Forum Replies Created
February 5, 2016 at 4:45 pm #95124
ParticipantHi Ava,
Hope you are keeping strong. In a business environment perhaps you need to think a little more strategically. Asking key questions like – Why are you still there, What is in it for you and where will it take you? Often you can handle the heat a little better once you have clarified this.
Prospect: Think about the benefits, if you do stay. You say you are learning a lot. Is this useful (or useless) for your CV? Perhaps you want to stay longer with the aim to learn more and then find another/better position in the same/other company? Is there room for growth, a raise or both? What (evidence or experience) is required to move on to other jobs or get a raise? Once you have thought about this or have questions, telling your bosses what you desire or expect can help, if you reckon they are considerate. In this way the conversation is ‘less emotional’ but more performance oriented, which they might prefer.
Perhaps you even want to set a time-scale or review milestone for when you might want to make a change in working life. When identifying what you want out of the current situation and for how long, it therefore becomes a conscious decision about why you choose this for yourself and the family, rather than something that is just ‘happening to you’. Herein, the impact on family life will also be ‘agreed’ instead of unexpected.
Workload – I don’t know your line of work, so the following could be useless advice 🙂 if you are a perfectionist and care about the work/people. Seek opportunities when you can produce ‘just good enough’. This means you will spend less time ‘perfecting’ when the ‘sheen’ is ‘nice to have’ and not required, of course still maintain the best level of accuracy. Abstracted, a similar approach can be applied with choosing how you emotionally invest in your co-workers to save your energy in general and for family.
February 5, 2016 at 3:35 pm #95119Michael
ParticipantHi Leke,
Pleased we could connect 🙂
Thank you for responding so warmly. You got it!
Be good for now then and I’ll check back in when you update.
January 29, 2016 at 10:54 am #94230Michael
Listen to your inner voice again, which you have been made to doubt. No matter how anyone treated you in the past, know that just like anyone else on this planet you are deserving of being acknowledged, validated and treated respectfully – especially by your loved ones. Know that you are deserving of compassion, understanding and unconditional love. Remember that a loving relationship should inspire you, elevate you, progress you and protect you – not the opposite!
IF YOU ARE IN PAIN, IT IS NOT LOVE – Good love exists and it is without pain!
Realise it is not you who is dependent on him, it is him who is dependent on you! He expresses his fears and weakness unhealthily by oppressing and depressing you and by inducing self doubt. IT ISN’T LOVE IT IS FEAR!
In a way – No one will love you more than you can yourself as there can always be a point in time someone other than you will choose selfishly. Be protective of yourself. Also, no one will love your son more than you – so be protective of him too. TAKE NO ABUSE OR OTHER BULL! Tap into your inner lioness. NO ONE SHOULD EVER HIT YOU – IT IS NOT OK, EVER.
I was in a psychologically abusive relationship too, but for a shorter period than you. As the abuser expressed dominance more extremely, my grief and negative hurtful experience were invalidated – as if they were not real. It made it very hard to see this grow into abuse and accept that this was real – never mind standing up to it.
When you stand up for yourself the abuser will tell you that you are wrong, you over-react and may imply you are over sensitive. When you stand up for yourself the abuser might assert you are hurting him or that it is your fault when you react ‘adversely’. The abuser might emotionally blackmail; convincingly express grief, sadness or even guilt. Regardless, the abuser will exploit the fact you self-doubt and that you are no longer listening to you inner voice which has started shouting no no no no no a long time ago… Even after separation the abuser may continue to try to keep control over ‘how you experience’… The abuser will try to keeps the wound open they have created in you, not allowing you to close it.
Stop doubting yourself. You are sane. You are right. Get out and stay away!
Stop engaging and give yourself a lot of time to grow out of this type of induced psychosis before you reengage with this person.
Children do not need abuse and compromised broken adults in their lives – They need safe, stable, healthy love without fear in a protective environment. There is no requirement or reality wherein his father should be present in order to offer your child a positive and nurturing up bringing. You are mighty enough to offer this wealth to him yourself through being the strongest and the best you can be. You can do it, I believe you can!
January 28, 2016 at 5:07 am #94033Michael
ParticipantHi leke,
I have been through some of these experiences and understand how cumulatively they can lead to disappointment and isolation, and how this can happen multiple times in life. Bouncing back each time is taxing, I know :(.
