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  • in reply to: Alone, in bad health, and depressed on Christmas eve. #183525

    Hi Anita,

    I have heard of Probiotic tablets, they are a bit expensive, and some have milk in them which is constipating. But I know there are some good ones out there. I have tried probiotic yogurt with different cultures and strains, at first it helped a bit then stopped. I don’t know which one to take, there are so many to choose from, it gets so confusing. I have only had one office visit with him. Most of the time, I have to go through a nurse or medical assistant and then they have to text him a message. It’s like they have so many hospital rounds doing colonoscopies, they don’t have time to give you the help you need. I did try to leave a message for him about a “digestive enzyme” but nothing. All he did was send in a prescription for Linzess and say follow up with his office in 2 weeks.

    I have heard something about Phillips Colon Health is good, and Pearls probiotics, but so many, I don’t know which one is right for me..one with bb-12, Acidolohilus, Bifobacterium, etc. Thank you for the wonderful suggestion. I don’t have transportation, so would have to go on Amazon dot com to look.

    in reply to: Relationship Anxiety issues. Can anyone relate to this? #183523

    Hi Uncertainty81,

    I understand and can relate to you alot about anxiety as I suffer from this too. I am most likely alot older than you, and have struggled with this since my teens. I also have panic attacks, although not quite as debilititating as once, as I have a great Psychiatrist, therapist and 12 step support program.

    I believe my anxiety developed from a very traumatic childhood from a severely abusive Alcoholic mother and dysfunctional home. Unfortunately, this has crept into my adult life, and plagued my friendships, relationships with bosses, authority figures, and relationships, where I would get scared, and go one one relationship to the next. My first relationship and true love was when I was 20, I was deeply in love, but had no idea what I was doing. I was immature, “in love, with being in love” and unfortunately we broke up a year later after much drama, chaos, instability and fighting..mostly..my fault. I did not deal with my issues. He was much better off without me, and he did try to get back with me, but I knew he could do and derserved better. I wanted to “party” go out with friends bar hopping and he was wanting to settle down. Today, he is married with children and granchildren.

    Unfortunately, things did not get better for me, as I really did not know who I was, or what I wanted from a man. All I knew was I did not know how to really love another person as I did not receive this as a child. I just knew fear, rejection, “not being good enough” abandonment, low self worth, poor impulse control, poor identity and coping skills. With medication and years of Psychotherapy, I am finally turning things around.

    Did this anxiety happen before you met your girlfriend? What was your childhood like? When do you first remember feeling anxious? It sounds like you have a wonderful girlfriend, and I would do whatever it takes to get this issue resolved, whether it’s self help books or workbooks, quality therapy, medication, etc. Are you anxious in any other situations such as social anxiety? I do hope you post again with your thoughts or comments.


    in reply to: May be too late to say sorry but #183515

    Hi Coco,

    You need someone, a mature and loving man to be there for you while you are going through Cancer. The last thing you need is this type of stress this man is giving you. He is not emotionally available to meet your needs and you will only end up miserable and resentful time and time again. I know, while I may not have cancer, I too am battling several health issues. However, I would much rather be single and alone, rather than having doubts and stress, about some man who is not there for you, cheating, etc, or whatever the case maybe..you are investing all the emotional time in this relationship and he is offering you no support when you need it most.

    Most of the support I get are from my 12 step programs. Your name looks familiar. I use an alias name on here, not my real name. I think I may have met you, in a phone group support program. If I am mistaken, please forgive me. However, I think you do need to re-evaluate this relationship. Your needs are not being met, this man is causing you more stress which you don’t need now. You deserve better.

    in reply to: Alone, in bad health, and depressed on Christmas eve. #183513

    To VJ,

    Thank you for taking the time to write me, I really appreciate the kind response and suggestions. Unfortunately, I was unable to find the “You Tube” videos you mentioned. I was able to find one, but unfortunately did not understand it very well. I do suffer from severe degenerative back pain, so any type of exercise besides walking is difficult for me. However, I will continue to look for ways that you mentioned to cheer myself up.

    I did sleep in a little this morning. That made me feel nice. Right now, I am listening to George Michaels. He passed one year ago today, and he was my favorite singer/artist. So am enjoying Pandora. I live in Housing where there is constant paging, and it is quiet today with staff being gone, so am enjoying that. I just try to tell myself that today is another day, and it will pass, the holidays will be over soon. I do appreciate your suggestions, that meant alot to me.

