Forum Replies Created
Cali Chica
ParticipantI thought about young Cali Chica,
She brought her mother a flower. mother said: oh I used to have these in INdia all the time – these flowers. oh they arent common in America are they.
She grew up:
She brought her mother her new shiny engagement ring, thinking oh yay, my mother will be so happy and proud! finally I got to the goal she wanted me to, a nice boy, and a nice engagement…
mother replies: oh I too am going to get a new diamond ring…she doesn’t even look at Cali Chicas…
Cali Chica then tries to say, oh you know my fiance designed this and did this – shows the small details…her mother: not a glance, not a care.
So here’s the thing…Cali Chica has been showing her mother things to make her happy from a young age. Look mother, look what I did for you, I got you a flower. Look mother, I brought you this friend. Look mother, I brought you this amazing family that you can be involved in (as youve always wanted a family of your own). Look mother.
She didn’t look. She spit at it, she berated it – she stomped all over it.
It was all in vain.
Cali Chica
Participantplease disregard above, the formatting was off as I wrote it on my phone. here it is again, unedited (minus format)
I’m doing such hard work this morning. How do I know it’s hard work. Because I am thinking and shifting. I am talking to my brain. I am not letting the stupid parrot on my shoulder dictate all my thoughts this morning. I am not letting the parrot bobble My head back and forth left and right without reason. What a waste of movement. Left and right no wonder my neck hurts. No wonder!
A thought is going in. S is engaged and on cloud 9. She’s happy. She feels joy. I was robbed oh this joy. All of these previous moments we’re robbed of joy for me because stupid parrot kept pecking. Pecking and pecking until I bled. Peck peck peck away. Peck at my golden daughter. Peck at her o want more more more stupid parrot said. As it became engorged and fatter and more threatening. And as I withered away. Shoulders stooped over, head hanging low.
Are you happy parrot. Are you happy. Did you get what you wanted. You pecked and packed and pecked.
And all for what. All for NOTHING!!!
Why do we torture our daughters. When we are unhappy why do we torture these sweet souls. They are just trying to keep their head above water. Swim swim. They can’t. Pecking away at them. Drowning them.
How can I feel joy or much of anything. Perhaps I was drowned or pecked awayWhen I write this I feel this in the back of my head. I feel it in my jaw. Every day I feel this. And when I write this I feel.more. I am glad to feel this more – I am glad to feel something
Your evil is stored in my body. I will slowly release it. I don’t deserve it. I didn’t ask for it. Slowly I will release it. And all of the pecks.
One day I will be free. I will be whole.
Tears on the subway. I embrace them. I smile now – I am human after all.
Cali Chica
I’m doing such hard work this morning. How do I know it’s hard work. Because I am thinking and shifting. I am talking to my brain. I am not letting the stupid parrot on my shoulder dictate all my thoughts this morning. I am not letting the parrot bobble My head back and forth left and right without reason. What a waste of movement. Left and right no wonder my neck hurts. No wonder!A thought is going in. S is engaged and on cloud 9. She’s happy. She feels joy. I was robbed oh this joy. All of these previous ments we’re robbed of joy for me because stupid parrot kept pecking. Pecking and pecking until I bled. Peck peck peck away. Peck at my golden daughter. Peck at her o want more more more stupid parrot said. As it became engorged and fatter and more threatening. And as I withered away. Shoulders stooped over, head hanging low.Are you happy parrot. Are you happy. Did you get what you wanted. You pecked and packed and pecked.And all for what. All for NOTHING!!!Why do we torture our daughters. When we are unhappy why do we torture these sweet souls. They are just trying to keep their head above water. Swim swim. They can’t. Pecking away at them. Drowning them.How can I feel joy or much of anything. Perhaps I was drowned or pecked away.When I write this I feel this in the back of my head. I feel it in my jaw. Every day I feel this. And when I write this I feel.more. I am glad to feel this more – I am glad to feel.sometjint.Your evil is stored in my body. I will slowly release it. I don’t deserve it. I didn’t ask for it. Slowly I will release it. And all of the pecks.One day I will be free. I will be whole.Tears on the subway. I embrace them. I smile now – I am human after all.Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I know you will not read this until the morning. I want to do a practice now a days. About validity, about roots. I want to see the root. when I feel frustration beyond a reasonable norm. If I feel annoyance thats targeted at someone that doesn’t make sense. Or is invalid. I want to know what is valid and where it is coming from.
here goes
I am sad that I did not enjoy my wedding. I am sad that despite all of our efforts to do everything the best, I was robbed of something very simple, joy. So many people too far less, most people do for less, but they experience so much joy. I am not saying that I deserve more joy because we did more, perhaps had a more extravagant wedding. Joy does not work like this it is not linear or proportional or exponential. If that was the case all Hollywood celebrities and rich people would be overwhelmed with joy all of the time, clearly they are not. I am getting off track. I feel sad, I feel sad that so many people do not criticize them selves day in and day out. They have confidence. Some of these people have confidence and you may not even know it. They are not self deprecating, they love themselves. They have joy and love for their own self and life. How is that?
