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Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I apologize that you felt distressed – at the similarities.
I am impressed at your ability to cope by taking your own advice.
Also know this, your insight from your own mother helped change someone else’s life – mine.
Take that in…
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
THANK YOU for taking the time to look back and post this, how kind, thoughtful, caring and dedicated you are to the progress of others. You truly are a gem – and the best part about this is that you know your ability/progress/wisdom but remain humble. Thank you for being you.
To your thoughts:
1) No, she was not happy when I was in her life. I understood a delusion: having me in her life made her MORE happy, so of course I must remain. Truth: she is unhappy if I am in it or not, she is unhappy whether this or that, she is unhappy PERIOD.
2) Yes, so much vicious attacking, always under the premise of “oh your poor mother” look how much she’s been through how could you be so cruel and mean. Cradle her like a baby or puppy and caress her back to good happiness (yeah right!)
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I wanted to let you know – it is now 1 year since I have spoken to my parents.
one year.
wow – one year.
so long, but so short.
See, it’s been a year of tremendous change, and healing (the beginning of healing) so the fact that it is a year or 9 months or 5 years does not matter. But – it is worth mentioning. It is worth reflecting.
Anita, over one year ago, we sat (in our respective coasts) and talked – and talked – and talked about a solution. You knew the solution almost the moment you “met” me. I was not ready to accept it. But situation after situation came and went, and the solution remained the same – cut these people out of your life. It is the only chance at a normal life.
And you were right of course, and you are right of course. Were and are…
So a year,
A year is interesting, it is the time a newborn takes to learn to walk usually
It is a time measure of education, going from one grade to the next, or from one chapter to the next, say high school to college
It is a time people, like to use in arbitrary ways, “oh we will wait a year to decide, or oh give it a year…”
A year.
Feels like something, feels like nothing.
I will say Anita, I know this is just the beginning of the healing journey. There were times a few months ago that I felt I had taken many steps on that path, climbed up a good amount, significant progress. Perhaps, but recently I know, this is the very beginning of a long and windy path. The goal is not to measure how long the path is, but just do your best to remain on it, every single day.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Good morning to you too!
Less time, less effort, less exertion if we relax into it
To me this also sounds like, accepting the situation as is – seeing what is in front of you with clarity. The person at the buffet looks around and sees all the entrees clearly, and looks inward at her desires and cravings clearly – she KNOWS where she stands
Yes, I think I have used the term baseline anxiety, and recently I think of it more like this: anxiety that is there in the background, but sometimes it comes to the forefront, and sometimes it stays in the back.
This can be due to a variety of factors including, hormones, diet, weather, they way I slept, or simply just because. I am doing a better job about not always trying to pinpoint – WHY.
I find myself when I am having a particularly bad day, looking back at what did I DO – oh I shouldn’t have had that second glass of wine. Oh I shouldn’t have stayed up to watch that TV show, I shouldn’t have answered that text so late – I shouldn’t have this or that.
All of it is true – good habits, keeping tabs on what works and doesn’t work (clearly more sleep, and relaxation are the way to go). BUT, constantly keeping tabs on this does take away on living in the now, it is negative self talk focused on what I did wrong, yesterday, or a few hours ago – but I can not undo it. So what can I do now? I find that this critical nature did work over the last year for big movements, cutting people out, making large changes – but perhaps I can be a little less critical of myself now – now that I am on the path I can teeter totter some..
I have my own barometer for what works and doesn’t. Perhaps it is important to listen to it, without analyzing why I became imbalanced, accept it, and get back on track
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Hello, how are you Anita? It has been one week since we last spoke, and I have thought about what we have spoken about in the last month – daily.
You wrote:
To choose thoughtfully instead of to automatically or habitually react. To choose, moment by moment, all day and tomorrow. It is exhausting sometimes.
Yes, quite exhausting. In fact, I was thinking about how it takes daily effort.
