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September 13, 2018 at 4:14 pm #225617
ParticipantI moved back down south 2 years ago because of family, they all live down here. Especially to be closer to my mother, she’s getting old, and she has at least 2 types of cancer that I’m aware of. She’s going to need all the support she can get.
I do wish to move back up north one day though.
I’m not affiliated with the gang anymore, in fact it broke up entirely pretty soon after I left. I do keep in touch with one of my childhood friends from that time though, who now happens to run his own.
September 12, 2018 at 1:14 pm #225387Nirvair
ParticipantThis guy has a very bad reputation, he tries to rob people on a weekly basis to feed his addictions, even the elderly. When my old gang friends heard what he had done to me, they wanted to execute him.
The guy could have killed me in my home, or at least hurt me badly. But he didn’t. So when they told me that they were going to kill him, I said no. I don’t know if that was the right or wrong thing to do, maybe he’ll continue to feed his addiction by causing harm and suffering to other people, perhaps he’ll even kill someone, someday.
September 8, 2018 at 1:03 pm #224721Nirvair
ParticipantI was robbed by a drug addict who needed a phone to get his drugs. He knocked on my door, I answered and he had this iPhone that he was told that I could unlock for him. When I told him that I couldn’t do that because I’ve never seen the phone before, he got agitated and asked me what I’m supposed to do about this then. I offered him to use my phone if he needed to call someone, but he told me that he needed a phone to keep. I apologized and told him I can’t help him with that.. And that’s when he got really angry and pulled out a Beretta from his jacket.
I value my life more than a phone, so I told him that he can have my phone. We walk into my home and I give him the phone, he then tells me that the things my brother does has consequences, he then took some prescription drugs that belonged to my brother and left.
Contacted Police and un-linked my phone from everything. he was found an hour later by the police dogs, phone is at the police station in the same condition and I should be getting it back soon.
Sadly some of my older friends found out what happened, and the guy has had a bad time ever since. At least they respected my wishes to let him live, but he did get a pretty nasty beating.
August 30, 2018 at 12:05 pm #223779Nirvair
ParticipantSorry, I was recently robbed at gunpoint in my own home and completely forgot about this.
It takes a lot to make me want to give up. Doesn’t matter if it’s mundane tasks, chores, work or my relationship.
It could have something to do with my borderline personality disorder, I can’t manage my stress levels, I don’t even notice that I’m stressing, to me I just seem calm all the time. After working in a very stressful restaurant for a year I began throwing up blood in the mornings and evenings. It turns out that my stomach acidity levels had risen to abnormal levels because of stress, and that was causing tissue damage up towards my throat.
It’s hard to know when to stop and take a break, when you don’t feel exhausted or stressed. But this also goes beyond the physical and into the psychological behaviour, I don’t like giving up. As long as I love my woman I will have hope that she will better herself someday in the future. And if not, it’s not the end of the world. Though it certainly makes me sad.
When I said -“as long as I feel that there is still some hope, I wont give up. It keeps me alive..” I meant it literally. I’ve lived a hard life, mostly been on my own since I was 16, my father left when I was 12 and my mother was stuck taking care of 6 children alone. With such a big family and being shy at that, I was quickly the target of bullying at my school, It got out of hand and in my second year everyone was bullying me, even the teachers. After 5 years it got to the point where I was expelled for being bullied, because it was easier to expel me instead of firing the teachers and having a talk with every kid in the school.
I moved to another city eventually, new school, new bullies. But this time I had enough, for the first time in my life I beat up another person. I instantly gained popularity and friends because of this.. And it lead to me becoming a gang leader of around 300 people for 3 years. After barely escaping several murder attempts at my life, I eventually said my goodbyes and left far up north, where I spent 15 years of my life, mostly alone. Watching people live their daily lives, watching life as it progressed.
This is where I began to change my life for the better, Where I found love in nature and building things, Where I began spending my time meditating and helping people, and not worry about my own life as much as I used to.
Without hope I would have given up and killed myself a long time ago. God knows, it was close once.
August 21, 2018 at 8:07 am #222319Nirvair
ParticipantYou are absolutely right about me. There is nothing I value more than truth. But.. I also don’t like to give up, as long as I feel that there is still some hope, I wont give up. It keeps me alive..
