
Cali Chica

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  • in reply to: Self Trust #288949
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    It feels sad, like a shame, and such a wrongdoing on my mothers end.

    When I say this, I don’t feel anything. I don’t feel sad, bad, angry.  I am saying this with my conscious mind, my intelligence, my understanding.  But it does not feel like anything.

    Such as reading a diagnosis in a text book, but not evoking any feeling – perhaps dissociated from me.

    in reply to: Self Trust #288937
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    My being a thing, and those qualities that were a tool – for her to think well of me/her, of her to others.

    She felt good showing off.

    If I had a lot of friends, oh look at my darling daughter the popular socialite.

    If I was a doctor, oh look at my aamzing daughter she can do it all

    If I was dancing, oh look she takes after me doesn’t she, she has that dancer in her

    If I had a good boyfriend (one acceptable to society, good family, career, etc) , look at how great I raised her to meet a nice boy she deserves

    Always the case.

    but interesting how CC now, is still in a way, connected to seeking the things she taught me to – that wwere the right things, the “right things” I should say

    in reply to: Self Trust #288933
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    By the way, I started watching this series “The Act’ it is based on a true life story. In which a mother, Dee Dee blanchard, infantilizes her daughter, by creating illness and continue to keep her child in the sick role, in a wheelchair even though she can walk, with a feeding tube even though she can eat.  The story ends up being that her daughter grows up to resent her to the point of killing her.  And many details in between.

    I bring it up – because it is an extreme example – but one in that, the daughter as time goes, on starts to see the truth between the lies.  Not just about her mother, but about her own self.  It is interesting in the fact that I feel I can relate to parts of it, feeling conflicted of wanting to exert “independence” but feeling guilty that this would make my mother feel bad.

    Just wanted to add.

    in reply to: Self Trust #288931
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Separating truth from lies.  I absolutely agree.  That is the work I will do, I am prepared.

    As per the second post, yes.  If I found that “the love she never had” it would bring contentment to her heart.  Fulfill her, give her what she lacked.  Have her live vicariously through me..

    As we know the outcome was not that way..  If we brought her the X thing she lacked, she asked for Y.  If we thought about Y she said Y is filthy, go back to X.  And on and on.

    I will wait for your reply to guide my thoughts/conversation.

    in reply to: Self Trust #288911
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I hope you read my previous post, and would like you to comment on that first before proceeding and reading here. I am continuing to write as it is flowing well this morning.


    So the last part of my post, it also goes along with the idea of that she only talked about fantasy. She glorified sexual encounters I need up. Did she actually talk about the physical act or explicit details, no. But she glorified the fact that some men can be so incredible, and amazing, and fulfill woman. And that is very important to fine. She would tell us that unfortunately she is so scarred and miserable because she did not have this in her life, so she hopes that my sister and I find that.

    Now in my own life, I was never very promiscuous, quite focused on meeting good boys, and dating. I was never the type to sleep around, or be that sexually driven. But most importantly the entire concept of all of this was very scewed in my head.

    It’s like the Cinderella example what if someone told you that love and marriage is exactly like Cinderella, and that is the only example you know. So when you actually meet someone and get married, you would be terribly disappointed, or confused, You think that something is wrong. With that person likely! “Look this isn’t right  this isn’t what is supposed to happen! This is nothing like Prince Charming and Cinderella!”

    so this background is a lot of the reason of my abuse and attacking of my husband. Not being taught reality, and LOVE

    being taught seeking and fantasy

    – I’ll add more soon


    in reply to: Self Trust #288907
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    It could absolutely be true. Especially as I got older. I left the house at 17 for college and then all of my schooling. I did not live far away, I would visit on certain weekends. Regardless, my sister who is almost 7 years younger was home during this time. My sister dealt a lot with what you have posted, my mother wanting her to be out of the house. I recall my sister would be starting downstairs in the same facility as my mother, and my large house, and my mother making snide comments about how she feels my sister is watching her, and feels annoyed that she’s always clinging to her. So then my sister would go upstairs and study in her room.It was like her presence annoyed her. You of course remember that we thought this was related to the fact that she is infuriated that my sister does not have many friends, and usually stays at home, more of a homebody during that time.

    There was that one example that you know about, when we were having guests over, I recall having a phone call from my sister saying that she was pretty much kicked out of the house. My mother said to her, Cole even do something, it’s embarrassing for gas to see a grown girl like you sitting at home while they are here, go to something and come back in a few hours so it doesn’t look bad.

