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  • in reply to: Sad, rejected and lonely on my birthday #186897

    Hi CarpeDiem,

    I hope you are having a nice day today. It is snowing here. It is beautiful watching it come down. It’s going to get to 15 below tomorrow, and I have to walk to pharmacy and pick up my meds. I really miss not having a car. I may wait till Wednesday. Going to be a balmy 25 degree that day (I live in Ohio).

    Thank you for letting me know about Ayaeureda. I hope I spelled it right. Do you know where I can get more information about it? Is there a book or website I could go to? I hope Medicare will pay, since I am on SSDI, that is the only insurance I have, and it doesn’t pay for much. I only make just over $1,000 a month. And a small amount of food stamps. I am desperate to try anything.

    Hi Helen, your post moved me very much. Thank you for taking the time to write me, for your beautiful words, and compassion. So many people dismiss me. I don’t have anyone to talk to. I feel very alone in all this. I’m a strong person, but going through this since April is beginning to take a toll. I am feeling like a burden to everyone. I think I can hear groans when I go to the ER yet again. I wish they would admit me. They see my rapid weight loss, that I am suffering. Always impacted (sorry for tmi) why can’t they admit me. My gastroenterologist does not care, not do other doctors. They just smirk. It’s sad really. I hope one day, they too, will have this oroblem, and karma will come and they will be dismissed and treated rudely..like I have been.

    I am going to take your advice and watch “Weekend at Bernie’s” tonight or tomorrow. It’s too cold to get out. It’s an old movie, came out in the 80’s but it is hilarious. I laugh so hard no matter how many times I have seen it. Thanks again for all your kind words. It meant alot to me. God bless you. x


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: Anger at small things, losing another again! #186893

    Hi Helen,

    I’m so glad you were offered some insight that was helpful. Please post anytime you would like. Let us know how therapy is going, should you choose to go. I hope you will consider the screening questionnaire for a good diagnosis. Let me know how you like the book. We care, and are here for you. x

    in reply to: I just dion't know where I am going #186839

    Hi Colton,

    I just wanted to check in on you since last communicating with you to see how you are. Are you feeling any better? Please post again if you would like with any thoughts..

    in reply to: Desperate about my life #186837

    Hi Neo,

    I just wanted to check in on you. How are you doing since our last communication? Are you feeling any better? Please post again with any thoughts..

    in reply to: Indecision in life #186835

    Hi Hana,

    I just wanted to check in on you, to see how you are doing. Are you feeling any better? Please post again if you would like. We are here for you.

    in reply to: So sad and unhappy #186833

    Correction to first post: should read “peice of paper”..

    in reply to: So sad and unhappy #186831

    Hi Selena,

    Let’s put our heads together and try to find a way to find a new way of life for you. I am willing to try to help, if you are willing. To you have a price of paper? First thing, make small steps, don’t overwhelm yourself. What is one thing you can do to bring you hope and peace right now? There has to be something right? Start with that, and ideas will start flowing. You don’t have to stay “stuck”. I am not an expert, therapist, but I care and will help you as best as I can. You are not alone.

    in reply to: Sad, rejected and lonely on my birthday #186829

    Correction to above post: should read “Fiber just builds up”..

    in reply to: Sad, rejected and lonely on my birthday #186825

    Hi Hana,

    Hi..I’m sorry if I misunderstood your first post, yesterday was a rough day for me, just feeling lousy. I’m sorry. I see what you mean now. I do have an appointment with a dietician..is this may be what you mean? I have cancelled twice, because I’m always afaid of hearing the same unhelpful words “eat more fiber, exercise, drink 8 glasses of water, take fiber supplements”. However, when someone is severely constipated, no amount of fiber or water is going to help. The fiber just bills up..then just sits there..Then like a train, more fiber comes, sits on top of the fiber already in there, and so it goes. They don’t recommend fiber for severe cases of constipation because of possible impaction. I do drink alot of water, take probiotics, exercise 5 days a week, since I don’t own a car and live downtown, but all the vegetables, greens, fruits, flaxseeds, kefir, probiotic yogurt, salads, brocolli, Vitamin D (which I take, and vitamin C) and prune juice. Does not help. No one knows what to do with me. There is some serious medical issue going on inside of me going on, that Doctor’s are too busy to try to figure out. They only get 15 minutes with you and you are dismissed, even dieticians who only push fiber. Gastroenterologist are useless. Just pill pushers. I have given up. Thank you for all your kind advice and suggestions. I wish I knew the answers. Our healthcare system here is seiously flawed. Doctors, holistic etc..just don’t have time anymore.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: Sad, rejected and lonely on my birthday #186823

    Hi Brandy,

    Thank you for the nice compliment. It brings joy to my heart that my post helps others. I don’t even know if half the time people read them..lol. Thank you for the kind words, and for making my Day brighter. God bless you! ☺

    in reply to: Sad, rejected and lonely on my birthday #186821

    Hi Avi,

    Thank you for your kind post. Your words brought me a lot of comfort. Thank you for congratulating me on my degree. And thank you for the compliments. It brought joy to my heart. All of you, made my birthday a bright one. God bless you all. ☺

    in reply to: Sad, rejected and lonely on my birthday #186819

    Hi VJ,

    Thank you for the beautiful birthday card. I’m sorry I could not get this out to you yesterday. I started having problems with my internet connection last night and was unable to get on here. Thank you for brightening my Day. God bless you.


    in reply to: Anger at small things, losing another again! #186813

    Hi Helen

    I too had the same problem. Can you tell me a little more about your childhood? Many times, our anger, hurt, abusiveness or rage is actually directed at a former caretaker from Childhood. Sometimes these issues have been forgotten about until they come out in our adult lives and wreak havoc in our adult relationships, causing us to hurt the ones we love. The anger you are using through your boyfriends, is actually depression turned inside out, and the anger and criticism isn’t toward the current person, but from unmet needs you did not have as a child or from a very critical parent who did not listen to your needs, or let you express your feelings. All that resentment built up over the years, is unresolved, causing you to “lash out” now in your adult relationships. It is not your fault.

