Forum Replies Created
cali sister
ParticipantI have not broken down on this trip yet. And I donât want to. I think it will be ok đ
cali sister
ParticipantI feel no comfort speaking to my mother. Father I feel comfort because he is someone that I know will be there if something were to truly happen to me or if I asked. My mother would not.
cali sister
ParticipantAnita. Letâs talk about the squirm. It causes me severe back tension and scattered brain. I actually physically squirm sometimes. I have to talk myself out of it and does not last longer than maybe 5 minutes.
At this bachelorette: I am doing pretty well. And I am glad. There are just moments where I feel as lonely as ever when I see how my friend (the bride to me) has so much family support and friend support. And I think about how I have to go back home. Â And be all alone again. Â Would you be able to help me with this?
cali sister
ParticipantYes I agree. I just called my parents from the airport (mostly to check in on my dad). The moment my mother took the phone. I felt the anger come in. The things she said were so irritating. And worst of all was her voice. Oh her voice. I wanted to throw my phone out. I couldnât wait to get out off the phone. Itâs almost similar to a dog trying to squirm through a small space. Oh thatâs enough for a week I think!
cali sister
more trivia: i love fashion and used to be a dancer!
when i think of me and my puppy: i think of me and my mom. someone who is not ready to be a mother. thank god my puppy cannot be influenced by me mentally. and so he trots along happy. and i take the utmost care of him. i cannot wait, with this healing process i have began, to start feeling unconditional love for him. rather than just KNOWING i have it. i have to love me first.
he’s such a sweetie. i want to feel better so i can feel not so anxious around him.
my therapist told me to stop using the words “im not normal” – here is what i am to say: i am someone who has abused and i am on my path to getting better. the way i behave is an expected outcome of what i have been through.
cali sister
thank you for your post.
i understand all you have said. i actually do not tell her about suicidal thoughts that often. but i think when i do, it seems like it is always happening. so i get that.
like i overwhelm her, she overwhelms me. constantly copy and pasting tiny buddha into emails to me. or asking me to practice tactics on the phone. the way that you describe how i overwhelm her or reach out to her repeatedly – that is something of the past that she has held on to because it has been traumatizing. i understand that. however, it is just not true that i do that on a regular basis anymore. with distance, we will see that. the part i found most offensive in her talk is that she made me feel (i know it may not be true), but in that moment, that i am doing all of this to her. but what about what she does to me? she never states that. to me or her husband (me just simply venting here). regardless, because of this, we will indeed keep distance. i agree with you fully.
i am leaving for my best friends bachelorette tomorrow. i have goals: smile, breathe, do not drink (if i have to for traditions, 2 maximum), leave the club/bar scene if i want to. i can do what i want. like you said, i have freedom. i have power
yesterday at the dog park, my puppy got attacked by another dog and was bleeding. he was yelping. i grabbed him. i cried. and cried and cried. i felt: wow i am his mother. and i have to nurture him. imagine how he would feel if i just left him. i do not want to be my mother.
therapy homework: find 3 affirmations by louise hay that mean something to you. put them on your bathroom mirror. read them out loud every morning and night. do not memorize them. read them out loud. Next, buy a doll that represents me as a little girl. she will come to each session we have.
cali sister (by the way – my favorite color is green, and i love mexican food!)
cali sister
Participantreferencing meaning telling her or me to go read one others posts. her and i will no longer read. thats our agreement. i understand it does not affect you or that you don’t care. i am not blaming you, in any regard. my words may come off wrong.
I was referring to:Â she told me that she was told to read what you had written on my post by you – and this resulted her in saying “even anita doesn’t want to help you anymore.” which quite frankly, made me burst into tears. “even someone who doesn’t know doesn’t want to talk to you. I dont even read your posts. i only did bc she told me to”
This is what i meant by reference. i am sorry if you misunderstood.
cali sister
Participanti understand. i honestly was deeply offended and felt that i needed to stand up for myself.
i had asked regarding the statements my sister said to me and how to heal from them. that is all. regardless if it is my sister or C – they are statements that were very offensive. all i was asking is how to deal with them.
if you do not feel comfortable, i understand.
cali sister
Participantthank you. means a lot. i enjoy writing here.
