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ParticipantWe were taught in university that marketing is to make people want something before they know it exists. You make the want/need for it. And they use psychology to do that, too. I think that’s why I didn’t really care for that class too much. It was deceiving people to buy products that they didn’t necessarily need using the mind.
You bring up an interesting idea though, to clear our past out of our minds and sort of reset it. I can see how things can be different using this technique and how it would change one’s life.
ParticipantStriving for something better hasn’t really gotten me anywhere. Just stressed and feeling like I can’t do much with my life, but it’s what we hear others tell us, and told to us from a young age that perseverance is what matters, always move forward, etc.
As with everything, I’m guessing doing it in moderation is key.dfh
ParticipantAccepting what is is a good way of going. I’ve always had the idea of always working towards something better, striving for improving my life, moving forward-that sort of thing, though. So I feel it would be a challenge to just sit on it for a week and not try to change.
ParticipantThey’re good ideas. I have done some of it, but her response was negative in that she told me she couldn’t handle me talking about that and that she would have to step back if I continued to do so in order to protect herself and her son. Another friend is supportive but I feel i’m a burden because I won’t stop talking about my problems and she says a lot of neutral stuff because I don’t think she knows what else to do to help. I know both of them want to help in their own way, but I’ve been told that a lot of it has to do with me helping myself and i’m out of options, or it feels that way to me.
It can get frustrating being told that I have to find a way to fix myself when i’m already broken. Sometimes we need outside help such as friends just to take us away from our own personal hell and focus on someone else for a few hours. Unfortunately the friends I do have don’t like me focusing on them when I have problems myself. I’d rather help someone else fix themselves than to fix what I can’t fix in myself. I think they see it as me ignoring my problems and in a way that’s what it is. But in life if we can’t fix something we usually throw it away or pay someone to fix it, or for some leave it in a corner or a place where we still have it but it’s set aside until a later time. This is basically what i’ve been doing with myself. I haven’t had the finances to seek professional help and I can’t exactly throw myself away, so I ignore them; I leave my problems in the corner of the room for a later date. It doesn’t solve the problem but i’ve been told many many times that we have to make do with what we have in some situations and this is what i’m doing. The only difference is the problem isn’t physical, it’s mental.
ParticipantSo here is my dilemma: How do I get people to understand who I am without them either distancing themselves or just not even beginning a friendship with me? I don’t understand how to do that honestly. Yes, I am not in a good place at the moment, that doesn’t mean I WANT to isolate myself or lose friends, it’s the fact that I’m having a tough time. There’s nothing wrong with that in my opinion simply because at one point or another everyone in this world will go through a rough time with something and some of them (not all) will rely on friends to get them through it. That doesn’t mean those friends are supposed to drop their whole life just to tend to their friend in need, but what it does entail is that they make them matter in life and try to help them out of the darkness they are in. At least that’s what I would do. I wouldn’t turn my back on a friend, no matter how frustrated I am with them, if they need help, that’s what I’m here for, regardless of whether I’m struggling at the moment or not. It wouldn’t be about me, it would be about them and how I can help them get out of their struggle and become a better person because of it. We don’t know other people’s struggles, we can’t know everything, but I’ve seen so far in my own lifetime too many people turn their backs on people in need and that’s sad. We deserve a better world and those people deserve the help they so desperately need too.
ParticipantYou bring up a good example of how depression can leave some of the most famous people feeling like they have no other options available like Robin Williams. Despite bringing laughter to people around the world, he left the world a troubled man. That brings me to a point: Not everyone is going to understand depression and its grip on the person it truly has. I’ve had people in my life tell me to grin and bear it; but it’s easier said than done for me. I have a face that gives me away every time. If i’m anything other than neutral, it shows through my face. Most times I have an angry look because I’m obviously not happy, but it also seems to intimidate some and others, well they kind of shy away from me. I’ve been told I have a pretty angry face when i’m mad. I’m not proud of that, but I don’t lie about how I feel simply because my face will give me away anyway. I can’t put on a fake smile. This is why when people tell me “fake it ’til you make it” won’t work in my case. My eyes and face give me away.
