
Cali Chica

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  • in reply to: Self Trust #275561
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Good morning. I re- read our posts yesterday and wanted to comment on the aspects I skipped over in my frenzy. Yes, it is like being medium okay for most of the month, and worsened terribly a week before that cycle. A pattern I have noticed now for a few months. However, I do by no means believe the other part of the month is perfectly fine and free of the symptoms.

    I started the medication again last night. I got the old RX refilled. No I have not found a psychiatrist here yet. Why? Because I do believe that over 99 percent of them are not going to be adequate, or simply aren’t as caring as they let off. It might sound negative. But it’s true. Especially as a physician with a knowledge of psychiatry given a lot of my own field overlaps with this – I have seen countless psychiatry doctors push pills one after another without ever listening to the person. Yes, over time I do believe I can find a good doc. In the meantime I am doing a retrial of the lexapro. If in about a mo th I don’t see anything changed I can increase the dosage. Hopefully by then I have found a doctor I like. As I can not be in charge of the medications only on my own. I know that Zoloft (which you took) has been effective for many with this, and some of my friends. Perhaps that could be a trial down the line. We shall see. It feels good that there are options – but that of course lends itself to having patience and an open mind.

    I do have that – because at this point what else is there? I can try my hrdest but it does feel like so much is “out of control” especially on this particularly bad days. It does feel like I can’t control the thoughts, anger, or outbursts.

    I was doing well there for a while Anita. And as a result our marriage was healing. Well now with my anger and outbursts I have created new wounds. I have been irrational unappreciative and having angry outbursts at my husband. Sure I can track “why” as it coincides with the physiology that is the wonderful women’s cycle often. But then what? Can I control it even 50 percent knowing that. No I can not. It feels uncontrollable.

    So let’s see over the next few months – let’s see if and what medication can assist me. Because like you said so well, if I am like this I can not heal. It feels that I am on a healing path but keep cutting my leg so t bleeds all over. So I pause and wipe it all up and have to attend to this new wound. Then a week or so goes by and I’m healing from this and now another, I cut my arm and now attend to it – etc. same cycle. As you can see a vicious cycle. With no net movement forward.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Cali Chica.
    in reply to: Self Trust #275405
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I agree, and thank you for your advice – I do admire your strength and ability to honestly speak about your experiences.  It is an incredible feat to do this – and so very much appreciated by myself – as this is a gem in this world.

    in reply to: Self Trust #275391
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I also forgot to note that this is so key, and thank you for stating it so well – this statement has given me a sense of a “sigh” that yes it makes total sense…

    but a relief is what you desperately need and without that relief you may not be able to continue the healing process.

    in reply to: Self Trust #275387
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I realize during the year before my wedding (in fact remember that horrendous time where I went to India for wedding shopping) I recall you saying to desperately get off the “crazy train.” That terrible time that was the pinnacle of what is the devastation that is my mother.  I realize then I had not shared, as life was such a frenzy, that I was put on Lexapro (a newer SSRi that was made to counteract some symptoms of the older classes – zoloft is supposed to be well tolerated as well).  I tried this medication, and I truly can not recall a major difference good or bad.  BUT what a CRAZYYYY time to be “trying” a new med! IT is like climbing Mt. Everest and taking caffeine pills, and saying, oh the hike was still difficult – the pills were —hmm i dunno.

    Anyway, since I did not have a poor experience with this medication (and only tried for about 6-8 months) i believe I will try it again.  I am excited – no – but it does feel like the logical next step.

    in reply to: Self Trust #275365
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Yes it is the gooey stuff.  I don’t have such a large “ego” or lack of true understanding of mental health to believe I am so powerful that I can “always” over come this all on my own.  I know I am only human.  I also know that modern medications exist for a reason, for treatment.  And that we have come a far way in psychiatry – although of course nothing is perfect.  Mental health is exceptionally difficult to treat as it is so multifactorial (what an understatment for you and I)

    I will likely do a trial of an SSRI, as other medications that are short term, to simply treat episodes are momentary – like an advil or a glass of wine.  SSRI (antidepressants) do “treat” or so is the logic behind making the drug – the “baseline imbalance or disorder.”

    in reply to: Self Trust #275349
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    By this I mean, as much as I don’t want to go the medication route, I feel these days (and certain days in previous months) that perhaps no matter what I do – I feel off, imbalanced, and that all my efforts bring me to 6/10 and to go upward from there (and believe me you know me) is out of my hands.  I do not believe medicines cure, especially in this realm, but perhaps I can try with all my might, but it is beyond that.

    in reply to: Self Trust #275347
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Yes, I feel sad too.  No, unfortunately I mean a psychiatrist.

    in reply to: Self Trust #275309
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Mothers who are Parasites.

    How figurative and NON fictional – you are absolutely right.

    I like the part about “jumping into the newborn body” disappearing – would love for you to elaborate about that.


    I am not doing so well.  I mentioned this briefly after coming back from vacation, that I have noticed a pattern with my moods and cycle (menstrual cycle).  Sorry if that is too much information.  It is not uncommon for women to have dips in moods, and irritability usually known as “pms” – however, there are more severe forms, in which the person truly suffers.  It is far from an annoyance and becomes true suffering.

