completely prevented her from coming in contact with me, but if she really cared, she would have found some kind of way to give me one last goodbye message, like through school computer or through her friends or something. FINE, let us assume she could not do any of that either. I SEARCHED FOR HER EVERYWHERE UNTIL I FINALLY FOUND HER. She could have informed me about her circumstances WHEN I CAME BACK FOR HER! All she said was that her parents forced her to stop contacting me and we proceeded with our relationship but if the circumstances were actually that bad she could have told me that our relationship would not work or at least tell me whether I should wait for her if her parents get involved again. She did none of that, she left me abandoned on my own birthday.
So tell me, were these girls actually interested in me? Am I incorrectly assuming here? Only the third online gf can be given SOME benefit of doubt even if the evidence is against her. But do you actually think they wanted me? I have girls in my own class telling other people that I am useless and does nothing despite all the work that I have done. Even the female “friends” that I talk to have shown that the only reason why they talk to me is cause of my guy friend who is the common friend between us. They don’t even want to get to know me. Not that I am interested in them but they don’t even want to know who I am. THEY EVEN GET MY NAME WRONG COUNTLESS TIMES DESPITE ME CORRECTING THEM BRUH.
Maybe I am in fact the issue. Cause there is a saying that in a class, if one student fails, then it is the student’s fault for failing, but if EVERYONE fails, then it’s the teacher’s fault for not teaching properly. In the same way, if everyone thinks that I am not worth their time, maybe I am in fact not worth their time. Maybe it is my attitude too, maybe it is my stubbornness, maybe it is the fact that I am the dumbest in my class. I’ve been insulted and treated like trash so many times that I am now too afraid to even talk to people so I reserve myself and do not talk more than necessary. I have made a fool of myself in front of people so many times that I am pretty sure they all see me as some insignificant idiot.
So based on all this, I don’t think there is any normal, decent girl who will be willing to give me a chance.
April 3, 2024 at 4:54 pm in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430545ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Roberta,
I just wanted to respect her wishes, and in the moment I felt that private matters should remain private. Besides this is not the first fight/break up we have had so I just assumed that we might just get back together later and I didn’t want to let my friend know that this constant break up and getting back together was a cycle, cause then I would look bad too. But in that weak moment, I told him what I was going through.
I wish I could find an uncomplicated person like you said, but from the looks of it, most of these girls here are worse than B. I’ve seen how these girls behave, literally no respect for their partners. These girls make B look like she is a perfect angel from heaven. I am not saying that all women are this horrible. I am just saying what I have observed so far and the real life incidents that a lot of people have told me.
Besides, the girls who are actually worth it, won’t even give me a chance. So I am just stuck with my fate.
April 3, 2024 at 4:47 pm in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430544ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Tee,
“This idea that she was a puppet of her auntâs is a false one” I still think there was a degree of manipulation though because she continued to date Al cause there was no negative emotion or anything making her vulnerable at the time, but in my case, the heartbreak made her vulnerable to the manipulation. I think B still made her own decision but it was heavily influenced by her aunt. You cannot compare Al’s situation with this one because Al’s situation happened in the country where most of her family is and there was always someone who will care for her (her dad at least) but in the incident in January, B was in a whole different country where the only family available to her was her aunt, who had the responsibility of getting her plane tickets and providing her a home and food etc. So knowing that there was no one else to turn to other than her aunt would probably be a factor in her decision to obey her aunt. Besides, she also told me that she did not want to tell her dad or anyone else because she felt embarrassed by what was happening because she had been telling people that the money came from the aunt but later she found out the money came from a man who wanted to sleep with her. Her pride got in the way of her decision making. But yes, I have told her that she had the power to say no to her aunt cause her aunt wouldn’t be able to force her into doing anything so in the end it was her own decision to go with the man but the Aunt set up the whole ordeal and influenced her decision making. And she said that she started to like the guy because he did not discriminate her like my parents and I did (which was a misunderstanding that I corrected after like a 100 arguments).
“You should certainly not date a 5-year old⌔ Yea, I was naive enough to believe that if I loved her enough, I could teach her to act like a mature woman.
