Forum Replies Created
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I want to access this inner child more, perhaps start to open up parts that are quite hidden, that I am disassociated from – I know it will take time and this will be an ongoing exercise, with breaks, and different phases.
Perhaps I will start here:
Sometimes when I go to school I notice that the other girls, the American girls always talk with each other, they play with each other over the summer and all of their moms are friends. My mom said American people have each other like that – and they stick together. Not us – we aren’t apart of that.
soemtimes my mom tells me to call one of those girls to ask to play. i get invited sometimes, and it is fun. their moms make us snacks and we all hang out. i feel good that I got invited there. its fun in the summer to go to different pool parties.
when i get home we eat dinner. we eat dinner at the table all of us. my mom makes something like tacos in the summer moer, i love tacos – and we all eat. it is fun because it is summer – and after dinner we can sit outside on the deck..
years later…as an adolescent, dinner time starts changing.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
yes one day i will be a grown up. i will
i don’t think about that too much though – because for now i am small
Cali Chica
ParticipantI play with my toys. with my dolls mostly. i have a big basement that is finished to play, we have a playroom and a big couch and tv. so i play in the playroom, mostly with the barbie and al lthe toys. my sister and i love to play house with the barbies, we have so many barbies and a nice barbie house, the stuff inside is so cute – little bed and little kitchen.
sometimes we play this game – it is the restaurant game -because we have a mini kitchen too….we pretend we are in a restaurant and have toserve the food. then we serve the food to all the guests and then bam! all of the food is everywhere!! quick quick we have to clean up, hurry!!! so we hurry and put it all away!
it is this restaurant kitchen game.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
i played outside this weekend, i layed on the grass, it was wet – butthats okay its outside. it was nice.
i walked around the park too and it is fun sometimes to find new places, it feels like a magical adventure it is good.
in the summer this is fun. in the winter you have to be inside
Cali Chica
Participantits fun to play outside. i have a big backyard, so much grass, one part is like a hill so i roll down. i love that smell of the fresh grass, and sometimes it is kind of wet and cold. i also have a little playground and that is fun, i love going on the swing – swinging so high up and down!
sometimes when my friend comes over we play outside on the driveway, we play chalk – we draw stuff on the driveway with chalk and it isfun – one time i got an extra nice chalk, glitter colors! that was even more fun. my sister does chalk sometimes too.
i love to play outside.
my mom says it is good to play outside.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
shoulders are small and soft.
no weight on the shoulders, nothing pushing down I’ll say- — feeling soft and small – and light. not heavy.
not feeling bad, feeling bad, just having fun. playing outside and having fun.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Yes it came to me, in that hair salon chair. Sitting still in psuedo-quiet. Feeling small in this big salon, in this big place, in a foreign place. Feeling small, not too significant in this big world – nope not at all -but not feeling bad about this, no feeling okay with it, sitting with it – literally.
Sitting with it – feeling small, a small girl dangling her legs in a big chair – perhaps looking for a lollipop – perhaps just sitting. Not rushing to go anywhere, not feeling the need to really go anywhere. Dare I say feeling “safe”
Feeling fine. Anita, feeling fine.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I hope you had a good long weekend. I took my time to reply to you. For many reasons, that I would like to outline, for you and myself – for myself because it taught me the idea of letting a concept (that may not be easy to grasp or innate) sink in. To play with the concept in the morning and night, on this day and that day. With people around, and in solitude. What comes up? It takes time for this, often more than a few days of course.
I thought about the exercise we have been doing, and how it has been profound. How it has created a shift in my thinking from: “what is wrong right now always” to “what based on my history and childhood makes me interpret right now as wrong.”
It isn’t perfect, but the fact that this change even happened at ALL – is profound – to me.
I talk to you a lot about present. This person and that. This thought and that. Good days and bad days. Some times of the month. Of course I do – we all do. We live now, so of course we talk about now. We hurt now, so of course we talk about now. We go to the doctor because our stomach hurts now, not because what hurt 5 years ago!
But mental health is funny, our brains are funny. What is occurring now can often trick us – can convince us that now is everything – an alarm to say – look at this right now it is everything!!!
But our exercise and recent talks has taught me more, and made me slightly wiser. Of course because of the wisdom imparted by you. I notice how in our last conversation, last week, I spoke to you about my husband and what he stated, I spoke to you about how I view friendships — and the last piece of our conversation was about embracing that young Cali Chica. Loving her, letting her know all will be okay.
It all goes back to her, the young Cali chica. the child. The child under the mother.
The child.
