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  • in reply to: Friday the 13th “Lets break out in song” #400700

    Hi HeartbeatCity!

    You have a very engaging way of writing. You come across as quite a romantic soul.

    I’m wondering how you feel about Alicia? Also would you like to talk about what happened with Amie?

    in reply to: Can’t seem to figure out what I should do #400698

    Hi Celeste!

    I’m glad to hear that you have been taking very good care of your health after your surgery. You have a lot of good ideas about what to do next in your life.

    I’m wondering what made you feel stuck in your initial post?

    in reply to: Love, loss, hurt. #400697

    Hi Lea!

    I think these are some big issues prevalent within society. For a long time society has been inherently abusive. Women used to be possessions and denied the opportunity to vote. Slavery existed for a long time and physical abuse was widely accepted. We are all feeling the effects of centuries of abuse. Fortunately there have been some positive changes.

    My story is that I was abused as a child. I got therapy, left home, went to college and got my first couple of jobs. As you know in university I was assaulted by another student. My ptsd kicked off and I shut myself away from the world.

    I waited for therapy for 2 years. I tried and on the first day my therapist asked me to write about the assault as homework so I quit. After waiting another 2 years I was reassigned to the same therapist. I decided to give her another chance and she was extremely helpful. She apologised for pushing me too quickly too soon. I had schema therapy and prolonged exposure therapy under her care and withdrew from the anxiety medication because it was interfering with therapy.

    Then I developed health issues. I was so ill that I couldn’t walk for 6 months. It has been painful and challenging slowly making progress to regain strength and stamina.

    At the same time, I had to relearn how to function emotionally because I had been on some strong medication for 6 years. Without it I didn’t know how to relax. Needless to say, I had a breakdown.

    Slowly, I started learning to better manage my health and anxiety. Adapting to my new lifestyle.

    I met my future husband. I started volunteering to develop skills at jobs that would help me work with health issues. I started doing easy distance learning courses to build my confidence. Now I’m doing a bachelors remotely.

    You’re right. These things do affect our lives for a long time. I’m not going to lie. For a time I did compare my life to people my own age. But perhaps it’s more appropriate to compare my life to people who have had similar struggles. For me, that helped me to be less self-critical, develop patience and empathy for myself.

    in reply to: School Bullying #400668

    Hi Anita

    I think that is practicing good self care at the moment. I hope that when you are feeling better you will finish reading it.


    Hi Lea!

    You can do this because despite your anxiety you have done it time and time again and maintained excellent grades. The anxious thoughts are ultimately mean lies your mind is telling you.

    Some people like to imagine those words being said in a silly voice by a small and or something that they don’t respect.

    I would suggest starting with the least stressful item of school work.

    Please consider all of the times you overcame your anxiety and ultimately succeeded. How did you achieve this before? I have faith that your same inner strength will help you once again.

    You have all of the skills necessary to achieve this. It will not be easy or comfortable but nothing worth doing ever is.

    You are going to become a talented vet!

    in reply to: School Bullying #400653

    Hi Anita

    Thank you, your apology is much appreciated. I too apologise for the pain that the discussion brought.

    I regret that I was not more sensitive during that communication. I will do my best to be mindful in the future. I also don’t like a lack of positive feedback when I am feeling vulnerable.

    I completely forgot that you don’t like the words I’m sorry because I was feeling upset and angry myself. Personally, I don’t pity people as a general rule. I think that involves looking down on people and imagining them as small and helpless. I wouldn’t do that to anyone.

    Regarding your original communication. I hope the following is seen as an explanation of my thoughts.

    I didn’t know your intent or reasoning behind why you posted since you rarely do about yourself. But you did actively encourage a conversation.

    If you are reading this, and want to have a conversation with me, please post here and I will read and reply.”

    I was unaware of your history of having difficulties with these types of communication. It was very brave of you to share and encourage conversation regardless of that!

    Communication is difficult because it is hard to know another person’s intent.

    I understand why you felt angry thought I was dismissing what you achieved. But I am thinking about things in a different way. Not a right way, just different.

    In my mind, it is both possible to make a huge amount of progress and to have a level of anxiety. Please bear with my thought process for a moment!

    For example, I would not call what you experienced previously quite high anxiety. I would call it extreme suffering. To say that I am quite hungry does not mean that I am experiencing starvation. If that makes sense?