 “She gets the attention, but she also returns the attention” She didn’t go to the guy and start sexting him. The guy came to her to sext and she just entertained the things he said. The concert and her plan to visit her guy friend were always planned cause she had already informed me about being invited by her girlfriends to go the concert and the guy friend was visiting from Spain after several years and it was the first time in a while he came to visit. I had no problem with her going to these places, the real problem was how she would behave at these places. And she proved me fears to be correct. Based on the videos she recorded, it doesn’t seem like she was actively trying to make herself visible, and in the case of her hugging the guy and wearing the bikini, I see pure stupidity cause the pictures she took indicate that she is oblivious to the fact that the guy friend’s friend has his arm around her back ending near the breast region while the bikini incident occurred at around 6 am where she assumed everyone would be asleep, but obviously not cause her guy friend was awake. I also noticed that the outfit that she chose to wear are extremely short, cut jeans while everyone else including the females were wearing long, more modest clothing. I pointed out all of these things and she acknowledged that she was not thinking when she did all of this and apologized for it but idk if I should even consider her apology. The way that she behaves just shows how stupid and oblivious she is. She doesn’t even appear to be intentionally doing it, she is just operating on literally three brain cells, so it is hard to assume that she is craving the attention, she is just an extrovert that likes to party and enjoy life etc.
Going to the concert and going to the resort were pre-planned things but she had told me that she did not feel like going but our fight as well as pressure from her friends probably convinced her to go to clear her mind from the fighting we were having. She definitely did not tell me the details of her plans though because I was only told that she was going to the concert and visit the friend, which I was fine with but she did not tell me about the things she were going to do at the resort (maybe she was not aware of what her friend’s plans were but idk).
“If it were for herself, she wouldnât have put it on social media.” That is exactly what I told her but she said that her status were only available for her girlfriends and me (but she accidentally made it available for my guy friend as well) and she took down the pictures after I told her.
“She is trying to make a fool of you, Paradoxy.” Tee, if she is trying to fool me, she definitely deserves an oscar award cause that is how perfect her innocent acting is. The fact that she brought her bikini with her proves that she already had planned that she would be going to the beach and etc but the recordings she have shows how oblivious she is to everything around her. If that obliviousness is actually fake, then that girl deserves an oscar for her performance cause that is how convincing it is.
“Please look up the term âthe abuse cycleâ: it is when the abuser is trying to convince their victim to stay in the relationship, by promising they would change and claiming they didnât mean what they said, and that they are sorry” Doesn’t that make me an abuser too? Because I have called her names in anger and apologized to her later, only to repeat it the next time she pissed me off. The only difference is that I did not just call her random insults (except recently with the use of the term bitch, whore (which I already explained), garbage, trash etc), I made sure to use terms that literally described how she was behaving, such as brick wall, stupid, dumb, fool etc.
“The victim agrees and the relationship gets better for a short while, but then the abuse starts again. The abuser never really changes. All those are empty promises.” Should I take her back just to see if this is true? If she does the same thing again, at least we know that her promises are in fact empty. Sounds stupid but just asking.
“You have been trying to explain to her why her behavior is hurting you, why it is wrong, but she doesnât even want to hear it.” She refuses to listen because she is blinded by her emotions. It is like how anger can blind certain people and prevent them from seeing things from a different perspective. Besides, she does apologize for her behavior, only to repeat the same thing again the next day. She told me she did that because she only thought of certain things to say after taking some time to think about what was said in the argument. So she is saying that in the moment, she understood what I was saying, but then when she had time to actually process what was said, she came up with thoughts that countered the things I said, which therefore restarted the argument.
“She only admits that she did the deed (e.g. sleep with someone for money). But she is blaming you for it.” Fair point. But isn’t admitting the mistake similar to taking responsibility for the mistake?
“So she actually asked you to lie. And you didnât oblige.” Yes I know that but isn’t it still wrong since I already agreed to lie for her?
