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  • in reply to: Relationship problems with ex. #184471

    Hi Dexter,

    I don’t have much to add, but it really does not have to be so complicated and confusing. I think you like a little “excitement” in your life, and there is nothing wrong with that, but in my own experience, it can really harm relationships..a constant need for excitement, chaos, etc. I will use a quote, because it is so very true. If a man and a woman are meant to be together, they will be together. Period. I hope you have a Happy New Year.


    Hi Alaska,

    I am sorry you are having to go through this. I feel since you were there for him while he was going through such a hard time, now he needs to do the same for you. He knows how you feel for him, and that it pains you greatly and distresses you when you see him, because it creates an even more intense emotional bond, the best thing he can do for you is “return the favor” and have no contact with you. If he is down, depressed, sad, I am sure he has another friend or family member. He has leaned on you too much, to the point where he is using you whenever he needs a shoulder to cry on, and this is not treating you right. He may be unaware of the emotional toll it is taking on you, but I would cut off all ties with him, until these feelings you have for him go away.

    Maybe in a few months you can be his friend again. But right now, tell him you would appreciate it if he would not text, call or e-mail you, that you need space and time. He needs to respect that. Make sure you don’t follow him on Social media. Please keep posting with your thoughts or comments, and have a Happy New Year. x

    in reply to: Feel bullied in my own home. #184363

    Hi Lorraine,

    No, I don’t think you are being unreasonable, but you are clearly being abused, very stressed, and emotionally abused. You were kind enough to offer your house, and they are clearly taking advantage of you, causing you misery when you have your own struggles. It is time for them to leave. Just tell them, you feel it is not a suitable living arrangement, and leave it at that. If they argue, or try to get your sympathy, just repeat over “this is not a suitable living arrangement, please find another place to live and give them a time frame. This may sound harsh, but it is nothing compared to how they are treating you..horribly. It needs to stop once and for all. They will not change. Give them a time frame to get their stuff out, and then change the locks. It will be awkward and uncomfortable, but would you rather have that then what they are putting you through now, day in and day out? It is time for them to learn the consequences of their actions. Keep us posted. x

    in reply to: ROCD #184355

    Hi Uncertainty81,

    Can you elaborate a little more when you say you expect too much in a relationship? What is it that you are feeling you need? Can you share on that? You say she is supportive, kind and caring and is very well liked by others. What do you feel is lacking..and what needs is she not fulfilling? Are you comparing her to other relationships you feel are better, such as parents relationship when you had growing up, or your friends relationships?

    Also, can you tell me more about the “aggressive attack” is this a panic or anxiety attack? Is it because you feel things are going so well, you don’t deserve happiness or to feel good?

    in reply to: ROCD #184325

    Hi Uncertainty81,

    I will go by my own experience. I just got so tired of the anxiety, fear and doubt. I have only lived with two men. My first love when I was only 21. And a man when I was 35. At that time, my friends were warning me it was wrong, because they said most people who “live together” before marriage, their marriages dissolve, more than a couple who waits to move in together after marriage.

    They saw it as too easy when living together to become “roommates” more than boyfriend, girlfriend and that is where the fighting and bucking about small things start. Well, with my first love, of course, we were in love, very, very young, had no idea what we were doing, it was both of our first relationship. He proposed to me 6 months after we started dating. I was on cloud 9. My father was furious. I wouldn’t listen to anyone, yet I had fears, doubts, but I let “being in love” take over and I jumped right in. So, that’s what I say..just jump right in. Don’t overanalyze it, because it will get you nowhere. You have been together two years. So just move in together, what is the worst that can happen? If it doesn’t work out, you can separate and go your own ways, but if it does work out, it’s a win-win situation, and you will find that it is not as bad as you think.

    With the 2nd man..again..only with him 6 months, very much “in love” until I loved in. It (again) was too soon, the fighting and bickering started, chaos, and like my first love the relationship did not work out as we rushed things. In your case, it is different. Two years is plenty of time, so why not? Give it a try. Lay your fears to rest. Please post with your thoughts.

    in reply to: ROCD #184313

    Hi Uncertainty81,

    I can’t give you as good as an answer as the previous poster, but I too suffer from this, and I think it comes from Anxiety in general. When I start thinking these anxious thoughts, I try to think of the good things in the relationship, being aware of the present, just observing my thoughts, and not beginning them, and just talking to my therapist. I wish I knew the answers. Anxiety is very hard to overcome, but it can be done. I know that medication and therapy has helped me alot. Feel free to post with your thoughts.

    in reply to: Feeling rejected – fell for a guy online #184311

    Dear Greengirl,

    Having been in several online long distance relationships, both in an of out the country, unfortunateky, they often, do not work out. It is very easy to start bonding with someone online, it happened to me many times. Most often out of lonliness, or just enjoying the attention. I would tell myself It would go nowhere, however, it took on a life of its own, and after several weeks of “chatting” an emotional bond was occurring. Your mind plays tricks on you, thinking it is real..when it it not. It is virtual..internet..sort of like an online fantasy and love affair.

