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  • in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #236649

    Hmm good question. Im glad you see her advice as a little mixed. I never quite knew who was behaving unreasonably, just like now, for the exact reason you stated. And well, I know he is fine alone… or do I in this moment im writing this.. do I fully believe that or am I projecting because its emotionally convienient? But seeing “he is impulsive” etc, I want to tell him this in some way, show him how the relationship isnt working. Otherwise… Idk. The fact he retreats, but says such words to me like in Chile? I get confused, I suppose like with my friend. Hot, cold.

    Separation anxiety. Hmm. Im happy to see him again, when I see myself as going alone, I suppose. When its me living my life and meeting somone who is a part of it. But, in my current state, I sort of get pre-emptive separation anxiety, like I know i will be nervous in all those interactions where he does have to leave, go shower, talk to someone, meet a friend. While we are apart its acute, drifts away, is acute again, when I think about it. Sometimes its him posting a picture on instagram, triggers my anxiety for some reason.

    But, when we said goodbye, last time I felt a relief, I could see a time to be alone and work on myself. I didnt respond when he said ” im on my way to my friends house, bye, love you”. I almost didnt respond again when I posted a pic of me at the airport and he said “good trip”!…. I was like ugh fine.  I didnt like, for the first time, that he had been affectionate. Before I would have loved such behaviour. I kind of wanted to reject it. He was acting like a bf then and I didnt want him too. (Perhaps he was expecting me to be more clingy since and doesnt know what im up to) I didnt reply for a long time as well when he asked me how the flight was. I wanted to focus on myself. I seem to crave his attention but when I get it… I dont anymore?

    One of the times we talked since, I simply wished him a good time on his mini-trip to a farm. When afterwards he said “how are you?”, I actually winced, I just wanted him to say thank you. I didnt want a conversation with him because I knew how I would start feeling. I said hi on saturday, he replied fairly quickyl, I responded nearly a day later… not for any reason? Whats that?

    Gosh! It makes sense! Its a total parallel… when its time for him to come near again… the anxiety spikes much more. Hence, a photo triggers it again, a thought about him triggers it again… constant separation anxiety. Dont come near me, you’ll leave again. Its painful and I dont understand it… ughh


    in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #236635

    She would always say “he should fight for your attention, want to be with you always”… “you’re apart but dont you realise, you could see each other again tomorrow!”. “I cant believe how dysfunctional he is”… “wasn’t it just a summer fling”. At the time I think I didnt really feel that way… about him, I just resented how clingy he made me feel because it was distracting me, as now, from healing.

    I remembered all these a while ago and thought they had given me too high expectations of the relationship with him. She had had a long term relationship, of 3 or 4 years, with her then boyfriend, but they were distant. They had been physically together but she came back to the UK for university… so the context was a little different. Maybe, she was talking from their relationship perspective. Once she had also said, about her, and me, being clingy “I wish I could realise, I’m alone. Not lonely, but alone. I’m my own seperate person totally responsible for my own happiness. I’m intelligent enough to know that but I always want more and more from my boyfriend”. “I was so upset about uni, he just said itll be ok, then he went to bed!” Hers too, was distant, and as she settled in the UK and he remained in South Africa, they eventually parted ways. Perhaps this allowed it to get tangled up in my head, my feelings, my expectations etc… But, when I read them for real yesterday they made more sense.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Ben.
    in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #236627


    I read this but I always return to a thought of “it’ll be ok in the end” with him. For some reason I have never accepted leaving him. Its like a lot of the other people on here, they struggle with that separation. My friend said this before, and I took it as pressure and expectations. He is indifferent, for whatever reason. I only wish I could help him see he doesnt have to be totally alone… I know thats his journey and I could only ever be a voice or advisor… not to convince him convienietly to be in love with me…

    I’m seeing him again in a couple weeks, and I will discuss it with him, see for one final time if it will work. I see these signs the relationship is weak, we only talked 3 times since we parted after the trip. Last time even he said “we’ll talk soon”. I was upset because im his boyfriend, you dont say talk soon. Unless he meant it openly like in a couple days. I can talk to him too after all. Even so I told myself to chill out, gave myself a load of explanations as to why. Why do I make so many excuses? Is it because I can’t accept it wont work? So long, even when he had moved on and we werent talking, I was just waiting and waiting, never getting over him. Or there would be a sense of missed opportunity. I know I couldnt approach it in a calm collected way, and discuss and end, or a future. Only an argument arises in my head, and I know it doesnt have to be that way. Maybe in the context of hte serenity prayer, I feel like I would have been missing wisdom and would be impulsively dumping him, rather than a gentle realization, a growing thought, of “I cannot change him”. If I cannot change him, it is a release to finish. But, I falter at this point.