“And she is still accusing you for the fact that she cheated and prostituted herself. She took no responsibility for it â she is blaming either you or her aunt. But she herself took no responsibility.” Well she takes the blame one moment and then shares the blame with me and her aunt. So it’s like she is taking 50% of the blame and giving 30% to her aunt and 20% to me and my parents. But today she has taken full responsibility for her actions and promised to not bother me anymore but claims to have trust in God that I will come back to her…. I finally told my guy friend the details of what was happening and he suggested that I break up with her and wait and see if she really does change and I should only take her back if the change is visible. So she and I have come to the agreement that we are now broken up and we will no longer talk about the relationship but she is welcome to ask for my help for her work or whenever she needs it.
I just can’t imagine any other girl caring for me the same way B cared for me. Like which girl would help dealing with dandrives in someone’s hair? Wouldn’t most girls be disgusted by it and not even bother to help? But she willingly offered to help in putting the treatment into my hair and clearing the dandrives by hand. She even cleaned my room in secret because I don’t let her do it cause it just feels wrong. It is just weird because it feels like no other woman would take care of me the way she took care of me. What if I am actually throwing away the perfect person for me because I am blinded by her mistakes? Or maybe I am being naive and stupid because she is my first real girlfriend after all.
My attraction for her has nothing to do with her stubbornness. I definitely do not want someone who is too high on their horse to acknowledge what is right and what is wrong. Yes I want someone who understands me but I definitely do not want someone who literally drains all the energy out of me before they finally understand me.
I just wished that she was the right person because I always thought that I would marry the first girl I ever truly fell in love with. Now I feel contaminated by my experience with her and I don’t think any girl would want the remains of what was left by another girl. Now I am back to my sad lonely life.
April 2, 2024 at 7:09 pm in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430499ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Roberta,
Yes she made a demand which I AGREED TO. The fact that I agreed with her demand makes my decision not to comply sound like I lied to her. So the technicality of the issue makes me look like I betrayed her and lied to her. I am not beating myself up because I told the truth to my friend. I am beating myself up because I had AGREED to her that I wouldn’t tell anyone but I still told my friend.
Is it really manipulation if you already know you are being manipulated but you still choose to go along with it? B was being manipulated by her aunt into sleeping with the man, but she was aware that it would be wrong to sleep with the man but she still did it. So does the fact that she was being manipulated justify her actions?
In the story of the Boy who cried wolf, if the people had just given him the benefit of doubt despite knowing he is probably lying, he would have probably survived, but in the end who had to experience the loss? The boy and his parents. Just in case I am wrong. Just in case she really did change. As naive as I am, I really wish I could take that chance.
April 2, 2024 at 6:58 pm in reply to: Should a “Cheating” Girlfriend be forgiven over a technicality? #430498ParadoxMusic
ParticipantDear Tee,
I asked B recently why she did what she did and she told me that when we broke up, she was heart broken and felt abandoned and in that moment, she felt that the only person who cared for her was her aunt. So she decided to just do what her aunt told her to do, because she was under the impression that only her aunt cared for her. So heart break just became a catalyst for what happened, and her aunt was waiting for the opportunity like a predator waiting to pounce on their prey and B fell right into her trap.
But despite that, it is still bs like you said cause she went with the man 3 times out of which she slept with him twice, with multiple opportunites where she could have gotten herself out of the situation, but she did not take those opportunities because she thought that she would get in trouble with her aunt as she is in a whole different country with no other place to stay. She is also claiming to take responsibility while also blaming me for my role in what happened.
Nobody forced her to stay with me, but she said she felt the need for my validation. Like some psychological validation that she was worth it. Similar to how some girls who are popular with men gets their pride hurt when they find a man not interested in them, so they annoy the guy until they receive his validation.
She may be 24, but I am starting to think that she is a child trapped in an adult’s body. Its like her brain resets every 5 minutes and everything I tell her just goes over the head. You can literally feel the words going in one ear and her processing it for a second and then leaving the other ear. Like she just threw common sense out the window and she has not even realized it. Thats how dumb it has become. And I think she is behaving like a 5 year old because she did not get the love she deserved from her own parents and family members. The lack of proper guidance prevents her from knowing how to act in certain situations, therefore resulting in the current drama. So can you really be mad at a 5 year old? I know I sound like I am making excuses but I would like to view the situation from as many angles as possible.