    You were not rejected. It happens all the time. Men who flirt with you, send you cute emoji’s, I guarantee, are also doing this with other women as well. But we like to think we “are the only one” because we feel we “are falling for them”. For me, the chatting turned into video chatting everyday. I always got hurt. I got scamned, catphished, found out one of the men were in an arranged marriage, and so on..but I was always left with a broken heart, yet I would heal..and into the next guy who was attractive and “friend me”. Even after I swore “never again”

    I deleted my profiles off social media. It is too easy (at least for me) to get caught up with this and it is all make believe. We don’t know who these men really are. So many lie. Them they ghost you, after telling you the most beautiful things ever. You see them the next day online chatting with another woman, and so it goes. This is why I stay away from men online. It’s not worth it. Many lie. Many are married and say they are single. Many are chatting, while their girlfriend is sleeping, it’s all just fantasy. Don’t take it personally. Best to meet a man in person for coffee or casually somewhere, meet as friends, take it slow. This way you won’t get anxious, because you are going at your own pace, and they don’t feel rushed. Feel free to post with your thoughts. x

    in reply to: LIFE HAS BECAME A TORTURE #184205

    Hi Rishabh,

    I used to think the same thing. Things and times have changed so much. I don’t know how old you are, I am most likely much, much older than you. I grew up in the 70’s. Back then, times were simpler. No internet, technology, smartphones, computers. People would come over. Many people didn’t even lock the door to their homes. No one needed an invitation to come over. People would come over, neighbors, friends, and we would all sit on the front or back porch, laugh, have bonfires, someone would play the guitar, we would sing, go swimming in the pool..eventually, everyone headed inside..we would all congregate in the kitchen..hang out, talk, play card and board games, then sometimes we would all just hop in a van and go for a drive. There was no lonliness.

    Now, times have changed. People have changed. Lives have become stressed, jobs are no longer stable, back in the 70’s and 80’s people would work one job and retire. No more. It’s all about climbing the ladder, materialism, No one cares enough to make a simple phone call or stop by and visit. It’s all about “texting” or impersonal stuff like social media, and it makes for a lonely world. I wish I could save a majic wand, and make it the simple, fun, easy days of the past. I am sure your friends *do* care, but they are so busy with demanding careers, chores, kids, etc, they don’t have time, as they are too busy trying to rush around trying to get things done, answer e-mails. It’s all become impersonal.

    You will meet someone special. Don’t give up. Try to meet new friends. Reach out. You won’t be believe all the lonely people out there aching for a kind word, a listening ear, someone to talk to. All you have to do is reach out. Hang in there, keep posting here as well.

    in reply to: Alone, in bad health, and depressed on Christmas eve. #184157

    Hi Jun Na,

    Thank you for your kind comment about my name. Your post is one of the most beautiful heartfelt posts anyone has ever sent me, and it made me cry. Thank you for your compassion. I normally come on here to help others. I decided to be brave, start my own thread on Christmas Day, and post because I just felt so sad and hopeless. I just wanted understanding and sympathy, and I thank you for that. It upset me very much that another poster who does not know me, has never seen me, does not know my heart, would call me something so cruel as “anorexic” on Christmas Day.

    Thank you for your compassion and beautiful heart, and I promise not to ask my life to be taken.


    Hi Rachel,

    Since you got upset with your boyfriend, and he said he did not mean anything by it, he may be telling the truth. He may just see her as a good friend, and she brings out the playfulness in him. Next time, you and your boyfriend are together, watch a funny TV show, and show him you can be playful and corny/giggly too. Tickle him, tell him silly jokes, just something out of character. Show him you can be just as fun! Let him know you will not tolerate him flirting (which is what he was doing in front of you, which is disrespectful to you). If he continues, I would re-evaluate the relationship. Better yet, invite one of your male colleagues out with the two of you, and start asking him to go to the cinema with you, and tickle him. What comes around, goes around. Let your boyfriend know what it feels like. Another thing is not to let another woman on a date with the two of you. I have done this before, and it’s always led to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

    in reply to: Not feeling pretty enough for my boyfriend #184129

    Hi Ella,

    I have a suggestion that helped me greatly with things with an ex, who enjoyed being on Social media, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google Plus..we actually met on Facebook. I stopped. I deleted my accounts. I stopped caring who he was looking at, what he was doing, who he was following, whose pictures he was liking. I figured it’s only social media and not real life. Once, I bought a “GQ” magazine home, where he could see it, and had it flipped over to a page with a great looking man. I put a smiley face next to it, like I was going to show it to a friend.

