Hello Lindsay,
I hope you didn’t find me rude for not replying earlier. I also wanted to give some thought and especially wanted to reflect on Brene Brown’s TED talk and also other aspects of myself. The thing is despite your reassurance that I do have a personality, I really feel like I don’t know who I am at all, what my likes and dislikes are. I just feel empty as a person. This is probably due to the fact that I keep lying to myself and swinging my personality from one extreme to another.
I really enjoyed the talk. Thank you so much for recommending it! It made me think a lot and I found that most of what she said was true in my case. All my life, I was afraid of being vulnerable. I grew up in an environment where I was taught that being weak was a bad thing but that also meant that I wouldn’t expose my vulnerabilities to my supposed closest people – my family. You may think that it is weird that I can share it with strangers online but not with people I know.
But all in all, thank you. Your recommendation has helped me a lot.