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ParticipantHi Vee,
We all have our basic needs in a relationship, and he has not met any of your needs. Things do not sound promising, and he seems unwilling to meet you halfway or make any changes or move the relationship forward. You have known him for about a year, and the fact that he has not introduced you to his parents speaker volumes. He is emotionally unavailable for a committed relationship. You deserve a healthy relationship with a caring, attentive and loving man, if you stay in this relationship, I am afraid it will continue to make you anxious and miserable. He is not ready for anything more than perhaps a friendship, and he will continue to use “work” and “long hours” as an excuse. You deserve better. x
Participant- Hi Victoria,
My family treated me the same way. Remember, it’s the way they feel about themselves, not you. Your father gives you all he is able, because he was probably not given much as a child. Sometimes, parents don’t know how much their words can hurt, and remember, “hurt people, hurt people” we often hurt the ones we love. I have had strangers kinder to me than my own family. When my family found out I had mental illness with a severe “diagnosis” it did not matter, how nice of a person I was, how giving, etc, all they saw was the stigma and label and cut me out of their lives, even when I am in intensive therapy and meds. Go where the sunshine is. Your father is not sunshine, he is clouds right now. You need to be around a supportive network of loving people who understand depression, a caring Psychotherapist, medication. There is hope, there is help and there are caring people out there.
ParticipantYou’re welcome, post anytime..
ParticipantHi H,
I’m not going to tell you to leave him..but I do think professional therapy with a trusted Psychotherapist would be very beneficial to get to the root of both of your anxieties. Without this, you have limited choices and a very uncertain future with this man, unfortunately. You can continue to wait and wait for him until he changes, but it looks like you have done this and nothing has changed on his end, stagnating the relationship, or you can choose to be miserable and unhappy, always doubting, anxios, controlling, etc. If it were me, I would choose the Psychotherapist. Best of luck. x
ParticipantHi nextsteps,
Yes, I am very much into compatibility with zodiac signs, I have found that Sagittarius is a little too “friendship” oriented and “free spirited” for me, and unfortunately, has never worked out in the romance department. I too am a Capricorn: I copied and pasted and interested peice on compatibility:
Enduring Compatibility
The Sagittarius man is a quester, a seeker and a risk taker. The Capricorn woman, by contrast, is all about the here and the know, the concrete and the knowable. She is not interested in exploring new horizons; she would prefer to build right here, where she is now. And yet Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman compatibility does exist, and the couple can sense it. Perhaps the Sagittarius man is drawn to the power and authority of the Capricorn woman, almost in spite of himself. Perhaps the Capricorn woman is intrigued by the devil may care attitude of the Sagittarius man, although she would probably never admit it.
When this couple stop pretending they’re not interested in each other and finally get together, Sagittarius man Capricorn woman compatibility is evident in the bedroom. This is a fire sign and an earth sign match. The Sagittarius man is a fiery and passionate lover, while the Capricorn woman is a sensual and earthy lover – together they can move mountains and have a whale of a time in the process. Beyond the bedroom, you might be surprised to know that the same kind of compatibility endures too.
The Sagittarius man, once he gets to know her, is impressed with the Capricorn woman’s wisdom and self-assurance. As an intellectual sign, he appreciates knowledge, and she certainly has plenty of that. More of it, in fact, that her age would suggest, as the Capricorn woman is always wiser than her years. For her part, the Capricorn woman appreciates the Sagittarius man’s ability to surprise her and to bring spontaneity into her ordered life. She would probably hate this from most other men, but he does it with such charm that she cannot help but be bowled over. Sagittarius man Capricorn woman compatibility works well because both partners have something to offer the other.
Money Troubles
It’s not without its problems, however. The Sagittarius man doesn’t care about rules and regulations, and will happily go against convention when it suits him – to the horror of his conventional, traditional Capricorn woman. She is embarrassed sometimes by his behavior – but he is also frustrated by her stick in the mud attitude at times, and has little patience for it. Many rows and much of the volatility of this relationship will center around the issue of convention versus freedom – a big issue for Sagittarius man Capricorn woman compatibility.
There’s also the thorny issue of money. The Capricorn woman is very financially savvy, and has saved carefully all of her life. What she will make of her Sagittarius man’s decision to blow their life savings on a boat to sail around the world in… can only be imagined. She will not be pleased. And yet – there’s something wistful about the Capricorn woman which would actually like to throw caution to the wind. And in the Sagittarius man, she finds the perfect excuse. She can blame him. So even on an issue like money, which you might think could be this couple’s downfall, Sagittarius man Capricorn woman compatibility seems strong.
Although the Sagittarius man is not the most faithful of men, he seems to make an exception for the Capricorn woman, and by and large stays committed at her side. Perhaps it’s because the Capricorn woman doesn’t show jealousy, and therefore doesn’t paint him into a corner and try to take away his freedom. Because she lets him be, he gives up his freedom voluntarily. It’s quite something to see. Surprising as it may be, Sagittarius man Capricorn woman compatibility is one of the quirkiest but potentially most enduring matches in the zodiac.”

This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by
ParticipantHi L99,
It’s hard to say, because on one hand, she says she loves she loves this other man, and when someone is in love, fighting for them, is almost useless unfortunately. However, some time has passed, and she may no longer be with this man. She did try to reach out to you. I believe she wanted more than frienship, because you can’t just be “friends” with someone after four years. Also when she said “forget it” seems to me, she was expressing some type of disapointment with not being contacted, so the feelings may still be there.
