Forum Replies Created
January 18, 2018 at 5:59 am in reply to: My self worth is depleted after a broken engagement #187361
ParticipantHi Dreaming715,
I was just checking on you and seeing how you are doing, and if you are feeling any better. Please post again if you would like.
ParticipantHi Katie,
I think we are often unhappiest is when we care what people are thinking, saying, or talking about us. When we are at peace with ourselves, that is when we don’t care, if not we are at the mercy of other people and under their control. People are going to judge people no matter what..and it has nothing to do with you, but more to do with them..their unhappiness. Let them gossip. When they fire of that, they will move on to someone else to gossip about. Go where the sunshine is. There really are good people out there. Don’t build walls. Let people get to know you. Not all people talk behind your back, gossip and backstab. Don’t concern yourself with oeople, places and things because it will make you miserable. Focus on living your life, being happy, enjoying the little things..nature, hobbies. Don’t worry about other people, they are too busy worrying about themselves.
You said you have a difficult time “letting go” which is most likely why you can’t let an unfulfilled relationship go. Can you expand on that a little? Did something happen in your childhood, such as rejection, abandonment, etc? Have you talked to a counselor about social anxiety disorder? I have a trusted therapist who has helped me greatly with this, and am on very good medication to overcome this. There is hope and help. x
ParticipantHi Neo,
I say, just give it some time. In the meantime, try to stay busy, be with friends, enjoy life, you never know, you may see her again. People tend to come back in our lives when we are at our happiest. Stay strong.
ParticipantHi VJ,
I really do appreciate the support you have given me. Sometimes, I get so much advice I just get overwhelmed. I just post when the loneliness gets to me Sometimes and illness and hope someone will write back and say “yes, I understand, I’m going through the same thing, or I have been there too” but when you are feeling so crummy and people are saying “try this, try that” I already get that from Doctor’s, and I get too overwhelmed with information. I really do appreciate you and everyone’s support. I just wish I knew the answer. Sometimes, I just need to get it off my chest, like many people do on here. Thanks again for your kindness. It really means alot. I’m just going through alot of depression.
ParticipantHi VJ,
Thank you for caring. To be quite honest, I am just feeling overwhelmed with many health problems right now, and just trying to take it one day at a time. In the neantime, I know posting on here won’t help my health, but it makes me feel better to get it out. You don’t need to do anything, but thank you for asking. My case manager is calling council on aging, and I have colonoscopy scheduled, but he might not want to to it, due to other health problems he is concerned about.
As far as Hospice, it was just a knee jerk reaction. That’s where people go to die I think, so in order for Medicare to pay, I would have to have Doctor’s clearance that I am at end of life, but at this time, I am not. My case manager and I are trying to work things out, but things are complicated, and it requires alot of time and energy. She has a hectic full caseload. You don’t have to read my posts if they bother you, as I may be posting again. It is not my intent to bother anyone, and I rarely post, but help people more. But sometimes, I just need a listening ear, there really is not exact solution to my health conditions. Thanks again for your support. Have a terrific day.
ParticipantHi Jen,
This man is a narcissist. Narcissists will say or do anything just to be controlling or “right” including false acusations, controlling manipulating behavior, lying, anything goes with these type of people. They seem to love hurting people and get pleasure out of it. Instead of feeling angry, feel sorry for him instead. Learn from this experience, and please leave this man as soon as possible. He is a few French fries short of a Happy Meal. x
ParticipantHi Nobody,
If you are being left out of things, create your own things. What do you like to do? What are your hobbies, interests, passions? Start a group. Maybe at first it will be a small group, but you won’t be ignored, you will fit in, because you created it, you will be with like minded people who will enjoy your company. You may be hanging around toxic people or cliques. You don’t need that. Go where the sunshine is. Find positive people. You can find this at church, volunteering, self help groups, book clubs, etc. Lonliness is a passing feeling and this too shall pass.
Try to gain knowledge about interesting topics. Read alot of book’s. When you are around other people, don’t let them ignore you! Share your wealth of interesting facts you have learned. Tell funny jokes, start a discussion, make people look you in the eye when you speak. Start slow. Start speaking to one person, then move on top crowds. Be around people who are happy with life, themselves, and they will not ignore you, but will enjoy your uniqueness and the pleasure of your company.
