
Jana 🪷

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  • in reply to: ☀️ 🪷 #439539
    Jana 🪷

    – My Fear of People –

    Yesterday, I went to throw away plastic waste and met one old neighbour. She’s a 70-year-old lady who I had tried to make friends with for about 5 years. In the end I politely asked her not to contact us anymore after she verbally attacked my boyfriend.

    I was confronted by her yesterday that I couldn’t leave the plastic bag outside the full trash bin when the forecast said that it was going to be very windy. I secured the bag and told her not to worry. She carried on with her outburst of anger. (her typical behaviour) I wished her a nice day and left with a smile.

    I’ll make my notes of feelings here to remember what I need to work on.

    • I automatically feel that I am the bad one
    • I feel guilty
    • I can keep my calm in the situation but after I take it home and think about it and I do feel fear of her
    • it affects me and now I don’t want to go anywhere I could meet her –> I am restricting my freedom to move freely here in the village
    • I hesitated to tell my partner who obviously felt that I wasn’t all right and wanted to give me comfort because I felt stupid and ashamed of being so weak

    So much to work on.

    Also, I need to make notes about the relationship with this lady because I feel that my tendencies were wrong all along. And I need to write it down here to remember that I must never put myself in this situation again.

    • I knew that there was something wrong about her since the day number one and I was highly cautious around her… like my instincts were all on alert: “Be careful.”
    • Still, I didn’t listen to my instincts and feelings but I told myself: “I should be more compassionate… I should help…”
    • I ignored the warnings of other neighbours who told us that this lady isn’t someone we should trust. I told myself: “I shouldn’t judge.”
    • I didn’t see the red flags, when she:
    • was constantly very negative about others (and she was even more negative and loud when I tried to guide her to be more positive or at least neutral about others)
    • gossiped others
    • was “watching” all the time – she knew and wanted to know everything we did (I felt uncomfortable… as if I was under the watchful eye all the time)
    • was critical all the time – anything we did or didn’t do was simply wrong
    • blamed me for everything… for how I raised and trained our dog, for not being active and sociable, for not answering her phone when I was working… simply for everything and anything…
    • didn’t like my boyfriend (because he can be brutally honest and he’s not afraid to put her in her place)
    • I was afraid of her – or her unpredictable choleric nature – and I actually maintained the relationship with her out of fear and some false sense of being helpful (I really believed that I could help her to see the world more positively and that my company could make her happier) and not affection
    • I was so happy and relieved when I finally get rid of her

    I need to remember this. I am more mindful about it now. I won’t take care of anyone like this anymore. I can’t and I shouldn’t. I’ll take care of those who need me and want to be with me … and I have them in front of me everyday and I just let myself carry away because of this fear of these toxic people. I need to fix it for good. And I need to trust my feelings and instincts again (they were always right!)

    (written on Nov 20, 2024 at 9:00)

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: ☀️ 🪷 #439501
    Jana 🪷

    Thank you, Anita, for your support and inspiration. ☀️ I’ll continue with my thoughts soon. (It might take some time because most of my posts are delayed because of the process of approval… I sent one simple post three days back and it’s been still waiting for that approval… It’s a bit frustrating, honestly. 😄 )

    (Nov 19, 12:38)

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #439504
    Jana 🪷

    I finished reading the seventh page of your journal, so I know where you are from now. 🙂 I still think that you are brave. I am sorry for your sister and her son (I hope that they found courage and ran away, too.), but you did a good thing. And I am happy that you managed to cut her off. The healing is a long process and you are on a good way!  By the way, do you like your life in the US? Did you ever experience so called cultural shock there?