As for life, there has certainly been worse times in history than those we face right now. But it does feel like we’re escalating slowly towards something we might never have faced before as a species. Never before have we had the technology or capacity to do so much damage in so little time as we do now. A frightening thought that a single individual holds the power to end all life on the planet.
Now more than ever before should we strive for peace, not conflict. This is why I worry when I see conflict escalating in my own country.
August 17, 2018 at 3:31 pm #221965Nirvair
ParticipantTannhauser: I’m sorry you feel this way, I hope your life gets better soon so you no longer need those pills.
(And of course I know I’m not Hillarion, I’m me. I think you missed my point there.)
Anita: How I’m feeling is..Complicated.
I don’t necessarily see things as good or bad, everything happens for a reason. Lately I’ve been kind of emotionless, been in a very stressful relationship with a person who just.. Can’t seem to be honest with me. It’s like I have to constantly force the truth out. As a result she has made this image of me in her head that I’m controlling, doesn’t let her see her friends or go outside to enjoy life. Even though I encourage her to do so.
A broken relationship for sure, not sure how to fix it, sometimes it seems as if she doesn’t want it to be fixed. I’ve done a lot to work on my own flaws in the relationship.. But I feel like she doesn’t want to see her own flaws, and as such she can’t begin to work on them.
Causes a lot of anxiety, stress, heartache.
Apart from that, I’ve lost faith in humanity.. No matter where I turn my eyes, there’s vandalism, destruction, hate, racism and people hurting each other because of religious beliefs. It’s quite overwhelming.
Homelessness has increased in my country because of immigration politics that focus more on taking in immigrants that the government can’t even help anymore. With no focus on building affordable homes or setting up jobs. People are taking advantage of the situation and building 1 room apartments and setting the rent at 1000€ a month, it’s ridiculous. Students who go to university is forced to take these homes and pay the rent with student loans, they’ll be in-debt for the rest of their lives.
Meanwhile people who just try to survive have no where to go. I don’t have a job myself, but I try to give to the homeless when I can. It’s heartbreaking to see life this way, and it’s only getting worse by the day.
I suppose I could just say that I’m depressed, have constant anxiety attacks and feel like killing myself, put myself on medication and pretend like everything is fine. But that would be turning a blind eye to the real problem. How I feel is a reflection of life around me. I just wish people would see that, so we could all begin helping each other feel better again.
August 14, 2018 at 5:37 pm #221531Nirvair
ParticipantHello Tannhauser.
I do not believe in mental illness, and I do not believe in prescription drugs. Your mental condition is a reflection of your physical life, what you have and what you don’t have. All these prescription drugs do is mask the problem, to make it seem like you’re fine.
In doing so you simply pile up issues and eventually you’re at a point of no return, stuck in a swamp of negativity and pills. I suffer from heavy depression, not because of an illness, but rather because I was abused as a child, my father would take out his aggressions on me and beat me from year 7 to 14, when he finally left.
Part of me wishes I had a good father growing up, that I could have all those father son moments. But I never will, and no amount of medication or therapy will ever give me that.
But what I can do is understand why I am depressed, and surround myself with good people, and try to be as happy as I can be.
If you talk to your doctor he/she will admit that the medication is only to mask the issue while you work it out with a therapist, etc. I suppose it’s good, if the pain is too much to bear. But I avoid it.
And about God.. God is around, in your heart and mind. Listening. If your prayer is sincere and what you’re asking for is within God’s grasp, I’m sure God will answer your prayer, in one way or another. Just remember that God is about love, and love is about sacrifice. Asking for something without giving something is a sin, what you give should not be materialistic either.
God has not abandoned anyone, but rather the other way around. We live in a world that is all about being famous or getting money. People pray to God for nice cars, a hot wife, a huge mansion, a great job. Both America and Isis is killing in Gods name.
Maybe we’re just supposed to live our lives to the fullest, that would be dangerous though, and very sinful. Or perhaps life is a test, where our actions are judged.
I personally believe that life is where souls grow, and once your soul has fully matured it passes on to a sort of stratum where the soul will spend an eternity. And if a soul is not yet ready, it will seek a new vessel and be reborn. But that is just my own thoughts.
I agree that spirituality can become obsessive, and sometimes we wish for things to be greater than they actually are.. An old woman once told me I was the reincarnation of the Ascended Master Lord Hilarion, the fifth ray of healing and truth. She essentially put me up on the same level as Jesus.