    Well, he did not like it at all, and questioned me. I told him, if he could look and admire women in the internet, surely I could admire men? What’s fair is fair. While I don’t suggest going to this extreme, try not to “follow” or look at his profile to see what he is up to on Social media. It will only make you miserable and strain your relationship. Just do your own thing, and let him do his. You will be alot happier, and the relationship will be less tense.

    in reply to: What to do? #184089

    Hi Ryn,

    Because he left you so suddenly, things do not look promising. I think if I were in this situation, I would be very hurt, especially if one day they are talking about a future with me, and a few days later they just disappear “needing to find themselves”. It is very hard, to regain trust, for fear It may happen again. He sounds a little lost and confused, and not really ready for a committed relationship.

    in reply to: Confusing behaviour and breakup #184087

    Hi Luna,

    I am sorry this happened, and can understand how frustrating this can be. We want to know the answers, but they don’t come and we are left perplexed and befuddled. I think it might have been the distance. I think you mentioned there was some distance between you. Did you live far apart from each other? Did he ever mention wanting to be exclusive with you, or wanting “just to date”. Some men, no matter how compatible, etc we are with them, are not relationship ready, or emotionally available.

    Did you ever ask him if he saw a future with you. When he did distance himself, did he offer any reasons for his behavior? It sounds if he did this to you, most likely, he has done this in the past and will in the future.

    in reply to: Not feeling pretty enough for my boyfriend #184077

    Hi Ella,

    We are all beautiful just the way we are. God does not make junk. For example, I am top heavy, and I get alot of snide comments, (even from men). But, I’m not going to get a breast reduction, simply because of other people putting others down because they do not feel good about themselves. Also, I have been in poor health as of late. They are trying to find out what’s wrong. I am 5’5 and used to weigh too much at 208 pounds at my heaviest. I had snide comments, even from my own father, “chunky” “fat” “obese”. Now that I have lost weight due to illness, I am now called “too skinny” “anorexic” “bulimic” and all sorts of untrue things, as I am neither of those, as my Doctor told me the other day, my weight was healthy. So, it seems no matter what, there will always be some kind of mean comment.

    It has nothing to do with you. But with people. No one is perfect. Everyone has flaws. They have theirs. Yet, they want to feel better about themselves and put you down. Pay them no attention, because that is what they want, to see a hurtful reaction from you. Instead, feel sorry for them. Just say, “thank you, but I like the way I look, have a nice day” and just walk away. Real friends would not out you down. I would make better choices in friends, people who lift you up, support you and bring sunshine in your life. Go where the sunshine is. The people picking on parts of your body are not sunshine, they are clouds and people you don’t need in your life. I would also re-evaluate your relationship with your boyfriend. If you are constantly feeling bad and hurt, it is time for a more loving and sensitive boyfriend who follows you around, instead of strangers on the internet. Please keep posting with your thoughts.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: LIFE HAS BECAME A TORTURE #184061

    Hi Rishabh,

    I can very much relate to how you feel, and what you are going through. I know what it’s like. I too, miss my past..and some very special people that meant so much to me, that are no longer alive. I still miss a man I had a break-up with over a year ago. But I know that he is no longer that same person, I really don’t want him back, just the memories, the laughs, the feelings of being in love, the giddiness.

    I miss my Dad, who was my best friend, the last of my family. He passed in 2008. Sometimes like you, I feel very much alone. I spend the Holidays alone, my birthday alone, another Valenday’s day comes and goes with no special someone, yet I can’t date due to being in very poor health.

    I think the past can be our own worst enemy. We have no control over it. It is gone. What we have to do is cherish the beautiful memories that we did love someone, when many people have never experienced that. You were happy once, and you *will* be happy again. When we feel lonely, the thing is to reach out in any way you can. Even if it’s yo people to people you feel won’t understand. I feel you need the connections with your parents, they may surprise you if given a chance. I’m sure they miss you very much. The thing we have to do is create memories now, even though we are on an unfamiliar and lonely place.

    I moved from one part of the United States, all the way to the other ebd, by myself. I did not know anyone. No family there, no friends, no job. It was a very lonely and frightening time. But gradually, I got to know people, found a roommate, and ended up creating some beautiful memories, even meeting a man, I was going to marry. We ended up not getting married, but I cherish the memories. Try to do the same. It’s okay to think about the past, but try to know it is only thoughts and just observe them. Don’t become them, and let them bring you down. You can create beautiful memories anywhere you are. I hope you keep posting.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Eliana.
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