    My mother had this idea that kids, teenagers, etc. should be out frolicking in the world with so many friends, that the parents shouldn’t have to be so involved in helping them have a social life. This was one of her biggest gripes of American culture, in India kids played outside and entertainment did. It have to be sought out constantly. In theory she has a point, as that was a different role she lived in, and a different environment. But her thesis is not really make sense when it comes to treating my sister this way.

    So during the time in my medical school and she was having this affair, I can absolutely imagine that she couldn’t stand to have my sister around, my sister even has stories of noticing that my mother was in the closet on the phone secretly, quickly turning off the phone and getting angry with my sister walked in. She would exclaim, I have no privacy in my own home!

    During this time my mother became very obsessed about speaking about the affairs of others. She said it was not uncommon for unhappily married Indian woman to have this sort of thing happen, they were arranged at a young age to men that they had nothing in common with, so as they reached middle-age, they often found themselves being attracted to other people, and finally having a chance. She would explain the stories to my sister and I as these woeful tragedies, this poor woman stuck with these horrible lives, finally having a chance to be set free finally some love.  Once again in theory could possibly make sense, and a movie, etc. This is not an unheard story or plot. And of course this is what we believed.

    You know something, this week I was watching that show again, the show of the dysfunctional family. It is a comedy, and there are multiple to dimensions. And one of the episodes, the oldest daughter, who is 21, ends up sleeping with a married man. There is so much hype and she hasn’t seen this guy since high school, and has lasted over him for many years. There is so much hype and build up to this sexual encounter of theirs, but when it finally happens, she’s left disappointed, it is almost comical.

    There’s a TV show, but it got me thinking. My mother always told the first part of the story didn’t she. She would tell the first part of the story, oh wow, this woman has been needing this sexual encounter, and finally she met this man could fulfill her, after 30 or 40 years of being all alone in that house. Of course she never tells the second part of the story, what actually happens? Does it actually make her happy? No. It’s like one small girls tell stories, they talk about a princess being carried away by his parents. But as an adult we know there are other dimensions. Does the spreads have a job? Do they actually get married? Do they have a stable marriage? I almost laughed as I write all of this, but it is pretty much reality versus fantasy. Did Cinderella actually have a retirement and long lasting husband!?

    Point of the matter is, she taught us nothing about reality in real life, just fed us fantasies and lies didn’t she. In fact, no matter how educated I am her only girl is in this scenario it doesn’t matter because the true life skills are all based on a fantasy.

    It is like saying, go out there find your prince charming Cinderella. So this girl is out there are seeking and seeking and is finding herself frustrated this prince charming that you explain mother I’m having trouble finding him. So the mother says will try harder, perhaps there is something wrong with you, why wouldn’t you be able to find him? So the girl the spares, and continues to try to find yourself deeply depressed that she will never succeed.

    But the mother fed her lies. The mother never taught her what is important, with the reality of this so-called prince would be. The mother never taught her what is important, how to approach peopleAnd that at the end of the day reality is more important than what we see on TV or hear from other people.

    As an educated woman in society, I truly believed all these fantasies. It’s not that I grew up watching Disney movies and thinking that they were real, no I had a delusional mother to feed these boys for me, different kinds of lies but fantasies nonetheless.

    The other thing is that it was all black and white, and so in the example above, she would explain the first part of this fantasy, scorned and alone woman going out and finding true love, how amazing, how inspring  But let’s say she decides to tell us another part of the story now, of course not the realistic ending. It would be that the man that she ends up with never leaves his own life. His own wife who is a fat troll. So alas this one woman continues her Misery.  What is the moral of the story? Is it that the women didn’t see things clearly? Is it that all that glitters isn’t gold? Yes, she would use this term countlessly. All that glitters isn’t gold. But listen to this, this would be her theory and conclusion. It would be that this poor woman has bad luck and she will never ever be happy…

    This is her example of all that glitters isn’t gold. It is that this poor woman will never be happy, or that other man is evil. That is it. It is not that the true moral of that story is that what we seek out is not always what it seems. No that would be the adult tomorrow or lesson. Nope, good or bad still a lofty example nonetheless. Always for her.