    When I used EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to heal my social phobia, I found and “repaired” a lot of emotional wounds connected to my mother, too.  She is a good person, we had everything we needed – food, clothes, … and mostly what we wanted – toys etc., but she was emotionally detached (was emotinally detached from me, but still is from my older siblings), moody and can’t face problems, so she pretends that there are no problems. (for example, my older brother’s alcoholism)

    So, you know why I don’t drink alcohol. Alcoholism was an issue in our family – my father was addicted to alcohol, but he has been sober more than 35 years (he stopped drinking before/sometime around the time when I was born. I was actually very surprised when my mom told me that he used to drink, because he is a very wise man… I just can’t imagine him drinking alcohol.), but his aunt and cousin were alcoholics, too…. and my older brother still is, but it is “open secret”. So, I knew that I had some predispositions to alcoholism and mainly I was just solving my problems with it, which of course was wrong. However, I don’t mind people drinking… I don’t judge. If someone likes it (and has control over it), it is OK for me. 🙂

    I hope you are having a great day!

    (Nov 19, 13:40)

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Inspirational words #439502
    Jana 🪷

    I really liked your words about the peaches. 🙂

    And I like this advice. I don’t remember the exact words, but it goes like this:

    Always before you speak, think if what you want to say is
    1 true
    2 kind
    3 neccessary

    Imagine the peace and quiet, if people followed this advice. 😄

    (Nov 19, 12:41)

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: ☀️ 🪷 #439477
    Jana 🪷

    Of course, I don’t mind. You are all actually invited to join me! Thank you a lot for your kind words full of support. You made my day better. ❤️

    (I’ll come later when I have more free time to add more and answer your posts)

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: ☀️ 🪷 #439470
    Jana 🪷

    (when I have my “low” moment like now, I feel incredibly stupid… I feel so stupid that I think that I have some troubles when reading your REAL troubles… my sensitivity = stupidity.)

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: ☀️ 🪷 #439469
    Jana 🪷

    In his book The Heart of Buddha’s Teaching, Hanh describes the core of the matter exactly:

    There is a story in Zen circles about a man and a horse. The horse is galloping quickly, and it appears that the man on the horse is going somewhere important. Another man, standing alongside the road, shouts: “Where are you going?” and the first man replies: “I don’t know! Ask the horse!” This is also our story. We are riding a horse, we don’t know where we are going, and we can’t stop. (…) We are always running, and it has become a habit.

    … I thought I was a calm person, but inside I am constantly running. My mind has been on the run every second of my life… taking me further and further from my happiness.

    I’m glad to know now.

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #439440
    Jana 🪷

    *central America, of course

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #439439
    Jana 🪷

    Can I ask you …? And of course, you do not have to answer. I understand that I might be too inquisitive.

    I guess from your journal that you are originally from middle/south America. How did you get to the U.S.? I mean it had to be very challenging for you to move somewhere unknown while you were facing so many troubles. You are very brave!

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Karmic relationships #439422
    Jana 🪷
    Hello again! :-)
    I will write my thoughts in one post and I would love to hear your points / experience, Helcat, Anita and Roberta (and of course, others are welcomed to join the dicusssion, as well.)
    The reason why Buddhism resonates with me so much is that its basic principles and core idea – the total peace of mind – agree with my nature. It’s like someone finally told me that my qualities are good. (Unlike in real life, when I have been constantly interpreted as and criticised for being “too passive, unsociable, reserved, aloof, strange, …” The only person who has ever told me he likes my personality is my boyfriend. I remember him telling me about how he was captivated by my calmness.)

    I find my refuge in Buddhism. And the Four Noble Truth and the Noble Eightfold Path seem completely natural and logical to me. But I’m certainly not saying that’s the case for everyone. I mean Buddhism is for everyone (This is another aspect I like about Buddhism – the openness to diversity. It doesn’t matter if a person is Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, black, indigenous, white, strong, weak, … all without distinction have the right and chance to reach true peace…), but it doesn’t have to be everyone’s way to peace. You can choose your own way – that is important.

