
Cali Chica

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  • in reply to: Self Trust #274483
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    A center with all in it! Oh, how I want this.  I feel quite overwhelmed with the prospect.

    2.5 mile walk! Anita – that is a long ways with a hurting leg! Does it throb today? How does it look? How does it feel? Twice the time, it humbles us doesn’t it – when we see the true way our limbs serve us, mind and body.


    So as far as the wellness center goes, so much negative frenzy in the brain:

    the true things that go through my brain constantly, here’s the stream of consciousness without filter:

    • others can manage this, but why can’t i – some of them aren’t even passionate or caring about patients, just great business people
    • god, how unfair, the people who actually have the spirit and true authenticity and honest care for patients don’t “succeed” and it’s those phony people who get popular
    • gosh, I feel so exhausted, how would I even begin to think of such a venture…what a shame, my talent and passion will go to waste. someone like me could do so well with this concept, an help so many! I am MADE to do this – sigh…
    in reply to: Self Trust #274297
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I wonder if you did walk Friday, and Saturday,and today.  I wonder how your leg is feeling.  Sometimes it feels as though healing is lightning speed, oh how wonderful – and at the same time as slow as can be.  In any way it is a beauty how the body heals it self — it is visual so we can see it, and tangibly feel it.  When it comes to the mind, it is much easier to not “see” the healing that takes place.  And like anything else, sometimes things have to feel much worse before they get better – or maybe not “much worse” but different that’s for sure…

    I have thought all weekend about my wellness center.  How to approach it, how to even begin speaking about it, so much to say, such a whirlwind of ideas. So much authentic passion, and drive – yet a fine line towards anxiety.

    I will let this simmer and get back to you about my wellness center later this week.  This will motivate me to think of it (or the plan of it) in a more coherent way, which will help me understand my intentions, and also be able to better explain them to others.  As I have learned when an idea, plan, or choice comes from a place of frenzy or anxiety – it does not reap the same results as it does when it comes from a place of love and calm.  Of course it is not black and white.  But I know myself enough now, that there is more “negative” chaotic energy backing this idea, then calm confident energy.  Will it remain this way? I don’t think so.  I wonder what you will think.  We will loop back around to it.

    I thought today about how so much is interesting.  I don’t want to use the word “sad” – oh how sad.  Or how ironic.  Nope, because self speech, and the speech we have about our own life, affects and in many ways even dictates the way we feel about our own self.  Small, scared, fragile, on the brink? Well, look deep – what is the dialogue you are telling yourself?

    I feel like this often, I think.  Maybe a lot MORE often than I even realize, as it becomes innate.  Innate to self badger, innate to not self-lift.  How interesting (first use of the term) that we can be in charge of this.  And no, it is not made up.  It is not phony.  It is not “fake it till you make it.” It is simply just lack of self-judgement.

    Today I went to a wonderful yoga class, and took a hot shower after.  The whole process took most of my late afternoon.  I seldom have this time, but more importantly MAKE this time.  Yes, I dedicated half my day to self care.  Oh how often I would wish for this time.  “oh if only I could spend half a day doing yoga, and relaxing.”  Oh how lucky other women seemed, those who had liberty to do such.  “oh I hope one day I can do that.”

    So here I am today.  I did it. Didn’t I? Was it earth shattering? No.  But was it natural, or innate? No.

    I think about how not 10 minutes would go by, that I would think oh I am relaxing.  Almost in a surprise way, like wait – did I forget to worry about that thing.  It is hard to explain, but It is like catching yourself off guard.

    “forgetting to worry”

    So then you quickly snap back, oh right, THAT’s what I am supposed to worry about…and then again, find yourself unplugged not worried, and self reminder.

    How interesting this internal watch is.  Watching me, saying – hey you, remember you’re supposed to be DOING something.  Like a mother voice telling a child…don’t forget to pick up after yourself – while the child is immersed in play.  Yes, a lot like that.  Except, the child likely doesn’t think much of it at a tender age, but as an adult – we can be snapped out of the pleasant experience we are having.

    Yes, the anxiety voice, and the mother voice, aims to do that.  It is the enemy of quiet.  It is the enemy of “NOT-doing”

    This voice reminds you who you “are” – the woman who constantly thinks about something day in and day out.  Reminds you that is “you” and your “duty.” Reminds you to not get side tracked and step away from this mental grip.

    How interesting, that they say with practice, that this voice can become distant.  That relaxing becomes easier, just as something such as say running.  That to commit to an activity, even one of NON-doing takes practice.  After all, like you say, it is rewiring of the neuropathways.