    Well, we talked about when my mother would make those comments about her unsatisfactory love life  You mentioned that it was at least good that she did not go into further detail, oh God. But that is not true, I didn’t want to really mention it here as it may not be something that is great to talk about. But regardless, my mother would talk about this,  that her needs wouldn’t be met. she would teach my sister and I that some women have more sexual desire than others, and so it is unfair for those women to be with men who cannot fulfill them. She would explain that some women are just that way. She told my sister and I that she believes my sister has that, and I don’t. She would say that some women are more hot, and some women are more cold. In this meaning of more or less lustful/sexually driven. If my sister was on this post right now she would explain it even better, but pretty much, she feels that ever since my sister was younger, she would be interested in romantic novels and books like that and TV shows, so she knows my sister has a higher drive like that. But she never saw that in me, and she knows that I am not that interested in those things, so I am not really like that.  She took great pride in explaining this to us, and finding solidarity with my sister in that they are both the same. Oh her and I – we are similar in that way. We just listed and observed we were not really offended or seemingly put off by this at all, or intrigued or anything  just listened.She would then go on and explain that women like her they have these increased desires and needs, and so if they are set up with a man who is not able to perform in such a manner, it is a tragedy.  I am refraining from adding my adult input here, as I want to explain it to you as it was back then.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Cali Chica.
    in reply to: Self Trust #288883
    Cali Chica

    Hello Anita,

    You are saying would make sense, it would make sense if we were talking about a sane person, a woman that is of her word, I woman who abides by her word and actually makes sense. Someone who is consistent and predictable. However in the case of my mother we are not dealing with this sort of human. We are dealing with an unpredictable beast. As you have seen her words do not match her actions, her words do not match her needs, she is unaware of her needs, which are fleeting and changing at any given second anyway. Like a toddler with his hands thrashing around wanting to poop and P and eat at all the same times. Which one first? All of them, none of them.

    I want to comes to the concept of being alone, I have seen the ugliest sides of my mother when she was in fact alone. Whether this meant that she was alone on a vacation, truly by herself. Or figuratively alone, feeling lonely. I can give you many different examples of this, and I will proceed to do so in the next post. But in short, my mother wanted desperately to be anything but alone, but she was so unbearable and miserable that she was unable to actually tolerate people around her. She was overwhelmed by the idea that my sister and I were lonely at home, so she wanted us to flee, and seek company of others she felt that this would satisfy her because then her daughters would have a social life that she always wanted, that she could never reach. Similarly When it came to my father she had true hatred for him in many ways given the way that he treated her early on, and also given the way that she is a narcissist who believes that her beauty and her amazing godliness is unreachable, and that no man is truly worthy. I know and I truly believe and I am 100% confident that if she was not arranged to my father, she would not have lasted in a marriage with anyone else, whether it was of her choice or not. She is in capable of any sort of union with another human being.

    She never truly wanted my father out of the house, but she wanted to Mock and ridicule him when he was home. As soon as he left the house she would want to call him. She was happy when he came into the home because she was no longer alone, but the moment he stepped foot she would complain incessantly about all of his shortcomings. It is a weird dichotomy that is hard to explain. But a dichotomy it is.

    Imagine I am sitting at home all day thinking I am sad and lonely, wishing that I had a job, wishing that I had a friend. However I am not doing anything about this, I am not going out into the world and becoming a good likable person, I am not joining any activities in which I could learn something and meet new people, I am not a humble likable person. So alas, when my husband arrives home I think wow now I have someone to talk to. However, I am quickly reminded of how he is not good enough for me. I am a princess, I am a queen, I deserve someone who kisses my feet. Alas I have been matched up with a buffoon, how dare the universe do this to me, doesn’t know my almightiness. Oh alas nothing is good enough at all, yes my husband has arrived home but I am still alone. In my misery that is.

    in reply to: Self Trust #288867
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    No  one is good except for herself, in her own mind.

    You wrote that you thought that your mother “feels more than the average person, cares more, loves more”- she hates more. “I have a clean heart”, she said many times. No, she has a hateful heart. She doesn’t only hate the individuals that did hurt her before, she hates  forevermore.

    She hates everyone and she lies a lot. She lies a whole lot.

    So true that she does not believe anyone is good except her own self.  no one is good enough, no one has a clean heart.  if at any given time someone conveniently helps her move her agenda, that person may be “deemed good” for just that second.  in reality it is all lies like you said.  all lies.  all the stories.

    The thing is, she hated to be alone, because it made her face nothing but her own self.  yet, she was burdened by the presence of others if things didn’t go exactly according to her mood (ever changing) in that day.  in short, she is an unlovable, miserable, liar.

    I thought a lot last night after the posts to you.

    i am obsessed with the happiness and contentment of others. my mother has told me – NO LIED TO me – my entire life. the lives of others in her eyes, made up, were a fallacy fed to me.  others are lucky. we are not.  others have the right path – we do not.

    others will find happiness, we will not.  period. end of story. no matter what ever and ever.

