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Viewing 15 posts - 796 through 810 (of 919 total)
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  • in reply to: Did vocational guidance help you much? #83880

    I’ll skip yours now and then if it makes you feel less guilty

    in reply to: From Catholicism to Buddhism #83879

    We don’t have to be comically competitive. That’s almost as bad as spiritually competitive.

    in reply to: OK, come clean, how many of you are there? #83878

    Looking back at this now, I think I’m often in Analytical Alan mode; some of it useful, much of it not.

    in reply to: OK, come clean, how many of you are there? #83874

    Neurotic Norman- as the name suggests he blames himself for everything and always second guesses himself. If in an argument with someone, he will doubt himself first and defer to the other person. “he must be right”. Good friends of Polite Paul. He can spend hours after an event, beating himself up over his lack of competence.
    Polite Paul- this guy likes good manners to the extreme. He’ll get annoyed at the slightest thing a waiter or waitress doesn’t do. “did you see the way that waitress just slammed that plate on the table?” He is also good friends of Analytical Alan.
    Analytical Alan. This guy loves analysing and hates the present moment. He’ll spend hours trying to critique himself and others. Good friend of Ruminator Ron.
    Ruminator Ron. This guy loves brooding over past events, focussing on the negatives and blowing them out of all proportion. Then he replays events with him looking like an idiot and get more angry every time he replays it. This guy needs a counsellor asap. He is unlikeable.

    in reply to: From Catholicism to Buddhism #83871

    It is not such a bad thing coming back as a mosquito- i will get to finally get all my aggressiveness out and not be held accountable for it, oh, the havoc I will cause… and no heaven or hell for me, I am just a mosquito, but inside I will know it is me anita, oh, the fun I will have.

    good anita, my kind of humour…. 🙂
    Just don’t get swatted too soon by those whingeing human being who complain about all sorts of things including the weather and “mossies”.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by jock.
    in reply to: Those dreadful work colleagues #83870

    Regrets I ‘ve had the flu
    But then again too flu to mention

    in reply to: Did vocational guidance help you much? #83869

    I guess I meant career goals.
    Strange for someone my age to be talking about career goals. I think the writing goal is BS.
    I need to find a way to make a modest living at a job I am competent in and with people I can stand. That has proved elusive for a number of years now.
    You are free to skip my posts anita. Give yourself a break.

    in reply to: From Catholicism to Buddhism #83866

    I’m tempted to start another character on here called Pious Pete.
    re incarnation or is that re reincarnation ? The thought of returning as a dog, cat,chicken, mosquito, is just too much. It drives me wacko 🙂

    in reply to: Did vocational guidance help you much? #83865

    we need goals anita, even when we get to 57 …
    apart from just gettiing out of bed without feeling aches and pains

    in reply to: Anyone over 100 kg here? #83862

    anyone here under 100 pounds? 🙂

    in reply to: Emotional Truth #83861

    I’m still with you anita 🙂

    in reply to: The Inner Voice #83832

    I was a good runner a good athlete. Then I discovered I had an ability to run away from difficult situations. I’ve been running all my life, you could say, but just occasionally I stop and face my demons.

    in reply to: Those dreadful work colleagues #83831

    social anxiety?
    Ha …been there have that…in spades…spent 3 years on their forums…
    fear of scrutiny, fear of being judged……that’s why I’m one of those types who thrive online because I don’t fit in the “real world”

    in reply to: Those dreadful work colleagues #83830

    but then again maybe we have different friends to suit different aspects of our personality

    another zinger from pomp!

    in reply to: Love thy neighbour #83829

    but inky yeah I get your point about boundaries
    people need to respect our boundaries and we need to respect theirs

Viewing 15 posts - 796 through 810 (of 919 total)