    So how interesting, that your whole life you want those moments.  Of serenity, of time.  Of solace, and self care.  Yet, they aren’t exactly what they seem from the outside.  They aren’t perfectly still and quiet.  But hopefully with time, and protection, these moments will separate from the voices, and become their own.

    in reply to: Self Trust #273893
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    today you should definitely rest! your body is telling you something, the weakness and shivering – time to rest my dear friend.  please do.

    in reply to: Self Trust #273875
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Interesting timing.  The job requires me to exert a lot of effort on behalf of the practice, managing, directing, marketing etc.

    As much as I feel I have the skills for it, i notice that my inclination is to utilize those skills more for a personal endeavor.  For so long I have wanted to start a wellness center, to treat patients from the inside to out.  Utilize my understanding of the mind and body.  With my current job I have the ability to seek such endeavors during down time.  And I do hope to in time.

    It looks like option B is starting to look like an endeavor that will not be a win-win.  I am glad I had the opportunity to explore.

    in reply to: Self Trust #273833
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    My thoughts exactly.  I am not someone who enjoys or craves idle time, and am an excellent multi-tasker. but that can lead me to get involved with people like my sister or N, because I make sure I am using my time to do things. I can be served by the extra “work at home” because it is being busy with nonsense vs. busy with leadership and growth!

    in reply to: Self Trust #273825
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Downtown Manhattan! How fun! Must have been an interesting time.  NYC it is.  Look forward to planning in the future.

    I started a new job in NYC 2 weeks ago, as you know.

    Interestingly, there is a new opportunity in the area (near my apartment in fact) that would involve some leadership, and directorship.  Although I am young in my career, they are considering me as a strong candidate – which is pretty incredible.  I interviewed with some of the senior physicians this week.

    It hasn’t progressed to the point that I am “choosing” between jobs – Yet a lot comes to mind.

    Option A, current job, has better hours, and no “work to bring home.” I go to work, I come home.  I can attend to things in my personal life without thought about the job – when I get home.

    Option B, is a leadership position, so as a result, you are quite involved with the practice and the department.  I will be involved with work after hours, whether its management of individuals, or larger aspects.  Option B is a stepping stone for career advancement perhaps.

    two similar but different options, and different packages too, as a result – to a point.

    I do wonder how all of this will play out.  I am grateful to have such opportunities.  I do know the universe knows I have talents and abilities to engage with people in ways that are unique, and thus, I am well suited for the leadership aspect of a position.

    in reply to: Self Trust #273819
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Exactly, it is all about using people for N, and like personalities. And I do (and always had) better things to do with my time, but now more than ever.  The difference now is that I am empowered in my own ability to make such a choice.

    I do agree in some cases, walking and getting some blood flow (gently) does promote healing, and helps things be less “stiff.” But take it easy, especially in the cold.

    I am a vegetarian, and my husband is not.  I would still be happy to go there! And I know my husband would enjoy it. Yes would be happy to meet you in NYC, or elsewhere, whenever it works out for all of us.


    in reply to: Self Trust #273813
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    My husband is glad to hear that you (and your husband) would like to meet us later in the year.  It is delightful.

    How is your leg? Did you get some rest? Are you able to do some activities that help it, such as stretching, heat, ice?

    Do you want to know something funny, N texted me yesterday – I could feel the urgency in her text, but covered up as caring and fun.  Wanting to make plans with me because she was available and close by, and wanting me to meet her “glorious” bf so I can see how happy she is. to show him how she is so popular.

    Persistent, and direct – even when I told her this week was not good for me. Yup, that’s N.

    And this is what’s funny – I looked at the text, and simply put my phone away.  I didn’t remember it until this morning. That’s it. And that’s how it goes doesn’t it Anita.  Once we process the reason why things irk us – they can slowly float away, not having as much of a grip on us.  Others only have power over us when we let them.  Often when we are confused and misunderstanding of our own root.  When we conquer the fear and confusion in our OWN selves, we can see the clarity of others – and we observe it – we don’t jump into it. We sit back…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Cali Chica.
    in reply to: Self Trust #273663
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Yes it shall! October is my birthday – it will be the best birthday present!

    in reply to: Self Trust #273653
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Oh I would love that! That brings tears to my eyes. And I will look up this restaurant! Oh Anita how lucky I am to have “met” you!

    in reply to: Self Trust #273637
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I have been focusing on the “small” picture a lot recently.  I do not judge that.  Yet, I am back to seeing the big picture.