I’m not saying that everyone is happy go lucky, I am saying this. It saddens me when I see people who have circumstances perhaps for less than mine, but they feel so much joy. It doesn’t saddens me because I am jealous of them, it saddens me because I feel like wow if I was in that situation I would probably not be happy because I am in the situation and I am still unable to be happy. And then I realize it has nothing to do with the situation, I am unable to be happy because I was cursed with trauma. I guess that’s what it is. It is sad that no matter where I go or what I do or who I am or who I am with I will be unhappy. It is sad to get reminders from the outside sometimes when I see people have joy so easily. And look how much I do and still no joy. I’m not doing all this to create joy or to seek it. No. I am just me and living life to my potential let’s say. what I am saying is that despite all that I have there is no joy. I am stuck, I am under all of this glue, it is a sticky stickiness.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Did you make this acronym, or did you read it elsewhere? Regardless how fitting and perfect.
First of all, I thought today – how I work day in and day out, on healing, on things that come natural to others. Love, empathy, and respect. Not to put myself down, and others up. But it is true often – I even see it in my own circle. Girls who know how to respect their boyfriends, women who respect their husbands. Women who appreciate what life gives them and feel fortunate for their spouses, family etc.
I have to work at this daily. I feel this is a shame, I feel it is unfortunate. I feel it as though you are given cake but no taste buds – cant enjoy or appreciate life in a true way…Oh how difficult, and oh that stupid terrible mother – how terrible for her to make just daily living, and daily “normal” emotions such a task. Sometimes like this evening, I wish I could jump out of this “suit” and into another. Like in a cartoon. Unzip my body, and jump into another. Oh what it must feel like – to love, to feel, to not worry. To have empathy, love, respect, appreciation for your life, and spouse.
What a “curse” it is to not be able to live this way, it doesn’t really feel like living at all. These days I think perhaps others live, and I don’t. I do. But I don’t live – I work on healing yes. One day I will truly live. Deeply live.
No wonder it is daily work.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Oh beautiful. Thank you for sharing with me the beginning of your healing journey.
You know, I think a lot about what you mean – the importance of healing in a safe relationship. I honestly sometimes don’t realize this as it is easy to “take it for granted”
Interesting how we both started our respective journeys around the time we got married. I can see how that was a beginning for both of us, and like you stated – a safe place for us to heal – we are lucky to have supportive spouses.
I will work on reminding myself the importance of this healing in a safe relationship. However, I must keep it safe by not abusing my husband (as my mother abused me). Safety is a two way street.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Yes we do.
Well, I don’t know you from the beginning of your journey (as you know me) but I know for sure, that your healing has been quite “expedited” for lack of a better term.
In the sense that you are not someone who after seeing the “light” and reality – took years upon years to get on track. I believe you, like me, became committed to the healing path. Yes it may not be linear – but you did not veer off.
Perhaps I am not correct. But I see in your persistence of your own healing, and the support of all those you help on this platform – that you are truly dedicated to healing and the journey. You also find those who also have this dedication (myself) people you can relate to. That is a nice feeling I think..
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
You are right! Once again!
I am doing the work. Day in and day out. Sometimes it feels like work – real work!
Sometimes it doesn’t. I notice when it doesn’t now – after the fact of course.
Such as when I turned down plans this weekend (may sound small to another person) but we both know my background and tendency to “fly into” Super Woman – Super Cali Chica mode!
It was natural – the answer I mean. Do I want to do this? nope…
It didn’t take long to know the answer – nope – it doesn’t often.
It’s just that before the “answer” was hidden beneath mountains of guilt, burden, and trauma.
Healing nowadays is day in and day out, uncovering trauma.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you. You are right. And I will hold on to these moments, this moment.
it shows progress, and that the right choices: protecting time and exercise: quality time – pays off
it leads to a good mental and emotional state!
proof the process works – and it may not be linear, but it still continues, healing is always going on.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Good morning. Yes, dog walkers can make a great living in this city – charging cash for walks and building up a great business. I often joke that I should be a dog walker instead! And yes, that sentiment is common in this city – bragging and talking about status or money.
But hey – everywhere you go there is good and bad. I used to focus on the idea of what a place is by the stereotypes – and sure they influence your experience. But I am slowly learning that I am the experience.