    Avi, thank you for your response. That was really nice what you said, and I hope to continue my compassion, and helping others. God bless you. I think what is getting me, are people’s snide comments about my rapid weight loss. First I was “Too fat” when I was on opiods, and eating everything I wanted, I weighed 208 pounds, and I am only 5’5 feet tall. I was also a borderline diabetic.

    Now, I am 143, and people say I am “too thin”. It’s either I am too fat or too thin. Always negative remarks. I can’t win. I am no longer a borderline diabetic. They say it takes a year for your digestive system to return to “normal” after stopping Vicodin. I stopped last April, cold turkey after being on them for so many years. (plus Naproxen 500 and muscle relaxers) which I too have stopped, cold turkey. Sometimes, I wonder how much my body can take, and if I will live much longer. I was just out on Linzess. For people with unexplained severe constipation. But with that comes more problems, so they just sit, and I am nervous about taking them..the gastroenterologist has me on the highest dose, as sometimes I will go over a week without a bowel movement. I would not wish this on my worst enemy, although I don’t know if I have any. I need to stop being a coward and take them. Thank you again for your kindness.

    Anita, sometimes the fiber helps, but they say that it can do more harm for people with severe constipation issues. I was constipated while on opiods. And am still constipated being off of them. My stomach rumbles all the time. I do drink plenty of water. I have to take stimulant laxatives, (Senna) just to flush, but I only take the lowest dosage and take it when absolutely necessary. I have tried Fiber Supplements, but they seem to make the problem worse. I just got off of “Citrucel”. I am running out of hope and options. I wish I knew the answers. Sometimes I have thought about getting back on opiods, just to get my life back, or to gain weight. I don’t remember my stomach rumbling or stomach pain being on them..just constipation. Being off of them has not made my life better. I am just so tired of pity Stares and comments. Thank you for being there. Have a great day.

    in reply to: My boyfriend's mom talked badly on me? #183471

    Hi Katie,

    It looks like you are in good hands, but I wanted to reply, as I feel I can relate and share my experience, and why you should re-evaluate your relationship. As long as you have a relationship with this man, unfortunately, you will have to deal with his Mother indefinitely. He sounds he is very influenced by her and what she thinks and says. I don’t think he should have texted you in the first place saying “My mother talked badly of you”. This is very negative and opening a can of worms. I would have texted or called him back and said “is there a reason, you feel the need to tell me this?”. If he starts in on what she says, he is spreading gossip, it is malicious, a form of making you feel bad about yourself and you get caught up in drama and misery/stress. Your relationship takes a back seat, because now the relationship becomes “about her” and this will continue as long as he too, is in a relationship with her, you will have to deal with her, gossiping, drama..is this what you want? I wouldn’t want this.

    I had the same thing happen. I was so excited. I took a trip with an ex from Seattle to Alaska for Christmas to meet his parents. His stepfather was nice enough, but his Mom stayed at home. I brought her a Christmas gift which she grabbed and opened right away. Her response? “Just what I need, something fattening”. The whole trip was emotionally draining and exhausting. No matter how nice I was, she went out of her way to make a snide comment to me. I begged my boyfriend, if we could go to a hotel, he just defended his Mother. I knew, that as long as I had a relationship with him, I would have to always “deal” with her. I don’t like it when someone does not like me, it is too stressful, especially my boyfriend’s mother. I even heard them gossiping about me after I got back from a walk. Then she admonished me saying I was not wearing proper clothing for Alaska weather, when I had a heavy coat, gloves, hat, scarf on..nothing was ever good enough. I knew if I were to marry him, her dysfunction, were to carry over to him, and I wanted no part of it. We broke up shortly therafter, after arriving in Seattle. Worst Christmas of my life. Please think long and hard about your relationship, as it will be with his dysfunctional mother too.

    in reply to: Young and Jobless #183467


    You just graduated, and have a bright and wonderful future to look forward to. Please don’t let one job that lasted three months get you down. It is not your fault. Ask the new job if you can submit other references instead, such as personal or character references. If they are “demanding” one from your previous employer, since it was only a 3 month job, I would not list this on your resume and start fresh. Suicide is a permanent ending to a temporary setback that can be remedied, so please don’t go there. I had countless jobs after my college graduation until I found the right job. I even worked as a temp for two years. The temp agency gave me a good reference. I even used my college professors as a reference. You are allowed to do this, being a fresh graduate. I did some tutoring, (TA) for my Psychology research and statistics class, and used that professor as a reference. Never give up. There are jobs and employers out there that want you. Keep applying with a positive attitude, and in no time, you will find work again.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: Alone, in bad health, and depressed on Christmas eve. #183465

