Forum Replies Created
March 28, 2020 at 3:07 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #345934
Participant@CB I know this is the worst time to be going through a heartbreak. However flip it. Think if the positives what do you still have. Those things you feel he has stolen. Fight for them your son is both of yours. The in laws if they are good people will still keep you a part of their lives especially for their grandson sake. The friends who you shared are equally yours to keep so keep in touch via Skype, WhatsApp etc. Once the restrictions are lifted show him that you are your own person and will not be defeated or have everything stolen from you. He was cruel and selfish to walk away 3 months ago and his selfishness continues as after sharing 27 years with you he still didnt contact you at the minimum to make sure you are ok in these unprecedented times or wish you well. Shows his character. Not yours so it hurts, set yourself targets for what you want to do without him. I have found I’m very very anxious lately being away from my family. Worrying about my sister but I am channelling the concern into mini projects or tasks and sometimes I even blast music and shake off the nervous energy. Stupid but it works. Try exercise, maybe theres a stubborn part in your body you always wanted to lose. Do mindfulness activities for now work on calming the anxiety and not letting yourself believe all these people you shared with him will desert you too. Lots of love xx
March 28, 2020 at 9:47 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #345884Genie
Participant@sammy we were all worried but glad you have such an amazing friend who would risk her own health to ensure your safety. It is going to take time for sure but like @michelle and @shelbyville said for now focus on SURVIVING. The hangover today must be awful but you’re going to her through this
@michelle I didn’t mean your old..I assume your in your 40s if I’m wrong soooooo sorry! Some of my friends the same age as me also are very motherly and mature I’d call them mother hen too if that makes you feel any better. Yes I’m being thoughtful to Jay’s emotions and feelings. Initiating and he has noticed because he said he can’t wait to kiss me again whenever it is that we meet. I felt like a giddy teen. Something to look forward to 🙂
@CB oh chick I’m awfully sorry. If he hasn’t changed his mind over 3 months I’d let him go. You need to heal and ask what it is that hou can do to be happy without him. I don’t think there is anything I can say to make your loss less painful. Maybe he is right people do get stuck together for years and it becomes habitual. Unless both parties work together to keep the spark going and working at the relationship then it will disintegrate. I think you are most likely as is the case for all of us missing the routine, the added benefits of a relationship like companionship and having someone to talk about your day or worries…it’s why you feel lonely. You will find that again and it will be with someone who wouldn’t just walk away that easily. Right now join new activities or clubs and work on things you never got to do whilst in a partnership. Have fun and with passage of time you will rise from the ashes like a Phoenix xxMarch 27, 2020 at 12:50 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #345772Genie
ParticipantWow so much to catch up on but so grateful for the interactions. Yes I’m very lonely but I also like to think I can help someone somewhere whilst in quarantine.
@kkasxo so good to hear from you….i understand how overwhelming it must feel. Claustrophobia is real! Just try and get some fresh air in your garden, balcony or go for daily stroll locally. Yesterday in the uk at 8PM we all saluted and clapped for our doctors and nurses and carers it was such a special feeling as a collective. It is a reminder good still exists. Also feel your emotions. I’ve felt when I get antsy rather than play the thoughts in my head I shake them out.
@adelaide chick it’s so so good to hear you are generally doing ok. I wish I was half as eloquent and clear in my thoughts as you. Uou are doing incredible and I continually admire your strength. I just want to say don’t take it in a bad way but don’t let the heartbreak make you bitter you have a huge capacity to love and even though those who we loved left us don’t let it affect your future relationships in a negative way. Your brother is in love but I’m sure he loves your family too. Family is so important. Lovers come and go. Try repairing it even if you have to be the bigger person. Your ex and acquaintance is understandable. You invested a lot and they showed through their actions that they didn’t care enough. Or else they’d reach out to you too. So good job on cutting the cord. Move forward to making real deep connections.
@michelle I see you as mother hen so to hear you are proud of me made me unbelievably happy. I’m trying I really am. I’m giving Jay space and not being a leach and I’m proactively making more of an effort to checki in on him rather than expecting him to do the legwork so he knows I care. I’m so glad you got back safely and family are all good too. Keep posting I love your input.