I think of it like this, a person who has difficulty with weight management, each and every day they have to be mindful about what they eat, if they go too much one way, they feel off balance. If they find themselves in a scenario where this may be difficult (i.e a party or a buffet) they have to have great self control/mindfulness. At times when they don’t it may be okay, but adding up – it leads them back down a vicious cycle.
I feel quite similar. If I make consistent right choices daily (go to yoga instead of engaging in something else, etc) I am able to stay balanced. Yet, life isn’t so straightforward. So now if I am in a scenario where all of this is tested, it is fine, and I may not always choose the option that keeps me centered (such as speak less, listen more – perhaps I go back to my old ways of talking before thinking) – and that is fine too – to a point. And that is it, after a certain point you become off balance (whether it is mentally or weight management or whatever it is) and then you feel you have to re-ground and re-start so to speak.
This can feel exhausting, to feel that a fine balance must be maintained to feel healthy, sane, good in your own skin.
This reply was modified 6 years ago by
Cali Chica.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Because when one enables dysfunction, one is being dysfunctional.
To me the new aspect of this quote is not the objective truth of it, but more so the power, confidence, and clarity to choose.
To choose function over dysfunction, and leaving guilt, patterns, and habits behind.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Excellent advice.
I will brainstorm.
As an additional note, I want to re-write.
No benefit in accommodating her delusions, her distorted thinking
Better stick to correct thinking, that which fits reality
Have your loyalty be to reality, keep your focus on it.
This goes with her especially, but anything in life. Yes, there is absolutely no benefit in accommodating delusional distorted people/thinking. All it brings is suffering. Best to stay away (when possible) best to protect my sphere, best to protect my energy so that I can focus on reality. Stick to reality.
I notice I was having very little trouble doing this recently – seeing reality. Seeing people for who they are, N, the bossy lady at work – not internalizing as my fault or something I can do or change.
I will continue at this.
There is no help in enabling dysfunction.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
No benefit in accommodating her delusions, her distorted thinking
Better stick to correct thinking, that which fits reality
Have your loyalty be to reality, keep your focus on it.
That AZ experience was no benefit to anyone, well except that my mother could gloat “oh my daughters look how supportive they are, look how much they care for one another and their mother.” but quickly – oh you’re leaving so soon. NO benefit to anyone, just distress upon distress. Distress breeding more distress. Dysfunction breeding more dysfunction.
All because of a delusional definition of what SUPPORT and help is. The mother’s distorted definitions.
No use of it. Needing help for rent, but then signing up for now two dogs to roam freely. Where does that time, money, and energy come from? The air? No, sister, it does not.
Best to prepare. How shall I do so. I would like to brainstorm here…
This reply was modified 6 years ago by
Cali Chica.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Excellent and incredible advice. Thank you so very much.
Here are some points that stood out to me:
- unable yet, as far as I know, to have a single healthy love relationship with a man. She lived across the country from her parents, failed to thrive away from them, went back to living with them and now she lives close to them and has been helped in practical ways by you and your husband, maybe by her parents as well.
- yes, my husband and I also discussed this. that she does not realize that dating her may not be as “easy going” as she thinks. she thinks herself a fun “chill” person but in reality, it would be hard for a functional sane man to want to date someone like her. (I do not say this in a malicious way, it is objective – as I too once acted more like her, and found myself with dysfunctional dating patterns)
- and yes, my parents and my husband and I have been the helpers, the once to provide support and stability, she lacks this in her own self.
- Focus your time, your energy, your money (yours and your husband’s, being a team), on your life, not hers.
- yes, just months ago I would have thought this statement to be selfish. from myself, or from you, or from anyone. or moreover, thought it to be IMPOSSIBLE. this is hardly the case – where I exert my resources, physicial and emotional, is entirely up to me. Whether or not I am burdened by guilt to help or not, is entirely up to me. Often not seeing reality (seeing her and her situation for what it is) will be harmful for me, like attempting to help someone into a task they have no business in performing, now, or perhaps never.
- There is no benefit for three people living dysfunctional lives
- yes and yes.
- if I go down, and my husband goes down – who does it help?
