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you got all the tools already to get the job done, all the advice is awesome, and will help build up your self-belief more, its all practice makes perfect, mind, body and soul.
im still working on this and i boxed semi-pro over four years ago, as ive been training again this year.
reading these replies, and your story, similar to experiences of my past.
getting beat bad by a more skillful opponent, means a fighter learns only to be beat.
however, you took it, and kept going.
not many do!
get yourself a fight, dive into it, let the world, family, friends, know you are doing it, i guarantee you will do it, and seriously enjoy it too 🙂
and you may also find some people around you, who you may secretly thought were tougher, are not a touch on you, as them people are not getting into a ring, but you are.
all the best.
from fixing the brakes on my car, to how to breathe better when i sing for local karaoke nights :P, i am so happy youtube is what it is sometimes.
i find sometimes a youtube video on a certain topic, can inspire, give confidence, and give me a bit of a push, even if just for that day. like if i feel tired, but want to work out, watch some fitness gurus on youtube befiore i get my gym kit on 🙂
overall, i pick the odd bit up and learn something new.
maybe this is something we all do, and i dont realise, but its what i tend to do if i get myself in a bit of a bind over a task.
all the best.
Participanti think of love, to have positives for growth, and also negatives for growth.
to think about falling in love, is nice, and warm, and love is.
it also has a good way of taking control over the strongest of minds, and can create such phenominal change, positive always in my opinion, aslong as negatives are noticed and explored.
so id say, dont feel alone, you’re certainly not, from these feelings.
you are you, your mind is yours only, feel how you truly are happy to feel.
and some doors have to close, for others to open 🙂
all the best
Participantim 26, and still working on the self belief and confidence inside, to trust my own decisions, thoughts, and instincts.
whatever you decide, realising for yourself that you are not happy, why you feel that way, and that something needs to change is awesome.
dont think too too much, go with how you feel.
ive listened to everyone, feared my own decisions and instinct, not gone with my heart enough, way too many times. all i created is regret, or a larger problem within my own self/mind.
this is my experience however, not everyones, albeit if i had had the courage to go and get what i want, when i want, and not fear my own imagination of possible outcomes whether good or bad, i really wish i had done.
this is even down to not trusting myself on a horse racing bet, then the horse wins ;/ which has happened a lot.
hope this helps.
p.s. i had a private secondary education in the UK at 18,000 pounds a year, i have very good academic qualifications, this hasnt had any impact on my current level of happiness in my life lol 😛