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July 28, 2022 at 8:44 am in reply to: Does anyone have experience overcoming habitual thoughts of suicidal ideation? #404660
ParticipantHugs Helecat. Thank you for I r such a beautiful post. I hope you are feeling more centred. You are AMAZING!
ParticipantThanks so much Anita. I have been reading news through social media on Trump. What a narcisstic lunatic. Our former PM was a huge fan of his which should say it all.
Yes, so happy to embrace the grey. Good salons now do a blending process with grey, and I haven’t seen one photo where it doesn’t look good. Very natural and quite modern. A lot of women embracing the grey on social media are wearing their hair with a little length añd a soft curl usually with a curling wand. So nice. They put toners through it which are not harmful to hair and give it bit more of ash blonde and silver. I definitely want to find a new lipstick I like a s a bit of color in the face makes a big difference. Something not too harsh. Some beauticiabs recommend a bright color, but on me, it’s not a good look. I think I will just wear earrings and scarves with a bit of color.
I’ve been up with one of the dogs since about 3am. He must have eaten something which has disagreed with him but is settled now. I’ve been learning so much about dogs. I’m going to try crating the oldest one who is very tiny as she goes for wanders through the night. Any future dogs will be crated. I have always spoilt pets whenbI have had them and broughtvthrm on my bed to comfort them. I have had the malteseXshihtzu since he was 7 weeks old, and I think he is a little too closely bonded to me sometimes for his own good. I’ve put a large old sheet on top of the bed as he is here with me and he had cried when I tried to get him to sleep in his day bed on the verandah.
The climate where my son lives is just a bit less extreme than here. It’s hotter in summer and colder in winter. I just am not sure what I will do yet. I had been planning to sell my house and buy an apartment around 40 minutes from here. There are a lot more facilities evenbthpugh it’s away from cities but my son wants me to be closer to him – within half an hours drive. I admit that there are some things I miss about Melbourne. Definitely more culture – lot of cinemas, music and art. At times, it feels like so many people here are related or strongly socially connected – mostly in the workforce- and that’s often not a good thing. Happens in the cities too but not so much as here. Geoff was c a fifth generation farmer on the same farm and related to many people here and in surrounding towns.
Even though I’m glad I have no involvement with him anymore, part of me just hasn’t seemed to move on. In a way, it felt like my last chance at a relationship.
There is one ex of mine who I am still friends with who I have contact with every couple of months. He is the only one I want any contact with. He would still like a relationship with me, but I have moved on from that. He understands and says he wishes he had treated me better when we were together. At one time, I loved him very much, but it seems for me that when things go really too far, a light in the relationship switches off for me that doesn’t go back on. We were seeing each other a couple of years. He taught me a lot about horses. He is very good with them and other animals. I still have a deep fondness for him as a friend. At one time, he was an extremely handsome man – much better-looking than Geoff. I thinkbD will always be handsome and we will remain friends, but I don’t feel anything else for him anymore. He lives on a farm near a beach and has been urging me to visit and stay with him And his adult daughter. They are aboutv5 hours away. He has visited me several times here so maybe one day in the warmer weather, I will get there.
Imbgoingvto try get some sleep before U get up and bath this dog who hates baths. Have a great day/evening.
ParticipantThank you so much for your kind thoughts Anita. I have been thinking about you too! I hope you are well.
I am okay thanks. I am doing just a little work ATM. I have holiday pay owing to me so could afford to not rush in.
My life is very quiet. My son has spoken to me several times since I was unwell with influenza and CIVID, and he really wants me to sell up here within the next few years and move back to Melbourne, somewhere within half an hours drive from him so he can check up on me and visit me much more often. He has pointed out that I will need to be prepared to live in a very tiny space because of unbelievable realestate prices, but we bith agree that we could make anywhere nice with paint floor coverings and furniture. He wants me to start downsizing in readiness for this.
Part of me would like to do this. I would love to see more of him, Nd once I retire, I’m not sure I would manage with the mortgage and maintenance here. He said he thinks I would be able to find a place where I would be allowed to have one small dog.
