
Nina Sakura

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  • Nina Sakura

    Aja, the past actions of others can’t be changed and we can only choose after a point to stop believing that the past will control everything about our life, including our ability to face life and our worth as a person.

    in reply to: Finding time for love? #120231
    Nina Sakura

    Its called being aware of one’s needs and balancing priorities accordingly.

    in reply to: Learning and Self Belief #119728
    Nina Sakura


    It’s not easy to actually be your own person but it is inevitably a part of growing up. I am wondering though, what are you afraid of – things going wrong?

    Sometimes I think I spent too many years worrying what other people thought and never quite appreciated myself. I always held back in showing my best side – I am not sure why I did that but the simple answer I have is lack of confidence in myself and the unwillingness to take on risk, facing disapproval. I won’t say I haven’t rebelled but I don’t think I have come out of caring what others think.

    Finally i threw my hands up one day and thought “Come on, we all care of what others think to some extent” – I won’t deny that anymore but the key is to go on doing what we need to do for ourselves. I was deeply unhappy because I was trying to be out of the mould and yet fit in. Then over time, I thought, let’s take the middle way on this.

    And another thing is to take each day at a time – sometimes we put this immense pressure on ourselves to grow personally that we forget the years it took to become that person in the first place – it’s a bit like massive weight loss goals- all fine for long term health but obsessing about it, going crazy in the lrocess when it’s not happening as per plan isnt worth it. I have often noticed how I go a little nuts when I start good habits, it’s almost as if I want to prove my mental mettle but in hindsight, this is a personal journey, not a PR campaign.

    Loneliness, feeling uncomfortable are inevitable, just like the more pleasant, peaceful feelings that also come- every person on this planet has experienced the above in some time. People often get confused with the idea of being comfortable with being uncomfortable – they think it’s a passive idea – what is passive according to me is to whine about this rather than to have an active approach to finding companionship with oneself and also making newer connection along with acceptance that no matter how hard we try, some days it will be rough and we just gotta ride it out.

    Sorry I went off on a tangent here, was sort of introspecting on things.

    I think you are doing wonderfully bdw. This kind of growth takes time and patience. Would love to hear more from you soon.


    PS – lot of typos – hard to type on phone.

    Nina Sakura

    Dear aja675,

    I don’t know what your situation is really so I can’t say much without more context except sometimes shitty things happen and we have to let them go. The more we hold on to the anger, the more we hurt ourselves. The more we wish the past would change, the less we can move forward with our present life and fail to appreciate the possibility of positive changes. This is not to say it’s bad to feel pain and remorse – or its childish in some way, more like for our own well being, letting go is important because we just can’t change what happened.

    I am wondering though, what is your biggest source of anger?


    in reply to: The PUA/Self Imrovement Community is making me depressed #119422
    Nina Sakura

    It won’t be long – all this reflection and ideas you are gaining will give you both perspective and courage to stay positive and have a clearer self image.

    Nina Sakura

    Hey butterfly,

    I am sorry to hear that you are going through this tough time. What happened with this person? Would you tell me more about when these feelings started?


    in reply to: The PUA/Self Imrovement Community is making me depressed #119207
    Nina Sakura

    Dear Tim,

    I am glad I cheered you up a bit πŸ™‚ you being introverted isn’t a bad thing at all – most guys I know are kinda reserved in the first appearance and then they eventually open up – I like the introverts because of the deep conversations I have had with them and well, I am one too haha…extroverts are awesome too to liven things up and push one outside their comfort zone.

    Well you are right. An introvert will have to make some effort to interact and open up. I think it will be very beneficial if you could work on being more open – not just to find a partner but rather to feel more comfortable in live interactions.

    It’s simply a matter of time and place I think. If you want, watch this movie called “before sunrise” – there is another movie called “before zunset” and then “before midnight”

    You will learn quite a bit about how introverts work in love and about relationships as they progress.

    You will meet the girl when the time is right. I have this odd belief about the universe after 3 experiences so far in most unexpected ways – keep yourself open, positive and with a clear head.

    Internet often has lot of biased advice for the same issue, so don’t take it to heart entirely if something super negative is there.