    Indeed I have set a deadline or ultimatum, to myself, that if we meet and I suggest we try living together in the near future, and he drifts off again, I will for sure end it. I think im detecting that he will likely say that anyway, seeing his current distance behaviour. Those days after the trip? I was happy with this. Then, something changed, if I lose him, something went wrong, not right. I was content with any eventuality, now, i~m nervous. I was happy to keep him as a friend, now I’m either in love with him or ready to dump him out of my life. I know this ultimatum may come, and may go again. I will meet, my confidence will falter and I will just gravitate back to him. Weakness, and I know it wouldnt be healthy. I never know whether to try and help someone understand more about themselves… is there true love under there or is that what love and relaitonships are… much more common than I previously thought? Was the thrill, the pleasure, really a growth in myself I associated with him, and the dream of a life with him and I just cling to that even though we have both changed and perhaps were never meant to be?

    in reply to: I am a hypocrite and I'm ashamed of myself. #236611

    You have a normal guilt about getting with someone who is in a relationship. But, I think your recent break up makes it feel like you are being the type of person you ex was unfaithful to you with. Ergo, you almost feel like you cheated in your old relationship, even though you were and are single. You feel like you broke it up, almost like you cheated on your gf but were also the one she cheated on you with.

    Self care would be exactly that. Stop judging yourself. As you said, you dont have a serious problem with alcohol, you know you arent the same level as the others at the AA meeting. So, listen to yourself.

    It sounds like you’ve over-reacted and you’re trying to locate something to help you. But, removing alcohol wont change it, we all have silly memories associated with it, good, bad, ugly ones.

    Probably you’re reacting strongly because of some other issue in your own life, or past. That’s whats making you do 100 in the slow lane with all this guilt about a minor event. So, calm, and focus your attention elsewhere before you get obsessive about what happened.

    The hardest thing? You’re making yourself feel this way, and only you can remember you have a choice. Its not alcohol, its not what you did, its your own mind running away with itself. We all do it, but remember you are in the driving seat! Take a break and remember yourself.

    in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #236609

    I had an interesting reflection yesterday. I was writing a long message, full of ruminations, but actually, I realised soemthing important.

    Beforehand, the relationship was so heavily based on a lonely, unsatisfied individual craving the attention and validation of someone else. That was what had tied me to him, a lot. I think now I’m doubtful because I’ve realised that i dont know what our relationship is now. Im ok with it as it is. I think I always wanted a good story, because in reality I am a strong independent person, I never wanted someone who is dependent on me, and vice versa. Now, Ive become that to the one person I wanted to be strong and independent with, maybe im disgusted at my own behaviour. The people I carry with me, they judge me, but I dont really care, it was my decision. At the same time, the shame wears me down so much, I dont love myself enough, so I cling too strongly to him.

    I read old texts, that I had sent ot my friend, from about 3 years ago. The one who I blamed for giving me too many expectations, and actually, she was giving sound advice at the time. He should fight for the relationship, not be indifferent and pretend its all alright. (I would always send accusatory messages) And what was I talking about to her ? About almost the exact same feelings towards him as I have now. Anger, frustration, how dare he never talk, how dare he be so indifferent. And again, a knowledge that deep down i~’m not like that. A knowledge I can scream and cry and not change him. I spilled the frustration onto him. I didn’t chose to grow, to grow alone without him, or to grow and be there for him if he wanted to open up.

    Yesterday too, I also saw that he withdraws, but I saw, anew, the man who opened up to me in Chile, and I saw someone terrified of commitment. I saw perhaps he actually acts like I do. I could message him and tell him how much I dont care about the relationship and how i’ll get the next flight out, f*** you! I started to analyse my behaviour and stop tirelessly examining his. I always wanted to be the person who understands. If I love him but htere are difficulties, they can be solved with empathy and understanding. Im just shouting and screaming. I saw too, he is confused because he still feels compelled to look after his mother and brother, even though they both have their own lives, their own businesses. Thats why he feels so drawn to go back home. I was doing the same, I realised, when he said to go live in Brazil with him… I stayed at home, “to look after” my parents.

