Forum Replies Created
January 19, 2015 at 4:10 pm #71642
Sat Nam
ParticipantI love what @Raventrue said! Steve1 (I think you’re the same person who gave me the advise about meetup, not sure) life is crazy & mysterious, sending us in a million directions that are not always comfortable. I honestly think that you should create a NEW you, not try to go back to who you were before your marriage as that will never happen. You are you BECAUSE of your marriage, because of your beautiful children (since I recall you mentioned 2 boys from this marriage)…all this has been part of your journey. Ask yourself what you want to be now? And create that. Pursue people who enrich the new you you want to be. I bet when you look at this you will realize those old co-workers are not even worth another try as they most likely aren’t people who will enrich this new person you are becoming 😉 Love & light Steve1…something big is just around the corner, you just have to stop looking to the right and look to the left 😉
January 19, 2015 at 3:45 pm #71641Sat Nam
ParticipantThank you for your response Steve1,
I tried looking on there but nothing interesting popped up or at least groups I can see myself in. I’ll keep the search going. I appreciate your suggestion and hope your journey is getting better. Happy 2015!
November 16, 2014 at 9:34 pm #67981Sat Nam
ParticipantThank you BenzRabbit,
I took some tips from the articles and I thank you for including the song and time to respond to my post. It’s been 6 months of ups and downs but I have to push through it all. I’ve been hearing from my son’s father once a month since September and each time he shows signs of life I show signs of decay. In the past few weeks it’s been the worst with hurtful truths coming to light, not from him but through other means. I guess my sadness stems from losing all hope in this person being an honest person or an involved father to his son…us being a family.
August 12, 2014 at 9:53 am #63195Sat Nam
ParticipantMorning Cassandra,
Thank you for your blessings! Love & light ♥ May your life only channel your desires, not your fears. For me & all those who suffer from this, be blessed the same.
Sat Nam
August 12, 2014 at 9:48 am #63194Sat Nam
ParticipantMorning Irene, I hope I find you reading this so much better, having gone through the setback and enjoying your success. I have no doubt you will find the perfect match, it looks like you want to change that habit which I also had and really go for someone to complement your life, not save us from what only we must fix. Maybe this is a great time to channel into your creativity and that new job will come around. With that job a social life which nurtures you, even here I find people care a lot. A community of love helping one another get to their destination. I went to Agape Spiritual Center for the first time (here in CA) Sunday to celebrate my baby’s 6 month b-day and this is their theme for the month:
“Create your life by DESIGN, not be DEFAULT” meaning if we don’t design how we want our life to play out day by day it will usually be by default of all our incompletions (fears, traumas, etc.)
I had never been and his talk really hit some great points. Here is the link in case you want to see it…go to 8-10-14 11:30 service 😉 11, 2014 at 8:58 pm #63144Sat Nam
ParticipantHi Dillo, first of all I love how you phrased that “through a series of enlightening events.” Your post is so enriching on many levels, thank you, thank you, thank you! I do get angry sometimes but I will read and re read as many times as needed to understand this is a beautiful part of their story and they are meant for nothing else but greatness. I should be more careful as to the way I view this situation when I am feeling weak. Lots of love to you and your son, again thank you for your strength and wisdom. Besos!
August 11, 2014 at 8:49 pm #63143Sat Nam
ParticipantHi Zaica, yeah I get it. Family and friends don’t easily forget what is done to you because they don’t have an emotional attachment to our partners. But if they truly love you they will be there for you no matter what you choose to do. You are doing just great, that first step will liberate you. Next time we chat it will be you telling me about your new job. Yay!
August 11, 2014 at 8:45 pm #63142Sat Nam
ParticipantAww Irene, thank you for sharing about yourself and how you’re coming out of it. You know what I always did before this most recent break-up? Instead of being comfortable alone and learning to go after a meaningful relationship, I would go for the guy who really liked me, not that I liked him that much :/ It was my way of not risking getting hurt, if they left I wouldn’t be too sad. And while they were there I felt I had someone who cared, I wasn’t “unworthy.” Now after my divorce I wanted to break that pattern and go for a guy I really liked, but I was so focused on my fear that like you mentioned I too was full of insecurities. No relationship can really progress that way, at some point people have to be removed so you get back on the path (whichever it may be). I’m tired of running from myself and have decided to really fall in love with ME, make her shine, and once she’s comfortable in her own skin & on her own she will be able to share herself. I won’t lie, I still miss my ex, love him the same, and would love for him to come back. But I get it, it wasn’t our time and now my time is to be dedicated solely to my children and myself. It’s as if I’m nurturing 3 (my 2 sons and my inner wounded child). You are beautiful as well Irene and I wish you the best on this journey to freedom so you may find the best in you and attract the same in a man. You are a warrior. Love and light!