ParticipantI’m so sorry Sarah,
Keep posting if you would like. We are here for you. You can do better than this guy, he has no idea what he wants. His loss. Stay strong.
ParticipantHi CarpeDiem,
Thanks for the excellent makes my severe back pain worse I’m afraid. Thank you, I appreciate your excellent suggestions. God bless you.
ParticipantHi Brandy,
Not much they can do for me. The ER just focuses on getting you in and out of there. They hate it when people come in impacted with severe constipation issues. They know I don’t take opiods anymore. No specialists, because I’m no longer on them. Even if you are on them, they treat you like you are a drug addict when I was taking the lowest dose just trying to get out of pain. There are no caring Doctor’s out there anymore, sadly. Thank you for writing back. It means alot to me. x
ParticipantHi Rishabh,
I’m sorry to hear you are going through a difficult time. I agree, with social media, smartphones, seems we have lost “the human touch”. Making people feel even more isolated, lonely and sad. I too suffer from this. I wish Facebook, social media has never been invented. I’m probably quite a bit older than you, but I miss the 70’s and 80’s where there was actually people who would come over. We would all sit out on the back porch, singing songs, someone would play the guitar, we would have cookouts, or have smores. Then we would all go inside and play card or board games..this was several nights a week. Usually at a different persons house. No one “texted, e-mailed, or even called” back then..we would just show up at a neighbor’s house. Everything was an open invitstion. Children would play outside all day. I don’t remember hearing alot about drugs, guns, violence. Back then people left their car doors unlocked. Times were so much simpler, more communication and interaction, fun, laughter, happiness etc. Now, everything is different. It’s a different world. How I miss those decades.
I would not put too much pressure on yourself and worry about the future, because that robs you of enjoying the things of “now”. Try to enjoy the “little” things, take in a nice sunset, go for a walk, bring your mind back from negative thoughts and worry back to the present. You have no control over the future. Live your life for you, not your parents, father. You have no one to please but yourself, it’s your life, not theirs.
Are there any hobbies you enjoy? Any way you can start a small group who share the same interests and passions as you, to make new friends? Try to find some purpose in your life that will give you fulfillment. Friends and things are only temporary. They can’t make us happy. They come and go out of our lives. We have to find our inner peace and happiness. Happiness is not something we “always” have to have. We can just enjoy beauty, nature, following our passion, hobbies, what did you like doing as a child? Painting? Drawing? Playing board games? Sometimes when we get our inner child back and do things we once enjoyed doing will bring us purpose and fulfillment. Please post again with your thoughts.
January 15, 2018 at 3:47 pm in reply to: Afraid I'll get "the call" about my drug addicted brother #186907Eliana
ParticipantHi Dreaming715,
When I wrote the above post, I did not see the post you wrote back to Rose. I’m so sorry. It’s so cold here. My brain must be frozen or I am glad to hear you have been corresponding with your brother, and that he will be at your wedding someday. x
January 15, 2018 at 3:44 pm in reply to: Afraid I'll get "the call" about my drug addicted brother #186905Eliana
ParticipantHi Dreaming715,
I was just thinking of you, and your brother and seeing how he is doing and how you are doing. I hope things are getting better. My thoughts are with you. Let us know how you are if you would like. x
ParticipantHi Hana,
Yes! Oh my gosh..thank you..I’m so sorry, I had just woken up when I wrote that post. Please forgive me. Lena if you are reading this, the above inquiry was meant for you. I’m so sorry I messed the names up. I was just concerned, and wanted to see how you are feeling. Please post again, if you would like.
ParticipantHi Helen,
I forgot to mention, I do try to put microwave some water, make it hot and squeeze lemon in It. I drink two large glasses every morning. It was helping. I also sprinkle lemon/pepper seasoning on all my food. My case manager only takes me to store once a month, and we don’t have freezers in our rooms, just in 3rd floor kitchen, so things can get bad pretty quickly when kept in fridge. I will have to buy a grater. That’s excellent advice about using the lemon peel as well. I will try it. Thank you so much. x