    Hi Anita,

    Thank you for reading and your kind reply. It really means alot to me. I felt somewhat better this afternoon, so I went upstairs to the 3rd floor kitchen, and ate an ice cream cone. My first one in a year. It excited me, as I barely eat anything anymore. The excitement faded rapidly though. It was snowing outside. A resident had come in who lives on third floor who was outside smoking. We were talking about nostalgic days, Christmas eve, and as kids going out and making snow angels and snowball fights. She said, “if it snows enough, maybe some of us could do that later..by the way, have you lost a lot of weight? Are you on medicine or something? You are shiveling away to nothing”. I’m sure she meant no harm in the statement, but I’m growing weary of the “pity looks” from the residents here, and all the remarks of my rapid weight loss. I just commented that I was not well, but seeing a specialist and trying to get better, then I locked up the kitchen, ended the conversation and left. I came back to my apartment and cried. So, I sit here alone on Christmas eve, feeling very sad and alone. I know you said, we are not alone, but I feel I have no one to talk to, and it is a subject that 42 million Americans suffer from, but very sensitive and people suffer alone out of embarrassment. I wish I had an answer, but everything is a dead end. They want me to go to assisted living here, but it costs over 3,000 a month and Medicare won’t pay for it. I just pray that the Doctor finds something to help me. Yes, it is very slow on here. Have a wonderful Christmas.


    in reply to: Love my bf but does he love me #182715

    Hi JemnaJane,

    Maybe just write it out. Writing your feelings down, makes it easier to express it in person. Just tell him, you feel confused about your relationship, how he feels about you, and you are looking for more than friendship. Has he been to a sex therapist for help in this area..someone to talk to?

    in reply to: I’m really struggling #182713

    Hi mouse,

    If this man is too busy listening to heresay and gossip and letting it get to him, then it sounds like he is a bit weak in character to me. If he hears something he does not like he should come to you directly rather than giving you the “silent” treatment and just leaving you hanging. I am not sure how old you are, but all of this, between him and the friend sounds like junior high school stuff, and that should have been left in Junior High school. People should not listen to gossip, rumors, etc. If he would rather listen and believe them over you, then come to you first, he sounds a bit immature. I feel you deserve a man who acts like an Adult, you deserve better.


    in reply to: Love my bf but does he love me #182709

    Hi JemmaJune,

    Have you discussed this with him? Maybe he does not believe in sex before marriage. Still, I feel after a year together, if you feel you are serious like you say, things should be a little more intimate. Cuddling, kissing, holding hands, physical bonding. You have your needs, and if he is not meeting them, it can make you feel rejected and frustrated, I can imagine. I would have a talk with him, to see if he envisions a future with you. Have you met his parents? If you make advanced toward him, what does he do..does he pull away? I would take all this into consideration and re-evaluate the relationship.

    in reply to: Please help me #182527

    Hi Kriti,

    I see you are in good hands, but hope you don’t mind if I add my 2 cents worth. You didn’t have a secure childhood, you had a very sheltered childhood. I did too. I came from a very abusive and traumatic childhood environment. I was taken away from my Alcoholic Mother by the courts. As were my siblings. Unfortunately, the damage had been done, as I was six years old when this happened, and suffered a great deal of abandonment, witnessing violence, rejection, no nurturing, isolation, unwanted.

    My Aunt and Uncle (my real fathers, sister and brother in law) came to love me, and became my legal guardians. My real father travelled alot for business. He was a Harvard Advanced business school graduated and CEO of a fortune 500 paper company. He was very well-off, as were my Aunt and Uncle. I grew up having a “fairy tale” childhood. We were transferred around alot due to my Uncle who also was a very successful business man. We sailed in regattas, lived in beautiful homes, my Aunt was in and won several LPGA’s golf tournaments, so we belonged to exclusive country clubs. Because of my troubled childhood, they protected me from everything. Made all my decisions for me, even went over my school work, let me sail in regattas with them. I grew up in stunning countries like Puerto Rico, Jamaica, etc. By the time I was nine, had already lived in 7 different countries and four different states. I got everything I wanted. Only went to the best of private schools, had butlers, groundsmen and maids. All My chores I had to do was set a lavish table every night, and make my bed, keep my room clean. I lived in a home with 8 bedrooms. I had it all. Unfortunately, this made me too sheltered and “taken care of” and it did more harm than good. Every time I dated, I “expected” the man to treat me how I was treated in my childhood. Safe, secure, taken care of, no decisions to make, protected, no anxiety, nothing. Just like my fairy tale childhood. However, there is none of this as an Adult. I had to learn to be an Adult and take care of myself. It was tremendous anxiety, and my relationships were short lived. No one could live up to my expectations.

