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  • in reply to: My self worth is depleted after a broken engagement #186619

    Hi Dreaming715,

    You are good enough..why? Because there is no one else out there like you! Out of 7 billion on this planet, there is one unique person..you, with your own set of qualities, what you have to offer, traits, you are able to love, you are loveable whether you believe it or not. You seem very intelligent from the posts I read from you. Please don’t compare yourself to other people, because they have their insecurities, flaws and imperfections. Including those models you see in the magazine’s..they do not live the glamouous life we think they do. In ten years, we won’t be seeing them in magazines anymore, as they will be replaced with younger models..who have to work extremely hard to stay thin, which can be a very stressful and exhausting life. Looks fade. Personality, and our uniqueness don’t.

    Your ex-fiance lost out. Who knows, maybe he is somewhere unhappy. You will not be alone forever, and will find a loving man who deserves you and nothing less. Meanwhile, you can focus on things that make you happy. When you are happy and doing things that bring purpose to your life, you will see changes, changes in your self-esteem. Wrote down on a piece of paper things you enjoyed doing as a child. Was it reading? Painting? Drawing? Animals? I know I enjoyed playing badminton as a child and have started looking for people to play with. I also used to enjoy playing pool and art. These are things I can do in my adult life that bring me fulfillment and purpose. When women concentrate on looks, appearances, or always having to have a man, that is depending on someone to “bring” us happiness, yet that can be short lived. We have to create our own excitement. If a man comes along that’s great, if not, we will know we will still be good enough and we will be okay. x

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: So sad and unhappy #186613

    Hi Selena,

    I was just checking on you, and seeing how you are doing and if you are feeling better. I hope you will post again. x

    in reply to: Family relationship advice #186611

    Hi Lennon,

    I am sorry to hear about your brothers. I agree with you, what they did was inexcusable. However, I would not disown your family. I understand they won’t back you up, but they probably don’t want to break the family up even more. Deep down, I am sure they do not approve of what your brothers did, and maybe they did talk to your brothers, but did not tell you for fear of creating more conflict.

    Sometimes families like to sweep things under the rug, to keep peace for the sake of children and grandchildren, which is why they invite your children over for Holidays, etc. Why not go? You should not miss out on these events, taking family photos, memories, something to show your children. You don’t have to speak to your brothers. Politely acknowledge them, but no one says you have to make conversation with them. Do it for your children, so they can be with their grandparents and get to know them, don’t move to another state and let them not get to know their grandparents for something your brothers did. Yes, what they did was very wrong, but you have to put your children first and let them be with their family. You don’t have to call your brothers. Just have to see them, now and then at family get togethers. If you are not invited, go anyway. Don’t stand for that treatment. Set boundaries. Tell your parents, your kids go, you go, period. Don’t move, don’t run away. It is letting your brothers win. I hope things get better. Stay strong.

    in reply to: Sad, rejected and lonely on my birthday #186609

    Correction: the above should read “I am not eligible for Medicaid”.

    in reply to: Sad, rejected and lonely on my birthday #186605

    Thank you Anita, may you be blessed for giving so much compassion, kindness and support on this forum. God bless you.

    Hana, Hi..you brought some great topics up. I have looked into this. I really appreciate your kind response. And you are very correct, all of this would most certainly help me, however, I am on SSDI, and Medicare does not pay for these type of interventions. They feel holistic, naturopathic is “not based on medical fact”..even though it would greatly help someone. They won’t pay for a nursing home, dental or vision..even Chiropractic care..if they do, you are only limited to a few adjustments, maybe trigger point injections, that is about it. I am not eligible for Medicae. Advantage plans are too expensive for me, because I would have to pay $45.00 up front co-pay to see a specialist, and I can’t afford it. Regular Medicare if I see a doctor, my co-pay is up front $29.00. If I see a specialist, I get a bill for about $14.10. I am at a loss of what to do. Thank you for your kind response, it means alot to me.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: Sad, rejected and lonely on my birthday #186561

    Dear Anita, CarpeDiem, and Kindle,

    Thank you for your kind and encouraging responses and birthday wishes. It really means alot to me. I will certainly take your advice and hang in there, and try to make better friends. It is very hard to get out, as I don’t have a car, below 0 temperatures, and I live in a small town where there is mostly married people. I want to follow my passion of helping animals and homeless, but when you are constantly not feeling well, always on laxatives, it is hard..but I will try. My case manager keeps pushing me saying I would not be so depressed and lonely if I had purpose. I just can’t afford the money for transportation to the animal sanctuary. She said “I am always making excuses, looking for negatives” which makes me feel worse. I then got a little mad and said “how about you cone and pick me up and drop me off, then no more excuses” she got real quiet.

