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    IMO yes, she was different before she started spending time with her mother. And whenever we have a fight or problem the mother runs over here to get her ( she only lives about a mile away ). One problem though is that I’m not much like the other two men at all , I’m actually much more outspoken thats why we are having so many problems only 2 years into this marriage and to be honest the fighting started much sooner.



    When I met my wife she was not speaking to her mother due to the terrible things she had done. I didnt know the mom too much I just heard about her through the father and my wife ( as well as my brother&sister inlaw ). Now that their divorce is final, and we have the baby, the mother has popped onto the scene. She calls here 3-5 times a day and pops in constantly, unannounced. I have found her to be a rude, abrasive, and socially awkward woman. When my wife was very young she was attached to her mother, when the parents began having trouble the mother tried to turn the kids against the father. One day she took the kids and tried to leave the state and the police were called. The father had custody of the kids from that day. The father IMO is a good man. He is a quiet type guy, likes to fish, works hard and loves his kids.

    The dad raised the kids for a few years until the mother came back. My wife says not long after the mother came back, she went into depression and slept all the time. It wasnt long until the mother began stashing away money, and at one point they found out she had her own apartment on the side. Soon she moved out and right in with this new boyfriend ( another VERY quiet type man ). Well its been a few years and now the boyfriend is getting older and he’s having some health problems. He had to retire a bit earlier than expected and go on SS. It wasnt long before suddenly he became a “problem” ( i.e not enough money ) and she was looking to get rid of him. The guy went out and started full time work again and now everything is ok.

    Thats pretty much what I know of the situation


    Very interesting points brought up in the replies, I do appreciate the perspectives. I could say a boat load about the immaturity, what I posted is just the tip of the iceberg. As far as having a person ‘who she listens to’…fat chance there. The person who she listens to is probably her mother, a person who destroyed her marriage with cheating and lies, used the kids as a weapon to turn against the father, ultimately lost custody…then somehow got back together with the father ( married him again ), then cheated and ruined the marriage a second time and is now living with her boyfriend. The whole thing is terrible.

    I’m hoping that a marriage councilor will at least bring a rational third person in on this. We’ll see how it goes. First appointment is in 2 weeks. If its possible that this can be resolved and we can have an intact family unit then I have to give it a try.


    Thanks for the advice guys, I have reached out to a marriage councilor. Going to try one last thing here.


    Well things just went from bad to worse. Yesterday we said about 5 words to each other. This morning she got up and started getting dressed and ready to go somewhere. I asked where she was planning on going and she told me ‘Its monday, you know I have to go to work’…this is unbelievable and I feel like I am living in the twilight zone. She has no set schedule and works random days. Monday has no significance. I said as much and let her know that I have a full day planned and cannot take her into work and cannot watch the baby. She never told me she was working today, and this is the problem we run into everytime. I told her that if she does this to me again I am not going to cancel my plans and take her to work. She responded by saying “don’t you threaten me”!! I finally had it, and told her I’m not taking her into work today or ever again, she has no respect for me.

    I then went out to tend the herd. When I came back there was a note on the table “If you don’t want to be a father I can arrange that”. Can you all believe this?? Tell me I’m not losing my mind, please. The note is partly true, I don’t want to be HER father.

    I’m really just so upset right now I feel like I have a knife in my chest.


    I also like to add that I have tried things like the chore lists and things but she ignores them. Last year, after a fight about about finances as I tried to explain that we have to budget the money, I painstakingly went through all of our expenses for a year and made a list. Then I took out 5 jars and marked each one for its purpose…gas, food, energy, insurance….etc. Then I told her that every week I’m going to put x amount into each jar to be used for that purpose and when we used the money we would jot it down on a piece of paper so we could account for all of our expenses and money. Well that lasted about a week. The ‘entertainment’ money was used so she grabbed some from the food, the food money was gone so she took it from the energy, etc. And she never wrote anything down so it was all by her memory and before you know it the whole thing became a joke and I just stopped bothering. Now I just keep all money and pay it out myself, if she needs money she asks.

    Its true that I am generally happy with my life because I’m a happy guy by nature and even though things arent always good I usually stay pretty happy. However this is an issue that isnt going away and it does seem like its building, the fights are getting worse, we dont talk for a long time afterwards and nothing ever gets resolved, we just keep on going. I’ve recently run out of words and find myself ignoring her alot.