It’s definitely something I will consider but shouldn’t have to do for another 5 years.
To be truthful, I suppose I’ve been feeling a bit sad sometimes even though I know I have so much to be grateful for. Most of my life, I believed that I would enter into a happy relationship and share my life with somebody.
Realistically that just isn’t going to happen for me. I will turn 63 this year. In my way, I’m also happy – or perhaps relieved is more accurate to be on my own.
I think I rushed into most relationships I had, but I don’t know really if there are more reasons. These days, I don’t actually like many men although I think there are a few who are okay.
I was happy with the result when I went to hairdresser – hoping to never dye my hair again. Embracing the grey. It’s mostly an ash blonde color now. I put 2 pairs of beautiful colourful French earrings and a colourful silk scarf on layout which I will collect when my tax return comes. They are not that expensive but just about everybody is feeling the financial pinch here. Fuel prices and food costs affect most ordinary people.
So glad our govt was voted out at the last election this year. The new PM and ministers are so much better. I’m not sure they can make a big difference about the financial situation at the moment but they aren’t as heartless and self-serving as the last lot.
Doggies are doing well, but it appears the wheelchair is either lost or detained in customs so I’m going to start trying to chase that up today. A quiet day for me today. Yesterday I was up at 5.30am. Went to work fir a few hours then looked at shops on the nearest city for a couple of hours. I must have walked a few kilometres, and I was tired this morning. I just did some housework and went to doctor for flu shot. More paid work later in the week.
Keep safe and well. XXXX
ParticipantHello Anita,
I’m sorry I’m so late posting. I did actually respond earlier tonight but must not have submitted the post properly. I’m glad you are well and that your friend found out what was wrong with his dog.
It appears that my little one who suffered hair loss due to the Cushings is now growing more hair. She was unwell when I collected her after sleeping over at work, but I suspect that she had eaten something she shouldn’t have. She is now 18, and I just love her so much. I will be happy if she will live to 20. I know I can likely give her a good life until then. Few dogs make it to that age, but my cat did. I gave her some pain relief and a deep warm bath and she settled and slept for a few hours. When she woke, she was her happy self.
Life is the same here. My last day at work is Friday. I’ve already had a few calls about casual work but haven’t been able to pick them up because of current job. There is a lot happening at work at the moment between people, and I will be glad to be away from it. There is likely going to be a massive shake up. A new supervisor is coming. The last one has only lasted a short while, and the interim supervisor before him wasn’t given a fair go. Some of the people at work are related, and there is a young couple in a relationship together. Nearly all of them have strong social connections and cover up for each other for things they shouldn’t be doing. The operations manager is good though she is not on site. I am on very good terms with her. If there is a massive shake, I would consider going back there later as a casual, and Im quite certain she would have me back.
It’s nice to be back home with the dogs after 3 sleepovers at work in the last 5 days and split shifts between. I’m feeling my age. Finally get to hairdresser for first time in months on Wednesday. I’m going to get some of this grey taken out of my hair. I have had thoughts of letting myself go grey. I never wanted to do that before, but it’s too much work and money. I suppose at some point, I will do that and just take care of it myself at home. No other news. I hope you have a good week. XX
ParticipantHi Anita,
How are you? I finally went back to work and decided to resign from my permanent position and go casual as I’m not coping with all the sleepovers and split shifts. I’m still not really 100% in that I have a lingering cough since the influenza.
I don’t officially go casual until the 17th July but have been getting calls from the casual bank already asking if I want extra work. I am doing an extra shift Monday, but mostly going to meet the manager and clients. I am so broke right now, at least also it will be a little extra money. I have an appt with an accountant on Wednesday for my tax return and really hoping I get some money back.
I’ve had a recent fallout with a local business person here, and a bit upset about it. I had been told years ago that she has a drinking problem and can be difficult. I think she has been drunk texting me tonight. Bit of a story to it, but soon I will be able to wipe my hands of her.