@CB I mean I have no words. I went on your page but you have a conversation going with someone so I thought I’d reply here. So so sad to hear about your loss. After 27 years I can not fathom how you feel. I can only say maybe a midlife crisis? You share a son and so much history so I would not give up so easily. Why not let him have his space to rebel if you truly love him. In that time think about what you want. Did he actually fulfil your needs or did it become habitual? Sending warm hugs but I don’t have the experience and I can only say with time our wounds do heal. I really feel for you.
@Sammy wow your friends words although if I was to hear back in the early break up days I’d reject and find hard to swallow. I can honestly say now they are very very wise words. Michelle is right keep that friend close as you’ll heal much quicker. For now it is going to ache but you need to feel that pain to move towards recovery… so put down the drink. You are going to battle this and come out stronger. We are all here for you and you are loved and will find real love that will make you look back and smile.
@shelbyville I find you frustrating youre consistently so hard on yourself. Adelaide said it perfectly the way you handle the situation with your ex was amazing. That must have been very difficult knowing you want more. Your insight for Sammy shows you are so much further than you think. Stop dragging yourself down. You have come far we can all see your growth. Focus on your health, fingers crossed it’s not coronavirus. Keep positive. Write down on here, I’d find it an interesting read to see if what we believe about your journey is true.What have you learnt about yourself ?
What do you want in a future partner?
What do you crave?
In what way do you wish to be loved?
Then have the vision and belief that it will come. Final note only because of my situation with Jay and I and some resemblance I see in your connection with your new friend. The last lunch we had and the good heart to heart recommended by Adelaide was a pivotal changing point in my journey to finding real connections. He told me how I made him feel and it hurt to hear but it made me realise it I care about him I need to address those issues. We are friends on the cusp of a full relationship but without communication it would have broken away completely. I’d have lost a very good person in any form in my life. I suggest you do communicate with your new guy friend about how you felt. If he is as you described you may be surprised and understanding he is. Also any type of relationship is 2 way you have to give and receive.
Love you all xxxx
March 26, 2020 at 4:53 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #345632Genie
ParticipantI got called away before . @Michelle did you get back?
@adelaide are you ok, haven’t heard from you…
@kkasxo you were always so kind to me letting me rant on yours and @shelbyville thread I don’t know your full story but I hope are ok in this crisis.Humans need to pull together. I like this thread it eases my worries so please keep posting even if you have no worries xxx
March 26, 2020 at 3:17 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #345614Genie
Participant@shelbyville maybe your using the thermometer in the wrong 0place? Each one is calibrated for a certain area armpit etc. Hopefully it’s nothing serious. It is why I chose to stay here and not even risk my sisters health in the slightest. The anxiety of that would kill me.
I’m really really surprised to hear your friend hasn’t been there for you after the way you have talked about in the past. It makes me think are you expecting more like I did from someone who you didn’t give in return to. Is it like Jay and I where I took granted? Even though he is amazingly generous you know how he felt. It’s strange how your relationship with your friend reminds me of the beginning stages of mine. Maybe your friend is troubled too..have you reached out to him? Rather than expecting him to reach out to you.
Your ex doesn’t seem like he was after a booty call like mine but everyone’s exes are crawling out the woodwork and when this is all over it will be interesting to see how many stick around when they are not lonely anymore.
That was a very nice human thing to do by giving you supplies. I worry you don’t recognise your ex most likely moved on long ago. I know it must hurt as you probably anticipated maybe more will come from your encounter but you need to start loving yourself shelby you are awesome. Don’t hold yourself back anymore like I said to @sammy you deserve more. Way more! No one can change your mindset other than you. X
March 26, 2020 at 1:55 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #345588Genie
ParticipantHi @Sammy,
@shelbyville has created a great space for us all to rant and work through our issues . I know I’m grateful for the wonderful chicks on here.I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through heartache from your break up. Anxiety is a bitch. No one understands until they have experienced it. I’ve had it in varying forms all my life but with coping techniques and support I find it can be tamed. So firstly you need to breath. INHALE. EXHALE. It will go away. I’ve found doing mindfulness and the calm app lately has helped greatly.
I know you probably deep down know the answer but don’t want to come to that realisation but my advice is always straight up. What you choose to do is your choice though at the end of the day.
