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  • #47955

    Suma, it is not wrong of him not to speak badly about her but it is wrong of him to keep talking about her. Although the only real solution for me is that he shall stop talking about her but if he will not stop talking about her, If I were you, I wouldn’t talk about her at all, good or bad, none. And leave him to be the only one talking about her. If you can do that, in time you will see that it will not affect you as much as it was affecting earlier.

    Everyone is different. Everyone can have better things than others. But it definitely is not fair for you to be compared to anyone especially to his ex. I am not the best man in the world, I am not the richest, I am not the smartest, I am not the cutest, but do I give a sh.t? I don’t, because whoever will accept me, should accept me the way I am. And only with that person I can find happiness.

    Only your heart can tell you whether you can continue like this or not.


    It seems to me that what you have between you and him is still open on your side. You still have feelings, you still want to continue things, you still want to talk. Unfortunately, it seems it is not open from his side (maybe I shouldn’t say unfortunately because maybe you are not meant to be with him but you just can’t think in that way right now). If it was, you wouldn’t be getting a reply after one year and waiting for a reply for four months.

    What I know is that you can have all the feelings in the world, but you can’t make someone feel. It is simply impossible. No talking, no convincing, no nothing can work on a heart once it makes its decision. Only if the communication continues there is a slight chance that things can go back but in your case, this is not happening as far as I can see. I am guessing that you still want to talk to him, you still want him to talk to you, you have a lot of things to say to him and you just can’t get them out of your mind. I know this is a very difficult situation. But think for a minute that he has no idea about this and he does not care anymore. If he wanted to talk to you, he would have done that long ago. He didn’t, because it is not open on his side. It is closed. It ended.

    For me, there is only one way to get rid of the urge to talk to him. I am thinking a verbal conversation is not possible in your case so write everything that you are keeping inside you as if you are talking to him. You will notice that you will start feeling better the moment you start writing. This time, do not write things that you think he would like to hear. Do write things as they come from your heart. Be honest with yourself. Express your true feelings. Your love, your hate, your anger, your pain, your hopes, whatever. Write only the true feelings. Whether or not you send that to him is up to you. You may send and wait another year to get a reply and maybe you will never get a reply which may make things worse for you. But also, if you know that he got the message and read it (how can you know… maybe a read receipt or something), you may also feel better. You can also try something. Write and wait on it a couple of days. Do you feel like sending after a couple of days or do you feel like deleting the message? You may delete it and when you have the same urge, write again and so on. I think in time, your writing will get shorter and shorter and at the end you will realize that you don’t want to say anything. Decision is yours. What I know is that whether you send it or not will not make a difference. What it will help is that some of the things that you have been keeping in your mind will be gone. Keep doing this, keep writing to him whenever you feel you want to talk to him, and you will see that the urge will get weaker every time.


    Suma, please never ever think of revenge or hurting someone because you were hurt. Most of the times, people do not truly realize that you are hurt but when you do something intentionally to hurt them, you become the evil one at once. They will not remember that you were hurt but they will remember that you hurt them. Believe me you wouldn’t want to be in that position. Just stay on the positive and good side but also do not refrain from expressing your feelings and opinions politely.

    I think, and this is my personal honest opinion, if things stay the same, you will not be able to accept it and move on. You just can’t because it will hurt you every time it happens. And it will get more difficult to continue every time. It would hurt me if it happened to me. I can’t think of someone who wouldn’t get hurt by that.

    So, the only solution to this and if you both want to continue a healthy relation, is that he should stop upsetting you with everything about his ex. You cannot control him, you can control yourself. If I were you, instead of accepting the growing pain, I would make it clear to him that it can’t continue if he keeps disturbing your (you+him) peace with his ex. Because it really can’t.



    Observing her more and talking to her at the right time and letting her know how you feel about her behavior and expecting her to show respect to your feelings is the way to go.

    I think showing this thread to her is definitely not a good idea. It has nothing to do with me, my post or my name or others who contributed. I know you are looking for support for your argument which is “she should stop behaving in a way that makes you unhappy if she wants to continue with you”. But, believe me showing her this thread or telling her how others think or what others say will only make things worse. Just tell her your feelings and opinions. Yourself, your ideas, your opinions should be support enough in a relation when trying to make your partner understand something. Please and please do not show her this thread, as I said it has nothing to do with our names etc. just trust me on this.


    Correction: Sorry, I misread part of your message. I can’t edit my post now but the second part of the third paragraph of my message was based on the assumption that she did those things while you were dating.


    To me, the problem is not his past but the way he keeps talking about it. Who in the world wouldn’t be annoyed to hear about his/her partner’s past all the time? If he did not keep talking about his past, I believe you would not be making it a problem because it wouldn’t be in front of you.

    My suggestion is simple: Tell him how it makes you feel when he talks about his ex politely. An understanding person should realize his mistake and stop talking about his ex. If he is not understanding, and if he keeps talking about his ex, I think things will just get worse and your pain will grow. Do not let that happen. Talk to him and see whether he respects your feelings or not about this.

    I really don’t understand how people cannot realize how it can hurt their partner when constantly talk about their exes. That’s so wrong.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by Neil.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by Neil.

    Hi Morten, I hope my honesty will not be hurtful to you.

    The problem is not her past. It is her present. She lived things in the past, that’s ok, everyone lives things. But that things are not staying in the past because she is still in contact with the guys she slept with in a way that makes you unhappy. Forgive me but that she says they are like brothers to her is BS. How much of brother-sister can you be with someone you slept with?

    I can imagine how difficult it can be to cut loose of someone that you love or that you think you love much but personally if the girl I am dating with was cuddling and trying to kiss someone in front of me, I don’t think I would want to continue with her. I don’t know how old she is but it seems to me that she is not emotionally mature. She seems not to know the meaning of dating with someone if she is tending to cuddle and kiss another guy in front of the one she is dating with.

    You should talk to her for once and for good. If things do not change, just leave her. You don’t deserve the pain of her past if she does not care about your feelings about it. You have the courage, you just don’t know yet.


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