- does it help her, no? in fact everyone fails. so the goal is to preserve ourselves, not sink with the other.
- There really is nothing you can do for her, and it is so very unwise to try once again in any way.
- yes, I agree it IS only a matter of time before she is in crisis. When she made the erratic comment about getting another dog, some rescue from Asia (which would be a challenge for any dog owner) – I saw it CLEAR AND BOLD
- I thought to myself: dysfunction, delusion, lofty thinking, not down to reality
- My husband mentioned the dog comment yesterday, I remember now, and he said he doesn’t want to be involved in that and have to help. I said, nope. First of all a terrible idea, second if that’s her idea, it’s on her. If she thinks shes so responsible and mature to make those decisions, let her – but the consequences beginning to end are hers not ours.
- I thought to myself: dysfunction, delusion, lofty thinking, not down to reality
- yes, I agree it IS only a matter of time before she is in crisis. When she made the erratic comment about getting another dog, some rescue from Asia (which would be a challenge for any dog owner) – I saw it CLEAR AND BOLD
So yes, we must prepare for when she is in crisis. and YES, it is the responsibility of herself and my parents to dig her out. She does lack respect not just awareness. I say this because, someone who is not functional, and brings others down with her time and again- does not see the effects she has on someone else (especially if that person for all other purposes is sane) – this is like my mother. simply put, she doesn’t see the havoc she wreaks on kind nice people (my husband). she doesn’t see the havoc her erratic ways have on not just herself. she thinks herself responsible and mature, and that she can ‘handle it’
well what has she handled so well on her own?
yes, those accomplishments, but beyond – I recall her living in Arizona, and her mentioning how hard it was for someone to do what she did, move away on her own and succeed. I thougth about how I uprooted the one free weekend I had to “move her in” flying 3000 miles and back in just 40 hours (remember the story – it was the one weekend my husband and I needed as downtime) and so much more.
so NO, she leans on us, and she has zero awareness. and NO we will not be her saviors any longer. we must prepare
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
When I last posted, my husband and I were discussing exactly that – her energy. The way in which I wrote it, I did not mean to sound that her energy is necessarily toxic and destructive. However, I am glad that my husband and I spoke about it.
So on his end (and mine after seeing what he means and then looking back observing it), and it is tough to explain/articulate – it goes like this:
So imagine if you lived in NYC too, you’re my sister or close friend. You are going to be having dinner near my apartment, so you send me a text and say, hello I’ll be there, if you are around I will come by after – with my dog. I reply okay, we will be home in an hour, and going to be finally going through wedding pictures, but come over when you are done.
Normal – pretty much saying, yes we are home, but busy with a task we are going to do (since she’s family it is of course not awkward for her to be over while we do this, as she was intimately involved in the wedding itself) – my husband and I discuss about her coming over, he is cool and calm about it, and jokes that perhaps she can even help during this “dreaded task.”
She comes over with her dog. Her dog is small and hyper, and so when he and my dog play they have a great time, but it is a ton of ruckus and commotion, running around a 1 bedroom apartment. NO fault to the dogs, I am just objectively mentioning. They also had not seen each other in a while over a month or so, so the pups were happy to meet and play. My sister arrives and sits down, and we chat a little about our days and the dogs etc. We continue to go through the pictures (had started about half an hour prior to her arrival)
The dogs begin to get very loud and tumultuous so I mention that we should put them in the kitchen area with the gate up (small apartment) – she mentions “oh they haven’t seen each other in so long let them play.”
A nice normal benign comment – but when my hsuband and I discussed yesterday, we both talked about how – once again, she is off track from what our goal is (as husband and wife we are sitting down doing an important task) her focus is not “oh i came over but they are doing something important” it is ‘oh let the dogs have fun.”
so I say, yes they’re having fun, but we can’t focus right now, so let’s put them in the kitchen area. So we do.
Then about 20 mins later, once again a ruckus, so I feel perhaps one of them has to go to the bathroom, or something. So I mention it. She says, oh they’re fine.