ParticipantI do relate to it, but I feel i’m on the other side of the fence. I’m being left to my own misery if that makes sense. As much as I understand that people don’t want negativity in their lives, everyone experiences it at one time or another. And, what about the people being left to themselves? I feel like i’m that negative person, the one that has a lot of pain inside and doesn’t know how to fix it and all of these other people that cross my path see it and think the same thing, the “he’s negative, I can’t be around him” and leave. My point is, how do we help those who truly need the help out of the darkness? How do I help me? I’ve tried books, i’ve tried affirmations, meeting new people, going places, trying to stay positive. And nothing works for me at the time. So I go back to the box, because I know what is expected and I know it’s going to be there and it works for me for the time i’m there. That’s the problem here. I revert to the box because people see and hear my negativity and want nothing to do with it, but others wonder why I have so much to be grateful for but yet I’m too mad at the world to see it.
ParticipantWhat i’ve discussed in this post is basically what it’s like being inside my box. The self-hatred, lack of belief, rejection, disappointment, all of it. That’s what I live in everyday. The thoughts repeating themselves over and over. The what-ifs and the conversations that I have with the people that have wronged me. The ideas of how to end it all and what I would think the responses would be from the people that say they care about me but yet show opposite body language all the time. The physical and mental stress from working in crappy jobs just to turn my financial situation around from bankruptcy. The stress of the reality that my parents don’t have much longer to live and all the struggles that they have and have had in the past. The barely existent relationship I have with my brother because I don’t want to accept who my family is and how they are. This is my box. You see, in order to get out of the box, in theory, I would have to leave all of this behind. Some of it I can, but some of it I won’t because I care too much. Some don’t understand that when you change your mindset, and you change your belief system you actually change how you feel about those around you. Some that were your best friends or a loved one, no longer matters much to you because your viewpoint has changed on life. I can’t let people go just because I care too much about them. I want them in my life. Like my friend that’s distanced herself from me. I don’t want to let her go out of my life. Same with others. They all mean something to me.
ParticipantThat question has been in my mind quite a few times. I feel i’m tired of trying to step out. I’ve done it so many times only to return a few weeks or months later…to the box. I have one person as support and she’s got a lot on her plate: 3 kids, a full time job, and trying to maintain a household. I understand and agree that it would be too much placed on her to always be there for me. I have to do this on my own it feels like. I don’t have the finances to seek professional help, and I don’t feel like i’m welcome in the town I live in and i’ve lived here for 10 years. It makes me isolated, whether I choose it or not, having no support and no friends makes it hard for me to have the motivation to change and do something better for myself. I’ve never really cared about my well-being because as i’ve said before I don’t feel like I matter much to myself or anyone.
And so to answer your question, I don’t know where we go from here. What would you suggest?
ParticipantI feel that I approach things with simple logic. In a beginning level philosophy class we were taught the concept of simple logic; the if-then statement. If A equals B and B equals C, then A equals C. I take this concept and apply it to a lot in life. Especially when I have to figure something out on my own without instruction. It doesn’t work for all parts of life, but so far it has helped me make sense of some things a little better.
I agree with your analogy. We tend to go back to what we know from the past when dealing with situations that pop up. It’s hard to change the way of thinking when it has happened repetitively in one’s life. I find it hard. My logic tells me what if I do become happy? I don’t recall ever being truly happy, so what then? It changes my whole outlook, everything about me. I won’t be the same person I am at this moment. I don’t know how I feel about that. It’s good to have change in our lives, but to become a completely different person seems like you’d have to change your surroundings, the people you associate and are friends with, the job you may have, and the way you see life.
I’ve been reminded many times that I stay in my box. I’m comfortable here, and I (from others’ opinions) don’t want to get out of my box, so I should stop complaining if I don’t want to leave the box. But I don’t think they fully understand what it’s like to be constantly placed back in the box time after time only to be told that I should be stepping out. I’ve also read on this site and others, that we should try to get rid of the negative people in our life, they’re hurting and usually they try to bring us down with them. I agree. But what if the negative person is you? What if you’ve attempted to change and people just see the negative parts of you and shy away from you when you do need people in order to change? it’s a catch-22 in my eyes.
ParticipantI’ve spent the last several years finding out about who I am because I have been isolated. It was only a year ago that this girl came into my life and started talking to me. Before that, I was still depressed, but I was used to it even though I hated it but didn’t do much about it. This is because I’m so tired of being used for my kindness or just treated unfairly. It’s easier to not have friends if all your friends give you a negative experience.
