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  • in reply to: Dilemma #176359

    Hi Tom,

    If you really like her, ask her to talk to the real father first and see what she is going to do about the child. If she is going to keep it, keep in mind, that she is going to be a single mother and might not have alot of time to pursue a relationship. She will be busy having sleepless nights, changing diapers, is she financially independent where she can afford this, or will she be looking to you to provide? That is if the father does not step up, and she decides to keep the child. Then again, she may give it up for adoption. Then she has to think about another perhaps bigger place, for another room for a baby. This is going to be a heavy emotional toll for her. I would have her Talk to the father first, and then talk to her about where she sees her future with the child and perhaps you in it.

    For example if she does have the child, you don’t want to become bonded with the child if she does not see a future with you. I would sit down and discuss all this with her before pursuing anything more with her.

    in reply to: Feeling left out. #176347

    Hi Nightflower,

    If he is not happy with his life right now with he is not going to be happy with anything at this time. This includes, job, friends, family, relationship, etc. I understand and commend you for wanting to be there for him, but if he is questioning your future together, and making confusing comments, leaving you in doubt, I would re-evaluate the relationship at this time. I think he wants to travel so he can “find himself”.

    Things don’t appear like they are going to change, he is saying things, but not walking his talk. At this time, he sounds he is not emotionally available for whatever reason for a committed relationship. You can talk to him and reason with him until you are blue in the face, but I think I’m the end, he is going to continue to want to be alone to travel, to see his Mom, his interest in his new friend, what he wants out of his life, etc. Perhaps quality Psychotherapy would be good for him at this time, as he seems very confused, doubtful, distant and unhappy. He is going to continue to leave you out unfortunately, as he is unhappy, and you are probably going to become more and more resentful. You can either wait for him to figure things out, although it may be a very long time or take a small break from each other while he figures out what he wants. If he made the comment about being convinced about loving you, these are all signs of red flags and that the relationship is becoming stagnant and he is unable to invest more into the relationship at this time. Keep us posted. x

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: Confused… #176323

    Hi Mickey,

    Has he told you he is talking to other women? Or has he given you reasons to distrust him? Although I don’t like his wording about you “being his puppet” not sure what that means, but it sounds disrespectful. You may want to gain a clearer perspective of what he meant by that comment. What he wants from you, where he sees a future with you, and is there any way you can elaborate on his “commitment issues”?

    in reply to: Regret #176321

    Your welcome Gagan, just remember, not to board the train. When you think the thoughts, think of yourself sitting on a hill. You are watching a train go by. Each train is your thoughts. Don’t “become” your thoughts. Simply observe them, each train going by, is your thought, don’t board the train. Also, your thoughts are never “good” or “bad” they are simply that. Thoughts. So, if you think of her, it’s okay. The thought is neither good or bad. Watch it on the hill, observe the train, then bring yourself back to the present.

    Another good distraction skill is “The stop sign”. You will become better at this as time goes on. If you keep thinking of her, and start to board the train. Close your eyes. Visualize a road stop sign. What does it look like? Color? Where is it at? Any other cars around? When you are busy visualizing this scenario, it is impossible, to think of her and visualise a stop sign at the same time. This is called the “HALT” process in mindfulness and very effective. Keep posting with your thoughts.

    in reply to: Regret #176317

    Hi Gagan,

    I too felt like this. When these feelings came over me, I would think, “why do I want to do something permanent, when he is busy enjoying his life and moving on, while I am sitting here, thinking of ending everything, when something might just be around the corner? Something so much more beautiful, more fulfilling?”. Remember when you think like this, tell yourself “oh, it’s just anxiety and depression” “just thoughts” “I am the sky, depression are the clouds” the sky is bigger. Infinite.

    One day at a time. Sometimes it may feel like you will take two steps back and want to call her or think of her” these are just thoughts, and like clouds drifting, the thoughts too, will go away. Be good to yourself and patient with the grieving and healing process. You are still very young. What is around the corner? Something so beautiful I bet. Stick around for it. Anita is giving you great advice. You have us here on the boards. Keep posting.

    in reply to: A fight- do they work? #176081

    Hi Heartbrokengirl,

    I’m sorry I have not posted in a while, I have been reading through your posts, and was wondering how you are holding up?

    in reply to: Loving Again? #176079

    Hi Lea,

    It seems we get all get caught up in a vicious cycle of punishing ourselves for past events that we no longer have control over. We can’t worry about it, because it won’t change anything, we just learn from it, accept that we are all human with faults, that the person we were with at the time also had their own issues and faults, and everything happens for a reason. When we live inside our head and keep thinking in terms of “if only” “should have” “could have” “what if I would have” we are just tormenting ourselves with thoughts that are not realistic. People move on, and grow. God has something better in store for you. Doors will be opened for you for a better future. Just live one day at a time, and in the present. When you start thinking about the past or negative thoughts, close your eyes and visualise a “stop sign” this will halt your thinking and distract you, because we can’t visualize a road “stop sign” and past events at the same time.