So again, not noticing, okay my sister and her husband (a team that is older than me, and I am at their house, while they are doing something) – are trying to focus – what can I do to help out? No that is not there.
So like I mentioned before, instead of getting up myself and investigating (yes it is a few steps away) I repeat, “no looks liek they’re getting rowdy, go check make sure all is okay.” So she does, slowly….
That’s the point. If I was at someone’s place, friend, sister, etc – and they (that person and ESPECIALLY if their spouse was there too) were trying to focus on something – I would try my best to make sure my presence and that of my dog and I does not disrupt what they are trying to do. It would be something that I would think of (I like to think) or be aware of. Not this way.
So then lastly, after we go through some more, she begins talking about how her “dog is lonely” and she has already looked up a Thai rescue dog that she thinks she wants to get.
From the outside this sounds slightly absurd. Just moved a month ago, finally settling in I’m sure, starting first adult job, with first adult salary, learning to be financially and otherwise independent. This sounds very much like my mom, lofty convos and thoughts, not necessarily focused on reality or practicality.
Anyway – I cut her off. I don’t mention all the above, I simply said oh interesting, yeah I am not sure – but let’s talk about it another time, we need to get through the rest of these it’s getting late.
So all in all, while I type this, and after discussing with my husband. I notice a trend, her not aware that it isn’t about her, she doesn’t barge in with her dog to have a party – she’s coming over – it should occur to her that when I stated that I wanted to finally do this task – respect it – does that make sense.
So it is true we had a good evening, and it is true that I observed and was mindful, and as you said “excellent” on my end.
But when my husband and I spoke, he also mentioned that her energy is quite “erratic.” He is not like you and I, in that he describes behavior/psychology/etc and speaks in a descriptive way – as it is not his habit. But what he meant is something along the lines of “she tries hard to cover up” that she’s not lonely. She goes on and on about things, even when not the appropriate context. And even when we are in the middle of doing something important, another person may pick up on cues or have awareness -she lacks it. He also in the past has mentioned how I “change” around her and he does not like that.
This is true, and we spoke extensively last month about how I do. And how I go into help mode. And how I also turn into silly young girl jokey Cali Chica almost like an entertainer to her. This I did not do this time around, but of course it is not perfect. He mentioned how he thinks I handled the whole situation well, but he noticed how being around her does affect me. As her presence is not relaxing and calming, or “helpful” its more like she shows up and I have to regulate, and find a way for us to stay on task.
all in all though, I was not “severely” affected by her. Although I did sense some relief when she left. As I said it was late, time to go, evening was fine. More is not better. And phew task complete, and hangout with her successful on my end.
This reply was modified 6 years ago by
Cali Chica.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
thank you!
now none of this is to say this will be a frequent ocurrence. As even in the small time together I notice her energy does affect both myself and husband. Sure I was able to reroute it and recircuit back to task. But this does not mean that it is healthy on a regular basis.
Yet I am glad I was able to have this interaction and successfully be able to observe and interact!
my growth recently has mostly a lot to do with space from my sister. And I will protect this space.
This reply was modified 6 years ago by
Cali Chica.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
To Answer your last question. Yes I did ask him, we discussed it, I even thought about it myself thoroughly and systematically . I thought about whether her presence would disrupt our evening in anyway at all. I also thought about whether her presence would disrupt our important task at hand.
This reply was modified 6 years ago by
Cali Chica.
This reply was modified 6 years ago by
Cali Chica.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
This is the narrative. The observation is the following. I will get annoyed if I get side tracked. My husband will. When all week we set ourselves up to a task – and it became disrupted.
If I believered her coming over would in fact disrupt it, then she had no business coming over. But I didn’t believe that. I knew it would be okay.
When she did arrive there could have been a few situations that got us side tracked. Her talk about a new dog and going on about that. I nipped it. I helped redirect and focus a few times. It was my task so I stuck to it. If I got distracted by her whims. Well then that’s on me too. I held strong as an adult. Didn’t turn into a silly child like I usually would have. Sitting there joking and talking about dogs while my husband sat there waiting for us to get back on track – or simply getting annoyed. Nope. A foolish child does that.
