
Marisa Blencoe

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  • in reply to: Over analysing past conversations #105659
    Marisa Blencoe

    Dear Molora

    Gentleness with yourself, non-judgment and love are missing a bit I think in your analysis of this story. I agree with Anita that we all share a split mind; we have within us the ego mind and on the other end of the spectrum is our wise, internal, loving unified mind which we share with God or Source.

    Your ego mind is running away with you and not serving you in the slightest. Firstly, you are a precious child of God who is allowed to show up anywhere and just be as you are, whether that be talking, not talking or just being. It sounds as if you could do with connecting with yourself first and then just show up with whomever however you please. If they are going to be your friend, they will like you as you come. Just as you are.

    Self-judgment is just not serving you. In fact, no judgment serves anyone at all, ever. There you go. So now, whenever this internal voice starts at you. Just silence it and say that God/Source wills for your perfect happiness and never judges and never analyses and just allows all things to be exactly as they are in that moment.

    Just be as you feel like being. Sometimes that person is happy, sometimes quiet, sometimes sad. You have no one to try to get to like you except yourself. You only have to like yourself and the rest will come naturally because all genuine, wonderful people in the world love authenticity.

    I hope this helps. love


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