    To go from extreme suffering to quite anxious is indeed something to be celebrated. To me it is not a failure, but a success! Surely more success will follow.

    I didn’t initially acknowledge your recovery from your previous conditions because I don’t particularly assign value or lack of value to conditions or recovery from them. I have C-PTSD, a learning disability and some memory issues myself. I am also from a country that doesn’t remove these types of diagnosis.

    Side note: As a tutor, hands down the best learner I ever had suffered from severe memory problems. Because of the difficulties with memory they were amazing at studying. There was such devotion and care with note-taking.

    I understand now that these things have value and meaning to you rather than being a statement of fact. Well done on achieving your goals!

    It should be noted that due to my learning disability I have difficulty interpreting non-verbal signals and tend to take things quite literally.

    This is probably why I was confused when you denied that you experience anxiety yet previously discussed experiencing anxiety. I apologise for pushing too hard. I didn’t even realise that you were upset until you said that you were feeling uncomfortable and ceased communication.

    I’m a weird one because I don’t see anxiety as a bad thing.

    Also, I went through about 8 years of therapy without ever learning about distress tolerance. I stumbled across it years later. I simply didn’t know if you had heard about it.

    It is very difficult, if not impossible to resolve misunderstandings without communication.

    It should be noted that being ignored is a trigger for me. My family do it when they are displeased with me. I don’t mind people expressing to me when they are feeling angry or upset and do my best to resolve disagreements when they occur.

    What your mother did was unconscionable. My mother also fed on pain.

    I say pain because I do not agree with the word weakness. I do not think you were ever weak to be able to survive her torture.

    The difficulty with paraphrasing is it removes these comments validating the progress you made.

    “even though your anxiety has significantly reduced”

    “You have made significant progress, granted”

    Not quite a cheery ending as I’d hoped but I am very tired and my thoughts are drifting. I wish you all the best and hope that my explanations of my thoughts did not cause further anxiety. Thank you for listening! Please of course feel free to correct any misunderstandings on my part.

    If you would like a break from talking about stressful things at any point please let me know


    Hi Lea!

    I’m a bit anxious at the moment because I had an assessment today and I have a job interview tomorrow. But I will be okay!

    It might help your mom to understand what you are going through if you finally share with her the details of the horrific bullying issues you have been through.

    Your school lied to you. These incidents are serious and your parents shouldn’t have dismissed being locked in a cupboard.

    Personally, I’ve seen a very kind teacher bullied by students who locked her in a cupboard after she went inside. She broke down crying when they refused to let her out. This was an adult woman, imagine how that affects a child.

    It’s not right that they don’t take you seriously.

    I understand that you are uncomfortable saying that. But based on what you have shared you were verbally abused at school as well as by your sister and a coach. And physically abused at least twice.

    Verbal abuse includes insults, threats and yelling amongst other things. Please feel free to Google and read about it if you haven’t already.

    The impact of consistent verbal abuse is quite severe. It shapes our minds, how we think and feel about ourselves and the world around us. I have seen many people traumatised by bullying.

    It is good that you have been talking about the harmful experiences that you went through in a safe place where they are not denied.

    I’m curious, what kind of volunteer job are you considering?  I wish you the best of luck with it and hope you enjoy it!

    I understand that feeling. I was assaulted in university by another student that I trusted. I have difficulty interacting with people my own age. I would agree, older people are generally more mature and polite. Though there are exceptions.


    Hi Lea

    I’m so sorry that you have to deal with your sister’s bullying on a daily basis and that your parents refuse to intervene. That must be really triggering. Did your parents also refuse to intervene when you were bullied at school?

    I can understand your fears regarding people, but there are some kind people out there!

    I think the difficulty making friends as adults is that we all have our own priorities in life. People might be busy or forgetful.

    I can understand feeling a little safer around someone older than you. I also feel safer around people who are older than me. It sounds like you feel a little safer working with people. I am the same way because there is a level of professionalism. There are certain ways that we are not allowed to treat people at work. I wonder if a volunteer work environment might be an option to consider?

    I don’t think you are playing the victim, you have dealt with a lot of pain in your life.


    Hi Lea

    I’m sorry you’re having difficulties with anxiety today. It sounds like you are being very hard on yourself. That research paper sounds fascinating though!