I know right now you want to hear everything will be ok and your ex will see sense and the fact you were together for 4 years means the love is strong and you will make your way back to each other. But the reality is it is over, it was over the moment he repeated the same actions without really implementing any change. It is over for a reason. I’m not denying you love him, but the sooner you recognise that you deserved that same pouring of love in return, your perspective will change.
This comes from loving yourself and having good self worth. The reason why most of us on here find the heartbreak so intense and letting go hard is rooted in our own insecurities.
Our own lack of worth, our own battles with the mind that we will never find someone again so we put this person on a undeserving pedestal and berate ourselves. If you have read the thread then you’ll see my journey and the reality is even if you make your way back for the 5th time it will end the same if you have different wants, needs and communication styles. Your friend is correct, all relationships have issues. It requires work. The ones that work though are when you have two people who are willing to communicate and put in an equal amount. The foundations of a relationship needs to be based on strong communication without that it simply will not work during the rough patches. If the same problem arises due to avoidance by one party, it is clearly toxic and that’s when one person pours way more of themselves into a relationship like you have like I did resulting in you losing who you are and your identity. I did it for 5 years we were on and off again and it almost broke me.
I too felt why was I not enough? Instead I should have been telling myself if after I have accepted this man for all that he is and he can’t love me back the same way then he does not deserve my love.
Do you want to get back together and get engaged or married only for him to decide he wants out again as he hasn’t grown or changed when you have returned back to each other? Do you want to live with that kind of thought at the back of your will lead to much bigger issues.
It will not seem like it now but he is doing you a favour. You DESERVE more.
It is hard to believe but let me be your hope. In December last year I thought I wanted to kill myself as I thought I would never find love again like I had with my ex, the thoughts were dark, I was exhausted I felt like no one would match him. I had started sleeping with random men to fill a void to get over him. Then I met an angel, my Jay. If you read the thread you’ll see how I self sabotaged and almost ruined something so good for myself. Now by taking it steady, love started to grow for me again. All I can say is he has changed the way I view love. He is real love defined. The love you deserve is waiting for you.That journey starts with recognising you do deserve better and someone who loves all of you for who you are.
Use this lockdown to work on yourself. Cry, get angry, feel those emotions but keep reaffirming you deserve more. Don’t beg for love off someone who can’t see your value because if he did value you, the same problems would not exist. He would have done everything in his power to prove it to you. Love yourself first.
Self worth is the hardest thing to do but once you have it you’ll find acceptance easier and let go.
I’m sorry if it’s not what you wanted to hear. You can choose to take the long road and hold onto hope of a reunion but be wary the outcome will be the same. Save yourself pain again and again, feel the sadness and block him and remove him permanently from your life, begin to heal. With time you’ll unblock him again accept you’ll always care and love him in a way but when he reaches out..because let me tell you he will, you’ll be where I am today..ready to reject that and focus on you or being in a new fulfilling relationship with someone who accepts and values all of you. Sending love xxx
March 22, 2020 at 7:15 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #344578Genie
ParticipantHi everybody,
Firstly @Michelle you have a wealth of experience and are straight to the point and right. It would be stupid of me to ignore your advice and go on the defensive. It will only cause me to go backwards and I really don’t want that for myself anymore.
Ii have made another step in progress , I was strong and when the opportunity rose I did turn down his “help”. For once he may be feeling what I felt after each break up or surprised at least like you said. You are right I’ve recognised even though I loved him he couldn’t meet my needs. If we went back there again, it would only be a matter of time before we had the same commitment issues and me bending over backwards for him and not have my needs met. I don’t want to ever go back to those dark feelings after each breakup for a short buzz even if that physical aspect has always been tempting. It’s done and over. I can’t help but carry a bit of love for him but I know he isn’t healthy for me now. I think even if Jay wasn’t around I’d decide the same so I’m really feeling this has been a big change in me.
Meeting the parents for me has always been a big step. What worries me is that I don’t feel I’m at my best and don’t want any anxiety to ruin it for me. I’m glad you mentioned to convey it to Jay. Because in my fear and anxious moment I didn’t even think to see what impact it would have on him. This is where I feel I I don’t deserve him, I can be so selfish which was never me before. I really need to work on that. Jay was understanding as ever. I actually sent him something to make him feel appreciated after you mentioned that.