    I managed a smile Anita. ☺

    Thank you all for your encouragement. x


    in reply to: History repeating itself #186505

    Hi Felix,

    I don’t have much too add, but I just wanted to say you are not too old to be a Dad. My Dad had two sons in his twenties, and he had me at age 45, and said it was the happiest moment in his life.

    in reply to: Feeling Overwhelmed, son is ill #186503

    Hi Lyssan,

    I’m very sorry to hear about your son. I know it is easier said than done, but worrying, and being upset (although very understandable), is not helping your emotional well-being. You need everything you have right now to be there for your son. Try not to get overwhelmed. One day at a time. Focus on things you have control over. Research his condition, are there any experimental research being done on his condition? Make a lot of calls for outside resources. You also need others. Others who are going through the same thing. Is there any way you can locate or create a group of parents who too are hurting, so you can be there for each other? To see each other through, to talk to, to vent, a listening ear. Also, I’m not sure if you attend church, but I am in bad health myself, and I talk to my former pastor. I was told the other day, they formed a prayer chain for me. They can do this for your son too. Reach out, pray, read, research, focus on a cure, the positives. When you start to dwell on the negatives, your son can pick up on the negative energy. Try not to go there. You need each other. God bless.

    in reply to: So sad and unhappy #185887

    You are welcome, please post anytime. I hope you can get back to the Buddhism and crystals..

    in reply to: Is he losing interest, or am I overthinking? #185751

    Hi Sarah,

    I know you really like him, but I wouldn’t put all my cards on him. I think if he was really in to you, he could have asked you to the wedding. If he was very romantically interested, he would have at least have talked to you more about the wedding, it seems you are doing all the investing and work, while he is just sitting back telling you words such as you are pretty, he loves hanging out with you. When someone uses the term “hanging out” this is something a friend would say to a friend, not a romantic interest.

    Also, “that would be great!”..not good. If really interested, he may have said how about I make you dinner, there is a great movie, let’s rent a movie and get a pizza delivered, let’s go to a mexican/steak place to dinner. All his responses are too vague and uncertain. A quote I like to use, as it is so true, “if you don’t don’t know where you stand with someone, it’s time to stop standing and walk away”. This guy is just wanting friends at this point I think. Nothing romantic. x

    in reply to: So sad and unhappy #185711

    Hi Selena,

    I am sorry to hear what you are going through. But what you are doing is very self destructive, and not the solution of the answer. Your post has me very concerned and worried about you. Please contact a crisis line. They are trained volunteers who want to help you, your call is free and anonymous. Is there someone, a trusted mentor, therapist, friend you can talk to you during this difficult time?

    Taking pills is never the answer. You could easily overdose and make things worse. Try to think positive. This is only a temporary situation. There are steps you can take. I know it’s hard, but try to think positive. First thing is to please get out of the abusive environment you are in. Whether it is a domestic violence shelter, temporarily, a friend’s house, a relative, please don’t self harm. You have to talk to someone about all this, start with a crisis line, they will help you find a qualified therapist or Psychotherapist. Stick with the therapy. Please don’t abuse the drugs/pills anymore. They only numb you shortly, but then you end up feeling worse. You need to be screened for clinical depression and anxiety. Dint get caught up in negative thoughts. Just try to take things one thing at a time to improve your situation. It can be done, first things first is to get out of the environment you are in. Then stop taking the drugs and pills, get screened for depression, and please contact a crisis line asap. I am very concerned. I hope others will post with any ideas or thoughts. Please post back and let me know how you are doing, but please don’t let your negative thoughts take over. Think positive, and find ways to improve your situation and keep posting. x

    in reply to: Family vs Wife #185575

    Hi Marco,

    I know I am late in responding to this thread, but I still hope you read it. You have gotten alot of wonderful in depth, great advice from Anita and VJ. I am going to keep mine simple. You may not agree with it, and that is okay, for it is only my opinion. It should not be tolerated whatsoever what your family, sisters are doing. It is wrong. You do not do this with their spouses and families and they should not put you and your wife in this situation. It creates too much conflict, awkwardness, hardship for your wife, etc. Being around your sisters, although they are blood, is allowing them to create negativity to you and your wife. Blood should not treat blood like this. But I have heard people say that they have had strangers treat them better than their own family.