    What’s your ideal girlfriend like? If there was something that interested you, what would it be?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Nina Sakura.
    in reply to: The PUA/Self Imrovement Community is making me depressed #119180
    Nina Sakura

    Dear Tim,

    Before you consider what you can offer, first be clear about what you want from a partner – and also you are only 22 – the hook up culture is more common in twenties and especially in certain societies. Secondly, when the relationship happens, you will figure out what you need to offer when it happens – right now, over-analysis of this won’t help.

    The irony is you need to understand that there is nothing wrong with you and the right person will appreciate who you are just the way you are. All this dress better, wear xyz perfume, be macho shit advice is just extra layer on the basic cake – the problem is your belief that the basic cake sucks. If you think that’s the problem, no woman will be able to change that. One of my exes wasn’t conventionally good looking at all in fact but what I adored about him was the fact that he was very chilled out about it and treated me well, he didn’t let his insecurities color his perception so much.

    Lastly, try getting dates through your common network of family and friends. I know that sounds clichΓ© but it may work better compared to the current online problemyou u are facing.

    it’s not the end of the world if you don’t find a girl ASAP, what matters is meeting the right person for you – truth be said, I always take internet advice with a pinch of salt. Work on yourself and the underlying issues which are unique to you.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Nina Sakura.
    in reply to: How to become a better active listener? #119017
    Nina Sakura

    Dear Michael,

    Two years is a long time. You are hurting now. How you behaved was how anyone with even a shred of feelings would – your ex too has convaluted feelings about the situation but it’s best to maintain distance. I suppose she moved on in her mins long before she ended things officially. The most obvious signs of this is withdrawal and disinterest, lack of the usual involvement shown by women…there is no lesson I can offer here except give this pain time to heal and let the days pass, live your life despite the ups and downs.

    I am sorry I am not of much help but I simply feel that these situations are such that one needs to go through the unique cycles of healing, change – friends and solitude, new hobbies help the most to develop your own inights which help through the pain.

    Try watching “500 days of summer” sometime.

    I hope you feel better with time.


    in reply to: Marriage is it for everyone? #118862
    Nina Sakura

    Well here are my two cents –

    Indeed there is that social elememt to marriage more so in Asian communities where not being married is considered strange, especially for a girl. In Sweden, I have observed domestic partnership is more prevelant as getting married is expensive. So children aren’t termed “bastards” there. Now I don’t know know where you are from, so I can’t comment on this but it’s a cultural thing first of all and varies.

    Secondly, the idea of marriage provides legal proof of the commitment and officially ties assests together after a point. Sometimes that means people are forced to stay together even when the relationship is no longer working thanks to the contract and family pressure. Divorces do happen of course but its a source of protection financially for women and children in particular vis-a-vis the unmarried cases.

    Your concern about lack of love and companionship – this can happen in any relationship actually over time. Marriage isn’t some voodoo thing that makes relationships go wrong – it’s the equation between the people that changed or soured. You guys have been together and faithful for so long, have a child and life already – so worrying that it will be same as your parents thanks to marriage makes no sense but the most valid point I can think of is this –

    The child and society : they also have to face the brunt of things. Adults have sense to differentiate but kids don’t during the growing years especially in a society that doesn’t accept this as norm. They may just call him things worse than bastard and he will have lot of questions about why you chose this path ans why you arent like other mommy, daddies..so keep good answers ready.

    In the end, it’s between the two of you – I don’t think marriage is for everyone though, I am referring to the ones who are commitment phobics, can’t adjust in life etc

    Otherwise it’s problematic to remain so when the child is also there and your country has blurry provisions, parents don’t quite agree.

    What do you think?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Nina Sakura.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Nina Sakura.
    in reply to: What to expect from life partner? #118855
    Nina Sakura


    Before falling asleep is the hardest somehow – I miss my guy the most then, I miss him even after a Skype call – I miss those days we had before long distance especially – though I love this new found closeness we have now, I miss just being still with him, the goofiness in person…sometimes I cry and end up writing long, emotional messages I delete πŸ˜› then I feel calmer..sometimes I think God gave me too many tear glands or something.