    Thanks for the replies. We have a son together, who is the most important thing in my life. She is a good mother, thankfully, but not a good wife IMO. Divorce is possible but I really dont want to go down that road unless I’ve exhausted every other option. I want to raise my son as a family. As far as her getting a job, she cant unless she has a car ( we live in a very rural place ) or I drive her. Its a catch 22. I do want to be driving her around the rest of her life, but I also dont want her to have another accident and get hurt/hurt somebody else or get me sued.

    As far as the housework, I think she believes that it isnt her responsibility or that I should be chipping in and doing half or something. This creates a situation where I pay all the bills, work full time, and end up cooking, cleaning ( as well as my second job as personal driver ). This is not equitable.


    My advice, change your situation. You are not happy where you are doing what you are doing. You said if you had a dream you could follow it but nothing comes to mind. If you had anything like a dream it would be living on an island helping dogs….thats a great start! I believe, intuitively, subconsciously, we know what would make us happy but our conscious mind gets in the way. It tells us , ‘thats not realistic, I cant really do that, or thats just a fantasy’.

    The next step is to start analyzing this dream of being on an island helping dogs to see what about it really appeals to you. An island would suggest isolation, freedom, a removal from societal pressures. And helping dogs would suggest a desire to do good, to be of service at a very basic level. The fact that they are dogs perhaps suggests further your desire to have a healthy distance from people and the associated problems and pressures that they represent. All of these things are good, healthy desires. They are clues on your path to happiness. You’re only 38 and you have no children so you have no excuse not to follow your dreams. You simply require some introspection and the courage to follow up.

    BTW, my parents are also from the USSR and it wasnt so good. My grandfather was taken away for talking about the USA, and my father along with millions of others risked their lives to come to America so we can have the freedom to follow our dreams. This was impossible in the old USSR, where you accepted your station in life or suffered the consequences. Best of luck. You have a desire in your heart ( you just have to define it ), you have your youth, and you have the freedom to pursue happiness. Go for it!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Kirk.

    Just an observation; when I read these threads what is the one commonality that they all share? Every single problem that people write in is about their relationships and experiences with other people. Do you think there is a connection to the fact that Buddha and Lao tze were hermits? Hermits were always considered wise by religions and cultures all over the world. From Christians to Buddhists, Daoists, hindu’s etc Maybe these guys figured something out?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Kirk.

    Well I’ve always believed that waiting for somebody to come along and make you happy was a bad plan. First of all, you have no control over your own happiness that way, its in somebody else’s hands who may or may not even exist. Second, since happiness can only come from within, the poor person who gets involved with you is already saddled with the impossible burden of making you happy. He will fail, you’ll blame him, and start the cycle all over again with somebody new.

    The best way to go about it, is to concentrate on your own happiness and find out why you arent happy. Take the steps to correct that problem in your life. Saying ‘all my friends are married and having children’ is no reason to go out and get hitched. It tells me that your mindset is is about following others, and defining yourself by comparison to your friends. I’m going to tell you that this is a disastrous way to make life decisions and will almost always lead a person to become unhappy in the long run. Whatever you do in life should come from you, your decisions must come from deep introspection and a firm understanding of your happiness goals. What your friends are doing is absolutely irrelevant and should never even enter into your thought process.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Kirk.