I am my own experience.
Yes laying in the grass, playing. This weekend we made ZERO plans with others. My husband was not on call, and it was a relaxing weekend just us 2 and the dog. We ran in central park, then stopped played ball with the dog, walked some more, and wandered around. My favorite thing – since I was young Cali Chica, wandering around outdoors in the beautiful weather – no sense of the time!
I said no to a few invites for dinner or drinks. At first feeling guilty, but quickly remembering that its an invite for something fun. This isn’t my mom asking me to come over, and then one hour guilt trip about how everyone else’s daughters come over and are dedicated, and how I am too busy with my own life to care about her (her who did everything).
Also, my friendship with this person does not depend on how many times I say yes. An understanding person (which all of my friends are – the ones who weren’t or are selfish are no longer in my life) is not pushy and judgmental. These people too have their own lives – we are all adults.
So, quality time was great. Quality time in a busy city – even better.
I will work on this over the summer, when it is possible – to protect my time with my husband – to make it quality.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
Why not a great experience that one time? If you don’t want to elaborate- perhaps a sentence? Or whatever you would like.
You know it’s natural for me to put things like that together. But at one point when everyone was there – 10 people in a small apartment I remember being overwhelmed. I realized that this is all for fun so it doesn’t matter! I tend to want everything to be perfect when I’m hosting and make sure my guests have a great time and great options. But this is self Induced. They’re having a great time regardless – I recall after getting to the park and spreading everything out (everyone helped of course) and having a glass of white wine – laying on the bare grass (I decided to Instead of the blanket) and feel nature – I felt good. I looked at everyone enjoying and I thought this is what it’s all about.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
This reads to me when I was in Portland Oregon years ago. Beautiful scenery and breweries, dog friendly. I recall being at such a place.
I too, love sitting at bars and restaurants at the counter/bar. Often chatting with the servers when they are maknig drinks, and yes, seeing people come and go. It is very lively. Good ambience.
Its not often that I choose a table that is more secluded, for privacy – as I enjoy the lively ambience when I step out to eat or drink.
This time of year many of the NYC bars and restaurants have outdoor seating that is quite full. We sometimes bring my dog, depends on the scenario. Often there are many people with dogs and it is fun.
My favorite thing to do is sit in Central Park and have a picnic. When my friends were over with their infant a few weekends ago, we did this. I had a large spread of food and snacks, we had blankets, and games, and wine and cheese. Perfect sunny day. The dogs playing and the baby enjoying as well. It was a great day.
Cali Chica
Participantdear Anita,
You are right – I was given this advice a long time ago – and i have done it – more often than not.
It’s like “go through the motions even if you don’t feel like it, and you will still notice a positive benefit.”
I do agree. And it takes practice – action, positive reaction (in yourself and the other person) and then more ingrained positive practice over time that may lead to pattern.
I wonder if you will be going to your brewery this evening, a nice summer Friday night. Do they have outdoor seating? that is my favorite thing in the summer. Sit outside in the sun with a friend, drink and talk for perhaps even hours. Time passes by, so many topics, so many laughs.
It feels like therapy sometimes! With the right person, and right environment.
I am lucky to have these interactions quite often – yes I will use the word lucky.
To live in a great city, to enjoy summer, and to have good friends/colleagues that I can have fun, real conversation, and learn from and also simply laugh with.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
I had many interactions yesterday. Some more with patients, uneventful for the most part. I then met with someone who I now consider somewhat of a mentor. She is in the wellness industry from a non medical side (more fitness and marketing etc)
We had a good positive talk. Yes, I feel lucky to have her – someone to bounce ideas off – and that can help me navigate the world of entrepreneurship/wellness. One step at a time of course.
i thought about redefining: luck and love
How I have had love and luck around me my whole life – I have been “lucky” in that way (for lack of a better term).
I have had luck and love around me, but unable to receive that love and appreciate it – to focused on the hate, that mother taught. Not even knowing I was doing this of course. Thinking gosh theres no love or luck, sigh. But in fact having it all around me, but being blind.
Even present day with my husband – a good example of having difficulty accepting and receiving love – and of course even more difficult to GIVE love.
Cali Chica
ParticipantDear Anita,
you are right we get to redefine words like luck and love. Wow – we do. We sure do. I get to redefine : what is luck to ME. What is love To ME?
perfect words for me this afternoon. I will sink and savor these words – and keep them close to my heart throughout the interactions that I have pending for the remainder of the day (many different types await)
I will report back and let you know – what if anything came to mind. In this regard – my ability, and right to redefine… 🙂
talk to you later Anita- I will write first thing tomorrow morning – and will look forward to your response as always.