i have received some great homework assignments from my therapist and am excited to complete them. i will see in future sessions if she is a good fit for me
with regards to my sister, i understand where you and her are coming from. that it is unfair to release my distress and expect her to heal me. i did not realize i was doing this. however, i do want to say that many times she has done this to me as well. again, i am not saying i DO NOT do this. i see that i do now. but i think what i am trying to say is we are both struggling, so she is not someone who’s advice that i think i should take anymore.
yesterday she called me, and i understand she is angry, i do. but here are some things she said to me. i wanted to see how you would think of such statements and how i should take them because i am struggling with them:
this is my sister speaking: you are exactly like our mom. you have feelings of grandiosity. you think you are so cool and fun. youre not. i am not born on this earth to take care of you and our family. cut your crap. no one wants to be around you and no one likes you. go read anitas post to you, even she wants nothing to do with you anymore. you push everyone away. i am the only one that is shining in this family and i am the only one that has made something for myself. i am the only one that is successful. you cant even do your residency, think about what i do. i operate. i am like a superhuman. i do not want to tell you these things because i think it will just cause you to jump off a bridge. but you need to hear it. everyone leaves you. you cant do anything. so what you moved away, you havent been able to function one day. who cares about your director or C. your director has bipolar. he’s crazy himself. stop listening or talking about these people.
i find many of these statements false. to be honest, my director believed in me and the couple days i have been back at work, i have been doing well. he’s not “crazy,” he’s a great support i have.
i may be not seeing the truth. but i admit that. this forum is for me to write my honest thoughts. i am not my mother. your post states how it is not fair how i treat her, but what about how she treats me? this is why i would like to avoid any sister talk/conflict. i wrote that statement, but i do not expect you to respond. just saying, there are two sides. and i am truly sick of everyone blaming me. when my parents are angry at her, they scream at me. when she is angry at my mom, she screams at me. since i was a young girl, she would talk my mothers anger out on me. on one new years, she did the same. she said, since i live at home, my presence reminds her of my mother. her husband said this was not fair. i found out about my father’s cardiac procedure. i understand my mother said horrible things to her. when i found out they did the same to me. she, however, yelled at me probably more so than she would have if this did not happen. she abuses me too. the examples i have are endless. my sister has played a role in my detriment as well. and i have played a role in hers. we are not healthy for each other right now.
the reason i may get defensive is because most times we speak, she is the one bringing up distressing topics or constantly talking about my mother. it is not me. ever. i will talk about something that happened at work (she will half listen the way my parents do) and then immediately bring up tiny buddha or my mother. i try to change the subject and talk about something else. she states “i cant talk about anything else with you because you are not normal. i cant be your normal sister. i dont care about your friends. they never last anyway.” i am not in this instance trying to be “fun and cool”, i am just trying to talk about something else that is not MOM. so i understand i have caused her distress, but she has also caused me distress. i think it is best for me to cut contact for a while. not NO contact. but just basically telling her i am alive. just as i am not healthy for me, she is not healthy for me. what she does to me is not fair either. sending me paragraphs and paragraphs of messages. sending me huge, long emails and then getting angry when i do not read them. then acting like it did not happen the next day. the things she says i do to her, she has done to me. i do not want to play this back and forth game. I UNDERSTAND she has taken on a parent figure, but she cannot be a parent because she herself is also in need of therapy. from now on, i will write here, to myself, or speak to a therapist.
i repeat:Â my sister has played a role in my detriment as well. and i have played a role in hers. we are not healthy for each other right now.Â
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
cali sister.
cali sister
ParticipantI would like to share but I fear my sister reading the posts. I find that there are two sides to some things and I have been unable to put my input.
What I said about the couples therapy is not an opinion. Â It is something I have been told by 3 of my therapists thus far
I spoke to her and agreed that we will not read each otherâs posts. Based on that, I would like to ask you not to reference our posts to each other. So we can explore our own journeys here
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
cali sister.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
cali sister.
cali sister
ParticipantI understand. However, there is no way for me to guarantee my sister will not read my posts. It is no longer my safe place to write what I want and not have her affected. I understand what you are saying, I will accept it with time. However, I do not think we will be able to explore me exclusively with you hearing my sister’s voice and my voice. I see it like a therapist who cannot do couples therapy with her client. She can only focus on her one client, and they would have to get couples therapy separately.