Know that if you have not been following true intent you hold for yourself i.e. because you have not defined it, you are too scared or have low self worth – The effect is that it/you create ‘transience’ in your life manifested in many different forms, because you are never where you want to be, and meeting people that ‘travel in different directions’. This is daunting. You keep failing to find worth in self expressing and receiving positive validation. Hopefully meditation will help you with this, looking inward to move forward.
Know that we are all expressions of love! You express love and refer to ‘caring’ in your message here and ask for validation :). Even this website is an expression of love, do you see how?! You never stopped experiencing love! Observe it in everything around you and within you. You simply stopped perceiving it because you hold on to negative beliefs about yourself. Understand that ‘adults’ is a concept. It is not that you do not love humans, instead you reject what you fear and you project this onto adults. Your fear is shaping your reality. You have become afraid to self-express. You have become afraid to love. You have become afraid to be. Do not let those ghosts from the past get the better of you! Aim to express unlimitedly instead!
‘The now’ is forever becoming – and within ‘now’ we are always creating something new; the future. Keep questioning during each and every moment what you are creating for yourself – and question whether this actually aligns with your true intents? What are they? i.e. Your intent is to experience love but then you let fear block you. In other words, what you create for yourself is not aligned with your intent. Similarly, you may let others get the better of you, but your decisions that lead to this were also not aligned with your intent. and so on 🙂
You allude to love requiring interaction/intimacy, but love can be experienced in many other ways. Love is an action, which you can do alone or with others. You are never without love and within this you are never without another! I hope you continue to seek ways to express, heal and expand, and widen your perception. Maybe seek the parks and forests for the love and peace to can provide.
Hopefully one day soon you can be accepting of all and express love towards all again. I am sure there are many today that would be happy to express love for you, I do too with this message 🙂January 27, 2016 at 11:37 am #93961Michael
ParticipantHi Cyd,
I would like to elaborate on Bevan’s comments – Indeed, it sounds like you are emphatic. Do realise this is powerful, and you can help or inspire others with your positive being. It is best you deliberately seek and connect with others like you, so you can safely experience this wealth with them. However, you cannot be ‘vulnerable’ like this with everyone. And so, try become more aware about how this is a strength and how it can also be a weakness…
Because you are accepting of vulnerability, you therein allow others to be vulnerable in your presence. Many people do not allow this, and so, what you are is positive; you let people ‘be’ or admit to sides of their ‘true selves’. To them, this is both affirming and comforting. However, know that vulnerability is difficult many, some have not learned to deal with it, others may become fearful and defensive, others express vulnerability only in a selfish manner and they will feed off you in abusive/dependent manner unaware and they will invalidate at the same time…
Recognise that showing vulnerability, makes you vulnerable too. And know that no one will respect you more than you do. And so, possibly, you need to be more self aware in your expressions and relations to protect self. Also, do not ‘advertise’ your inner conflict or insecurities, if you do. When people can see you are ‘free’ and unaware in how you express and relate, they may see opportunity to abuse in their advantage. Embrace your quality, but also understand it and be protective of it…
Recognise that, using extreme examples, some people experience the world more strongly through feeling information with emotion and intuition, while others experience more strongly through ‘rationalising’ information with the mind as such… In other words, while you are preoccupied with the emotional, others are more preoccupied with ‘calculating’ the world. You will feel as if you are always ‘too late’ when they act or ‘strike’ for they express intent that is much more ‘calculated’. It is therefore harder to deal with these people and counter act. However, their behaviour is not necessarily ‘wrong’. Your intent originates from a different ‘place’; You simply ‘express’ differently… Your response should not be to become calculating in response, but instead become more aware.