I didn’t think I’d find love again, I didn’t even realise it was there. But this is a different kind not the rush of excited highs with my ex. It’s a steady warmth, calming encompassing one that makes me feel like I can finally be the unmasked version of myself, I feel seen and understood. It’s incredible. He really taught me to have more self worth. It’s amazing when someone shows you real love. I would be a fool to mess this up so I need to take it slow and not get ahead of myself. It’s hard to explain. I really want the whole thing but once I have it I’m scared I guess of it heading the same way as my relationship with my ex or me messing it up due to the scars from that relationship. But at the same time Jay is x10 the man in terms of meeting my needs so I need to have more faith.
@michelle I hope you got your flight safely home. Fingers crossed.
@adelaide as you mentioned you and @shelbyville got a text from ex too. You too made the hard but right decision to understand it’s very easy in times like this to go back to what you knew and were comfortable with. However we do deserve better for ourselves. You will find someone who you connect with and can totally be yourself, needy in the ways you want and met half way to have a much healthier relationship. I really hope you get to experience that as that feeling of finally being seen for who you are is amazing. It will make you realise what true love is bringing out the best version of each other and working hard equally hard together to make it work.Dont be hard on yourself about your interactions with your acquaintance. But it’s not worth it chick. Few post ago I mentioned I was in that mindset when I left my ex but those superficial level connections give you short term ego boost but long term damage your self esteem. Does this person even care for who you really are? No, so don’t put your thoughts into this person.
You can learn new skills, online courses. Puzzles, learn new cooking recipes,watch Netflix, clean my place is sparkly now for once.
I hope you all stay safe and healthy. I hope our families and loved ones are safe too. We should aim to make it out the other side as better people and it really is a time when you realise the good people in your life. So hold onto.them. love you all chicks. Xxx
March 20, 2020 at 4:24 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #344416Genie
Participant@adelaide and @michelle I do appreciate a dose of reality and truth.
While panicking I didn’t explain properly but my ex actually said in the text would you like me to come over. Which was why I was shocked at what he expected. I know what he’s like in the past because of the physical connection we had, he would send out these feeler texts during our break ups after months of no contact because he knew I still had hope of me and him being together and I’d give in and reply. But we would always end up back to square 1 – breaking up because of the same issues.
Anyway I really appreciate your advice on not being a drain on Jay. I’m really trying but he is great he even rang me to see if I wanted to spend time with his parents and him. He’s a gem. My anxiety worsened at the idea though as I’m ready for meet the parents as my brain will get ahead of itself. My anxiety is not coming from him or my ex. It’s coming from fear surrounding the coronavirus, I know the runny nose is not a symptom but it means I have to stay away for my sisters sake as she is very prone to any infection. I really am trying to be better. My friends have come around tonight. I just want to see my family it’s what I need right now and it’s scary to think how long we will be on lockdown for.
Thank you @adelaide for offering but I like the anonymity of forums. It’s easier to talk to the forum as a stranger. That was a very very kind gesture and a testament to what a wonderful person you are.
@Michelle I hope you have an easy return to home. Keep yourself safe and thank you for replying.I’m trying to be better, I really am. I’m sorry for my rants.
March 19, 2020 at 12:11 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #344168Genie
ParticipantSo anxiety has reared its ugly head real bad. London is going to go on lockdown where my family is and I’m scared. I’m scared as I’m alone here and have a runny nose and can’t be with the rest of my family due to the severe risk to my sister! I contacted Jay to tell him I’m lonely but he has no choice but to stay with his parents so I’m trying not to be selfish but the irrational part of me is feeling abandoned.
On top of that my ex can you believe it my ex after over a year He contacted me..asking about my sister and saying take measures and care. What is he playing at? Looking for someone to quarantine with? My head is now analysing this and my chest is tight! Help make sense please?!
March 17, 2020 at 6:08 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #343754Genie
Participant@adelaide thank you chick. I’m glad I didn’t let my anxiety choke me and ignore the deeper stuff we needed to discuss before we could move forward. It could have gone either way but I had the courage to confront it and resolve it like an adult. I feel so proud of how I’m tackling my anxiety even if it’s a long journey like yourself I have a dose of reality and feel better about things.