    I see a slight opening in my mind today, I have read all that you wrote – and I see something, hard to put into words.

    I suffer as a child of a liar. Children of criminals, convicts, and socipaths suffer.  So do children of liars

    Of course – if  I saw a patient who was fed lies his/her whole life, I would say wow: how much suffering, how sad for her, wow she has no perspective of reality, she only knows a false world that was skewed and biased.

    So if I worry, why I focus outward, why I can’t enjoy the moment just my spouse and I, why I deviate to think about others even when it doesn’t make sense – it isn’t because I was just to do so…it’s more than that.

    I was taught this outside world is where the glitter and luck is, and if I spend my time there, perhaps I have a chance at it too.  It is the place to seek, elsewhere, as only there is that chance.  Spending time here and now, within myself and mine, there is no chance of it – so quickly go elsewhere.  Go quick and find.

    the reality is that the others arent so happy and lucky, theyre just normal.  no one is better or luckier, or more fortunate.  but believing this is like searching for gold in world full of dust.

    constantly searching for that gold, go get it girls

    in reply to: Self Trust #288859
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Thank you very much

    in reply to: Self Trust #288799
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Thank you. you know, when you first brought up this exercise, I thought about how I don’t have a good memory of chilldhood.  But then I realize, the idea of whether I was exactly 5, or 7, or whatever age is not as important, as knowing it was when I was a child.  Today, when I answered your last question, somehow after I submitted, it opened up a flow of more thoughts, and then again after submitting. it felt good to explore this, and explain it to you – writing from that first perspective as a child, and not as the past. I think this is quite important..

    I re-read your first post to me today, and the key point being–no matter what I do, where I go, it is the others that are the lucky ones.  how lucky for them to be happy. if only I could be like them, but alas I can not.

    now whether these people are doing something I have interest in (perhaps finding a good guy to marry) or no interest in (moving to Florida) – its all in the same.  this is interesting, it truly does not matter what it is the other person is doing/granted/achieving – it is that they are CONTENT. so as a result I envy their contentment.  It is a wanting of that satisfaction and contentment (where it comes from is not the focus, and easily glanced over).

    “oh look at her, how luckky she is to find a great guy who treats her so good.” — devils advocate would say, hmm but CC would you even like a guy like that? doesn’t matter – llook how happy SHE is – if only I could be happy like that.

    “Look at that job they got, oh how smart they are to move away and go to a place good for doctors.” —well do you even want to move to Florida?

    point of the matter is, they are doing this, and they are content they are happy. they are CAPABLE OF BEING HAPPY. and that is remarkable, enviable, and oh so sooo unattainable.  oh how! how to be happy like this!! maybe, oh if only maybe, I had what they have? will that do it? but wait I got that- still not happy…hmm–well then maybe I need more!!? maybe something else now? yes probably, well keep on digging.

    in reply to: Self Trust #288789
    Cali Chica

    you know Anita, I don’t know if my dad is good or bad. sometimes I think he is good, but sometimes he is bad because he has a temper problem, and because he was bad to my mom.

    you know, sometimes when my mom and dad get into a fight, my mom cries so much that she will run away with my sister and i. she says how she doesn’t have a job or money but she will find a way. that god will protect her and her daughters.  and that any other woman would have gotten a divorce a long time ago.  she says shes so strong that she lasted with a man like him, because he is so bad, and that he should be lucky that she stuck around.  she says that she is the most unlucky woman because she has a husband like him. that all he has is a good job, but no personality. that someone like him wouldnt even get married if it wasnt for arranged marriage..  she tells my sister and I how “women need some things from a man” and that he can’t even do that. i know that is grown up talk – but I know that is sad, and that my dad is not that good, and that my mom deserves better.


    sometimes she starts talking about how if we had to, we could go to her brothers or someones house, and leave my dad.

    but then everyone starts crying and is sad.

    in reply to: Self Trust #288783
    Cali Chica

    You know what else Anita. When they talk about heroes and role models at school, I say my dad because he is a doctor.  It is a good job because he helps people.  All of his patients love him, and we are familly friends with some of them.  They always say he is such a good doctor, and sometimes if we see them at the store or at a party- they say my dad helped them so much.