It’s still winter here but I have been doing quite a bit if work in my yards and by summer, I should have a nice little back garden/entertaining area.
The digs are keeping me busy. I’m waiting to receive a custom-made dog wheelchair for my eldest dog coming from Texas. It’s probably at Australuan Customs now.
Most people I know are feeling the financial pinch. Gas us $2.20 per litre, and food prices have gone up.
Mostly though, I want my health and mental well-being back. I might have to try living on less money – or I might end up earning more on casual, but if course without sick or holiday leave so I will need to put money aside for this.
Life is quiet though.
June 18, 2022 at 4:22 am in reply to: He cheated on his girlfriend with me, but dumped me for her in the end #402586HoneyBlossom
ParticipantSorry, the dogs could smell the leftover beef for dinner and were pestering me, so I went and gave them a little more. It’s winter here and cold.
I have spent most of the last 2 days in bed reading and then dozing although I don’t feel too bad. I can’t go anywhere and haven’t been able to spend much time outside in my yard.
How are you?
Funny you should mention the rash because since posting, about 3 weeks ago, the tiny dog developed these black scaley plaques on her trunk which appear to be a type of fungal and bacterial dermatitis. She had been so well. Then one day, I had taken her to vet to get her nails trimmed. Then we went to supermarket, and when we came home, she insisted on spending a lot of time outside despite it being windy and cold. That evening, her eyes were weepy, the tear staining on her face which had cleared and then grown out had returned worsecthan ever. Then I found the plaques on her back.
I found this amazing medicated shampoo recommended by a vet dermatologist called Mediderm. He said it (and all other shampoos) should only ever be diluted – 2 teaspoonscto one cup of water and applied with a soft cloth. It has to stay on the dog for 5 minutes, rinsed thoroughly and then repeated. Then you use either QV Oil or Aloha Kerri Oil in the tub to condition. You just need enough to make the water cloudy. If you don’t condition properly, the dog will end up with very inflamed skin. When the dog goes outside and returns, you use the diluted oils on its paws and you condition its skin regularly with it.
I trimmed the dogs hair very short over where the anorexia was and the scales, and I’m quite certain it’s growing back. Apparently, this type of dermatitis (and alopecua) can result in damaged hair follicles, but in time, they will repair if this type of treatment is used.
The dog must get some relief from the shampoo and conditioner as she doesn’t mind it. You need to apply to every in c h ifctheir body, especially in between b the toes. She has NOT licked her paws or scratched since although the plaque did return though not so badly.
After it has healed completely, you alternate the Mediderm shampoo with Nutriderm. It is now the only dog shampoo I will use, and I have tried so many over the years.
June 18, 2022 at 3:44 am in reply to: He cheated on his girlfriend with me, but dumped me for her in the end #402584HoneyBlossom
ParticipantHI Helecat. I’m sorry I just saw this post. Most of the people I’m acquainted with online who use CBD are from the USA. I think you need to buy it online if in Australia though we can buy Hemp Seed Oil. Back in a mini. Crying dog.
ParticipantThank you Anita. I hadn’t considered Alzheimers.
ParticipantHi Anuta,
I’m sorry I just saw your post. I have COVID, but I am okay. I had only been back at work a very short while, and caught it off the clients within a few days of being back. Today was my first day off work.
There us a young man who lives across the road from me with his partner, and he is kindly going to get me anything I need at the grocery store I need, but I don’t need anything just yet.
I am quite concerned for my friend Rose who I have mentioned on a number of occasions. A few months ago, she lost her only child, an adult son who she had been mostly estranged from for many years. He had been sick a long time. It was expected. A few weeks later, she lost her mother, and that was a complicated relationship. She has many siblings and only gets on with a few of them. I reached out to her today, asking if I can do anything for her even if it is just prayers- she is devout Christian. She is always helping other people. She helped me out when I was sick with the influenza and took me to the hospital when I had my surgery and brought me home.
I have noticed of late that sometimes during ordinary conversations on everyday matters, she becomes angry and starts yelling. She has also become forgetful and gets things confused. She has been helping other people who have been sick, and has volunteered to drive a sick person around for a month.