I have no way of continuing to share honesty here without fear.
I have attended therapy sessions already. And will be doing it 2-3 times a week. Have homework assignments
cali sister
cali sister
ParticipantI believe I just reported my own post by mistake. Did not mean to do that.
Regardless, I understand where you are coming from. I feel I need time to let a lot of things sink in. I may have made the mistake of using this public forum as my diary – with my every thought portrayed and every feeling of distress –Â and perhaps I should start writing only for myself for a bit.
Thanks for your honesty and all of your words. I will talk to you soon. Be well. You are an amazing person, anita. Truly inspiring.
cali sister
I did have my appointment and it went well. I understand. I am not sure what to write here anymore or if I should. I believe perhaps it is not good for both my sister and I to write on tiny buddha at the same time. I am not sure. I am obviously causing her much distress, so I rather just lay back for a while.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by
cali sister.
cali sister
I woke up from a nap today. I did not feel right. I know I have to heal. But I did not like the way I was going about it. It was inducing even more stress upon me. My meeting my director was 2 hours from that point. It was an odd feeling. But similar to those moments of clarity they describe in movies. When things make sense. And you feel lighter. I actually could breathe. I knew something was wrong.
I had this fleeting thought. “You know, maybe I can keep going.” I thought about continuing. Thought about my work day the next day. I can do it. I can keep the job security and all i have worked for and still heal maybe? Conundrum of thoughts. Yes, I have been working. But have i actually been trying to heal? No. Psychiatry. Therapy. No.
I started writing in a journal. To help guide my thought process and my discussion with my director.
I am not sure if I have covered this before: the biggest anxiety (the most, MOST, influential mom voice that has hindered my peace in school and work) is these three statements:
- you cannot do this
- you do not understand
- you donât know anything
To give some examples for better understanding:
College. Freshman year. I was unable to continue taking my chemistry course because every time I read a sentence or took a note this is exactly what my mind would say, âdo you even know what you just read? Do you get that? I donât think you do.â This was unbearable. I would just cry. I had to speak to the Dean. They allowed me to take the course in the summer. I remember one lady in the office told me, you know, maybe this just isnât for you. I said, âNo. This is for me. I just need some extra help.â
Same thing happened in my last year of obtaining my doctorate. I was studying for final exams and the voices would convince me that I forgot the basic things – I remember I would panic and actually forget them â meaning my brain could not remember FOR REAL! I would panic and text my best friend and say, âhey, this dopamine agonist pharmacologically means this right?â Mind you, I truly knew. And probably achieved one of the best grades in the class. These three statements have also followed me throughout my actual practice. They have not (which I will get into in a bit) affected my performance. But getting through it is the most distressing, horrible experience. These are the three statements that I would like to work on most. These are currently the most detrimental statements for me. Because as an adult, my career is important; not only because it just is to me, but also because it is how I can provide myself with basic needs (money).
I wrote about these concepts in my journal. As I wrote about this, I realized. Wow. This is my disease. This is my disorder. I struggle with something. My anxiety is not me. My anxiety is not the pharmacist I am. My anxieties are what have made my life so distressful and have made it difficult to think clearly. It is hindering me. I wanted to fight it.
I wrote: my goal right now is not to love this career and become the best pharmacist ever. My goal is to do the best I can. To try. My goal is to function. To eat. To survive. I cannot love anything right now. I know I would be just as unhappy if I was volunteering at an animal shelter. I am not sure I truly hate what I am doing as much as I make it seem. I will know that when I am at a better place mentally.
I wrote: I can finish this program. I know I can. I want to. I do not expect special treatment. I may be slower. I have an anxiety disorder. I just need tactics and help to get through.
I am trying to function, but I am simultaneously putting immense pressures on myself that are unattainable. I am trying to force myself to be a certain thing that I am not.
It is OKAY. Things do not have to go a certain way. Things can stray. New paths can be made.
