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  • in reply to: Scared she thinks she's a rebound and I really like her #198485

    So an update on what’s happend we’ve both told each other we don’t want to date anyone else and we deleted our dateing apps so we’re now exclusive. She told me she’s smitten with me and likely to fall for me and I’m falling for her as it is can you truely fall for someone this fast and this hard cause we haven’t been physically dateing for very long at all.

    in reply to: All this guilt and pain after I rejected someone #195251

    Even worse I spelt your name wrong ugh so sorry Anita



    in reply to: All this guilt and pain after I rejected someone #195249


    Sorry for not responding to you even though your words of wisdom have made me re think alot of things

    in reply to: All this guilt and pain after I rejected someone #195101



    yes the other girl was only online and we spoke for about 2 and a half weeks. My current one is in the flesh so to speak

    in reply to: All this guilt and pain after I rejected someone #194661

    Well when we spoke it was pretty much back and forth for hours on end we talked about light things and quite personal things, things which would which normally would take me a while before I told people about them. And when she messaged me I always smiled and I thought about her alot. I guess part of a reason I feel so bad is cause yes I do like her alot still do even miss her just as someone too talk too but at the same time how can I feel like this towards one person when I’m in love with another?

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