
Cali Chica

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  • in reply to: Self Trust #292127
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    1. He (your husband) should be walking in and thinking about you because:

    if he doesn’t he is selfish, walking in only thinking about himself! how dare he! look see how men are, theyre good in the beginning and after a while they don’t even ask about you, see! look i told you so! he is not that great after all – seee don’t you feel foolish now! your mother is always right isn’t she

    2. You shouldn’t think about him when you walk in from work because:

    if you start doing that he will take advantage of you, pretty soon its going to be all about him and his family.  just watch he will call his mother every day and theyll start coming over- and slowly push us out.  you’re foolish to think this won’t happen – you don’t see anything. if you had experience like me you would know, but you are naive and foolish, and because of that your parents will suffer.  so start early and make him think about you and us- try to control from early on, be smart

    in reply to: Self Trust #292065
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I had a stressful day at work today, just getting home. It has been a long time since I have encountered this, due to a patient and the way that the staff acted, not uncommon in my field of course. I bring this up to you not to vent, but to journal here for a bit. I read your last post before my day officially started in this manner, and after, just now. It is interesting how you can read something at two different parts of your day, and two different mindsets, and take away two different values from it. That is the beauty of the work we are doing.

    The topic of this post is about running from distress. As you have mentioned so aptly, my seeking is not actually to create productivity, it is in fact escaping, escaping from distress. This has become a coping mechanism of mine, which started early and childhood given that I had to escape from the distress that was going on in my household day in and day out. There was no space to openly talk about what I was feeling, the bad feelings, I was ridiculed for having these bad feelings, and had to immediately jump into next month. My mom would immediately come into the room and I would have to conquer the next conversation, so early on it was all about pushing through.  On my way home today on the subway, I observed a lot, my first tendency was to not go immediately home, text a friend and go grab a drink. Let off some steam so to speak. Now this is it wrong and it’s entirety. But the fact that I observed it as that was a knee-jerk reaction versus what I truly needed, that is the observation. Second, as soon as I entered the door, I noticed that I wanted to go straight to the snack drawer, I had not even put down my backpack or taking off my shoes. Once again, seeking to quell the distress, wanting to have the foods with my distress. Not taking the time to process what happened or to even sit for a moment. The next thing, I took off my work clothes and jumped into a warm shower, it was natural for me to take a quick shower, but I reminded myself there was no rush. I had to wash away the day, my husband was not yet home. We had no official dinner plans or need to cook tonight. So therefore, what was my excuse? What was my excuse for rushing? Nothing. After I got out of the shower, I wants again felt the need to do something. I started answering all these text messages in my phone, entirely irrelevant, and entirely not a priority or time sensitive. Once again, occupying my brain and doing something versus just sitting. My oh my Anita isn’t just sitting so much work? But here it is, my husband called about 20 minutes ago, and said that he is jumping on the subway to head home, he had some plans earlier. For the first time ever, Anita, I thought to myself, Let me for once prepare myself mentally for my husband’s arrival! I never felt that he was worthy of such, isn’t that so terrible. Not because he isn’t worthy of it, but I never gave anyone the respect, not even my own self! When in my life have I ever given my own self the respect of mentally preparing something or giving myself time. Clearly as I unravel my evening prior, it was rushing and escaping from the first moment.   Anyway, I made a nice large cup of tea for myself and sat down, I thought about many things. And over the next five minutes I let myself sit with many thoughts, I did some stretching and I found myself wanting to journal. I found myself wanting to journal here given that it has been a wonderful platform, and also because I wanted to share with you. I also wanted to share here because I noticed the dichotomy in the beginning of the hour when I arrived home to now, and I want to remind myself that sometimes it doesn’t even take hours to unwind so to speak, we just have to make the conscious decision to make something a priority. In this case my husband arriving home reminded me that escaping the distress wasn’t going to work, I needed to have for listening ears For when he arrived home as he has a few things going on his in his life as well as you know.  The funny thing is before, I would’ve found that this would be me putting myself second and him first. Doesn’t that sound like the mother voice? The mother voice would say, oh my dear you have had such a hard day, why are you even thinking about him, why do you even have to prioritize him, he should be walking in and thinking about you. So I would take that to mean that I don’t have to do any work in this relationship, I just have to be myself as it is. Well clearly that’s not the case, and also clearly this isn’t a competition or an antagonism. If I am a supportive and good listener to him I also feel good about myself, and I also get that love and respect in return, it is full circle. Like you said, in order for me to heal I have to believe I am a good person. I have to like myself. At the very least I do have to like myself.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Cali Chica.
    in reply to: Self Trust #291949
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I watched an incredible movie this weekend, it is about a Pakistani girl who is raised in Norway, and suffers a man’s emotional abuse her parents. The story is quite extreme and the fact that she gets kidnapped and said to Pakistan against her well because she is found sneaking around with a boy. When in Pakistan she finds herself in trouble again, and is returned back to the west. We are when she arrives they have arranged a marriage for her so that they can control her behavior more and just get her married off.   I couldn’t relate to the actions per se, but the dialogue, the emotion, the unspoken aspects of the movie were incredible. I took away a lot from the movie, much more than I would have perhaps six months to a year ago. Much of the dialogue focused on the fact that the father made it a point to make her realize that her actions were making them look bad in society. The constant phrase of “what will people think“ was used as a way to guilt trip this girl. I thought about how unlike the protagonist in the movie, this did work on me. In fact, I didn’t see this as Ludacris or try to rebel against it, instead I internalized it and thought to myself, how sad and true. I thought to myself oh my gosh they are right. But it didn’t sit well with me, internally I knew something was off, it just had not come to surface. This shows me how deep my dissociation has been for a long time, perhaps that’s not the right word per se, but the concept of on the surface truly trying to appease my parents and hiding any intuition of what I mean actually feel.  At one point the mother states, if she gets married to a great guy it will increase their place in society, or if she has a good education. The older brother agrees, he is entirely brainwashed, he wants to study to be a doctor just so that his parents role in the world could be better. Such a blind faith, such devotion it seems. But as I see it now, the entire point of the children’s life is to appease their parents, and take away their hurt, take away their anxieties, take away their insecurities.  I read some reviews about this film after, wanting to see what other people thought. It was noted somewhere that when immigrants move to the west, they raise up the culture of the Western world, Europe or the United States. The entire movie talked about how the parents made comments like if their kids were raised in the motherland they would not be acting like this, they would not be suffering. Suffering comes with this immigration as kids no longer listen and respect their parents. Just like my mother. And so because of their anger of immigrating, and feeling like the kid should be indebted to them for yet another reason, They inflict even more control. This is not just the simple: look I moved here to find you a better life situation. This is the: look how sad and miserable we are, how could you not do everything in your power to make us happier.