Well done chick for reaching out to your ex and caring but putting yourself first too and not getting sucked in. It shows your strength and character and how much love you have to be able to reach out and show you care but still love yourself enough to know you have let go and will move on to better love ahead. I’m also proud of you! This is a huge step.
The same goes for you @shelbyville to be able to not get obsessed with your exes text is a huge step forward. Reaching out theres no harm but having the power and mindset to say it’s over and carry on is a big step. I feel we all are actually moving towards loving ourselves more and having the balance to still Express our care. I would reach out to my ex because with the pandemic I would want him to know I still care for him and his family. For my own sake, I had begged him to block me on everything which he respected at least. Maybe I’ll reach out to a mutual friend. I like to think that as humans it’s time to be extra awarel of what we do for others as it’s times like this you realise who is real and who is not.
Ii think 2020 has been a scary year but look where we are guys..I’m starting a journey on a new love, @adelaide and @shelbyville I really believe you have taken a huge step in self loving and let going. I can’t wait to hear about your happier connections and new found loves xxx
March 16, 2020 at 11:13 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #343596Genie
Participant@shelbyville you are right he is a wonderful human being. I’m just glad I came to my senses and recognised it for myself. Everyone kept telling me but until you acknowledge it by yourself like most things it doesnt sink in. I will try keep positive and be less self critical. I feel a new step since admitting or having our heart to heart as it allowed me to deal with my feelings better.
I understand your anxiety with coronavirus my little sister suffers from cystic fibrosis one infection and its scary to thing what can happen. So coronavirus has me on knife edge. Like you I’m taking precautions but decided to stop following the daily or even hourly updates. It was not healthy and was making me feel suffocated even before shut down happens. All we can do is hope for the best. Try and keep positive and I’m sure you are surrounded by lots of love and positive caring people who will get you through this anxious time. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone and I hope all our loved ones make it out alive.
Times like this you sometimes need love and support so don’t be afraid to reach out whether here or your family/friends.
March 16, 2020 at 6:11 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #343564Genie
ParticipantHey @Michelle
It’s so good to hear from you. I was wondering how you were with coronavirus affecting travel etc. Its good to know you are safe and still enjoying your travels. I hope you make it back safely to the UK too
The chat with Jay went beyond my expectations and I’m so grateful for this thread and the advice given. I really could have screwed it up if I didn’t dump my anxiety here first. You are right finding love is always a risk. If we want to be happy and gave that someone next to us to help navigate our way through life we need to be willing to risk it. I obviously have issues still but I’ve take that first leap. I couldn’t agree more having been in a 5 year relationship where I believed I was madly in love and it was the only love I was capable of receiving ti meeting Jay and realising what true love is has been an eye opening experience. I’ll love my ex forever in my own way, he was my first longterm relationship but I didn’t realise the toxicity of it all until now. Until I met Jay a person who makes me feel like I can finally be myself. One who accepts my issues, accepts all the things I hate about myself. He really is worth it even if it doesn’t work out. At least I will not regret not trying. I’m determined to make it work though. Because the love he has shown me is the love we all deserve. It’s the unconditional kind. He shows care and affection when I dont feel worthy of being loved. He continues to even when I took him for granted. He has really changed my perception of love. I was always taken in by the idea of butterflies and sparks and Hollywood type. When you are in a toxic relationship as I was the push and pull always led to those intense emotions. But the steady kind of love with commitment, loving when you don’t want to is the realist one.
When I was broken I realised love itself didnt hurt me. Someone who didn’t know how to live hurt me. I confused the two.
I hope you all find a Jay kind of love/person to show you what love really is. Everyone deserves to experience it.
I love you all too! Thank you xxx
March 15, 2020 at 3:15 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #343458Genie
Participant@adelaide I did ? see above!!
So happy to hear you are doing well. You deserve both the work praise as well as the praise for the awesome chick you are! Continue the self work as it is doing wonders judging by your new connections and you have been giving us all a great insight into what we need to do as well.
Its human and kind to care even if something ended. Given the circumstances you did the fight thing in contacting your ex. It’s a worrying time and when you know some is likely to be worried reaching out is kind. Just be careful you don’t go back because you are doing so well. Stay safe and protected too. Hope we all make it out unscathed x
March 15, 2020 at 9:41 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #343408Genie
ParticipantAnd sorry inconsiderate me almost forgot. Thank you thank you thank you all for the support and love. At christmas I was at my lowest point. Especially @shelbyville for making this thread. I have had moments where I could have cocked up in grand style but thanks to this thread and some sage advice at the right time I’m coming out the other end. Xxxxxx thank you all for keeping me alive.