Just be careful if you do get back with her because she hurt you deeply and she can do it again. One day out of the blue, she may say she is seeing another man, meaning she is not emotionally available for a committed relationship at this time. It wouldn’t hurt to ask her out for a drink or coffee and see how things play out. I hope it all works out.
ParticipantHi Lester,
If you really love this woman, don’t punish her or ruin something beautiful over her past. She can’t go back and erase it. It doesn’t matter what she called her prior boyfriends before. None of it matters. It’s out of both your control, and you should look for the positive in this woman and a wonderful future with her. If you meet another woman, then another, they are most likely going to have sexual pasts too, or prior boyfriends.
Concentrate on today, the present and all the beautiful feelings. Don’t psych yourself out over past events no one can control. You will just make yourself resentful and upset, when you don’t need to be. Don’t let the past define your future.
ParticipantHi Rox,
I don’t think you have anything to be worried about. Many men, even when they are with other women will glance at a beautiful women. Many times (like myself) even when I am on a date or with a boyfriend, I will glance or notice a very handsome man. It is part of human nature to appreciate beauty in others. We have to be secure enough in our own uniqueness and beauty, because that man is with us, and not that other women. Of it is just a quick glance, that is one thing, but if it openly staring, ogglung or flirting that is unnaceptable and disrespectful. Sometimes when I am with a boyfriend, and I see him glance at a beautiful woman, I will say “she is beautiful isn’t she? It is perfectly normal. As long as he is not talking or flirting with them, remember he chose you for your beauty and amazing qualities.
As far as Facebook, it’s just “friends”. People like to “add” friends all the time. It is harmless. Many of these people have hundreds of “followers” and probably talk to 20-30 people per day or like each other’s pictures. I would not go on his profile page if it bothers you, because it will only make you miserable. Remember, it’s just social media, words on a page. All harmless. I doubt he is sending any kissing emoji’s to these women. Try to relax and be happy with him. x
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by
ParticipantHi Connie,
For some reason, I have been thinking of my ex too, (the one with the birthday in early October). I wonder if he is happy and if he thinks of me. The selfish part of me wants him to be single and unhappy, but I think it is the lonliness talking and the approach of the Holidays spent alone. I hope you are feeling any better?
ParticipantHi yk,
While I understand and respect your perspective. It’s expectations that always create most of the conflict in relationship. That is “expecting” someone to change to fit our reality. No one can ever live up to that, because our expectations can change so often. It you had expectations of her, and she could not meet that, then you will have “expectations” of the next girlfriend, and if she can’t meet that, then the next girlfriend. It’s a vicious cycle.
That’s why I don’t believe in “expectations”. We need to love ourselves enough that we can truly love another person without changing their weight, diet, clothing, hair, etc. Hearing these things as a women is very painful and makes them less likely to “change” and more likely to resist. Once I did this to my former boyfriend, and he called me a “nag”. I realized expectations are a way of nagging, and I stopped. We can’t fix another person, only ourselves. Instead I suggested, I was joining a Zumba class, and they had couples night and it would be fun if he could join me. It was okay if he said no, he would be ready to lose weight when he was ready, not on my terms. Just some thoughts.
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by
ParticipantHi Flossy,
Is this the same man you have posted about that won’t be intimate with you for years? I have tried to offer advice, and now there are other problems, are you sure this is the right relationship for you? I think you need to reevaluate your relationship. I hope others will post with their insights. x
ParticipantHi Claire,
I apologize for my late response. I am not sure how things are now, but things don’t sound promising. It’s all very complicated and not a good way to start or even continue a relationship. If even the word “marriage” whether it’s true or not is mentioned, I don’t “snoop”’s not worth it. I run for the hills. Three is a crowd. I won’t share my significant other and I won’t be a homewrecker. They can deny it all they want, but something is going on with him, that isn’t stable, married or not. It’s a toxic place to be. You deserve better.
ParticipantHi Robin,
I hope you get this, since this is an older thread. I was just seeing how you are doing and if things are any better. Feel free to post anytime.
ParticipantHi Janet,
I apologize for my late response. I just read your post and there are no words. Pearce Hawk was very kind to me and had many nice things to say about my posts. I also enjoyed his insightful, intelligent and expressive, caring posts to people on here. I just feel so sad. I’m so sorry for your loss. Although I never met him in person, he sounded like a truly wonderful person, and you are very blessed that you knew him. We will all miss him dearly.
ParticipantHi Eitherway,
What about setting up a “mini date” or “short date”? Maybe because things started too quickly, she may feel awkward or intimitated, and feel that there has to be kissing or other intimate actions called, perhaps that is why she is getting cold feet.
Try to stay away from a “pen-pal” relationship with her via texting. I know I’m this day and age it is hard, but it creates distance and lack of substance or real communication. If she texts you, tell her your phone is “acting up” and would she mind talking on the phone instead. Let her get to know you other than short sentences on a phone screen. Instead of a long elaborate date, ask her out for a quick cup of coffee, that way the pressure will be off, and she won’t back out. She must be somewhat interested if she is at least agreeing to a date and still communicating with you. I think it is pressure and intimidation holding her back. Maybe she feels you are “expecting” something. Just some thoughts.