    I know exactly why N affected me so much, and you helped me see.  It is the shame and guilt I hold, and the resentment for others who do not.  I see that instead of forcing myself to try to be this way, or accepting these types – at this point of my life, on the path.  I choose simply to not provide these types with any of my good energy.  I am okay and confident in this.


    I thought about you a lot last night, and told my husband how instrumental you have been in my journey.  I even joked that he would be lucky to have a connection with someone like you as well.

    in reply to: Self Trust #273451
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Thank you for this thoughtful post.  This really sticks out in my mind:

    You were determined, from a very early age, naturally, to be Good

    Yes, extremely determined from a young age, to the next age, to this age.  extremely goal oriented, extemely driven. – all seemingly good qualities, but in this sector – inability to let go and sit back.  even when it comes to the above- seeking out behavior that doesn’t feel innately okay – i am still determined.  because from a young age Cali Chica had to be “good.”

    you know what Anita, it does feel like everyone is the enemy sometimes – because as the mother voice said – everyone disappointing us.  people are selfish and self serving.

    yes, to a point many are – but others are simply self directed.  inner oriented, unlike me.  it is not an offense to me – for I am the one with the pathology – I am the one who lacks the ability to look HERE – always seeking THERE.

    By keeping an eye on them, I am fulfilling my duty. but yet there is this other aspect of addiction.  addiction to over THERE. no matter what THERE is.  for, if it isn’t here, it MUST be sought out.  to not seek it, is not doing my JOB. and that is not GOOD.

    in reply to: Self Trust #273409
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    here’s a start.

    If I focus over there, I am a good girl.  See Cali Chica, look how much fun you are having with N, you are so lucky to have a friend like her.  You should try to hang out with her more. Oh look at you, you’re so lucky, you always have good friends.  That is so important.  In life having friends is important, because if you don’t you will be alone.

    okay – mental note – friends above all.  friends friends friends. social social social. got it…mental note. check.


    so…do you see what’s missing (anything about my own self, or one’s own self, boundaries, needs, or own priorities)


    in reply to: Self Trust #273391
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    It is true, all in vain, but moreover – even before that aspect of grieving it – I am here. stuck.

    i do not know how to “not attend” to others and prioritize my husband and I first – CONSISTENTLY with it feeling natural, guilt-free and shame-free.

    perhaps that is my greatest distress.  the ability for this to be “my way” not an ongoing struggle.

    like someone who LOVES sweets and consistently attempts a dessert-free diet.  constant painstaking battle..

    i know the root, the deep feeling of shame and guilt if I don’t do such.  i know the source, the mother voice from a young age.  I also know that my mother made it a huge deal to throw yourself and family away for focus on others, and commended my ability to have so many friends and an active social life.  i know this furthermore ingrained the superhuman cali chica role, the social butterfly, not necessarily pushover – but the great balancer.

    but it is not balancing, when it is pushing myself, and now husband aside, for others – ESPECIALLY others who are not worthly of such attention…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Cali Chica.
    in reply to: Self Trust #273385
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Oh my! I am so sorry to hear about your leg.  I hope you take time to rest and digest.  I also hope the weather is not too cold out where you are, so that you can heal in time, and sit outdoors and get some fresh air.  You may have been “mindless” while doing housework – but these things happen.   I am glad you did not have a severe injury, and now you are aware next time you work outdoors.

    Despite this, thank you for taking the time to reply to me as always.

    and what you wrote below:

     think you are ashamed not to,  meaning shame drives you, feeling like a bad person if you don’t attend to others, if you don’t put yourself (and your husband) aside and attend to others.

    So when you see N withdrawing when she feels like it, doing what you would be too ashamed to do, you resent her for not feeling ashamed like you. I think  you want  to be a bit like her, to withdraw and  feel  comfortable to not attend to others.

    I don’t think you want to be flaky, but you envy the part  of her that feels comfortable, not apologetic and not conflicted about attending to herself when she  feels like it, anytime she feels like it

    YES! absolutely I am ASHAMED  not to attend, yet she can do it without worry.  I envy that I do.  I resent that.  Like you said not that I want to be HER, but I want to relinquish my guilt and shame.  but so much: envy the part  of her that feels comfortable, not apologetic and not conflicted about attending to herself when she  feels like it, anytime she feels like it

    and this is it, it goes beyond her, but the concept of her, and such people, or such a way of living.

    so then what?

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