You will find it hard to develop the desired intimacy depth with such people and keep the type of mutual respect you want, so instead be aware of this ‘superficiality’ or reconfigure how you invest… Review your choices, expectations, beliefs and boundaries and communicate these better. Do not forget to stand up for yourself. Do not lose yourself, take time. Always stay aware of what you express, choose and create within each moment, i.e. did you let someone get the better of you? Also, do your desires and needs play a role? Did you fool yourself perhaps? Are there early warning signs you keep ignoring? Trust yourself. Also, you might mistakenly view an act as vulnerability or intimacy and so you may open up more, try harder, for too long and in a manner you can become ‘victimised’…
Empaths often fall victim when dealing with narcissists. So I advise that you educate yourself on narcissistic behaviour which you appear to be referring to. Important is that you try to look inward for answers and learn more about yourself and the choices (becoming more aware of them) you make that lead to such negative experiences, as only you can change in relation to others…
January 23, 2016 at 2:56 pm #93431Michael
ParticipantHi Maria,
There are a lot of people that go throught this in one way or another. So you are not alone 🙂
Others’ success is only your PERCEPTION .You follow particular mass-BELIEFS about what success is and through this judge yourself and others (as you have been thought). Within this judgement, you do not understand whether anyone is actually happy including yourself… Nonetheless, you have learned about what makes you unhappy early in life and this is good! For you are still young and these days we have more opportunity and time to get things right in life… So be excited!
Know that there are many people out there that did not follow anyone else’s footsteps to create their happiness! Don’t wish you were someone else, you are just as mighty as anyone else! Go be special and unique as you already are, and create your future!…
Consider that first of all – This is your life and your journey. Forget others, expectations, standards and time milestones… How can anyone have an expectation about you, if they do not know who you are… – Do you know?.. Go find out!! In small, big or unusual steps… no rules!
It is often when you start thinking for yourself that you have to break through limited beliefs that you or others may hold, and you find they have limited you or misguided you. In this moment, you experience what can work for others may not work for you. You experience that the choices we make sometimes lead us in a wrong direction. This is not failure!
Going through this experience might actually make you more self aware from now on and, as a result, you will make better choices and be more successful in the future! Moving forward in life ‘automatically’ is not a feat, so you have woken up 🙂 Remember, you are not alone in your experience!
In the same way you perceive your peers and their ‘success’, others may view you and see how wonderful you are in achieving your success in obtaining a degree etc… This is just a beginning. Now, you need to find a focus wherein you are happy again to self-express and for it to be nurturing rather than depressing. This may mean more soul searching, study or work… You sound very capable and so I expect you have the powers to create the reality that you want for yourself! And so, trust you are able to do this!
As soon as you start following your wants and needs, you will attract things/people that will help, inspire and inform you on the way! Do not hide and stay away from where you want to go!
Do not fear or ‘be embarrassed’ to have to follow your own journey. If your journey is not ‘appreciated’ by others in your environment, remember there is a whole world out there that doesn’t really care and will appreciate you as you are. There are millions of others who struggle with similar ‘transformations’. We all land on our feet in the end. Some are even ‘successful’ people you know or learn about and they can inspire you!
You may find your business studies may help you in the future, they may set you apart or contribute to your future success. Remember that your experiences and learning so far are not time waisted! Do not be disappointed yet… there is no reason.
Currently, it is you who chooses to ‘wallow’ and self-inspect… but this happens and it is OK 🙂 Perhaps you need something to ‘shock’ yourself, a different environment or something that throws you into the deep to kickstart yourself. Sometimes it can also be your environment and the beliefs that circulate that depress you, but you do not realise. Go challenge!
Remember that what often limits you are your perception and your beliefs, not reality. You are disappointed with is in fact your perception. Change your mind; There is not one way. No belief is absolute, and often they are not even true 🙂 Anything is possible!
– Capture your dreams, inspirations, wishes, wants and needs (images, texts, subscriptions or your writings). So you can define, understand and visualise your direction better.
– Soul searching does pay off! Go travel or put yourself in different environments. Maybe you need to be inspired or discover yourself on a completely different or unexpected ‘level’.
– Hard work does pay off! Try out different things. Or choose to study again – a masters or another degree, full-time or part-time in the evening while working. Or try plan out different journeys you could take in achieving goals.
– There is no one way, it is only your fear, perception and beliefs that block you – these may be yours or others’.
– Focus inward to move forward! In focusing outward you are not considering what you want and ignore discovering your purpose. You are like no one else 🙂You are just as wonderful, talented and mighty as anyone – and maybe you are just waking up to it. This is exciting. Go find, express and realise how wonderful you can be! Trust in that 🙂