    But although this is my life philosophy, I will definitely not give up my own reason and critical thinking at the expense of it. And although I really respect personalities such as the Dalai Lama or Thich Hanh, I will not blindly follow them, because I am a different person in a different historical and cultural/social context and I am also on a completely different spiritual level. (much lower level than they are)
    I have my own “theory” about these levels. In my opinion, there are three crucial “capabilities” of our mind, which more or less influence what we can and cannot understand:
    1. Intelligence
    2. Emotions
    3. Spirituality
    And different people are at different levels of these capabilities. For example, some people can be very intelligent, but their emotional level can be quite low and spiritual level undeveloped. It doesn’t mean they are better or worse. They are just at different levels, nothing else. I’ve used this “strategy” to avoid judging people. I think that the compassion strategy which is in the link is great, too. BUT …
    Let’s take the story “Jakarta”. I haven’t read this story, but I believe that I get the point. So, this is how my mind reacts now:
    1. my spiritual side – From my lay buddhist point of view, I understand this. There is no birth and death, only continuation. I sacrifice myself for a good cause, create good karma, and just transform into the next life…
    2. my emotional side – Compassion, empathy, higher good… but also discomfort, uncertainty… because my emotions don’t like sacrifice.. my emotions perceive sacrifice as something negative
    3. my rational side – According to Buddhists, being born as an animal is a “punishment”, it is a lower, worse form of life than humans (which I strongly disagree with, btw) because they have no intellect and thus cannot ruminate about good/bad, let alone make decisions based on good/bad… So how logically could Buddha in animal form sacrifice himself for a higher good? If animals are unable to tell difference between good and bad, how possibly could he make such a noble decision? That’s a contradiction, isn’t it?
    So, I do agree – compassion yes, but in moderation, middle way and common sense. All factors must be considered, individuals, specific situations and these capabilities of people. I think telling someone who is being abused to be compassionate is also a source of bad karma…
    About good/bad path… I think that I’ve always chosen a good path…I mean, of course, I did something wrong but I don’t remember that I ever consiously chose the “bad path” (can you maybe be more specific? You don’t have to, of course) … but I think I was born good and with tendencies to be good and calm… I really believe in goodness and on my emotional and spiritual level I want that goodness to be in others… I wish… But I know – on my intellectual level – that it’s not like that in reality. I would like to be able to change evil people through compassion… but I know very well that this is not possible…or at least I myself am not able to do that (because my capabilities are not developed enough to do so). I have to accept this.

    I might add more later. Have a great day! (It is 18:11 here)

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: what is a sisterhood #439431
    Jana 🪷

    Hello Arden,

    I don’t think that what you have decribed is a friendship. It sounds like a pretty competitive environment, which is not a friendship (let alone sisterhood). You mentioned you know “some nice non-selfish women, but somehow we did never became close friends. Maybe it was boring between us.” Can you think about it and try to figure out why exactly? Because I think that a nice non-selfish woman would love to listen to you, help you in crisis… sounds like someone you could rely on.


    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Karmic relationships #439426
    Jana 🪷

    (I have sent a longer reply to all, but the post is awaiting moderation)

    “I could have chosen to continue the generational cycle of trauma. But instead I chose to break the cycle.”

    That’s great! And if I understand correctly, you managed to do so because you decided to take some bad decisions?

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Karmic relationships #439425
    Jana 🪷

    (I have sent a longer reply to all, but the post is awaiting moderation)

    What do you personally think about the story? : -)

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Karmic relationships #439424
    Jana 🪷

    “I want my mind and life to be further free of her, I want this wound to further heal.”

    It is your path. I am glad no one managed to lead you astray from your path. You keep going, going forward and you will heal in the end. I know it.

    ☀️ 🪷

    in reply to: Fear, Anxiety and Healing #439423
    Jana 🪷

    I have been happy recently. I didn’t even know what happy means until most recently. I used to.. hate the word “happy”, and here I am, happy. I feel that I am over my Mother-Monster, like I finally- after a half a century- moved on from her, leaving her behind, in my mind.

    I didn’t know what happy means until the last couple of days, I mean HAPPY within myself, being happily okay.. being ME. Being okay with being clumsy and weird perhaps, and not being afraid anymore of being negatively judged.

    This is all not a rational- dry experience but an emotional experience. All of my life, I was not okay about being me.

    Now, as imperfect and humbly humble as I am, I am perfectly okay being me.



    ☀️ 🪷

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