I thought about her a lot this weekend. I thought about her when my friends came over with their own child, a 5 month old infant. I thought about her when I watched my friend with this child. I thought about her when I enjoyed myself at a picnic as my friend fussed over this child. I thought about her when I made sure my friends were relaxed at dinner although with a small child. I thought about her when they left, and I cleaned the apartment the next day. I thought about her when I went to the fridge for a snack, and sat in peace.
I thought about her yesterday, at a hair salon – of all places. It was about to close, and I was one of the last clients there. Getting a last minute slot for a haircut before the summer. I sat for a moment while the hairdresser went to grab something. Seemingly alone in a huge NYC salon, the different smells, chemicals, some staff on the other side scurrying around trying to clean up before close. Bright lights, so many different fixtures.
I am closing my eyes while I write the next part, without editing:
I thought aoubt how I am small. No I am not just small in stature and petite. I am small. Small and sweet and kind. I am as mall child. I do not feel bad about being a small child. Somehow I know I am a small child. It is an understanding, children know they are children. I don’t wish to be big like my mommy. No I know I am smll and I am in a way okay with it.
But Anita.
The world did not allow me to remain small. Even though I am small. my mother forced me to be big. So even when innately I am small and perfectly okay with being small, I had to reach out my arms and come out ofthat cozy shell and jump and be big.. Big and jump. Jump Jump Jump. Like a small turtle coming out of its warm cozy shell. Out in the world okay I am here. So am I big all of a sudden? I don’t know. Be big she said. It is foolish to be small!!! Be big! you are too good to be small. Only foolish people are small. Only people without your amazing qualities are small! but you!! You can be big, so you should be big.. You mustnt be small. Being small is quitting.
But Anita…I am not big…I am small.
For I was okay being small – I was not trying to be big at all.
I just perhaps want to be small.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
When you say take her in your arms and calm her down and tell her it is going to be OK. this makes perfect sense to me, but it feels so foreign I have no idea how to do this. Where to begin. How to start. But I will brainstorm some ways to begin…
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I will aim at feeling empathy for this young girl, this young girl who was treated way. But I will try to hold her in my arms and tell her it is OK. Honestly I feel very lost even writing this because it seems so foreign to me to feel this sort of empathy – for my own self. I have no idea where to begin.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Yes this is what she did. Yes she did not hit me with “reality” she hit me with her own “contrived delusional reality” to bring me down.
So do you believe – in a way I do this? I do. When I see my kind husband, quiet calm cat – relaxed. Anita, this is how he was – when I met him kind, innocent, loving, wide eyed and optimistic.
And what did I do – I came in as the lion and roared – riled him up and made him distressed – just like me. Yup I did it just like my mother – without even realizing – until I started the path.
Cali Chica
ParticipantTo add, perhaps I do not feel comfortable with happy go lucky and calm – so I feel the need to attack and “uncover the bad” just like my mother did in above scenario. Perhaps only this feels “real” and all else is fake/stupid.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Yes perhaps. I thought of this once too – and it went something like this.
The angry lion is annoyed when he sees a calm cat, why is this stupid cat so calm!
Alas! I’ll show the cat what the real world is like! I will rile the cat up! See!!
Now the cat is distressed and agitated – he looks at the cat and thinks, yup – told you so – the world isn’t so relaxed after all is it?
This occurred to me one day when I thought about both my mother and an old friend – remember the one I no longer talk to, that was all glitter. Well I thought of them in unison because I recall similarly, their eyes lit up when someone who previously was relaxed and calm, comes across distress.
Such as oh look at sweet little S everything is always easy peasy for her, well did you hear now she is having marital problems and losing her hair? gasp!
My mother would say: “see look! now she knows how real life is doesn’t she! reality hits after a while to everyone. No more miss happy go lucky — see told you girls, she’s not so happy after all is she!!!”
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
yes, and interestingly I quickly feel guilty. In a way perhaps I am too scared/guilty to be happy as I then don’t want tobe like “those” people.
Almost like an over compensation – finding ways to be unhappy to maintain loyalty to my mother…
I think you may agree..thoughts?
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
The result of these two things, you are lacking people with whom you can feel close and stay close, calm, in peace, including with your husband and all by yourself, close and staying close to yourself.
So in essence – i have trouble feeling close to anyone, including my OWN self and husband..correct? Please elaborate if you may..this is a key point to me, I feel I am having an aha moment…and this is really making sense
Yes this is why I seek friends and not my husband – or seek anything at all versus SITTING STILL WITH MYSELF AND HIM. Right…?
I would like to continue this train of thought…