Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDear Anita :
Sorry for late reply. I had a very tiring day at work so i had crashed as soon as i got home.
Ok. So i will not reach out to her. I have been given a project for next 6 months and if i see it through efficiently, My VP said he will give me next level by Jan – Feb 2020. So now my whole time/dedication/energy will be devoted to this project. 🙂
ParticipantDear Anita :
Yup. On the good news, my friend delivered baby girl. And im happy cause i know she wanted a girl only. I got to know from her manager at work.
Do you think i should call her or wish her for the baby? Im not trying to go back but wont not calling be a d””kish move on my part?
ParticipantDear Anita :
Yup.. 🙂
ParticipantDear Anita :
Sorry for late reply. Well good news is my VP is very happy with my work and he sees the potential in me. He has given me a road map from now until Jan of Dos and Donts that will get me to the next level. 🙂
Now all i have to do is give my 110% attention to work. Im not gonna let anyone/anything distract me now 🙂
ParticipantDear Anita :
So today i meet with my VP. Wish me luck that i keep all this drama behind and move up the ladder 🙂
ParticipantDear Anita :
Well i know she wont drag it to work place cause then it will be out in open that she was romantically involved with me and she is very conscious about her image.
but yeah you do have a point. And i havent reached out to her in long time. But yes i will be very careful about this. 🙂
ParticipantDear Anita : realising now that i myself made it more difficult for me by not realising or seeing what was right in front of me..
But yeah i have made a firm decision to move on and let it all go. I know it wont be easy and will require lot of work on my part.
As of now im gonna completely focus on my work. I have my meeting with my VP tomorrow so im gonna talk to him about next level for me in corporate ladder and to take on more responsibilites.
Im also gonna take help of my friend. Called up my childhood friend today and told her n she agreed to help me move on.
But somewhere deep inside my heart i will always wish, things were bit different.
ParticipantDear Anita :
I can. I guess “Acceptance is a hard part for me. Normally im a hard shell to crack and im usually strong but this time it really hurt me. So i guess before healing i will work on accepting as i believe i cant heal until i Accept 🙂
ParticipantDear Anita :
Yup..i guess somewhere im still holding on to the thought that maybe “Just friendship” is possible with her. And to be honest she did used to do this hot and cold thing. Like when im not paying attention she will do something to get it. I guess you are right. She is scared of going down that path again with me.
Anyways this whole situation has been too emotionally exhausting for me. I just want a break from all this
ParticipantDear Anita :
May be you are correct. May be im focusing too much on her. Im just trying to understand why will she behave like this again and again.
Maybe im have not been able to move on yet and thats why i keep circling back to her. I know i should just forget it and move on, but honestly i am trying my best to move on but these kinda things keep taking me back.
I really dont know what she wants me to do so im gonna keep ignoring her and let her do whatever she wants.
ParticipantAlso her husband’s account is not blocked on none of my accounts. My original acs were blocked on his acc too..
So im not sure is she trying to get my attention back? Or she doesnt want me to move on? Or her husband is doing all this? Or is she doing to just mess with my head?
Her blocking me till date shows that she is still affected by me or else why will she keep blocking me? Its been 4 weeks since my last contact with her.
ParticipantDear Anita :
About 2 weeks ago, i had created new acc both fb and instagram. On both i didnt reach out to her but before that when she had blocked me, i had sent her a DM stating im creating new acc to move on. And not to reach out to you and then i had blocked her. Yesterday night (sorry it was morning in India when i posted this) i just unblocked her to see what happens. After few hours i found out she blocked me there too. And then today morning she blocked my FB too..Till last night my fb wasnt blocked. I was awake till 3 am (im a late sleeper cause i Do night shift)
Today morning im blocked on fb too.
So now why is she going on blocking me when i have completely cutoff from her?
ParticipantDear Anita :
Wow..I live in India. How strange and nice that some real life situations can connect people so far away. 🙂
Yup. Im a strong advisor of keeping things and life simple. Thats why i like keeping straight forward conversations. Although sometimes my straight forwardness offend people a lot.
And not to be an asshole right now, but im do sending good wishes and prayers to my friend. As i know its her final month and i can understand it can be really hard. So im praying for her safe delivery and for mom and baby to healthy after delivery. I wouldnt wish other wise on any woman, friend or not 🙂
Hope you have a good holiday weekend
ParticipantDear Anita :
Sure. I would also like to keep in touch with you as well. Thank You for the support and clarity you gave me 🙂 Much appriciated.
For now im letting this friendship/relationship go as holding on will hurt me more. When and If she comes back to me, i will keep a safe distance so as not to give her more confusion and to protect my own self from getting hurt.
I just wish grown ups like us werent making things complicated so much.
Hope you have a good rest of the day/night depending on which country you are in 🙂
ParticipantDear Anita :
True. I guess I never thought things will be like this. Although i did try to talk about issues but whenever i tried she ignored and then we would have another fight.
if i had known things would be like this, i would have made things very clear very early.
But as they say its never late to learn 🙂