    Idk if, aside from myself, I should really see him as someone to work on or not. Maybe the relationship is doomed, or maybe this is the foundation of a strong bond. I know I give myself too much angst, but I think I have to admit, he has issues too. I realise ive told myself too much the relationship failed because of my failings, not his. This is harder as he evades. But even he seems to admit he is then drawn back to me. The issue is I write and I see all the other people who talk and talk but their relationship is perhaps over. Am I refusing to accept? Or am I more insightful and the relationship has a possibility?

    in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #236459

    She did outline what we would do. Infact on her website I saw she sometimes used the techniques that my other therapist, the bad one, had used, which was reassuring to know it was just the wrong type of therapy for me. Thankfully she uses other ones as well. I have an appointment with another one tomorrow, but I feel sort of exhausted to talk. Even on Friday, I sat down in her room and didnt know what to say, I was waiting for questions, but gosh I was just lost.

    When I left had a clearer head,and felt better in some way but in another Idk I felt very weird. Maybe because its expensive? I~ve made a commitment to change now, and maybe that change is scary. I’ve felt so similar the last 4 years feeling “better” feels unfamiliar and weird. The whole weekend ive been getting bitter at my boyfriend again, projecting and overthinking as usual. I convinced myself I would leave him today, but I know thats not going to either happen or make me feel better. I got to to work then all I told myself on the bus disappears. Its exhausting.

    Indeed I felt clearer headed before the weekend but then its sort of become negative, anxiety is filling the void of not overthinking everything, and I dont know. I know a lot of it is still overthinking re my boyfriend. Why do I spend all day getting angry at things, especially him. Never my father? Or even getting angry at all? I suppose these are good questions but not useful. Maybe I should just turn this thought process off. But I dont know how to fill my life! What do happy people think about ?!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Ben.
    in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #236271

    Hi Anita

    So I looked for some psychotherapists here, and went to see one yesterday. It was good, we identified the patterns of behaviour that cause me all this overthinking etc. She also isnt too expensive, I should be able to afford it somewhat. Should be good right? I left feeling better, and with a clearer head.

    But, I feel guilty? I don’t know why? I also sort of feel much more lonely now. Unsettled. Is that a good thing?

    in reply to: I cant get over with someone. i want him back. #235943

    It sounds like it was intense. The problem with these intense travel ones is that they have to end in one sense, physically and “in reality”, but in others they continue. You still feel really intensely about him because you fell for him. For him maybe it was the same maybe it was different. Its where he lives after all, so its not so amazing as being part of a travel experience. When you got back this whole part of your life was packaged up and left as memory. For him, he was living his life and happened to meet you a little, so to him, you are not as distant. That is probably why he was not so expressive or feeling so in need of you. For you, you had this amazing trip, but its over now. You also met him and fear that he will disappear and fade as the memory of the trip does.

    That doesn’t have to happen. But, calm yourself as best you can. Let things settle a little bit. Im reading it and seeing that he probably got a little overwhelmed with the intensity of your feelings. Give him space. If he truly likes you, he’ll let you talk to him again. But dont do it now. Breathe, relax, talk to friends, do whatever you can to rebalance yourself. You got carried away is all. You want him alot but you had to come home, and thought maybe if he talked more you’d feel better. But I think you like him a lot so that no matter how much he talked with you or whatever he told you, you would still be wanting more from him. He could probably sense this and had to back off.

    If he ignores you after a few days/however long you take as a breather, then it wasnt meant to be. But, relax. You had an intense, but very short, experience and its time to process. You are the one crying and that is why he thinks its better to not talk because he thinks hes making you upset. Thats a legitimate reason! So, dont be upset! Easier said than done but its the real solution. Its not because youre a girl either, its because you had a big emotional experience with him. Use this space to calm yourself, relax. Try to focus back on your life. When you feel a bit better, talk to him again, that is what will help you feel better. If he really really does care you’ll be able to reconnect. If you are 90% wanting to fight for him again, dont hurt yourself by not doing it. Sometimes these travel romances go places, sometimes not, remember that. It might help you feel less intensely.

    in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #235663

    I have contacted a few about prices etc, maybe I will go and have a few trial sessions and ask about prices.

    I do have my counsellor here but I notice she just lets me speak and speak rather than inquiring and helping me to change how I think, as I quite obviously need.

    Career wise… Idk. I’m living the career I wanted… to teach abroad in order to travel. But, I never asked myself if I enjoy either… I know I would on some level if I wasnt spending all my life concerned about something else. Instead im just sort of waiting. This is again a problem for my relationship, im waiting for him to make the step to create a life etc. To be fair, he wants to start a business together, which could be good. I like the idea of having a hostel or a school to run. I think I would like to be an academic or something but as he keeps saying he knows a lot of the professors at his local university so that could help me… but a part of me doesnt know if thats what I want to do… perhaps because all this time apart and constantly “imagining” rather than “living” a relationship makes it seem hard to come to life.