    Truth be said it saddens me that our situation is so complicated (lot of things beyond long distance) but I am glad that I have such a loving, respectful and encouraging partner in my life. I want to remain optimistic and strong despite these uncertainties.

    Sorry I went off on a monologue suddenly…I just wanna say that I understand and that it will be okay.


    in reply to: What to expect from life partner? #118793
    Nina Sakura


    All the best for your upcoming exams. That is the most important right now. See I understand the anxiety and support you need before it but truth be said, it’s a long distance relationship and you have separate lives. Now given this upcoming exam, it’s more important you take time to relax in some way once a day without his requirement – hence the suggestion of a funny movie, YouTube videos, TV show, happy music, a walk, yoga etc

    The hard truth is yes we do need others but we need to give ourselves inner strength and hope. That’s what confidence is about.

    As for him liking another and not telling you, if you think like this about him, that means you don’t trust him at all. How do you expect long distance to last without trust? He will meet different girls throughout his life but you have to have faith and go beyond your own insecurities – he chose to be in a relationship with you.

    Long distance doesn’t make relationships weaker dear – it actually tests the relationship more and reveals the way we project past insecurities on our partners. It’s easy to stay in love when things are easier but a couple has to make adjustments too based on reality. Now these types of relationships are more common thanks to globalisation. Hence having positive mindset is important.

    Take up one relaxing practise everyday – you are less occupied and worried bout exams, so these thoughts happen. Please find ways to relax and unwind, have a strict schedule.

    Talk to someone on yourdost.com if you need some regular help with these anxieties and thoughts. There are free online counselors there. Hope you feel better soon, do post back.

    Do write more about what happened in the past if you feel inclined to. Perhaps answers are there


    in reply to: What to expect from life partner? #118768
    Nina Sakura

    Dear purpose,

    Some disagreements do happen in a relationship from time to time and then people sort them out, reach to an understanding. Emotionality is all great but it is the commitment and understanding that truly counts. Both of you are in long distance – your lives are separate though the bond and commitment is what should remain.

    What that means is you know and trust eachother enough to let go of the need to control and judge. He is in a new place now and is adjusting – lot of emotionality is normal in the beginning when relationship just starts, after that what matters is if he treats you with respect and you can count on him – this doesn’t mean endless communication through the day or a monologue about feelings and activities. Its something deeper and i cant explain it in words. I can’t say this enough to people – have more faith in people and be patient, explain your needs in a calm manner but be reasonable too.

    He isnt here to solve your loneliness. To be comfortable with your life, to enjoy yourself without him and be happy for him as he is adjusting in his life is the mindset you need to have. This is my major learning after long distance failures in the past.

    Fill your days with things you enjoy – how can you really compare how he feels about new friends and you? It’s like apples and oranges. Both have their own role to play.

    To develop a rich inner life, you need to spend more time in good movies and books, spend time with your friends, get involved deeply in your purpose in life – and share it with this person – don’t expect him to complete you – only you can do that for you.


    in reply to: Should I stay or should I go? #118742
    Nina Sakura

    And regarding her wanting to accompany you, well if you don’t want her to come along, say you will be fine and prefer to head off on your own. And go live hour life your way. You ain’t 16.

    in reply to: Should I stay or should I go? #118741
    Nina Sakura


    I am closer to your age group so perhaps my idea will have a sense of myopia to it – stress is inevitable in life but I think it’s important to know what’s worth the stress.

    The pros of going overseas are new oppurtunities, new environment, new people and perhaps being in a career you are passionate about. Monetarily too it will be a rewarding thing I hope.

    The cons are a new environment, new culture and people, being away from family, adjusting in new environment and financial constraints of travelling to and fro.

    Look at the two paragraphs carefully – they are almost the same thing aren’t they?

    What matters though is the person and perspective – this is actually different in each case and comes down to three things :-

    Your level of passiom, the confidence you have in your ability to deal with the unknown and also your willingness to improve yourself.

    Maybe your therapist has her reasons for saying what she says but what do you think and what can you do to get there?

    It’s all about perspective at the end of the day. What’s yours?


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