    Everyday when I talk to my dad on the phone or at home, I ask him “how are the patients?” and sometimes he tells me some stories.  i have been asking that ever since I was a baby I think.

    a few times I visited my dads office, everyone there is so nice to me. my mom told me that my dad’s partner has jealousy of my dad, because he has a good wife and kids – and that the partner got divorced so many timmes.  she said that he is cunning and makes my dad work more than he does.

    my mom says my dad is a really good doctor, and he has “really good hands.” that a lot of doctors don’t have good hands. but that my dad is especially good.  she also says how his job is good, but he could have even got a better one, but he didnt because if you’re from India it is harder.

    my mom always says the hardest job is to stay at home.  You know that?

    she says only a very strong person can stay at home.  because at home there is no one.  at work you can talk to people.  but if you are home at work all day doing work, like her – you have to be really strong.  she says how so many people can’t do it, like some of my aunts, so all they do is talk on the phone all day because they are lonely. or they always go drive somewhere.  because they aren’t that strong.

    she says that one of the hardest jobs is a housewife because you have no where to go, all your work at home.  you know if my dad is home for a day, and he is tired or they have to do some house stuff – my mom always says “look see how hard it is, imagine if you had to stay home all day..”

    she says how people who go to work, i mean moms who go to work, they come home and they dont do any work.  they dont even have to cook and clean!! that their husbands do that stuff, she says its so easy for them.  she says some people are okay with dirty houses, but not her.

    in reply to: Self Trust #288779
    Cali Chica

    you know Anita,

    sometimes my mom gets so mad and wants everyone to be quiet so she can be alone. but she hates being alone, as her biggest enemy is loneliness.

    in fact, I am not sure if my mom knows what she wants.  you know she always makes fun of people who watch TV all the time, she calls them lazy.  when I go to my friends houses, and she knows that their moms watch TV and soap operas – she says how they are so lazy and don’t do any housework.  my mom does SO MUCH housework.  she does more work than anyone I know. And she does it all by herself.  No one to help her. that must be a lot.

    there are some days where she gets mad and says fine! i won’t do all this work, I’ll sit down and watch TV like everyone else. but you know she goes to the couch to sit down and watch – but she doesn’t really enjoy it. you know, I don’t think she really likes to watch tv.

    i have some good memories of tv time though. we watch indian movies sometimes, my sister mom and I.  sometimes my dad joins, and he likes some of them too.  we have fun.  we sing along to the songs too sometimes.  when we do this, we alll enjoy tv.  i guess it is fun when we do things together.

    well, my dad likes to watch the news while he is getting ready for work in the mmorning. my dad is someone who is very organized and has a good routine.  not me.  he says I am messy and frenzied, and my mind is scatter brained.  he always tries to teach me to wake up and eat a good breakfast and take my time, and not always rush.  i eat really fast and go to school and don’t take my time.  he says that is bad, and its important to take my time. to do one thing at a time properly.

    anyway he likes to watch the news while he drinks his coffee before work.  sometimes my mom gets mad at how long my dad takes to get ready in the morning.  she talks about how he is so slow and he watches tv in the morning.  i guess they are opposites arent they?  my dad likes to do stuff llike that.  not my mom, she does everything quick – she doesn’t waste time..

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Cali Chica.
    in reply to: Self Trust #288777
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Sometimes I feel bad that my mom had to send me to camp one summer, because she didnt know what I would do at home all summer – that I would get bored and lonely. She says how the camp was such a great one and so expensive – but a good idea because I had company and went everyday.  It was a good camp, we did so many activities like swimming.

    I know my mom likes it when I am home too, because I give her company, we talk, and I sit with her when she is in the kitchen.  We go to the mall and library and other places.

    Sometimes she is happy when my good friends come over, because it makes the atmosphere more lively.

    You know Anita, there is this saying she always says about me – like something like “I bring life and laughter into the house”

    That without me – the house is quiet and cold, but when I am there, “it is full of life” that I bring the “good energy”

    She always says this about me, to my dad, and to others.  And if I am gone for a few days or something – she says it

    you know Anita – I bring life and laughter into the house, and into her life.

    in reply to: Self Trust #288767
    Cali Chica

    Here are some more I thought about,

    My mom is happy when I perform dances at weddings and parties, it is common for us to do this sort of thing in my culture. I usually do a great job as I love dancing, and I will get a lot of compliments, people will come up to myself and my mom after the performance and say what a wonderful job I did. She’s very proud of this and she loves to tell people how she used to be a great dancer and that her kids take after her. It is very important to her that we are good dancers because she never got the chance to for fill her dancing talent in India because her parents didn’t have money, so she put my sister and I am to dance at a young age so that we would have this opportunity

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