    Interestingly, the protagonist gets her self involved in some what may seem racy actions. I did not, but the results were not that different. It reminds me how, with parents like these it doesn’t matter what you do. And innocent bystander may watch this movie and think, if this girl simply behaved her parents will be happy. But I know better, I see the brewing anger and the father’s face, our years of pent-up emotion, ready to be projected on to anyone and anything. I used to believe otherwise Anita  I did believe that if I didn’t go up and swap meet my parents happy, all with the with the well and calm. That is why over those two years, I tried constantly to appease my mother, at the risk of consistently abusing my husband. The more my mother would  torture me the more I would torture urr my husband, in a way  it was kind of like what you are saying. See mother I’m not just sitting here and not listening to you, look at what I am doing to my husband, I’m torturing to the point that he will acquiesce with you. See look at my hard work


    in reply to: Self Trust #291947
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    i just saw your reply- perhaps didn’t translate to email notification. Back to it…

    when I hide, or go to my room, or cry somewhere she doesn’t come after me at first. No. She is angry talking out loud to herself.  Exclaiming things – why did she come to this country! Why did she have children – to be treated like this! Sometimes she will even angrily vent to my dad on the phone if he is at work.

    But often after this time she may come into my room or wherever I am. Crying. Sobbing. She may say something like, “I have no one” or that if I treat her like this “what will she do.”

