Hi, first post and from Ireland so it happens.
I’m currently in Thailand trying to get over losing my perfect gf.
I have good days and bad days.
I miss her so much, she was the first person I traveled with in over 15 years.
We went to Vietnam for 3 weeks this summer and I fell so much more in love with her for it.
We broke up 10 weeks ago due to me being an idiot.
I’m in paradise and hell at the same time.
I’m meditating every day, it helps for a while.
I feel like cutting this trip short and going home because I think I’m not enjoying it.
My sister is telling me to stay gone, I’ll be worse at home.
I hope your trip to Ireland helped you, it a great place.
No problem meeting loads of fun people.
I’m finding it hard to meet people, I’m not exactly the most extrovert person ever.
I need to make so many changes, at 40 it’s a big ask.
If I don’t change ,I’m in trouble….