    I always wanted to travel and travel then settle down. Now, I want to settle in a foreign country… so it appears all set in some senses.

    in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #235643

    Yeah, waiting is terrible. I know i’m not waiting with baited breath so to speak but I know on some level Im wanting it, but that im wanting something that may not, and probably never will, come. I can see how its exhausting me now. But thats hard to realise in a full body mind and spirit sense. Patience, as you said.

    I think my parents patience with paying for psychotherapy has worn thin. I had a “therapist” for nearly 18 months from the end of my masters. I found out towards the end she was actually training and not qualified… everytime I left that room I never felt better about myself, only confused. Everyone noticed and told me to change. But no! I said, I have faith in it! I think  that onylu once or twice we had breakthroughs. With my therapist in school, when I was 16-18, it was nearly every session I felt better and relieved, she had changed how my mind had worked. My other therapist? She had smothered me, she told me to stop talking in sessions and “breathe”…. she never asked “why do you keep talking”… it was a traumatic experience, I felt violated or upset or deeply confused and conflicted after every sesssion. Anyway it was expensive and never really helped me. I think I lost patience with it a little too, my hopes of change were constantly being dashed.

    I still have faith in psychotherapy, of course, but now im living in Brazil, finding an English speaking therapist will be hard. Its not imposssible, I’ve found several in my city, but they charge European prices for my Brazilian salary. I could ask mum and dad for help, but I dont think they’ll be forthcoming this time. But, as you said, focussing on my worklife is probably good. If I see it as my work for me, this is my life right now kind of thinking, maybe i~ll take it much more seriously. I think I dont commit here because I sort of think theyll bail me out, if it goes wrong I can go home… maybe that explains my kind of detached approach, partly. If I take it seriously maybe i’ll take on more hours and be able to afford it myself.

    in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #235353

    Most certainly. I see my identity there. But I feel drawn back to them. To some comfort or soemthing, some moral victory? I see the image of my brother and the better relationship with my father he had… there’s a strong drive to keep them in my life. Perhaps because, as im writing im realisng this, I came all the way here to Brazil not really knowing why, just that Brazil was good as it was close to my, at the time, ex. I have not yet “arrived” here totally. Perhaps I am using them as a sort of “get of jail free card”, or a backstop should it go wrong. I know, as I write this, that that backstop should be me. But, its a big step. I don’t understand actually how on the trip I managed to step out… what did I do that meant I could return to the city and feel as i did?

    Naturally talking to them returned me to how I felt before, but, im not talknig to them now and its back. Triggered thoughts I suppose.

    Indeed… I feel some comfort in their presence, with them in my life. But that is not my identity… symbolically in so many parts of my life I am childish and sort of just waiting around… I don’t go out to socialize, I don’t go and find a hobby or activity to do. I realise, I have no life here. I was just waiting to talk to my bf again… and I still am. Im not going out to live my life, i’m just waiting… for their approval too maybe? They said they didn’t like i’d talked to my bf and reconciled… so now I am not liking him and constantly inventing arguments with him again about that, but am I really dissatisfied with him? Or am I feeling shameful because of what my parents said, and being so atached to them still, i’m trying to solve a problem in my head that doesn’t really exist? It extends to my life in general, but again i’m constantly thinking about my bf, or thinking about trying not to think about him again.

    in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #235341

    Hi Anita

    Thanks, people often say i’m a nice person, and I “accept” it, I take the compliment, but I realise I’ve never truly accepted it… perhaps during my more powerful moments etc, that long-lost time where I was happy, I did. But right now, I feel bad in comparison. My motivations are from some dark evil place…

    I like the idea of being graded by parents. I feel thats exactly what happened, 4 years ago, and last week again. I was so happy, so mhch better after my trip, I told them hoping they’d finally realise I was an “adult” but alas, no. I’m here again, nervous, self doubting, needy.

    At the same time, perhaps subconciously, every now and then a useful thought appears that isnt reflected on. Its like a mental note to change the functions of my mind rather than simply keep thinking and thinking. I have to identify thoughts and feelings etc. This is what has been lacking, a procedure to use.

    I can keep saying oh I miss my boyfriend or oh I struggled to be relax today, but these are just facts, thinking about why wont change them. I have to change how I recognize emotions etc to control them. And to keep reminding myself of this process. It’s hard, my mind feels very slothful in changing over, even tho I felt so good when I was functioning a little more smoothly after the trip. I’m almost telling myself I don’t deserve that life, that power to feel in control of myself.

    in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #234977

    Thanks Anita.