    Or she may come in and say something like – so do you feel bad yet?! Speaking to your mother this way!!! How dare you! We would never have such disrespect for our parents. And then she may go on to tell me I have a “bad tongue” and that it’s going to cause me a lot of problems in life

    in reply to: Self Trust #291707
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    when she is like that – i want to hide, and go to my room, or cry.  i guess I cry a lot.  or i want to scream back and be angry! and tell my mom she is WRONG because sometimes she makes up stuff.

    sometimes i want to go and read my book or write something

    in reply to: Self Trust #291703
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Close your eyes, little Cali Chica, and tell me how you wish your mother was with you, what would she sound like, her voice, what would she say, how does her face looks like when she looks at you?

    She is calm and kind. she has a nice soothing voice, and she sings sometimes, or hums. she makes me feel better, she hums me to feel better so I feel calmer.  her face is smiling, or neutral, it isnt tense, her mouth is not twisted. she is kind and soft and plump.  kind of like a sweet pillow.  sometimes I can sit in her lap and just look at her face and it makes me feel better – because it is soft and kind.  her voice is high like a fairy, like a sweet chirpy woman.  but sometimes her voice is also quiet like a whisper, if it is time to go to sleep.  she knows to change her voice depending on what is going on – with me.  she says that I am a good girl, and that everything will be okay.  that everything will be okay.

    in reply to: Self Trust #291699
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Closing my eyes and wishing how my father was…well I don’t have to imagine Anita, because so much of the time he is good – and so he is like this:

    I think of him taking to me, and he is telling me about his day, and I am telling him about mine.  And he tells me very good, and he says it is good that I am enjoying school.  He tells me about his patients, and I always ask him what he does at work, what he eats, and everything.  It is fun.  I don’t spend that much time alone just me and dad though.  He goes to work.  Most of the time,  I am alone withmom, or it is us 3. sometimes it is jsut me and my dad if we have to drive somewhere, and it is peaceful mostly

    in reply to: Self Trust #291693
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I am glad you enjoyed my report.  And this is how it felt.  I came, I saw, I conquered – and now reporting back! And now–moving right along.

    Young Cali Chica, stream of consciousness:

    Yes, I would like to talk about the roaring lion.  My dad is often a scary lion – big bulging eyes, roaring, in person, on the phone.  Getting in fights if we go to the airport, or on the phone with customer service.  He is an angry lion, but also a scared kitty cat.

    My mom, she can be a roaring lion too, in fact, she sometimes does this weird scream that sounds like a deep growl of a lion or tiger. She does it to sound scary, kind of like someone making a scary voice – or someone in a movie – making a voice.  I guess it does work, but probably on little kids.

    these roaring lions, they can be scary, it makes me feel bad if my parents are roaring angry lions to me

    in reply to: Self Trust #291677
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    Happy Monday.  We were on a track of exercises, and focused “work” and guess what threw me off? The phone call my mother made.

    I took the rest of the weekend to process it.  By saying “took the weekend” I mean I thought about it.  I was doing many different things with different people, but it would come to mind.  The old Cali Chica may have pushed through to our exercises, and your last question – but I recognized that I was triggered and distracted.

    Rightfully so! I mean in the grand scheme of things, an “estranged” if it is the right word, mother reaching out, inappropriately to one of your friends – well that will be triggering.

    See Anita, I didn’t give myself this credibility in the past. I allowed things to just “pass through” as you know.  When I was out to dinner with my friend on Thursday, the person  I was going to meet on the subway – I had sent you a post right before meeting her.  I didn’t say to myself oh its fine, don’t worry about it – just have fun.  I observed.

    This is a friend I actually made on vacation 2 years ago in Europe, and she lives in NYC now, we had 2 years of catching up to do.  Well guess what my last 2 years have been…I let her go first.  She told me about her ill father, a move to LA and back..some dating ups and downs.  Then it was my turn.  I started off by telling her the craziness that started after the engagement, and thereafter, and ending to last FEb 13, the day of no contact.  I told her the last comment – I should have an abortion with you – and she was apalled, jaw dropped.  Like anyone would be.  I explained to her that this wasn’t the worst of it.  The worst of it was all the abuse that wasn’t blatant, that required one to read between the lines, or do this — process and heal for years.  To see through it.

    It isn’t difficult to say if a mother speaks such obscenity/insanity that it is wrong.  Anyone would say so…but its everything else isn’t it.