It’s important to remember who you truly are, and you shouldn’t throw away your identity for anything, not Hilarion, Jesus or Neptune. We are all unique and we all hold the potential to do great things. 🙂
I hope you find a way to live your life without Codeine. I personally turn to marijuana for my emotional.. Troubles, as it makes me apathetic. Though I make sure to restrain myself as often as I can so I don’t become reliant on it. Masking your problems is never the way.
I apologize for rambling, sleepless night.
August 12, 2018 at 10:41 am #221237Nirvair
ParticipantThank you Anita, for your time and patience with answering my questions.
I’m glad I reached out, fate brought me here to find clarity. I now know what it meant. I’ve strayed the path of righteousness. It’s true, life is suffering.. But as individuals we have the ability to make life better, for everyone and everything, or at least to keep a balance.
With all the negativity and evil that seems to overwhelm the world right now, I had given up. I’ve not left my home for 2 years. I believe it’s time I went out there and started doing some good again.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
August 11, 2018 at 10:23 am #221181Nirvair
Participant– “If I understand correctly, you believe the figurine really did and does turn toward you with its glowing blue eyes, this is not a visual hallucination?”
Yes, the Buddha figurine actually turns on it’s own. Some days it only turns a little bit, some days it does not turn at all. This particular night, it had done a 180 degree turn.
I have never seen it move with my own eyes, but I’m the only one in this room, no one could have moved it.
August 10, 2018 at 11:35 am #221061Nirvair
ParticipantHmm, well. There used to be only one thing that scared me, and that was the knowledge that someday, my mind will cease to exist. But after my experience with death, this went away. I’m not afraid anymore, for better or worse.
But you’re right, I am very anxious, about my future in this world. I like certainty, and life only offers you one certainty. Being anxious keeps me from sleeping at night. Though I am not afraid of my hallucinations, or spiritual interactions. They don’t hurt me so why should I fear it. The figurine intrigued me though, since it actually happened in real life, and not just in my head.
I did some researching (googling) and found this website talking about “The eye of the Buddha”. That it stands for Peace, Harmony, Wisdom and Conscience. In one of the pictures this is depicted as blue eyes, I found the coincidence interesting.
Is it possible that the figurine sensed a negative presence in the room and calmed it?
August 10, 2018 at 1:22 am #220963Nirvair
ParticipantWell, it’s mostly auditory and visual hallucinations that I used to have.
Every time I move into a new place, the first morning I get a full on hallucination that lasts minutes. It’s always the same thing, a huge rumble, followed by a blinding light. I walk up to the window and look out and there’s a huuuuge explosion in the distance that’s quickly coming closer. But as I accept it, it goes away.
I’ve seen hand drawn pictures of the sun (as if drawn by a child) pop up on my wall along with a loud static noise, only to disappear seconds later. I’ve seen floating toys and faces forming inside the walls. As I was out driving, a bridge melted just as I was driving under it.
All of my auditory hallucinations are also coupled with some kind of sleep paralysis.
The first time it happened I was trying to sleep. I hear a voice behind me, a man speaking to a woman in a deep and broken voice, all he said was “Are you certain about this one woman”. Then overwhelming fear came over me and I was stuck in sleep paralysis for a few minutes.
The second time it happened was again in bed, trying to fall asleep while facing the wall. A woman speaks to me in a soft voice “Don’t look behind you”. And then sleep paralysis kicks in, but it’s different this time. It’s not that I cant move, it’s that I’m being dragged out of bed, and pushed in under my bed. I managed to snap out of it just in time and somehow I was in bed again.
The third time it happened I was sitting at the computer, just playing a game. All of a sudden sleep paralysis kicks in and I cant move, my office chair is being dragged out of the room and towards the stairs. Something was trying to push me down. But again, I snap out of it just at the edge of the stairs and I’m back at the computer. I never fell asleep and I wasn’t tired.
All of the voices stopped after I had a heart attack and died for 15~ minutes. I still see people from time to time, most recently a really old, short yet sturdy man that stood next to my bed for a few minutes one night. He didn’t look at me once though, he just kept looking at the chimney.
These hallucinations are different compared to the Buddha figurine though, I know these hallucinations aren’t “real”. The figurine turns at night and stays turned in the morning, the eyes keep glowing even after I look away for a while. It feels real.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by