    I would highly suggest reading the book “I love you, don’t leave me” it talks about these very same issues. I think it also comes with a workbook. You can buy it online, get it at the library or bookstore, but it is a best selling book. For years, I was in therapy for a very neglectful, traumatic, chaotic, violent childhood with much abandonment, no love or nurturing from an Alcoholic Mother. I grew up very depressed, angry, lashed out, verbally abusive, etc.

    I then had enough and went into intensive inpatient and outpatient Psychotherapy. All they said was “severe panic attacks, some type of personality disorder, major depressive disorder. I was out on medication, but it was never the right ones, I could never find the right Psychiatrist who could give me a good screening diagnosis so I could be put on the right meds, even if it was a cocktail of medications, I would have gladly taken that over the battlefield in my mind and rage.

    Finalky, I got screened again at a very good mental health clinic, and I was diagnosed with “Borderline Personality Disorder”. Don’t let this scare you. Many people who have this do not do what is sadly portrayed in movies. They are not “nuts” “psycho” and all the other silly labels people want to give you. Many people also do not self harm. I don’t. Many have five years of DBT therapy, and they no longer have the criteria of the disorder. I am on my last year of Psychotherapy and am on a cocktail of excellent medications. No, they are not “antipsychotics” or heavy medications that turn you into a zombie, but since being on them, am a new person..no longer the hateful person lashing out, filled with rage, tantrums, anger, pushing people away like I used to be. BPD is not a life sentence. There is hope, there is help.

    The best thing to do is get the right Psychiatrist or Psychotherapist and get screened and get on the right medication. Unfortunately, this problem Can not be “snapped out of” or “willed away”. It takes quality Psychotherapy, anger management, screening for a correct diagnosis, and I strongly suggest that book mentioned earlier. Keep us posted. x

    in reply to: Family relationship advice #186809

    Hi Lennon,

    My advice and opinion is going to be different perspective. It’s okay if you disagree, I’m just on here to care, help, and offer my viewpoint. You can choose to go your own route of course. The way, I see it..don’t spoil the bunch for a few bad apples. I am not asking you to forgive your brothers. And like I said, we can’t jump to conclusions about your parents. We don’t know if they support what your brothers did. If they care about you and love you, I am sure they may have spoken to your brothers, but like many fsmilies, I guess they chose to forgive, they maybe have their reasons. They may want to “hold” the family unit together for the sake of the children. Even though what your brothers did was very wrong, they want the children to grow up getting to be around the family, however flawed, mistakes made, they want the children to have happy memories, so they can get to know the family and not be distanced or alienated from them. Trust me, I was alienated from my family through no fault on my own, and it’s a miserable way to grow up. I did not get to know that my Uncle played Piano for the San Francisco Phil Harmonic Orchestra. He was brilliant. I look very much like him. I had no idea how sweet and handsome he was. I had no idea he had his own album out playing very complex piano music such as Bach, Bethoven, etc. I would have given anything to be the proud neice pointing up at him, saying “that’s my uncle, Blakely!” (yes, his name was Uncle Bill) like that TV show from the 70’s..lol. I would have been so proud..I still am. Sadly, I never met him. I will regret it for the rest of my life.

    So many people on my Mothers side I never met that people took me away from..how I missed out on these beautiful people who were nothing like her. This is why I’m saying, don’t let your children lose out from this beautiful experience, because there will be regrets, unanswered questions, etc. You don’t have to take a woman over there in Holiday visits. You don’t have to speak to your brothers. It’s not about you, and your hurting which is entirely understandable, but you have to put that aside for a few hours, and let your children get to know their family. If you do bring a woman over, warn her beforehand about your brothers and the horrible things they did to your previous girlfriends and wives. I am sad to hear your brothers are not in Psychotherapy for the trauma and pain they have put you through. But don’t punish your children for a few spoiled Apple’s. Maybe have one more talk with your family. Maybe they don’t quite understanding how you are suffering. Ask them to put themselves in your shoes. If they still choose to invite your brothers, it does not mean they “support” what they did to you, but they want to hold the family together. Running away to a different state won’t solve anything, and will further isolate your children on the memories they need to create. Go to the family functions. You don’t have to forgive. Do it for the children. It’s only for a few hours. Stay away from your brothers, no one says you have to talk to them. Talk to your parents again about how deeply this affected you, listen to their viewpoint. Just don’t run away. Put the children first.

    in reply to: So sad and unhappy #186625

    Hi Selena,

    There is always hope. One bad chapter does not mean a bad life. You can do this. Keep trying. Contact resources, mental health specialists to see what other options you have. Please don’t give up. Keep us posted. x

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