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  • #432496

    Hello again Anita. It’s nice that you take the time to look over previous posts to get possible solutions. I don’t believe I have given up connecting with people. I still have a couple friends that I meet with regularly. Sometimes I try to remind myself to focus on the intent of what people say rather than specific words. Most people aren’t trying to be disingenuous and use certain phrases out of habit.


    [quote quote=432484]I like to start my day with a reading from Richard Wagamese – someone who having gone though much in his life came out the other side with wisdom. I read the following and felt it related to the question of the Divine and spiritual. What for me, lies behind a word like spiritual, path and divine is the word mystery and the art of sitting in mystery with wonder

    “We need mystery. Creator in her wisdom knew this. Mystery fills us with awe and wonder. They are the foundations of humility, and humility is the foundation of all learning. So we do not seek to unravel this. We honor it by letting it be that way forever. – grandmother explaining The Great Mystery of the universe to her grandson.” ― Richard Wagamese, Indian Horse

    I feel mystery is more important then the notions of meaning and purpose and suspect it is from mystery and the ability to be uncomfortable in uncertainty, that purpose and meaning arise from and returns to[/quote]

    I agree it’s beneficial to have a sense of mystery. That’s why I’m always asking questions and reading books about subjects I am curious about.


    I’m more of a naturalist and do not like to use the word spiritual because it is usually associated with supernatural beings and beliefs. Some equate a spiritual experience to an emotional high. There are forces in the universe. So far, I don’t feel the need to personify them. Spiritual beings are welcome to communicate with me. I don’t think they have yet.


    How would you define a spiritual path?


    I was reading the book The 4 Agreements and it has a lot of elements from Eastern religions like pantheistic beliefs. I wish supernatural beings would communicate with me. That would be cool. I just don’t think it has happened.


    It seems that a lot of supernatural concepts are difficult to define. In the past, humans used supernatural explanations to fill the gaps in our knowledge. There are things we can test and quantify to see what is alive and what isn’t. How do we test what cause is supernatural and what isn’t?


    I’ve been reading the Four Agreements recently. It has some practical stuff. I don’t care for the flowery new-age language though.


    Finding meaningful work is something I struggle with. It’s a very uncomfortable topic that I dread. One reason I don’t like new interactions is because people usually ask about work right away. What I would say to initiate would depend on the person and what information they may have.


    I still think there is a balance I can strive for. It’s possible to to be genuine and not be rude at the same time. There’s still certain people I’m not going to connect with and I’ve accepted that.


    Thank you all for the feedback. I admit that I’m not in a great place mentally right now. Not gonna give up though.


    Thank you Peter and Hellcat.

    Hellcat, most people are not direct when they don’t like someone and just ignore them or fade off and stop responding to them. In the past, I used to come off as needy by trying too hard to keep contacting people. Now I just let things go if someone doesn’t respond on an equal basis. If I’m usually the one initiating conversations, that’s a sign that things are one-sided. After that, I might give it some time. If it’s apparent the person isn’t interested then I’m done.

    Peter, I understand your point about measuring things. Knowing factually correct information is something I value. However, relationships are rarely black and white.


    I didn’t intend to dismiss you Hellcat. Sometimes I may not feel like answering every question put to me. A long time ago, I decided to live by my own rules. At times I did take that too far. For years, I sensed people were putting up with me to humor me. One of my convictions is not to do that to someone else. If I don’t think you’re funny, I wont laugh. If I didn’t enjoy the conversation, I might wish them a good day, but I wont say that it was great talking to them. Before I didn’t make as many compromises as I do now. The challenge is finding the balance and not feeling like a fraud.


    I don’t mind new perspectives. I study and look up articles to challenge my own beliefs and assumptions. There are some personalities that do not mesh well. Sometimes our core-values and expectations are so different that it is best to spend time on other things.


    That was the impression I had. I can see that this forum is used to longer posts and people like to give a lot of details about their lives. Writing long essays for my college courses is difficult enough for me. I don’t feel I’m obligated to respond a certain way and answer every question that has been asked. I mentioned to Hellcat, “Sorry if I didn’t answer all of your questions right now.”


    Anita, I do not doubt you have good intentions. In the other thread that you were referring to, it seemed you were trying to take control over what content I provide and how I should respond. I admit I can be blunt, some may think that is rude. Trying to fit into the social structures of a society has been a challenge for me. My intention is to simply seek input and possible solutions.

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