    I believe I fall into this pool.  I have tracking this for a few months, and find a cyclical spot on pattern.  At first this was comforting as at least I “knew” what to expect, and when – and it made some sense.  Given my background, it made biological sense due to hormone changes, and dips.  It does make sense.

    However, since moving to NYC this has been quite severe.  This week has been quite bad, and I see that simply having awareness of what is going on in your body and mind are simply not enough.

    It is one of those things that at time I have clarity and understand that I am not feeling or acting like “me.” And other times it is like being possessed by an anger raged fill monster.  I am angry, bitter, and full of resentment.

    I do not believe that I can say this is not “me” entirely.  I know that I do have these emotions stuck inside me, and they are being processed, quite slowly. That when I feel them ebb away, they often come back – as is with healing.

    But I do know that at this time – I am suffering.  The vision of my mother and father are far away, and these days so is my sister.  But still the suffering does not feel so different.  In a way Anita, it does feel that nothing changes.  And at times, I do feel that perhaps “monthly” or maybe even more often – this will always happen.  In fact, it is apart of who I am.

    Some people have Diabetes, some others have Cancer.  Some others are plagued by mental illness, perhaps a “mental” cancer. I do believe this is a disease I will live with and suffer with.  And as much as it will ebb and flow – it will always be a burden to bear.

    I am considering seeing a licensed professional soon.  Perhaps, all that I try, talk, and journal, speak to you, eat well, do yoga, try my very hardest – perhaps it is just not enough.

    in reply to: Self Trust #274897
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Gooey stuff, so true – sticky, adhesive, clinging to every thought and moment.  It is nice to see clarity in between, ah ha moments where we find that we can break free of this.

    A great thing I am noticing these days is that the “goo” is not really “me.” I used to have trouble differentiating this, even up to a few months ago.  Feeling that it was all one and the same.  There is no differentiation between myself and the mother voice in that life.

    Now I know that in fact, the mother voice is a parasite that infects me – and that over time the virus can continue to shed, but I will either become immune to it, or perhaps be able to kill it off slowly but surely.

    in reply to: Self Trust #274877
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Good morning. Absolutely NO evidence of my mother as a good honest person.  So therefore, why would her thoughts or voice have any validity – correct? Delusions upon delusions.

    in reply to: Self Trust #274663
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I hope your leg feels like it is “going in the right direction.”


    I realize I started speaking to you about my anxieties related to developing a business – but not necessarily bring up background.  There are many key elements of thought that were enforced in me as a child based on things my parents said, and things I saw – that factors into such feeling.

    Many of this is related to the idea that “we aren’t lucky” like others.  Others (whether deserving or NOT) seem to get lucky and get the “good outcomes” yet, we aren’t so lucky.  This also I suppose ties in with the aspect of good is over “there” not here.  By definition.

    Another aspect is seeing my father, a smart intelligent man, many times getting the “short hand of the stick” and the sentiment arose that no matter how smart and talented you are, others may get ahead – and we don’t.  perhaps because we aren’t lucky, perhaps we don’t have the “grit” and ruthless way of those who are business savvy.

    this brings me to the next point.  There seems to be an ingrained sentiment of “good honest” people like myself don’t get ahead in the business world – but cunning ruthless do.  And this feels like a “shame” as it is not the best doctors/people who end up making their mark/finding success (whether it is financially, professionally, recognition, whatever it may be)

    in reply to: Self Trust #274531
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Thank you for your feedback, in short you made me realize – I CAN do it.  Perhaps I am scared to fail, perhaps I am simply tired (for all obvious reasons).  I know I have it in me, but I will not rush it – if it is meant to be the universe will bring it forth, when the time is right.

    Enjoy your time away, and please rest your leg.

    Be well.

    in reply to: Self Trust #274509
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    so true!!

    but here is something.  i HAVE seen with my own eyes, people building “wellness centers” or the likes – with no medical background or interest in people’s betterment.  just great at business ventures.

    when i see that i feel sad that someone who actually cares and has the authentic training and background is NOT doing this, and also angry / frustrated that such people “get away” with it…

    makes sense…?

    in reply to: Self Trust #274493
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    When I said “familiar” I meant the mother voice.

    “oh look how talented my daughter is, but the other girl got famous she didn’t”

    “oh look how much we have, and those people who don’t care, they get away with getting all that.”

    In this case it is like this – for broad example’s sake:

    There’s a girl, let’s say Emily, she’s talented young and passionate, she authentically wants to sing and enrich the lives of others.  But taylor never makes it, every year there are plenty of people who continue to surpass her and make their mark on the world, many of whom don’t have nearly the same talent or authenticity that she does.  Sigh, what a shame.  Emily never did make it did she.  She has so much potential, yet look at these others who “got away” with rising above, many of them phony!

    in reply to: Self Trust #274489
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    These sound wonderful, so much so that i can visualize it, and myself with a radiant smile.  i see it! i do!

    But what about the thoughts, and the anxiety? What about the fact that it feels “others” “get away” with achieving these goals, but someone who “should” will not..

    oh sounds familiar doesn’t it..

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