I do stand in my own way, that I admit. But I feel I do it for a reason, mainly so I don’t get hurt or disappointed. My life has been full of disappointments, some my own fault and some the people that have been in my life. I’ve been dealt a bad hand at life and I’m trying to handle it how I know how. That’s not to say that my own way of dealing with things is the best option out there, it’s not. But It’s all I know for now.
I have been open to learning and this website has given me a different perspective on a few topics just from reading the articles and forum subjects. I’m stubborn and it is very hard to change my mind once I’ve made my mind up. That’s not to say i’m not open to change; I am, I just find it difficult to do.
ParticipantElleTinker700 – Thank you for your thoughts on this. I do understand that sometimes love is right under our nose. There is a woman in my life that I feel like that towards before this other girl came around, but again, she doesn’t know it, nor will I tell her. I do care about her and we’ve known each other for over half our lives so it’s a strong friendship for sure.
I agree with you, I don’t think anyone goes into a relationship with the intention of taking on the others’ problems, but in a partnership I believe that does end up happening because the two help each other out. The only exception to that is when one is relying on the other to fix them. That usually results in a negative experience for them.
ParticipantI have heard about people believing in something that others may feel are not true. But I feel that belief is a personal belief in itself. If you hold it true to your heart, it is very difficult and almost impossible to change the mind once that has happened. I didn’t say impossible-just very difficult.
I don’t feel like i’m deserving of any happiness, whether it be getting a life that I feel I deserve or have earned/made, or to the family i’ve always wanted. I don’t have hobbies, I don’t watch TV, I don’t go out and experience life. I work 3 jobs and I sit at home looking stuff up online to pass the time. I have intelligence, sure, but talking about certain things isn’t interesting to people, or they lose interest because I go into too much detail about it. I can use small talk, but then what? I don’t know the latest TV show that everyone is watching or the new movie that’s coming out. I don’t know the football score or who’s going to be drafted for next season. I haven’t been to the lake or hung out at a party with friends. I’m not passionate about much and I don’t have kids. I can’t tell you what my 3 year old did the other day that made me laugh. I have no smooth talk to get a woman in bed, I can’t express my feelings well in person and I’m shy. I like to listen more than talk and being around a lot of people drains my energy to the point where I want to leave shortly after getting there. I don’t play sports or have graduated from the local high school. If I explain where I’ve lived and where i’m from it takes more than just a sentence. It’s closer to an essay and people lose interest. They don’t want to hear about my problems. But I want to hear theirs so I can help.
This is why i’m not deserving. I’m not interesting. I don’t have the attention of others.
ParticipantThey both require acceptance. But love requires acceptance from both parties. And that’s where the problem comes into play. Even if I cared about myself, I highly doubt that it would change a woman’s view about me. I’m friend material and that’s it. I’m not deserving of a relationship, nor of children, or any type of happiness that comes along with having a family. I got my degree so I would have a chance at having a career and be financially stable when my kids are finally born. I bought my house in order to invest in it and then sell, and use the money from selling to buy a bigger house…for a family. This was my plan. My goals. It all involves having a family, which requires a relationship to begin with. And that’s what I don’t have and can’t seem to get. It drives me nuts that I can try different ways and they all haven’t worked for me. I want to love someone. Not myself. I’m helpless in the sense that i’m beyond help so i’ve given up on me. I can’t be fixed. I’m broken beyond repair. People see me differently but I see a broken person. And apparently I attach to people too much and then make them mad with my stupid thoughts and then they disappear out of my life and i’m left alone once again to deal with my bullcrap myself, once again. This is what I meant as she being my last friend because I will disappear from everyone and everything. I just have to finish up some stuff then i’ll be gone out of everyone’s life so they can’t be mad at me anymore and hear my nonsense.
ParticipantI agree. I’m not a nice person to myself. My attempts at changing haven’t worked for me. And yet, I am still floating in life. No goals, no ambitions, nothing. I’ve been told I have a lot to live for, and a lot to be thankful for and be proud about. But I don’t see it. Yes, I have material things and I’ve had success like getting a degree, buying a house, paying of a vehicle. None of those matter to me. They’re not important. I’d rather be without the material possessions but have a companion with me to share life’s journey. That to me is more important.
I took antidepressants for about two weeks when I was in high school and I couldn’t stay awake at school. I felt my education was more important than feeling happier. You can still be mad at school as long as you get passing grades was my thought process. I’ve had friends that have been on them for years and it’s affected them mentally. I don’t feel they work for me, but for some people in certain circumstances they probably do.