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ParticipantHi Rachel
Thanks Lilbuddha and Matt for your posts. You guys are so amazing :))))))))))))). Matt, is lilbuddha your duplicate ?
Rachel, I have had very similar experiences as yourself and couple of years ago, I hit rock bottom in terms of, “Enough is enough”. This is when I started on a journey of Self-love and self-care. Basically, what lilbuddha said is correct. Judgement stems from an underlying lack of self-love or appreciation. We are hard on ourselves and it flows on to others. The roots of this can often be found in the childhood.
I used the following tools to assist me in the process of self-loving (although I am still a work in progress like most 🙂 ):
– Creating an exceptional life by louise hay and Cheryl Davidson is a good start – it has a lot of positive affirmations and good stuff to start us on the journey of self-love
– Meditation and Yoga
– Gratitude Journal and practicing “letting go of resentment” every day
– Writing down your feelings about what is working in life and what is not. Things which are not working are usually out of our control. Once you accept this, it will be easier to accept yourself
– Smile, Smile and more Smiles
– Doing only things that you are happy to do – first step to accepting yourself. Your mind / heart, thoughts and actions need to be aligned. For example – you offer to sort out other person’s mess but in your heart you are cursing the person – this creates a conflict at an Universal energy level. Like attracts like. So the more you are misaligned in your thoughts and actions, the more you attract of the same.
– Everyone is imperfect including myself – helped a lot in accepting myself
– My daily mantra: I accept myself the way I am, I forgive myself for all the intentional and unintentional pain I have caused myself and I love myself unconditionally.Best wishes,
ParticipantJust came across this beautiful quote. It may come handy for you Alexy.
“Never base your life’s decisions on advice from people who do not have to deal with the results”.
ParticipantHi Alexy
Congrats on the graduation.
You can create an exceptional life by Louise Hay and Cheryl Richardson will provide an awesome read for you while you travel.
I think your heart is telling you clearly that you wish to travel. You should listen to that and go. If you are meant to work in that workplace that you like, the job will wait for you :). If you are not meant to work in that workplace, no circumstance will help you get the job. Everything happens perfectly and for a reason. Go all out with happy and positive thoughts and Universe will support you in every decision.
Do fill us in with your travel stories once you are done with your gala time. Travel will provide a unique opportunity to see life from a different perspective – glass is half full rather than half empty.
Lots of best wishes,
ParticipantHi Life
Can i suggest that you make some time to go and watch Gravity in 3D if you have not already done so. I think you will get your answers by the end of the movie.
Sending heaps of positive energy your way,
ParticipantHi Khushi
It is normal to feel what you are feeling in your current situation but please do not let those feelings create a permanent home of anger, doubt, resentment, rejection and hatred in your heart. Our thoughts and emotions are like a powerful magnet – like attracts like as per Universe’s law (ie, positivity attracts positivity and vice versa).
Once you have calmed down and able to asses your situation with clarity, please count your blessings. There are always 2 ways of looking at any situation – positively or negatively. In my experience, You can always find a hidden gem of positivity in most situations when emotions are not running high.
I feel that you may find some answers to your questions in the lectures by BK Shivani. She is a renowned Indian Spiritual figure, who provides heartwarming solutions to all life’s dilemmas. You can check her videos out on youtube under BK Shivani. She has done a few lectures on child parent relationship as well and provides useful insights on how to move from a state of helplessness to a state of compassion for all. You will love her.
May your love grow exponentially for all,
This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by
ParticipantHi Beth
I am sorry for your loss. Dogs are the most amazing companions in this world and there is so much we can learn from them. Grief is a normal reaction at this time so please continue to do so until your heart is filled with love and light. Do not make your grief a permanent state.
Spirituality provides the solution to your feelings of regret. I am not sure if you are spiritually inclined or not but I will share what my experiences have taught me this far.
Life on planet earth is temporary. When you are born, the day and time is fixed for your departure at the same time. No doctor or science has been able to change this. That is, we are all destined to go when we are meant to and our soul has decided this before we are born. Therefore, You couldn’t have stopped your buddy from leaving as he is also part of the universal consciousness.
I am sure your dog is happy wherever he has gone to. He will not be happy to know that you are living in regret. Did you ever see your dog live in regret ? Dogs live in the present moment – always excited to explore even if you have taken them on the same walking path 1000 times, always excited to see you when you come home and ever ready to forgive their human companions even if the dinner was not served on time etc. Dogs are a classic example of unconditional love for their human counterparts.
While you cannot change your past, you can help yourself by living in the moment. Remember the fond memories of your dog, remember each lesson that he has taught you and take these both into your future. Regret only creates negativity and limits your potential to have a worthwhile existence on this planet.
Start by forgiving yourself for feeling the regret and pain. Then accept yourself for who you are and move on to loving yourself unconditionally. When you are able to do this for yourself, the same will flow onto everyone around you.
May you find the strength to move beyond regret and create a life filled with opportunities and light. Your dog loved you for who you are.
Stay well
ParticipantHi Sveena
It is normal to feel what you are feeling in your current situation but please do not let those feelings create a permanent home of anger, doubt, resentment, rejection and hatred in your heart. Our thoughts and emotions are like a powerful magnet – like attracts like as per Universe’s law (ie, positivity attracts positivity and vice versa).
Once you have calmed down and able to asses your situation with clarity, please count your blessings. There are always 2 ways of looking at any situation – positively or negatively. In my experience, You can always find a hidden gem of positivity in most situations when emotions are not running high.
In your case, you need to sit down and ask yourself an important question – what sort of life partner do you foresee yourself with (someone who is strong with authentic values and able to stand up for his happiness or someone who bows down to pressure from the society). Once you are able to clearly visualise your needs, you will not feel so hurt or negative and you will also be able to clearly articulate your needs to your partner.
May you find the strength to move beyond your current doubts and visualise a life shining with light, unconditional love and acceptance.
ParticipantHi Lost
I am sorry for the way you feel. Being a teenager can be a challenging task in our current society.
You are obviously spiritually evolved and this could be the reason for your immense emptiness at such a young age.
Can I pls suggest that you do not form any contracts with yourself that may cause you regret in the future. Human brain is a like a super computer. Whatever information is fed into it, it often becomes a reality. Negativity breeds negativity. You need to take small steps to break this cycle of crying as it is creating negativity in your life.
My experience has taught me that like attracts like. Start to love yourself unconditionally, accept yourself as you are (you are a perfect being) and forgive yourself for feeling so much pain and emptiness. Once you are able to do this, I can assure you that your purpose will find you and you will become a beacon of light for people around you.
Start smiling and living life. A beautiful and successful life awaits you. You just need to let the Universe know that you are ready for an awesome existence on planet earth.
ParticipantHi Dan
Love and marriage are a two-way street. If one person is compromising more than the other party, the relationship often becomes a binding. Listen to your heart and do what feels right to you. It is your well being first and then your family. If you are not happy within yourself, it will become difficult to share a genuine happiness with anyone be it your wife of 4 years or your adult kids.
May you find the strength to love yourself unconditionally, accept yourself as who you are and spread the same love and acceptance to others. Life is meant to be easy and a joyous journey most of the time. You are 64 and you deserve all the peace and bliss.
This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by
ParticipantMatt, thanks for your beautiful insight. I have read few of your pieces in this forum for advice and your simplified wisdom just amazes me. Where did your personal growth come from ? Have you written any articles on this site that I can read ? Thanks and you are a blessing for all of us who are still getting there to your level of simplicity and inner happiness.
This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by