    Indeed, if you have any advice for me I will be glad to accept it and try my best to apply it to my life.

    I know exactly what you mean. I had my stumbles with my old therapy. I remember I struggled a lot in my first year at university, the first few months of not being able to offload each week with the counsellor, it was very hard. I contemplated leaving unversity altogether. But I managed to pick myself up, and slowly drifted from my parents. It was that return, which, I had struggled with a university too, whether to break the bond on a more permanent basis. I remember I finished my final exams, and was planning to join my parents on holiday before going to brazil. Clearly, even after those 3 years I hadnt expunged that conflict (because I wasnt aware), and tried to say going on holiuday to see them was totally cool and natural. A good friend had told me to go on my own adventure, stay and get a little summer job. But, I was still drawn to my parents… after all, I felt so much better, I wanted to be an adult in front of them…

    Ugh.. well, more insights but it helps me to forgive myself a little bit for what happened by finally understanding the shock.

    Anyway, any advice on what to think or tell myself, even if it wont work instantly, is greatly appreciated Anita.


    in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #234957

    Indeed Anita,

    I realised this over our conversation of hte past few days, and on the bus this morning.

    The trip, despite being an emotional rollercoaster, provided little room for “insights”, but made me feel a lot, which I think is why it was useful. It shook up my slumbering world of endlessly talking about my feelings or lack of them. I arrived back to the city, feeling different…. feeling! different.

    This is what I have lost sight of, what I lost when I sunk into shame, the ability to do this. (Although, again, im just providing an insight here haha). The first therapist helped me deconstruct my feelings and then asked me to justify them… examined as such I was able to negate a lot of them. I started to do this in my day to day life, and for 3 years I really, really started to feel relieved from the burdens my childhood left me with… I relaxed etc as I have described. The second one, we just talked about it endlessly, and then she would say “ben, youre not breathing” and force me to stop talking and do a breathing exercise. I never felt good, only frustrated after those sessions… I think it traumatized me a little. Ever since, Ive tried to repeat the process I used to be so good at, but to no avail… its like I cant find the right page or right chapter.

    But well, I agree, I just need practice and dedication to control and continue having insightful feelings not just, as you say, dry intellectual observations of my own mind.

    in reply to: Re-starting with my Ex #234949

    This is very true… its shame. When my father challenged me or spoke to me about going to BRazil the first time, mum was there… but she said nothing. She knew I was upset, but she said “I thought you needed to see how your father is”… she liked it I think because it vindicated her negative feelings to him, but regardless, she abandoned me. I was alone. I curled up into a ball when he said that. I was alone… afterwards, interestingly, dad said to my mother “give him a hug” – what a weird thing to say, but telling.

    I dont know to get over this… I have spent a long time away from home, nearly 2 years now. But, not consistently. Last year I was home 4 times, for 2 months in the middle of hte year even. And, this whole 10 months in Brazil ive had the same pathways going over again and again. Perhaps this is how I should be using therapy… why do I need to feel like this… why does it matter what he says etc? I need to ask myself the right questions…

    I can see solutions but Ive lost hte motivation to work at them. I can tell myself today, im just feeling ashamed, im just feeling anxious, but its not working, I fall back into this vacuum…. Indeed, today, back to the relaitonship, i~m needy again, constantly wanting to talk to my ex, ive forgotten my self-care, being myself, experiencing life like ive described in a few previous posts. Im just pre-occupied with him again. I can leave it alone. Anxiety? The dynamics we’ve been talking about? For sure… but, im sat here blaming him again.

    Noticing actually, Im getting angry at him for the sort of reasons im actually angry at my father for…. how dare you abandon me… when he hasnt, he just hasnt talked to me all day everyday. I keep thinking about it, the relationship, I should leave it, that will be my magic moment of freedom… but I know id end it, feeling the same about my bf and still unsatisfied.  It would be an impulse to break up… Short term release… of frustration? Id be venting it on him… “youve made me so anxious and annoyed by not talking to me! take that!”… but, if I think of a relationship I want, its fine because I have my space.

    Who do I really want to get rid of? Is it dad? Am I projecting? I remember a long time ago actually my other therapist (a bad one who I enver got on with), in one of the few good sessions, I came out almost crying at all the resentment and frustration I had pushed onto my bf (When we were together before). I apologised to him for treating him like my dad… 3 years later and im back to where I was… but, Im saying this, but not believeing it. Im not admitting to myself that the frustration is as such.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Ben.
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