I felt good having control. Over my own self. And situation. See the goal here was not to help her or change her or anything about her. It was just some time spent together. We were doing something important while she was over. And I did not let her take away. I did not jump into her life. I was not burdened by a need to help. And I was not guilty. She cane and she left. In between I directed her. We were focusing on something and if there was a big distraction (dogs creating ruckus in the other room) I let her handle it. I didn’t handle it myself and then feel resentful and snap and then feel guilty. A vicious cycle. Nope. I also didn’t feel annoyed that she doesn’t have the foresight to get up and do something like that when she sees others are trying to focus. No she’s focused on having fun. Well that’s fine. It I said go do this. She did. All was well.
Lastly – when she state she was heading home. It was ok. Normal. Late and everyone’s tired. That’s it. More is not better. She did not need to stay longer it would benefit no one. The evening was fine and it was now over. More is not better. Honor what is needed and honor space and rest.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita, my sister sent me a text yesterday that she was getting dinner with a friend near my apartment. She asked if I was available and if so she would stop by. My husband and I are about to sit down and go through our wedding pictures, a task that we have put off for over a year now. So plan is we are going to sit down and finally tackling, go through thousands of pictures and pick about 100. On Saturday night.
I thought – in the past, if she came over during the task like this I would go away from what I need to do with myself and my husband and then focus on her. That will not happen today. So if she wants to come over great, but we are doing this task, she can sit here or help us. But this is the goal of the night.So I said to her OK that’s fine, we are going through wedding pictures so come on over whenever.She comes over, she brings her dog, our dogs play and that is nice but of course rowdy, there’s definitely some commotion, and I decide that we have to get back on track to go through these pictures, having two dogs and a small apartment and all of us, the focus was lost of course for a few minutes. So we get back on track, we start having fun and joking around about many of the pictures. Halfway through the experience she starts telling us a little bit about her work and her new neighborhood. All good things, some of the new people she has met. She then started talking about how she think she wants to get another dog because her dog is very lonely.So here: Naturally and instinctively I think about how it’s probably not a good idea, given that she just moved here and still balancing a new job, finances, new place city etc. But I don’t say that, I say OK Interesting, let’s talk about it later now gottA get back to the pictures.Done: we continue with that, going through the pictures, the dogs start causing some ruckus in the other room, so I let her know that it’s too loud and they may have to be let out, and that she should go make sure they’re OK. In the past I would’ve gotten up myself and then gotten annoyed that I can’t just finish this task at hand, and then my husband may have gotten annoyed our one task we needed to do was disrupted since my sister was over. Etc.but I realize, she is sitting here and able to help equally, not my responsibility to do everything. I’m sitting here focused on the task. So she handles that. She gets up and manages the dogs. Simple.So we continued, and around 10 PM we finally finished going through all the pictures. It was a sigh of relief, we then thought to step out to get a snack. It’s nyc on a Saturday so 10 pm is lively and lots of places to eat. At that time she mentioned that she was going to head back to her apartment. The old me might’ve said – oh don’t go, why don’t you eat something with us first. But I don’t say that, it was getting late my husband and I were tired and cranky from all of the hours in front of the screen looking at the pictures, what we needed was some relaxing downtime and a good meal. That’s it. Simple. So yes It was best that she went home and that we all got some rest. Good for all. Nice evening overall.The end.Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
being in the dark too long many reject light. Makes total sense. I’ve seen this even in small ways. A person who is consistently angry to see others rise up and find happiness while he stays in the dark. No concept that those people may have light and his is off. In fact rejecting the light if it is attempted to be shined on him.
I see in my mother that child was imprisoned. And yes once in a while you’ll see a glimpse, a small glimpse of true light – childlike. Yet the baseline state is darkness. The light is off.
I think about this in my current life, holding on to what doesn’t serve me.
So – last night my sister came over. It was about an hour – and I observed a lot. So much. And it was interesting. In my next post I will write to you about this.
This reply was modified 6 years ago by