Forum Replies Created
January 31, 2016 at 8:13 pm #94547
ParticipantA Amber. I’m not too good at writing bt should be enough to understand my letter.
Its sad to see the number of people that suffer the way we did when we was young. It changed us forever. It made us ask ourself so many questions, questions we couldn’t get any answer to. No one that could Realy understand us. Even a bestfriend don’t know or understand the true feelings that’s realy deep inside us.. that’s one thing that hurted a lot when I was young (still does). It made me feel even more alone..
Every thing Your repliyers said is true and is good advise. Bt even us knowing that, it does’nt solve our problems’ “your problems”..
What really sucks is that being/going to “adult life” is that, it just brings in more presure. For lots of reasons. Witch makes it harder for us to think. Makes it harder to make/take a disicion, makes it harder to even Want to Take a disicion, makes it hard to know were to start..
We start from within. We HAVE to start from within. We have to know theirs a hole world out their, full of good times, good dreams that can come true. When I was young I always heard teachers say you can be what every you want to be in life. Due to my childhood I never belived it. How could that be possible?(I asked mysel).I tought about killin myself sevral times. Bt I never did. Not because I didn’t want to. I did. Bt I didn’t because I told myself their has to be more to life then just this pain, that this pain can’t last for ever, it can’t. Life can’t END like this, that can’t be. YOUR life can’t end like this. Yes its hard. Its so hard that it seems impossible. Bt u still have hope in that it CAN’T end like this.that’s why you wrote your letter. Because you belive that it is possible. Bt with so many personal problems at hand ain’t easy. It makes us give up,not care, makes us see no point in even tryen to work it out. Cus we see no diffrence.. bt sense we have so much in our hands we dnt see it. because we still feel the same as befor if not worser. Witch makes us fall agin. Sometime we fall and start agin in our last level(present). Bt sometimes we fall down some levels. And start agin at a lower level (past. Either da day befor or months back).
(not to long ago) I realized I COULD be what ever I want/chose to be! I just have to work torse it. I just have to START. Only you can know were/how to start (sorry don’t know were your at, what kind of place your in(or with who your with or live with),what humen skills you lack(sociel,ect), what realy affects you the most.(deeper then deep inside u), nor your dreams..
1st thing u have to do is have a personality. What ever and HOW ever you want to be. What you chose to lik and what U chose to hate. What u love to do and what U will not do. How u chose to be around people and how u chose to act.. like right now for example. What “Prisibles” do/did u chose to live by? Loyal friend?, lie only when have to?, you don’t steal?,ect. U can be how ever u wish to be. Just spend time sorting it out… sorry bt have to go now. Bt please feel free in contacting me for any questions. Be more then glad to help.. theirs a lot more I wish to say and explain. Bt I’m already 20mins late.(sopost to pick somebody go0d luck..( -