    Anyway, as you can see this friend and I are quite close – although not seeing each other often or having spoken in a while – and this is what else I see.

    i felt my heart open.  I felt my heart speak out loud – not just to her, but to myself.  I have surrounded myself now Anita with only those people I can feel this way with.  Now are there some great friends that don’t have the emotional capacity, background, understanding, etc – to comprehend and respect what I am saying – of course! And that is just fine.  It isn’t my MO to announce this all.

    So now – back to our conversation.  My mother called, good for her.  I talked about it, processed it.  And do not feel triggered.  I feel like while on the mountain path, a lion roared out to the right, so it caught my attention for a moment, but then it quickly ran away.  I too moved forward.

    I would like to continue our conversation, exercise, whatever it may be – and which suits you – at any time

    in reply to: Self Trust #291381
    Cali Chica

     From this point on, if you trust yourself (title of this thread) to not reconnect with your mother and father, if you trust yourself to not connect with anyone who harms you or is likely to harm you, if you trust yourself to take good care of yourself, to know what is best to do in the future, under various circumstances, then you will feel that you can endure the emotions you are resisting.

    You will be able to feel soft toward yourself, your husband… and even toward your mother, which is what happened to me. I resisted feeling any love for my mother, until recently, I felt safe enough to feel that love. I really didn’t want to, but I had to, because it was always there, innate (your word, innate). I felt it but only after I promised myself to never have her in my life again. These very days I am practicing relaxing into emotions that have puzzled me for so long.

    Dear Anita,

    I trust all of that, every word.  I do not know how to begin being soft towards my mother – as I know it is not something I can immediately activate, that the softness will develop over time.  I think I need to begin with softness towards myself and husband. Perhaps start there. What do you think?

    I do absolutely absolutely know I do not want my parents in my life, and I trust myself and am proud of my ability to only allow good non toxic humans in my personal life. I have been doing a good job at protecting my spirit getting rid of the glitter and fluff, only focusing on the real and true.  I am proud of my circle and my place in this world.

    i know that I am ready to be a “real adult” and that is having power – power to choose.

    I am ready Anita to choose softness, I notice a shift already – my husband has showed softness to me as you know – we are re developing trust. I will work on this…

    in reply to: Self Trust #291357
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita,

    I felt it – I felt some pain this morning.  I felt some sadness for the sweet young Cali Chica who had a bad parent.  A bad mother.

    I felt a little, on the subway on the way to work, some tears welling up.  I saw a young boy 8-10 or so sitting with his mother, on the way to school.  She was reading out loud to him, and he was looking at her – not the book.  It reminded me that this boy, would rather/naturally look at his mother and not the book.  It is innate perhaps.  She is his world – she is his everything. He values her every word and opinion.  She is it.

    My feeling of discomfort hardly more than a few seconds, of course subway stopping  – my going off to work – but I noted it.  To myself and here. That I felt SOMETHING and this was triggered by my mother.  It was triggered, and I responded with some emotion.  cause and effect. it felt good for this sequence to occur.

    unlike this boy on the subway, when my mom “read to me” she was just reading to herself.  it was always to herself.  and now at the age of 33, she wants to reach out to my friend and ask about my well being – at this age really mom, after all these years of nonsense – of not nonsense of nothing motherly – you care about nothing. but yourself

    in reply to: Self Trust #291335
    Cali Chica

    Same. Interestingly I was getting ready to meet a friend I hadn’t seen in 2 years (prior to the meltdown of wedding and thereafter and no contact). While I was getting ready I was leisurely talking to my friend and I heard her get serious to tell me. I initially felt strange like a small twinge of strangeness and then it immediately passed. In the way that it goes right through me as I have become expertly shielded at feeling truly sad or angry about any of this stuff anymore. (I wanted to at some level feel sad or shed some emotion but I felt instead agitated versus emotional). I went onto the subway. Onto my plans. Feeling agitated and feeling tense. Familiar feelings – feeling not present feeling right. Feeling frenzied. Feeling UNABLE to process and feel good about what’s in front of me. Feeling controlled. But also feeling disassociate disconnected. Feeling as though I am telling a story versus experiencing and feeling and suffering in real life. Removed.