August 9, 2014 at 8:43 pm #62958Sat Nam
ParticipantHi Zaica! Thank you for confiding in me, I am always glad to help when someone asks. About your friend, from experience, only go into details with those you know give unbiased advise, aim for those kinds of friends Zaica, they are jewels right now. Now about your situation, I really don’t know why they dislike him so much. Was he abusive? I would not want you to go back to that if he was Zaica. Now if it is more of a religious or just cultural thing then go for what YOU want Zaica, they will not be there forever and you will just be withering away into unhappiness by doing what they ask of you. One clear way to fail in life is to want to please everyone around you. As a single mother of 2…living on our own, paying my own bills, nanny for my newborn, & private school for my boy I can tell you it wasn’t easy gaining complete independence but it’s possible! You know they say the first step is the hardest, for me it was, and I believe that is where you are right now. Confusion, fear, guilt, etc… What worked for me was meditation, through devoted practice was how I gained the courage to leave my ex husband, get an apartment, and a job. Not all at the same time, but as soon as I leaped everything magically got into place. Your situation is much different than mine when I left my husband but in root I know you are also seeking to stand on your own 2 feet. You can do it Zaica, even without your family if they are not willing to respect your desires. You are not their little girl anymore, but a grown woman who wants to form her own family. I think you should take on your husband’s offer and have the 3 of you away from the in-laws even if that means renting his father’s apartment for a year. What’s key here is you are all out of their noses, living on your own, forming a nest only for you. Sorry if I went too long on my feedback, I like to cover all aspects when asked for advise hehe 🙂
August 8, 2014 at 7:45 pm #62914Sat Nam
ParticipantBenzRabbit thank you for your insight, hitting the mark beautifully. Being alone was or let me say is the rooted fear that has brought me here. I am going to read both links you shared and truly appreciate your help.
With Love,
Sat NamAugust 4, 2014 at 8:47 am #62583Sat Nam
ParticipantI am glad to read this Zaica, many blessings to you and your husband, life sometimes separates us to bring us back closer than ever. Now you are in a better place to start over and so is he. People can say a million things about the right time to dwell, the right time to laugh, etc. but as you say only I know what feels right to me. I have no clue when the “longing will cease” but what I do know is I’m not going to run away from my feelings but rather endure them with full awareness. Only then can I really heal. Thank you Zaica for your words and support, knowing you and your husband are working things out leaves me with a smile 🙂
August 1, 2014 at 11:34 am #62410Sat Nam
ParticipantAww Zaica many blessings to you, thank you for stopping by and checking in. It’s great to feel your words; you emanate a much lighter and happier Zaica :). As for me, things are good, could be better but grateful for what is. I have to admit I do miss my ex, our son is identical to him and those eyes they have are just amazing. I think about him every day and just send him love wherever he may be ♥
July 25, 2014 at 10:58 am #61755Sat Nam
ParticipantGood morning Nikki,
Thank you so much for commenting on my post. It is great to hear from a woman who went through it and has managed to be lighter, freer, I imagine more radiant. Something stood out for me “I have found the hardest thing is to give myself the courage to trust my instincts again.” So true, like what Matt had said, my instincts were telling me he was a pauper but I kept painting him like a prince. I am learning so much about myself as a mother, as a woman, and as a wounded child. Had this not happened, I know for a fact I would be in illusion land and pretty much a living zombie; at some point a crash had to happen and I forced to react, pick up the wreckage, and be an alchemist transforming everything to light (my true nature). The last 2 days have been tough, I feel a volcano of tears about to erupt but each time it happens I am at work :/ You and I both know I cannot afford to bring drama to work as I work with only men. Sorry for going on and on, it felt nice to talk to someone who could understand me. Thank you for your warm wishes, I send you all the love & light of the world so you and your 3 beautiful children just dance in the warmth of joy!
July 23, 2014 at 9:42 am #61585Sat Nam
ParticipantAww Matt just beautiful! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and opening my eyes more. I am a dramatic haha so thank you for stating it. And yes I did make everything out to be what it was not long before the ending took place. I honestly know I clung on to the idea of creating a true and beautiful union with this person, probably for fear of another “loss” & abandonment. Repeating again the single mom scenario but now with not 1 but 2 children. What I so feared came true, so many lessons in this event which I am still working to really learn, apply, and not repeat. In Spanish there is a phrase that I have been told so many times “tropezaste con la misma piedra.” In English it would be something like “you stumbled on the same rock,” I know the things I have done (in this life and previous) were not the greatest and by consequence things fell apart to some degree. But I am devoted to love in all its forms and I do choose to not make this my downfall. Thank you again for your poetic way of giving me a more broad perspective of my current situation. In love & light my friend ♥
July 23, 2014 at 8:41 am #61578Sat Nam
ParticipantYes, exactly Zaica! God is good, there is a Spanish phrase which has helped me so much. It goes “Dios si yo alguna vez pierdo las esperanzas ayúdame a recordar que tus planes son mejores que los míos.” In English it would translate to “God if I ever lose hope help to remind me that your plans our better than mine.” And yes, our ego makes us think what we want is what we need, when it is not necessarily the case. I know for certain if my ex had not done what he did I would not have opened my eyes to the inner wounded child I had deeply buried years ago. You see, whenever a “chaotic” event comes up it is for us to look within and ask “why does this hurt? What is in me that makes this event so painful?” Maybe we were abandoned as children by one of our parents. Maybe we never felt we belonged in school. There are so many factors we can start to look at and begin to heal. Yes it is a pretty gut wrenching way to heal but sometimes our ego needs to be tamed in this manner hehe 😉 God loves those who are grateful even if they don’t get what they asked for ♥