    I hear that studying to become a vet is very difficult and requires better grades than studying to become a doctor. I have a joke for you that you might have heard before. What do you call a vet that can only treat one species?

    I wonder if the trigger today was not necessarily studying. But potentially the arranging to go to an agricultural club. What do you think?

    Perhaps it is not a good idea to tie study goals to going out and socialising later?

    It sounds like you have some trauma as a result of the bullying. A slower approach building up to going to the club might be needed. I appreciate your eagerness but you might be pushing yourself a little too fast too soon. I would like you to consider things that make you feel safer.

    Would this be talking on the phone to people instead of meeting them in person? Would it mean socialising with some club members online? Would it mean having a dog or a family member with you? Would it mean not going inside for the first few times? Would it mean going to the location while the club wasn’t there? Would you prefer to meet up with one person instead of a group? Anything at all that would make you feel safer?

    I’m very sorry about the bullying you experienced. Children can be little sociopaths if their parents don’t teach them empathy. Fortunately, many people have developed empathy by their late 20s. I wonder, how do you find engaging with the other students?

    General anxiety tips that have helped me are eating regularly, sleeping well and no caffeine. Unfortunately, sometimes these things take time to figure out how to best manage anxiety because everyone is different.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Helcat.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Helcat.
    in reply to: Buddhism Journal #400458

    Hi Everyone!

    I just wanted to share a great movie I watched that has some Buddhist themes Everything Everywhere All At Once.

    Please let me know what you think if you watch it!

    in reply to: Once a Victim- Always a Victim? #400454

    For people who may wish to view the disagreement.

    in reply to: Attacked- #400452

    For those who may wish to view the disagreement in question.

    in reply to: School Bullying #400451

    * I am aware that this is a public forum, and there is a risk of cyber bullying, as well as the risk of members replying to the original poster (me in this case) angrily, impatiently, inattentively, and/or dismissing the OP’s abilities and successes and focusing on the OP’s inabilities and failures, sometimes insisting on the latter.

    This was a reference to your comments on the thread the disagreement occurred.

    You are correct I responded to a few posts you resurrected individually. Before you asked me not to post on your threads. We were having a discussion on one thread where a disagreement of ideas occurred. You then asked me not to reply to your posts and I apologised for making you feel uncomfortable and agreed.

    You then decided to write a frankly insulting comment that you deigned I was not allowed to defend myself against. I replied to you “Please kindly do me the same kindness I gave you.@ I stated that I would reply if you posted about this again.

    You continued to post another insulting reply and I responded defending myself.

    I am asking again please stop making hurtful comments about this disagreement. I am not threatening you I am asking you.

    in reply to: Buddhism Journal #400448

    Hi @Shilpa

    Thank you for sharing the wonderful quotes! Please feel free to share whenever you wish. 😊

    My favourites are the 1st and the 3rd! I appreciate the dual nature of whole. I agree, people only enhance our lives from what we already have. Only we can make the changes needed to help ourselves.

    in reply to: Buddhism Journal #400430

    Hi Everyone!

    Today’s topic when reading Four Illusions is pain.

    It describes suffering as physical pain, parting from what is pleasant, meeting what is unpleasant, wanting and not getting what one wants.

    Everyone experiences pain. Sometimes pain lies to us and has us believe that we are uniquely special in our pain and that no one else could understand it for the subject of pain differs.

    I have health issues and chronic pain. It has helped me to reassess my priorities. At one point I could not even stand or walk. Often we take for granted what we have, but when we lose it, it can be very difficult to recover. Chronic pain called into question every activity. Everyone has likes and dislikes. Would you do something that you disliked if it caused you immense pain? Stress worsens my pain so I had to reconsider the stressors that I allow into my life. I considered what I wanted from life, what truly brings me happiness.

    I have experienced suffering the book described. The tools I have learned to soothe it are self-compassion and patience. Life often dictates what happens to us, it doesn’t follow our whims. It takes time and effort to achieve many things.

    Once I saw a beautiful cathedral. The inside was ornate and lacquered with gold. It was a testament to the love of God. I considered the devotion of many people that enabled the gathering of resources to achieve this. This cathedral was built over many generations. It took 150 years to build. I imagined sons, fathers and grandparents passing on the skills needed to achieve this. The hard work throughout a lifetime to create something that wouldn’t be fully actualised until long after their passing.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Helcat.
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