    in reply to: Self Trust #291299
    Cali Chica
    Dear Anita, I read exactly what you said and I appreciate your feedback especially about the stupidity. I will respond to you in detail about that tomorrow. I wanted to give you a quick update what are you read it tomorrow or today. My friend called me and told me that my mother called her 2 days  ago. She called her to ask how I was doing, because she stated that she is worried about me. My friend gave her some updates such as I am doing a lot of yoga and that I’m doing well and taking good care of myself.  She said my mother said “her sister doesn’t tell me anything anymore so I just wanted to call and ask you – just want to make sure she’s doing okay. “
    She also asked her if I still talked to 2 friends of mine that I no longer speak with. One of which is that glitter girl I mentioned a few months ago. My friend replied no – perhaps my mother had reached out to those girls too who knows.
    Anyway perhaps this was random coincidence or perhaps it was me getting back on my social media profile. I have all family members blocked but perhaps she saw an update about me on it from someone.
    Regardless the conversation was not stressful for my friend and my mother did not say anything such as – please let her know I called or that we care or blah blah.
    in reply to: Self Trust #291281
    Cali Chica

    Sorry to add more.  I want to rephrase, I don’t want my husband to find a good opportunity just because it seems like other people have, I am well aware that things are not always what they seem. I want him to find a good opportunity because especially after all he has been through, I want him to find a job that is not toxic. He deserves to do his job in a pleasant environment, at the very least, I am not asking for much. And neither is he. I just wish that he could catch a break, he does need to heal and this job and the stress related to it and the environment is making things even more difficult. He is quite patient and is hopeful at times, but at times I feel like staying at a place like this will only lead to more burn out and frustration. There are other times where I know that I can’t do anything just now, and to constantly seeking I’m doing isn’t going to get anywhere, sometimes you do have to sit back and see what happens. But as you can see, a part of me is motivated to find an out so to speak for us, so that we are more free, and not just owned by the system as employees

    in reply to: Self Trust #291277
    Cali Chica

    Dear Anita, I will do that, I will find one small tangible goal, and stick to that. In fact, you read my mind, I reached out to a small business that is doing something along the lines of what I like, I may go in there and just meet a few people nothing official just yet. Keeping myself humble that this all takes time. Sometimes I see other people that are closer to my age, 35 or so, new doctors, who seem to have already built an empire. This makes me often doubt myself a question myself or put myself down. Of course this is deep rooted and the mother voice as well. Why can’t I do what they do even though I have the talent, maybe I need to figure that out. Anyway, I forgot to add that my husband job here in nyc Is pretty rough. I mention that he has been recently opening up to me more. I have noticed the effect of the stress of his job on him considerably. This combined it with all the trauma he went through with myself and family he is severely approaching burn out. He is not one to complain. But I noticed that this job is quite toxic in the sense that the environment is not very positive, and it is difficult for him to do his job as a good surgeon because the infrastructure and administration is quite an organized and frenzied., As is often, and in big New York City hospitals., He is at a point where he doesn’t really believe it could get better. However I do have some hope that he can find a career path, as in an opportunity and what she doesn’t have to suffer so much. It is a shame because he is such a “qualified surgeon with great talent, but is unable to utilize the skills often because he doesn’t have a great set up     I have talk to him about this more recently, and there are days were he is very frustrated, and days were he is very optimistic and feels that overtime a lot of it will get better. I noticed that this has increased my stress level tremendously. I noticed that I want to do something to help him, and perhaps a lot of the reason why I want to jump on the business bandwagon is so that we can both find an out. Not financially, but more so to have freedom. Perhaps I believe that if at least one of us finds a way to not be controlled by the system will you can have more freedom at least mentally. If that makes sense, I am by no means blaming him for this increased motivation, because as you know this is something I have been wanting to do for a long time, but I think that I am even more frustrated and disgruntled recently. Seeing my husband, talented young physician, Being in a non-ideal environment, and seeing many other people finding such good opportunities. I hope for him that he could find something great like them too, but the negativity and we often takes over feeling that those who have the connections make it – even though we may try and try – he may not find such a situation  so then what? Makes me feel does more and feel frustrated, and so I sometimes find myself thinking that there has to be another way, perhaps I can carve out the path for both of us. I spent a great deal of time looking for opportunities for him, and seeing if there is a market for him to also become more entrepreneurial. However he is so burnt out mentally from the trauma that my parents and family put him through that he doesn’t have much energy in his tank to go that route given that his field is so difficult and his mind is maxed out


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