March 15, 2020 at 9:04 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #343404Genie
ParticipantJust an update @adelaide @shelbyville
Met Jay yesterday. It was very emotional. Feel kind of like I had out of body experience.
We met at a local bistro. I was really really anxious at one point wanted to cancel go home. Anyway he turned up good start, I was wearing a mask because of coronavirus and he said I hope you are going to take that thing off and when I asked why…he said he wanted to kiss me. I said what if you are infected and I get it. He replied we can then quarantine together. 14 days together …your choice? Yes chicks, I kissed him!
I was not expecting that! But it’s like he knew I needed a statement of some sort to tell me or put me at ease off the bat to which way it was heading. We enjoyed lunch and had a real heart to heart.
He said he had felt a little out of his depth, he had never dealt with someone who has anxiety before alongside the baggage of my ex it had become a bit too much. He didn’t know whether he was helping or making things worse, at the same time he had needs which weren’t being met so thought at least as friends he could avoid those expectations or pressurising me until I was ready. He said he felt he had been really patient and didn’t know what more he could do and me going off on him made him feel like he was not enough and I was beginning to take liberties and he didnt like that feeling. I felt really sad and guilty at this point because I know he has been and gone beyond what any other man would.
He said in the space he missed me even though at first he was annoyed, he still thought I was special. He said he wished he was a mirror so he could reflect back what he saw in me so I could finally see it. This made me cry, him uncomfortable and he just held my hand and said I’m going to make you see it somehow.
He concluded even though we kissed today he thinks friends is the best way forward for now until I’ve dealt with my issues because he doesn’t want to jump into anything serious or labels because it adds more pressure and more needs. We agreed to keep hanging out at least 1 a week and then have these heart to hearts to communicate where we are at and when we are both ready to move up. He said we are kind of in a relationship but just not label it.
I just wanted to jump in his arms and tell him I am falling in love with him and I just want to be his. But he is right there are issues I need to deal with to be the best partner to him. He deserves that. Knowing me if I move onto the next stage I may just end up blaming him as my anxiety is out of control at the moment and I don’t want that to happen. I want our intimate moment to be special after all this struggle and not tarnished by my anxiety.He mentioned he struggles to cope with the change of me being hot one minute then aloof and cold the next and I needed to get to a place of stability. When he said that it reminded me of my ex. I felt physically sick I was now doing that to someone. Wow how past relationships impact us! He said it makes him feel toyed with, undesired and used. He said he did not appreciate me accusing him of cheating or taking advantage of his kind nature. I needed to be more aware that although he is so giving he doesn’t like being made to feel like that. I apologised again and he sensed me getting upset because I felt so bad so he gave me a hug and said it was in the past but just be aware that he may not have anxiety or issues as such but has feelings and is affected by my actions too. He said if there are times he feels overwhelmed he will tell me but I needed to respect his space without thinking the worst eg he is cheating.
He made me feel on cloud 9 during the lunch. I didn’t want it to end. I left and got back home and felt like I didn’t deserve him. I felt what have I done to get a guy who is so compassionate, loving and accepting. What does he see in me? He is hot, funny, intelligent, kind and could have anyone he wanted. Why me? Then I tried to pull myself out of the self loathing and looked in the mirror and said he chose you Genie. So be better, be the reason he wakes up in the morning and he feels I’m lucky to have this chick. Stop the self esteem issues ruining something great.
I think it’s going to be a journey but I’m fully committed to proving to this man he made the right choice in waiting. I’m fully committed to realising my happiness. The effort, patience and care he has shown me in short space is something I’m no longer going to take liberty of. I want to come on here one day and say I loved and I lost. I was broken but I rose again. I found real love when I was in a hopeless place , the kind when you are in the dark and feel unlovable but an angel pulls you out. The real love when they love you at your worst. So I can only imagine how much he will love me at my best. That’s what I’m going to work towards being the best Genie for myself and him. I’ll keep you updated and I’m sure I’ll screw up again somewhere along the line but I’m determined. I’m ready. Wish me luck.