    Listen to some relaxing music, volunteer with animals, join a book club, take a bubble bath, go to Barnes and Noble, get a cup of hot cocoa or espresso and immerse yourself in a good book. Just do whatever it is to be good to yourself. Focus on something you have something to look forward to. Keep us posted. x

    in reply to: Feeling Conflicted #176073

    Hi Jo,

    If he is constantly lying that is one thing, but if it one lie (I think as humans, sometimes it is nature to tell a white lie now and then, as long as it is not hurtful to the other person, or done repeatedly). In this case, he apologized, and felt very regretful. I think he wants to change, and he cares for you very much. It could be an issue of mistrust given to him in previous relationships.

    You had mentioned seeking therapy. I would do a wait and see approach. Especially, if in other aspects he is treating you well. Lying is something that can be resolved and worked on with quality Psychotherapy. I would take a step back from the relationship for awhile until he gets his issues with distrust, etc resolved. If the lying contines, I would re-evaluate the relationship..as when trust is broken, it is almost impossible to get back. Keep us posted with your thoughts. x

    in reply to: Regret #176057

    Hi Gagan,

    I am sorry I have not had a chance to post in a while. Just wanted to see how you are holding up? I have been reading through the posts, and it sounds like things are looking a bit better?

    in reply to: I Feel So Lost and Frustrated: #175151

    Hi Sha,

    Have you looked into getting a job coach to help you out, maybe doing some “mock interviews” helping you with your resume, an introduction letter, going online to find work? I had a job/ life coach and this really helped me. Also, depression can hold you back. Are you on any medication or seeing a therapist?

    What about temp assignments, until you can find full time work? I know that when I was a with a temp agency, I was hired on full time at some wonderful companies. Just some thoughts.

    in reply to: Regret #175145

    Hi Gagan,

    I know you had a great and loving friendship with her. But was she *really* Your friend when she came over to tease you, sit on your bed, only to tell you how happy she was with another man? If it were me, I would be fuming. Sometimes, we tend to put people on a pedestal, see only the good, and none of the bad. I’m not saying everyone is perfect, but if you really look at it, there were times, she didn’t belong on the pedestal.

    As far as being friends, no. I don’t think at this time any kind of friendship is possible. It would make it awkward with her new boyfriend knowing you two had a history together, he knows you still deeply love her, and you are highly emotionally charged at this time. It’s too soon to be thinking about any kind of friendship, as it will only prolong your misery to go on seeing her. Best thing, to make a clean break and move on as best you can. Remember, you were fine, single and happy before you met her, and you will be fine again. Just be patient with the healing and grieving process, join a support group, I know I did that after the loss of a love. Each day will get a little better, but no contact with her Is best right now. Keep posting with your thoughts.

    in reply to: Insecurity in relationship #175111

    Hi Janet,

    Has he shown any signs that he is growing bored and tired of you? You said you weren’t having anxiety, but do you think you may still have some? Has he become distant in any way? As far as talking to him, you don’t have to say you are “insecure” or even have to be drinking if you think that is going to mess things up, I would stay away from Alcohol from the time being. He might think you are using it as an “escape route” which will make things worse.

    Just tell him how you feel. You can do this calmly without seeming needy and clingy if that is what you are worried about. He may lay your fears to rest. Just be self-assured, be yourself. In the meantime, seeking help from a therapist might help you sort through any depression or anxiety, and you may be given some short term anxiety medication. But I don’t think you have anything to worry about. x

    in reply to: A fight- do they work? #175109

    Hi Heeartbrokengirl,

    Thanks for clarifying. I am understanding things a little clearer now. I think what you have prepared to say to him sounds great. Please let us know how it all works out.

    in reply to: My story … #175103

    Hi Michael,

    I am doing okay, thanks for asking. Have a great therapist. Sometimes, I wish I had roots, a place to call “home”. When people ask me where “I am from” I never know what to say, lol. I guess I’m just used to it by now. I hope you keep posting and letting us know how you are doing.

    in reply to: Regret #175101

    You’re welcome Gagan,

    Stay strong, you can do this. And you have us here. Post anytime.

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