    I had to go through many years of Psychotherapy to even begin to even think about dating, or I could never have dated. A “secure” childhood is not what we had. A secure childhood means we are allowed to think and feel for ourselves. Not having everything done for us, by overprotective parents. Just some thoughts.

    in reply to: How can I change the relationship? #181877

    Hi Katie,

    His childhood, like many children who have come from abusive, traumatic childhoods, unfortunately has left a very negative impact into his adulthood, and will continue to do so, until it has been resolved. You can’t “fix” him. This can only be done with quality Psychotherapy and medication for his anxiety or depression, bi-polar, etc. Any type of abuse, manipulation, control, should not be tolerated until the person has completed or attended Psychotherapy and the relationship should be re-evaluated. I do admire you for standing by him, but you have your needs too, and he is unable to give what he is not able.


    Hi Rica,

    I was in a similar situation. However, unlike you, I never met this man. I had an online romance with a handsome man I met from the middle east. It was attraction and bonding from day 1. I met him on a social media site. We video chatted every day. He was the first person I saw and messenger first thing in morning and last in the evening. I fell head over heels with him. It does happen, you can meet someone online, never touch them, and fall in love and emotional bonding. However, everything that came out of his mouth was all lies, but I was so caught up in him, I was in my own world of fairy tale love. He said he wanted to move to United States and have a future with me, that he loved me and so on..I pictured a future with a man twenty years younger than me, from Iraq, lost his job as a chef. Maybe he wasn’t even a chef, who knows. I tried to find a job for him here, a scholarship, anything. He even tried to apply for immigration to Canada. It got turned down. Then he knew I knew owners of several restaurants, and my Dad knew owners as he used to be in the restaurant business. He started pressuring me to “ask these owners” for $10,000 to loan him so he could get here, and he would pay it back. That’s when I “woke up” knowing he was Catphishing me. I asked him to leave me, and he did without a fight. We were very romantic for almost two months. This was last September in 2016. I cried over him for months. Could not get him out of my head. All I saw was the “future” he lied about and created for us. His birthday was October, about a year since the “break up”. I thought about texting him, but after the break up, I deleted my profile on Facebook. Couldn’t hate to look at his romantic quotes to other women. This is why I think no contact. Because it will prolong the misery and thinking about him. New year’s eve went by, kept thinking I would hear from him..nothing. My birthday in January 2017..nothing. He did not love me. I felt broken and ashamed.

    This is why “online” relationships often do not work. You never know who you are meeting. They may be married, arranged marriage, scammers, catphishers, con-artists, so, I stay away from online social media sites. Best to meet someone local. I’m still not “seeing anyone” but mostly because my health has been bad. I think I am finally over him now. Last night he “popped” into my head, but mostly just good memories, but nothing felt for him, like wanting him back. So, it will and does get better. Just have no contact. Easier to get over someone. Not even a text.

    in reply to: Please help me #181063

    Hi k,

    He sounds like a wonderful man, but if you are having this much anxiety and doubt, then unfortunately, I don’t see how the relationship can progress. You have to get control over your anxiety, fear and depression, before you can be happy with another person. There can be no dreams, when there is fear. It is very unfair to him, to continue the relationship. I feel you need a break, to find out who you are, what you want, what you want in a man, etc. I also think you feel a very big disconnect in life because of your parents leaving. As this came about the time they left. I think they have a very big influence over your life, and you are needing their presence in your life to feel safe again. A person who is doubtful, lost and confused is not ready for the demands of a committed relationship. Take a break, attend quality therapy, try again to get your anxiety and depression under control, as it can distort your thinking, even if you have to go on medication. Once this happens, things will look much brighter for you, and you can make your decisions about your boyfriend, when you are better. Let him know you need some time to work on yourself, he will understand, if he wants you to be happy. He sounds like a very reasonable and understanding, patient man. I do hope you feel better soon. x

    in reply to: Torn #181057

    Hi Peony,

    I wouldn’t cut all ties off with him, if you still love him. If he is showing a sincere desire of wanting to change and showing proof, for example in his behavior, attending and continuing to attend AA meetings, therapy, etc, then there is still hope. But keep in mind it will be a long road, there is always a chance of relapse. Then you will have to start over again and the cycle continues. I hope this won’t be the case, and do hope things will improve and he shows a desire and wanting to change, and changing, not only for you, but his own well-being. x

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