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  • #182735

    Well, to start with, I have had trouble showing “close” emotions all my life.  It was hard for me to even tell family members that I loved them.  Lately though, I have found it easier for me to open up about that, I have been more honest about my feelings with the people I care about.  The phrase “I love you” is no longer hard for me to say anymore.  Also, I have started to embrace tears when they come, instead of fighting them.


    I feel like I’m embracing the new age here.  I’ve been using aromatherapy, and am planning on starting massage therapy as an alternative to traditional treatments.  Its like I’m a new person.


    Allright, I just cleared yoga with my trainer!!!  He’s a lifetime weightlifter/nutritionist, so I wasn’t sure how it would go over.  He said if yoga’s helping me relax then just stick with it:)


    The strange part is that this whole transformation started over a year ago, but back then I had 3 or 4 cats inside, so I was using battery operated candles.  I had no idea that real candles carried so much positive energy.


    Indeed, I have chosen to finally assert my values in life, and I think that is what makes this so exciting for myself.  I finally feel like I am standing for something.


    Actually, probably the biggest thing that has happened is that for the first time ever, I honestly do not care what others think of me.  They either accept me or they don’t, and that’s their problem.


    Anita, I would be honored to share more about my awakening.  As I said, I have pretty much embraced the minimalist lifestyle, along with that I have stopped watching tv per se.  I “cut the cord” over a year ago, and now I find that most of what I watch are relaxation programs such as naturevisiontv, nature relaxation, etc.  I also used to have a brush pile in my backyard for the area critters to use, which I got rid of and started landscaping my yard.  Ironically, my cats have been spending tons more time in my yard since I cleaned it up.  I’ve been using meditation to curb my stress more than I used to, I have started to turn back to the mother Earth for comfort instead of to societies trappings.  I’m also wanting to go back to yoga instead of weight training.  I’m just not sure how I could break that to my trainer.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by colby.

    Recovery has been slow for me, but I am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel.  Like I mentioned earlier, I am starting to make lifestyle changes, possibly a new awakening.  I have now ditched sodas for things like chamomile and lavender, and green teas.  On top of that, I haven’t had caffeine in 10 months.


    I tried volunteering at our local humane society for awhile, but it is not a no-kill shelter, so the experience ended up being more depressing than gratifying.  As far as I know, that’s about all the options there are for volunteer services here.


    Then for now I’ll work on making my house more serene, since that’s what I’ve got the most work into already:)


    I must agree with you here.  I’m kind of feeling mixed about everything right now though, to be honest.  I like this development, but at the same time, it’s so much change all at once.  I’m trying my hardest just to let the universe unfold as it should.


    I don’t know, this all kind of happened at the same time, I knew I needed to do something different with my life, just didn’t know what; and I needed to keep my mind off of my cat.  Before I knew it it had been a month, and I’d kept my house spotless that whole time.


    Another thing that has happened lately that I can’t really explain, I have had the urge to start practicing yoga again.  Which would be great if I didn’t have a lifetime membership to a weightlifting gym, and a trainer that stays on my butt.


    An “awakening”?  I had never thought of this, I thought I was just keeping myself busy to try to keep my mind off losing my cat.  I know I am not and have not been living up to my potential, so that may have something to do with the recent change.


    The actual injury is as healed as it can get.  There is scar tissue, and I do have an occasional seizure, but that’s pretty much it.  As for my parents involvement in my life, I feel I can safely say that I have never seen another person my age who is as close to their parents.  The thing in jr high, I think “accident” might be too strong of a word, but in short, I was bullied and didn’t realize it until it was too late to do anything about it.  I kind of feel that is part of the reason that I am alone right now.

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