I texted her and said I was concerned because over last few months she has had some big issues happen, that she is always helping others, but I am concerned if she is okay and can I do anything. She texted back right away thanking me and asking if I can pray that she can keep going on. I think she is getting close to breakdown. I have extra bed here and she knows she can stay and bring all of her pets here.
I am needing to work living in the now. Since my son saw me very sick, he has asked me to consider moving back to the city so he can check on me once a week. I checked out property values, and I don’t think I would ever afford even something modest there. The costs are unbelievable.
Old age is starting to catch up on me at a faster rate. I am looking and feeling much older than I did 2-5 years ago..I’m presently doing work in my yard to make it all so that I ca mn EA a ilu mow everything using the rideon mower. I need to get rid of some trees that are a lot of work too.
When I was ill and had to go to Ho a petal, it hit me that I am not close to hospitals and doctors and services. For a while, I thought I could sell my home at some point and move closer to everything, but with the costs involved, that seems impossible too. I’m just trying to work things out how to take care of myself without being a burden to others
I don’t currently have a credit card so the general store here wouldn’t let me make a phone order even when I offered to transfer money to their bank account and have the funds cleared before purchasing anything. I am just fortunate that my neighbour has been so kind.
Work has been difficult. As well as the clients having COVID, so far, 3 of them have had gastro and soiling themselves from a medication they are taking to help prevent complications from COVID. I worry about my health failing me majority, and not being able to continue working.
I amnglad to have the dogs snuggled up with me. I know I have so much to be grateful for. I need to calm my thoughts down and live more a day at a time.
I’m sorry gor my rant. How are you Anita?? I’m reading the topics now and trying to catch up from when I was last here.
ParticipantI think your ex-wife sounds like a selfish person who wants to keep as many options open for herself that she can. Can you get some professional support to be able to get on with your life. I think that would be difficult while she keeps messing with your head by saying those things.
It sounds to me as though you would be better to have some firm boundaries in place, and for you to mostly just be communicating with her about your son.
ParticipantHello puchop. I hope you can take a holiday soon. I was overdue for holidays which kept being put off. Finally I took 2 weeks off when I was close to serious burnout. I did as you are thinking. Didn’t go away, partly forcfina mn coal reasons and tiredness.
Just before I was supposed to go back to work a week ago, I became ill. I’m certain burnout had a lot to do with it. Went to Dr again today and I’m likely not going to be well enough to go back to work until next week.
It hasn’t been worth the toll on my health. I’m sorry you are going through these issues. I understand. I identify.
Please take care of your health and yourself
May 31, 2022 at 2:03 am in reply to: I am so scared of being hurt by others I have no one at all. #401525HoneyBlossom
ParticipantCongrats Lea. So good to read that you had a very productive day by putting in some reflection and strategies.
You are a power of example to me young lady. I have been in the doldrums of self-pity although I know there is so much to be grateful for.
Your work sounds so interesting. I’m so glad you have pets too. XXX
ParticipantHugs Anita. Thank you. I am waiting at doctor. Still quite unwell. Crying today. Maybe partly the illness makes one feel depressed. I have just felt such a failure at life.
May 28, 2022 at 4:28 am in reply to: I am so scared of being hurt by others I have no one at all. #401365HoneyBlossom
ParticipantHugs Lea. I hope your day gets better. Give lots of hugs to your dogs and vows. They give us a type of unconditional love and acceptance that people just can’t. I don’t mean that as singling you out. I mean the opposite. The love of a dog is just so different to love from humans which mostly seems to have a lot of conditions.
ParticipantRe the ADHD, my very intelligent nephew has it. My sister, his mother has been his greatest support. She has a diploma in education though doesn’t work in the field any more. She advocated and helped herself for him to have a lot of structure with his studies. He has problems organising his own structural requirements. This became more of a problem at university than school as at uni, you are left a lot to your own devices.
Can you get any assistance from your university.