My director arrives. I explain all of this. He made me feel calmer than I have ever felt in the past 5 months. I tell him how I see myself. He states how I have progressed immensely through the program and have not let any of these factors affect my performance. He states how he cannot wait until I can finally see that too. He states how on Monday morning when I felt that distressed, instead of not going to work, I should have went in, went to his office, and told him how I am feeling. He would have accommodated the day for me. He states how he is here to help me get through and that I can fight this. I can fight the anxiety. That I am brilliant and cannot let it control me. âIf you have a day where you have no ability to take care of patients, then you wont. We will have you do something else. You will go home early if you have to. But COME IN. Just come in. Be open. Donât shut us out. Mental illness must be understood and supported. You are not going to leave, I wont let you (he said this in a loving way by the way, not forcefully). You will fight this. You will be honest with me and tell me how you feel. There is still so much room for you to grow. Work will help you. Staying at home, what will that do for you? Come in. We can help. We are here for support.â
He himself suffers from bipolar disorder and has had many mental health struggles. He was able to give me stories of his own and how he does not allow it to take control of him. It was inspiring. Told me how it took him years to get to this point but that I can do it too. When he first started, he felt like me and wanted to quit. Trying to reach this unattainable goal of doing everything: feeling better, being the best pharmacist etc. He met a colleague in the hospital who bought him a book that meant a lot to her. She wrote a note to him in the book that stated, âimperfection is liberating.â
He stated how my therapy appointments, psychiatry appointments â will all be dealt with and accommodated.
I did not go to him because I felt that I was failing him. He told me (in other words but I am summarizing) that I am putting him on a pedestal that is 55,000 feet and putting myself in negative values. âDo not put me that high. I do not need to be there. That is unrealistic.â
I told him how I am going crazy trying to find a job. He stated, âthat is not the worry right now. That comes later. We will find a great one for you and youâll buy a Jaguar.â
I expressed my concerns of a knowledge gap that I have or not being as competent as my co-resident. He said the same thing I said to myself: you do the best you can. All you can do is what you can. You are doing fine. And even at you’re lowest, you’re good. So imagine how good you are at your best!â
Essentially, I realized I kept hiding away when I felt this way. I shut people out. I go in a cycle. I hide. I do not show up to work. I talk to people on the outside and get one thousand opinions. I think I am incompetent and incapable. I truly believe I know nothing. When in reality, just like my director said, if I could just force myself to go in, I know it would be better.
This entire time when I was making the decision of leaving and only healing, I knew in my heart it was not right. I did not want to actually leave. I just needed help figuring out how to function. Next time this happens, because it will, I will go in to work. He said even if you’re in tears â just COME. You can do this. âTomorrow when you come in, since you’re anxious about using the computer system after a couple months, I will print it all for you. These are minor things.â
These minor things are hindering me. And this is what I want my focus of therapy to be. And my conversations with you. Those three statements I mentioned in the beginning. They are the most detrimental to me. In all aspects of my life.
There it is. I am continuing. But not the same way as before. With more honesty with my director (which was needed because now I can be honest about my âbadâ days). And with ACTUALLY healing. I need medications right now. I know I do. I accept that.
Here is a slight example of a morning routine that I think will work best:
Before work:
Wake up. Briefly look at phone (alarm).
Take puppy out.
Brush teeth/mouthwash
Put music on
Pick outfit for the day BEFORE shower (preferably night before if possible)
Feed puppy
Get ready in interim
Take puppy out
Eat breakfast at home; not on the way and not at my desk when work starts
Drive puppy to daycare (8 min away)
Come back home
Leave phone at home (not all days, but some. If not, immediately put it in drawer at work. If needed can also put in directors drawer with his)
Walk to work
After work:
Pick up puppy from day care
Play with puppy when back at home, put phone away during this time
Let puppy play, cook dinner
Depending on when: journaling, therapy, psychiatrist, exercise
Things I need to cut down on (extra stressors to remove)
- social activities â going out of my way to make many social plans
- boy interactions â seeking them out; seeking Alex out
- speaking to C
I will no longer be able to post a lot in the mornings due to my new rotations. But I hope I get to get at least one post in a day before you log off.
Cali sister
cali sister
ParticipantI understand.
But how? How is this possible if i just sit at home all day? this is how i feel. i understand i have to heal..but how..will all these amazing things happen?
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by