And she said that she was not aware that the money was coming from the man until the man came to get her. But she could have rejected the man and told him that she would pay him back. It is not like the man could rape her cause then he would have no other option but to kill her, which he cannot do cause too many people are involved in the situation. But even if she got raped, I would have been able to forgive her cause then it would be against her consent, and therefore she would not have a choice. But the reality is that she did have a choice, she just chose wrong. And I don’t see her craving men’s attention, she just naturally gets the attention cause that is how physically attractive she is, so I don’t see any craving. She is fine with staying at home minding her own business if that is all she had to do. But she did say that all her dress ups were for herself (including the bikini outfit), which I think is bs cause no woman dresses up in a fancy outfit just for themself. And another excuse she had for the bikini incident is that she was in her bikini early morning when everyone was asleep, which is so stupid cause she is literally at a resort, she cannot possibly assume that everyone would be asleep. This level of stupidity makes me wonder whether she is actually 24 or actually 5.
She also said that she said all those things about me ruining her life and etc cause she misunderstood and she was just angry and she asked me to forgive her for what she said in anger, so should I? It still doesn’t change the fact that she felt that way cause of me, despite the fact that I have explained myself countless times.
“She has wounds and self-esteem issues that predate you, but instead of admitting it and taking responsibility for it, she found someone to blame: you.” The funny thing is that she admits her mistake one moment, and then blames me again, then goes back to apologizing for her mistake and then comes right back to blaming me again. It is a continuous cycle of her apologizing and blaming me. I think she just wants me to be blamed for my role in causing her mistake, even if she takes responsibility for actually doing the mistake. So she takes responsibility over her actions AND blames me for causing her to do these actions.
Regarding my attitude towards women, you clearly did not read what I said the last time we had this conversaion. I see women as persons that should be respected and loved and cared for and treated like queens. I have no other attitude towards women. What I do have is a stereotype that was created by observing real life situations of some women’s behavior to their own partner, not just something my father taught me. My father AND mother just supported the stereotype by advising me that cruel women existed, and most of them are women that are heavily influenced by modern society. It wouldn’t make sense if a woman was hurt by me simply saying that there are a lot of gold diggers out there. It would only make sense for the woman to be hurt if I said “You are a gold digger” because that is a direct insult. But of course there are the type who overthink too much and misunderstand what I am saying. We live in a society where divorce over stupid reasons is normalized; A society where men are constantly afraid of who they marry due to the possibility of losing half their wealth. Besides, can it really be considered misogynistic if there is actual evidence that proves the misogynistic theories to be true?
I do see what you are saying and I totally agree with you, and I have already made the final decision but it is just difficult to cut off the part of me that still cares.
“She is falsely accusing you of lying and wanting to cheat on her” B accused me of lying because I told her that I did not tell my friend that we were fighting, but I actually did tell him. But that doesn’t change the fact that her behavior and her lying is 1000x worse than my one lie. I also think that she came to the conclusion of the possibility of me cheating cause of that one interaction with my crush from high school which I forgot to tell her about, which she assumes to be a lie too. But like I said, she claims to have said what she said in anger, just like I have called her rude names in anger too, so should I really not forgive her for her false accusations?
I believe that she did not want me to tell my friend that we broke up because she knows that my friend will ask for the reason behind the break up and she doesn’t want my friend to know what she did. So the reason behind the break up is the horrible embarrassing secret that she wanted to hide, and not the break up itself.
I am pretty sure she is well aware of how stupid her accusations are. But in her moment of anger, she forgot all the things she did and only focused on what I did. So she knows that she has a log in her eye, she just chose to ignore it.
I know that she is a guilt-tripper and manipulator, but it is like she doesn’t even realize she is doing it. It is like a 5 year old crying and throwing tantrums and pouting and showing glassy eyes to get what the child wants, and you just feel so sorry for the child that you just feel the temptation to give in to what the child wants. I think I actually just spoiled her by forgiving her so many times already.
Everything else you said is true. I will just have to work on fixing it. There is a saying, that you should not go to the market when you are hungry because you will just buy the wrong things. Maybe I just picked the wrong person out of my own desperation for a friend.