    Wow, this story might as well have been written by me with just a few of the facts changed. My dad had a shop that I worked at, not a machinist but a blueprinting shop. My dad was also difficult, more than difficult, he was down right impossible sometimes and would go out of his way to try to embarrass me in front of other people whenever the mood was on him. Couldnt please him, and the other employees hated me because I was the bosses son and they feared I would take their job. Nobody would teach me anything beyond the very, very basics and even after I graduated from college I spent 2 years back in the shop sweeping floors, and taking out the trash while the other employees snickered behind my back. Berating and embarrassing me in front of customers and the other employees was becoming a daily occurrence until finally one day I just walked out and never went back.
    Same story, after I left the shop it was a string of jobs and several career changes. I always felt disliked by fellow employees, and I know for a fact that I have never been valued by an employer. Anyway here is what I did; In my early 30’s I came to the conclusion that I was just never going to be happy living the conventional life. I knew I was never going to thrive at that game. Whether it’s my fault or everybody elses doesnt really matter. I took stock of myself, my strengths and weaknesses and asked myself what I really wanted to do with my life regardless of money. What would really make me happy? It took me a couple of years to come up with an answer and a basic plan. There was one thing that I loved, I have always been an outdoor’s guy. I woujld often pack a sack and a fishing pole and head off into the forest for days or even weeks when I had school break or was in-between jobs. Once I spent an entire summer in the bush, I fished my food and would pop out of the woods once a week or so to resupply in town ( I received more than my share of stares, believe me ). But thats when I was truly happy, and honestly those were the only times I was truly happy back then. I remember the shadow that hung over my head when I knew it was my last day out and I’d have to go back to ‘real life’. I decided that was the life that I wanted. I realize this is extremely unorthodox thinking to our modern sensibilities, but I decided that I had one life to live and I was going to do what I wanted with it and not allow fear or other people’s opinions to change me. I had a house in the suburbs that my mom left to me. I sold it and bought a cabin in a state park with some good acreage. And there I live still and am writing to you from there. Over the years I learned to make a little money at farmer’s markets, and I raise some livestock for resale. The first thing that happened was my family basically disowned me, and those I thought were my friends disappeared. When I saw them they would ask what I’m doing and as I began to explain they would exchange looks to each other when they thought I couldnt see. OK, I thought, this isnt really surprising and it was pretty obvious to me that these were toxic people that I was well rid of. When I was miserable working shit jobs like they had, they liked me because my choices in life reaffirmed their own. Now that I was doing something very different, that they could not fathom and I was obviously happy, in shape, and beaming, they didnt like me anymore because I made them uncomfortable with their own choices. I’m sad to say that I no longer have any communication with family or my old “friends”. They had to be cut out in order for me to be free to pursue my happiness. It was a bitter pill and yet another lesson for me about human nature and life in general. Chalk it up to being on the road to wisdom.

    Odd as it sounds, they say there is someone for everyone, and even a hermit like me found himself a wife. I had a brief stint in a nearby town doing some temp labor and I met a girl, we got married, we have a son. She works in town and has brought some civilization into my life that I still struggle with at times. I still take off and go hunting or fishing for days at a time, I’d go nuts if I couldnt.. But I run the farm pretty much 24/7. The summer is for raising our meager crops and heading off to the markets, the fall is for the cattle auction, the winter is for wood cutting, and the spring starts it all over again. I work on my own, my way, at my pace. When I need rest I take it. I now love my life and my work. There’s days I cant believe how fortunate I am and how glad I am that I had the courage to do this.

    Anyway, I’m not suggesting you need to become a farmer or mountain hermit, that is definitely a very personal path. My point is that you are unhappy because none of the choices you made came from the exploration of your own happiness. Did you search your soul and some to the conclusion that, of all things in the world becoming a CAD draftsman would make you the most happy? No. You needed a job, and you tried to find one that wasn’t ‘as bad’ as whatever you were doing at the time. You have to ask yourself, if money was not a factor, what is it that you would like to do with your life? Or say ‘if I already had all the money I needed to meet the basics of life, what would I do with myself’? No answer is too far fetched. And it might take you a long time to figure that out. My original answer was I’d walk off into the woods and fish/hunt for the rest of life. Hey that sounds far fetched but it’s pretty much what I did and I’m the happiest Ive ever been. I hope you find your answer and have the courage to pursue it. Best of luck.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Kirk. Reason: spelling

    Sorry this affected you so badly. I’ve had bad experiences with animals like that too. I’m a farmer and I have also dealt with those feelings. Bringing animals to slaughter ( ones I have raised) is very hard . I’ve hunted, slaughtered, AND birthed nearly everything that’s walked or crawled at one time or another. It’s part of life and its just how we stay alive. Living close to those realities makes us truly understand life. The life that so many lead is artificial, removed from the truly brutal, beautiful, natural world. Thats why there are so many unhappy people with problems that they just cannot express. They’ve lost their way. You were not in touch with reality before you killed the moose. That brief encounter with the real world shocked you deeply, because you were so far removed from it.

    I recommend getting back into nature. Go hiking, canoeing, whatever. Watch nature. Watch the birds catch their dinner. Plant a garden. Then go fishing. Scale, gut, and eat your fish. Do this regularly. This is where food comes from. This is what sustains your life. Food is not meant to come in a bag, from a store. Its an abomination that the majority of people get their food this way. Its all artificial and is too far removed from life.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Kirk.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Kirk.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Kirk.
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