    I would not cut your sisters out of your life completely. But just let them know you will not and can not tolerate this form of treatment from them. Whether it is envy of you, the universe, or whatever is going on inside of them, you have no control over it. Talk to them on the phone, text or e-mail. Make it short and polite. Don’t talk about your wife. If they do, say “I will no longer engage in this negativity, treating my wife with disrespect, is treating me with disrespect” and say you have to go. End the conversation. No one says you have to visit them. It’s you and your wife or nothing. Their treatment should not be tolerated. In time, they may change. They may miss their interactions with you, and will need to accept your life. They will learn to get over themselves, everyone has flaws. If they come around, that’s great, if not, enjoy your wife and her family. God bless.

    in reply to: Alone, in bad health, and depressed on Christmas eve. #185569

    Thank you VJ,

    Your posts and replies always inspire me, and I always look forward to them. You and Anita are the best. I’m very lucky. I try to be positive, but people bring me down. My case manager, my contact person here, the ER department, even most of residents here, no one seems to understand, and I feel I suffer in silence. No one wants to understand this condition. 42 million Americans have it. Doctor’s dismiss you. It is a serious illness, yet No one will talk about it, which I guess I can ubderstand, but it makes me feel very much alone. Residents around here talk about eating Pizza, cheeseburgers, donuts, pastries, and I get sad because I can barely eat. Maybe soup, a tuna fish Sandwich, if I’m lucky, chicken..that’s about it. I try to eat two meals a day, but when you can’t flush for a week or two, and so backed up, it’s hard to eat, have any kind of life, everything is hard. I am constantly depressed..especially my weight loss. It is frightening. The ER doctor wanted to give me an injection of “Relistor” last night, but I had to refuse, because I had group today. I only had two hours of sleep last night because of bad weather, frigid temperatures, and only one can driver for the night. Got home at 4am, and have group in just a few hours. Have not flushed in three days. The hospital did not give enema this time. I will listen to your video. Thank you for listening, and I will try to not get too hopeless. Thanks again for everything.

    in reply to: Boyfriend left, life still sucks, I am still stupid. #185563

    Hi Katie,

    I’m sorry you are going through this. I know things look bad right now, the sadness, depression, frustration, loneliness, etc..but this does in any way mean you are “stupid”. Please don’t call yourself these degrading names. You were a straight A student and had a terrific life. Don’t let one bad chapter, mean a bad life. Not to sound like a cliche, but “this too shall pass”. Right now, just take the time to focus on you. You don’t need a man in your life to make you happy, and you are not responsible for someone else’s happiness, only they are. If you take “responsibility” and say “I have to be this great girlfriend, never make a mistake, always make him happy, you will make yourself miserable, as no one can live up to that.

    There is a quote I like to use because it is so true..”never chase/beg for love, affection or attention, if it is not given freely, it is not worth having”. You and your boyfriend are very young and you both are bound to make mistakes, no relationship will ever be perfect, I am sure he made his share of mistakes too. I believe his response to your Instagram game was blown way out of proportion, and he should have had a mature discussion with you about it, instead of having a knee jerk reaction and blowing up and suddenly breaking things off. I would leave him alone to settle down for a few weeks, and he will I’m sure have regrets about his innapropriate behavior, but you did nothing wrong, so please don’t blame yourself. If you do get back together with him, I would work on your communication with him, and conflict resolution skills, so you are talking to each other, instead of 1st each other and to avoid the bickering, yelling, anger. To behave more like a living couple to support each other. If this can’t be done, and he is still acting and behaving aggressively and innapropriate, I would re-evaluate the relationship. But remember, you were happy and content before him, and you can be happy without him. You can’t depend on someone to make you happy. Too many women seem they always “need” a man in their lives to “be happy” but happiness does not come from outside sources. x



    in reply to: 8 years in a relationship – struggling to be authentic #185447

    Hi Viv,

    You don’t need a parent, to walk on eggshells, to be told what to do, how to behave, what to think, what internet social media sites you can and can’t go on. He is being very disrespectful and acting “superior”. This is not a loving, secure and healthy relationship, and it will only get worse, make you stressed, resentful of him and miserable. I think he is trying to perhaps fix a caretaker from his past, a critical parent, or that his feelings were not listened to. Now he used that as sarcastic out downs to you, and this is very toxic. In relationships, no One should try to “fix” another, because it will only lead to resentment, confusion and hurt feelings, like I say, you want a partner in life, not a father. Best to re-evaluate the relationship. I feel you deserve better. x

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