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  • Karlo

    The first thing you need to do is to calm down! (Deeply breathe until you calm down)
    You have already made a huge step by going out for a walk and talk to your friends.
    The next big step you should consider of doing after you calm down is to face reality. (Yes, sometimes reality hurts, a lot, but there is no other way of getting forward without facing it).
    If you constantly felt anxiety during your relationship, then I’m sorry to say this, but you guys should break up.
    Why I’m saying this? Simply because you should prioritize yourself for now.
    Just think about it!
    Would you like to develop severe anxiety, depression, ocd, etc… and be in an unhealthy relationship for the rest of your life, or grief for a month or two and after that be happy and move on?

    That is the worst case scenario, but if you felt happy in your relationship until now, then it is just a crisis and you two are going to be just fine.

    If you want to face your anxiety, depression, develop strong self-confidence and move on, you should consider reading this topic and ask as many questions as you want: http://dev.tinybuddha.com/topic/lets-conquer-anxietydeppresion-and-stress-together/
    Ether way, if you choose to be happy or even sad, this community will always try to help you, including me!
    Good luck with making the right choice!

    With kindness,

    in reply to: How do you overcome the trauma? #79560

    I have the same problem with jealousy.
    Because of that I haven’t been in a serious relationship for past 2 years and developed anxiety.
    Get rid of jealousy because it will make your life easier.

    in reply to: How do you overcome the trauma? #79516

    Hi Gracie,

    Have you ever been jealous in your relationship?

    in reply to: Let's Conquer anxiety, depression and stress together! #79515

    At this point I lack life experience and I apologize for the short answer.
    My opinion is that one of the hardest things in life to achieve is to change yourself the way you want, it is easier to help someone else and hide behind the mask.

    With kindness,

    in reply to: Art vs. Depression #79513

    Hi Manuetyson

    Every form of art that involves other people should be good enough.
    Personally, I like to draw.
    I would suggest you to read this topic: ‘Let’s Conquer anxiety, depression and stress together!’

    With kindness,

    in reply to: Let's Conquer anxiety, depression and stress together! #79493

    That’s a good question!
    I’m trying to accept situation I’m in, living in that moment of ‘hell’ gives me the power to move on because I haven’t achieved my final goals and dreams yet. I don’t know how to explain it better.
    When you are feeling discouraged and low, set yourself a goal to overcome that moment.(And no, you can’t achieve that goal within minutes or hours, you have to give yourself time because that moment can last for a couple of months or even years based on the situation you’re in)

    Small advice: After accepting the situation you’re in, almost immediately your body will crave for bad habits like eating unhealthy, smoking, etc… (even if you had quit smoking 6 months ago) why? Because your body is returning to the point when you have been in the ‘bubble of comfort’.
    Just burst that bubble, and give yourself a credit for developed self-discipline and move on.

    Thank you for a good question Anita and I’m glad that at least someone has read this post.
    Anyone should feel free to ask more questions anytime!

    With kindness,

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